class RSNPlatformDriver(PlatformDriver):
    The main RSN OMS platform driver class.
    def __init__(self, event_callback):
        Creates an RSNPlatformDriver instance.

        @param pnode           Root PlatformNode defining the platform network
                               rooted at this platform.
        @param event_callback  Listener of events generated by this driver
        PlatformDriver.__init__(self, event_callback)

        # CIOMSClient instance created by connect() and destroyed by disconnect():
        self._rsn_oms = None


        # URL for the event listener registration/unregistration (based on
        # web server launched by ServiceGatewayService, since that's the
        # service in charge of receiving/relaying the OMS events).
        # NOTE: (as proposed long ago), this kind of functionality should
        # actually be provided by some component more in charge of the RSN
        # platform netwokr as a whole -- as opposed to platform-specific).
        self.listener_url = None
               # scheduler config is a bit redundant now, but if we ever want to
        # re-initialize a scheduler we will need it.
        self._scheduler = None


    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        events_out = [x for x in events if RSNPlatformDriverCapability.has(x)]
        return events_out

    def validate_driver_configuration(self, driver_config):
        Driver config must include 'oms_uri' entry.
        if not 'oms_uri' in driver_config:
            log.error("'oms_uri' not present in driver_config = %s", driver_config)
            raise PlatformDriverException(msg="driver_config does not indicate 'oms_uri'")

    def _configure(self, driver_config):
        Nothing special done here, only calls super.configure(driver_config)

        @param driver_config with required 'oms_uri' entry.
        PlatformDriver._configure(self, driver_config)

        self.nodeCfg = NodeConfiguration()
        self._platform_id = driver_config['node_id']

        if 'nms_source' in self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data :
            self.nms_source = self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data['nms_source']
            self.nms_source = 1
        if 'oms_sample_rate' in self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data :
            self.oms_sample_rate = self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data['oms_sample_rate']
            self.oms_sample_rate = 60

    def _build_scheduler(self):
        Build a scheduler for periodic status updates
        self._scheduler = PolledScheduler()
        def event_callback(self, event):
  "driver job triggered, raise event: %s" % event)

        # Dynamically create the method and add it
        method = partial(event_callback, self, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA)
        self._job = self._scheduler.add_interval_job(method, seconds=self.oms_sample_rate)

    def _delete_scheduler(self):
        Remove the autosample schedule.
 #           self._scheduler.remove_scheduler(self._job)
        except KeyError:
  'Failed to remove scheduled job for ACQUIRE_SAMPLE')
    def _construct_resource_schema(self):
        parameters = deepcopy(self._param_dict)

        for k,v in parameters.iteritems():
            read_write = v.get('read_write', None)
            if read_write == 'write':
                v['visibility'] = 'READ_WRITE'
                v['visibility'] = 'READ_ONLY'

        commands = {}
        commands[RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT] = \
                "display_name" : "Port Power On",
                "description" : "Activate port power.",
                "args" : [],
                "kwargs" : {
                       'port_id' : {
                            "required" : True,
                            "type" : "int",

        commands[RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT] = \
                "display_name" : "Port Power Off",
                "description" : "Deactivate port power.",
                "args" : [],
                "kwargs" : {
                       'port_id' : {
                            "required" : True,
                            "type" : "int",
        self._resource_schema['parameters'] = parameters
        self._resource_schema['commands'] = commands

    def _ping(self):
        Verifies communication with external platform returning "PONG" if
        this verification completes OK.

        @retval "PONG" iff all OK.
        @raise PlatformConnectionException Cannot ping external platform or
               got unexpected response.
        log.debug("%r: pinging OMS...", self._platform_id)
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot ping: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            retval =
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot ping: %s" % str(e))

        if retval is None or retval.upper() != "PONG":
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Unexpected ping response: %r" % retval)

        log.debug("%r: ping completed: response: %s", self._platform_id, retval)

        return "PONG"

    def callback_for_alert(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        log.debug("caught an OMSDeviceStatusEvent: %s", event)       
#        self._notify_driver_event(OMSEventDriverEvent(event['description']))
    'Platform agent %r published OMSDeviceStatusEvent : %s, time: %s',
                 self._platform_id, event, time.time())

    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s",
                  self._platform_id, self._rsn_oms)

        # ping to verify connection:

        # start event dispatch:

        # TODO - commented out
        # self.event_subscriber = EventSubscriber(event_type='OMSDeviceStatusEvent',
        #     callback=self.callback_for_alert)
        # self.event_subscriber.start()


    def _disconnect(self, recursion=None):
        Stops event dispatch and destroys the CIOMSClient instance.
 #       self.event_subscriber.stop()
#        self.event_subscriber=None

        self._rsn_oms = None
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance destroyed", self._platform_id)
        self._scheduler = None

    def get_metadata(self):
        return self.nodeCfg.meta_data;

    def get_eng_data(self):
        if self.nms_source == 1:
        else :
    def get_node_eng_data(self):
        log.debug("%r: get_eng_data...", self._platform_id)
        ntp_time = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(time.time())      
        for streamKey,stream in sorted(self.nodeCfg.node_streams.iteritems()):
            log.debug("%r Stream(%s)", self._platform_id,streamKey)
            for streamAttrKey,streamAttr in sorted(stream.iteritems()):
 #               log.debug("%r     %r = %r", self._platform_id, streamAttrKey,streamAttr)
                if 'lastRcvSampleTime' not in streamAttr :   # first time this is called set this to a reasonable value
                    streamAttr['lastRcvSampleTime'] = ntp_time - streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds']*2  
                lastRcvSampleTime = streamAttr['lastRcvSampleTime']
                if (lastRcvSampleTime+streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds'])<ntp_time : # if we think that the OMS will have data from us add it to the list
                    if (ntp_time-lastRcvSampleTime)>(streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds']*10) : #make sure we don't reach too far back by accident or will 
                        lastRcvSampleTime=ntp_time-(streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds']*10)    #clog up the OMS DB search
                    attrs.append((streamAttrKey,lastRcvSampleTime+0.1)) # add a little bit of time to the last received so we don't get one we already have again
            if len(attrs)>0 :
                returnDictTemp = self.get_attribute_values_from_oms(attrs) #go get the data from the OMS
                returnDict = self.round_timestamps(returnDictTemp)
                ts_list = self.get_all_returned_timestamps(returnDict) #get the list of all unique returned timestamps
                for ts in ts_list: #for each timestamp create a particle and emit it
                    oneTimestampAttrs = self.get_single_timestamp_list(stream,ts,returnDict) #go get the list at this timestamp
                    ionOneTimestampAttrs = self.convertAttrsToIon(stream,oneTimestampAttrs) #scale the attrs and convert the names to ion
                    pad_particle = Platform_Particle(ionOneTimestampAttrs,port_timestamp=ts) #need to review what port timetamp meaning is..
                    pad_particle._data_particle_type = streamKey  # stream name
                    json_message = pad_particle.generate() # this cals parse values above to go from raw to values dict
                    event = {
                         'type': DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE,
                         'value': json_message,
                         'time': time.time()
        return 1

    def get_nms_eng_data(self):
        log.debug("%r: get_nms_eng_data...", self._platform_id)
        ntp_time = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(time.time())      
        for streamKey,stream in sorted(self.nodeCfg.node_streams.iteritems()):
 #           log.debug("%r Stream(%s)", self._platform_id,streamKey)
            for streamAttrKey,streamAttr in sorted(stream.iteritems()):
 #               log.debug("%r     %r = %r", self._platform_id, streamAttrKey,streamAttr)
                if 'lastRcvSampleTime' not in streamAttr :   # first time this is called set this to a reasonable value
                    streamAttr['lastRcvSampleTime'] = ntp_time - streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds']*2  
                lastRcvSampleTime = streamAttr['lastRcvSampleTime']
                if (lastRcvSampleTime+streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds'])<ntp_time : # if we think that the OMS will have data from us add it to the list
                    if (ntp_time-lastRcvSampleTime)>(streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds']*10) : #make sure we dont reach too far back by accident or will 
                        lastRcvSampleTime=ntp_time-(streamAttr['monitor_cycle_seconds']*10)    #clog up the OMS DB search
                    attrs.append((streamAttrKey,lastRcvSampleTime+0.1)) # add a little bit of time to the last recieved so we don't get one we alread have again
        if len(attrs)>0 :
            returnDict = self.get_attribute_values_from_oms(attrs) #go get the data from the OMS
            for attr_id, attr_vals in returnDict.iteritems(): # go through the returned list of attributes

                for streamKey,stream in sorted(self.nodeCfg.node_streams.iteritems()): #go through all the streams for this platform
                    if attr_id in stream :  # see if this attribute is in this stream
                        for v, ts in attr_vals:
                            ionAttrs = self.convertAttrsToIon(stream,[(attr_id,v)]) #scale the attrs and convert the names to ion
                            pad_particle = Platform_Particle(ionAttrs,port_timestamp=ts)
                            pad_particle._data_particle_type = streamKey  # stream name
                            json_message = pad_particle.generate() # this cals parse values above to go from raw to values dict
                            event = {
                                      'type': DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE,
                                      'value': json_message,
                                      'time': time.time()
        return 1

    def get_attribute_values_from_oms(self,attrs):
        if not isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
            raise PlatformException('get_attribute_values: attrs argument must be a '
                                    'list [(attrName, from_time), ...]. Given: %s', attrs)

        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")
        log.debug("get_attribute_values: attrs=%s", self._platform_id)
        log.debug("get_attribute_values: attrs=%s", attrs)

            retval = self._rsn_oms.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(self._platform_id,
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="get_attribute_values_from_oms Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: %s" % str(e))

        if not self._platform_id in retval:
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response get_attribute_values_from_oms does not include "
                                    "requested platform '%s'" % self._platform_id)

        attr_values = retval[self._platform_id]
        if isinstance(attr_values,str):
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response get_attribute_values_from_oms "
                                    "'%s'" % attr_values ) 
        # reported timestamps are already in NTP. Just return the dict:
        return attr_values
    def get_all_returned_timestamps(self, attrs):
        ts_list = list()

        #go through all of the returned values and get the unique timestamps. Each
        #particle will have data for a unique timestamp
        for attr_id, attr_vals in attrs.iteritems():

            for v, ts in attr_vals:
                if not ts in ts_list:

    def get_single_timestamp_list(self,stream,ts_in, attrs):

        #create a list of sample data from just the single timestamp
        newAttrList = [] #key value list for this timestamp

        for key in stream : # assuming we will put all values in stream even if we didn't get a sample this time
            if key in attrs :  
                for v, ts in attrs[key]:
                            if ts_in>stream[key]['lastRcvSampleTime'] :
#            if(found_ts_match==0):
#                newAttrList.append((key,'none'))  #What is the correct zero fill approach?
#        log.debug("timestamp list = =%s", newAttrList)

    def round_timestamps(self, attrs):

        new_attrs = {}

        for attr_id, attr_vals in attrs.iteritems():

            new_list = list();
            for v, ts in attr_vals:
                 new_ts = round(ts,0)



    def convertAttrsToIon(self, stream, attrs):
        attrs_return = []
        #convert back to ION parameter name and scale from OMS to ION            
        for key,v in attrs:
            scaleFactor = stream[key]['scale_factor']
            if v == 'none':
 #       log.debug("Back to ION=%s", attrs_return)

        return attrs_return

    def _verify_platform_id_in_response(self, response):
        Verifies the presence of my platform_id in the response.

        @param response Dictionary returned by _rsn_oms

        @retval response[self._platform_id]
        if not self._platform_id in response:
            msg = "unexpected: response does not contain entry for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)

        if response[self._platform_id] == InvalidResponse.PLATFORM_ID:
            msg = "response reports invalid platform_id for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)
            return response[self._platform_id]


    def set_overcurrent_limit(self,port_id, milliamps, microseconds,src):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot set_overcurrent_limit: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

        if port_id not in self.nodeCfg.node_port_info :
               raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot set_overcurrent_limit: Invalid Port ID")

        oms_port_cntl_id = self.nodeCfg.node_port_info[port_id]['port_oms_port_cntl_id']

        # ok, now make the request to RSN OMS:
            retval = self._rsn_oms.port.set_over_current(self._platform_id,oms_port_cntl_id,int(milliamps),int(microseconds),src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot set_overcurrent_limit: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("set_overcurrent_limit = %s", retval)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)
        self._verify_port_id_in_response(oms_port_id, dic_plat)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def turn_on_port(self, port_id,src):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot turn_on_port: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

        if port_id not in self.nodeCfg.node_port_info :
               raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot turn_on_port: Invalid Port ID")

        oms_port_cntl_id = self.nodeCfg.node_port_info[port_id]['port_oms_port_cntl_id']
        log.debug("%r: turning on port: port_id=%s oms port_id = %s",
                  self._platform_id, port_id,oms_port_cntl_id)
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot turn_on_platform_port: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.turn_on_platform_port(self._platform_id,
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot turn_on_platform_port: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: turn_on_platform_port response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def turn_off_port(self, port_id,src):

        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot turn_off_port: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

        if port_id not in self.nodeCfg.node_port_info :
               raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot turn_off_port: Invalid Port ID")

        oms_port_cntl_id = self.nodeCfg.node_port_info[port_id]['port_oms_port_cntl_id']

        log.debug("%r: turning off port: port_id=%s oms port_id = %s",
                  self._platform_id, port_id,oms_port_cntl_id)

        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot turn_off_platform_port: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.turn_off_platform_port(self._platform_id,
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot turn_off_platform_port: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: turn_off_platform_port response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform
    def start_profiler_mission(self, mission_name,src):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot start_profiler_mission: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.start_mission(self._platform_id,
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot start_profiler_mission: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: start_profiler_mission response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)
        # TODO commented
        #self._verify_port_id_in_response(port_id, dic_plat)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def stop_profiler_mission(self,flag,src):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot stop_profiler_mission: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.stop_mission(self._platform_id,flag,src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot stop_profiler_mission: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: stop_profiler_mission response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)
        # TODO commented
        #self._verify_port_id_in_response(port_id, dic_plat)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def get_mission_status(self):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot get_mission_status: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.get_mission_status(self._platform_id)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot get_mission_status: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: get_mission_status response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)
        # TODO commented
        #self._verify_port_id_in_response(port_id, dic_plat)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform
    def get_available_missions(self):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot get_available_missions: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.get_available_missions(self._platform_id)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot get_available_missions: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: get_available_missions response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)
        # TODO commented
        #self._verify_port_id_in_response(port_id, dic_plat)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    # External event handling:

    def _register_event_listener(self, url):
        Registers given url for all event types.
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot _register_event_listener: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            already_registered = self._rsn_oms.event.get_registered_event_listeners()
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot get registered event listeners: %s" % (self._platform_id, e))

        if url in already_registered:
            log.debug("listener %r was already registered", url)

            result = self._rsn_oms.event.register_event_listener(url)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot register_event_listener: %s" % (self._platform_id, e))

        log.debug("%r: register_event_listener(%r) => %s", self._platform_id, url, result)

    def _unregister_event_listener(self, url):
        Unregisters given url for all event types.
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot _unregister_event_listener: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)")

            result = self._rsn_oms.event.unregister_event_listener(url)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot unregister_event_listener: %s" % (self._platform_id, e))

        log.debug("%r: unregister_event_listener(%r) => %s", self._platform_id, url, result)

    def _start_event_dispatch(self):
        Registers the event listener by using a URL that is composed from, CFG.server.oms.port, and CFG.server.oms.path.

        NOTE: the same listener URL will be registered by multiple RSN platform
        drivers. See other related notes in this file.


        # gateway host and port to compose URL:
        # TODO commented
        # host = CFG.get_safe('', "localhost")
        # port = CFG.get_safe('server.oms.port', "5000")
        # path = CFG.get_safe('server.oms.path', "/ion-service/oms_event")

        #the above are defined in pyon.cfg
        #we will override local host for debugging inside the VM
        host = ""
        # TODO commented
        # self.listener_url = "http://%s:%s%s" % (host, port, path)
        # self._register_event_listener(self.listener_url)

        return "OK"

    def _stop_event_dispatch(self):
        Stops the dispatch of events received from the platform network.

        NOTE: Nothing is actually done here: since the same listener URL
        is registered by multiple RSN platform drivers, we avoid unregistering
        it here because it might affect other drivers still depending on the
        events being notified.


        log.debug("%r: Not unregistering listener URL to avoid affecting "
                  "other RSN platform drivers", self._platform_id)

        # unregister listener:
        # NOTE: NO, DON'T unregister: other drivers might still be depending
        # on the listener being registered.

        return "OK"


    # GET

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):

        if 'attrs' in kwargs:
            attrs = kwargs['attrs']
            result = self.get_attribute_values(attrs)
            return result

        if 'metadata' in kwargs:
            result = self.get_metadata()
            return result

        return super(RSNPlatformDriver, self).get(*args, **kwargs)


    def execute(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Executes the given command.

        @param cmd   command

        @return  result of the execution

        if cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT:
            result = self.turn_on_port(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT:
            result = self.turn_off_port(*args, **kwargs)
        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS:
            result = self.set_port_over_current_limits(*args, **kwargs)
        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION:
            result = self.start_profiler_mission(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION:
            result = self.stop_profiler_mission(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS:
            result = self.get_mission_status(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS:
            result = self.get_available_missions(*args, **kwargs)

            result = super(RSNPlatformDriver, self).execute(cmd, args, kwargs)

        return result

    def _get_ports(self):
        log.debug("%r: _get_ports: %s", self._platform_id, self.nodeCfg.node_port_list)
        return self.nodeCfg.node_port_list

    def _handler_connected_start_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
#        profile_mission_name = kwargs.get('profile_mission_name', None)
        profile_mission_name = kwargs.get('profile_mission_name', 'Test_Profile_Mission_Name')
        if profile_mission_name is None :
            raise InstrumentException('start_profiler_mission: missing profile_mission_name argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.start_profiler_mission(profile_mission_name,src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION,
                                         args, kwargs, e)
    def _handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
        flag = kwargs.get('flag', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise InstrumentException('_handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission: missing flag argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.stop_profiler_mission()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION,
                                         args, kwargs, e)   
    def _handler_connected_get_mission_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = self.get_mission_status()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS,
                                         args, kwargs, e)  
    def _handler_connected_get_available_missions(self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = self.get_available_missions()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS,
                                         args, kwargs, e)   

    def _handler_connected_get_eng_data(self, *args, **kwargs):

            result = self.get_eng_data()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA,
                                         args, kwargs, e)
    def _handler_connected_set_port_over_current_limits(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing port_id argument')

        milliamps = kwargs.get('milliamps', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing milliamps argument')

        microseconds = kwargs.get('microseconds', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing microseconds argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.set_port_over_current_limits(port_id,milliamps,microseconds,src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_turn_on_port(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_on_port: missing port_id argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_on_port: missing src argument')

            result = self.turn_on_port(port_id,src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_turn_off_port(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_off_port: missing port_id argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_on_port: missing src argument')

            result = self.turn_off_port(port_id)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    # RSN Platform driver FSM setup

    def _construct_fsm(self,
        super(RSNPlatformDriver, self)._construct_fsm(states, events,
                                                      enter_event, exit_event)

        # CONNECTED state event handlers we add in this class:
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT, self._handler_connected_turn_on_port)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS, self._handler_connected_set_port_over_current_limits)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT, self._handler_connected_turn_off_port)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION, self._handler_connected_start_profiler_mission)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION, self._handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS, self._handler_connected_get_mission_status)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS, self._handler_connected_get_available_missions)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA, self._handler_connected_get_eng_data)
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, ScheduledJob.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE, self._handler_connected_get_eng_data)
class RSNPlatformDriver(PlatformDriver):
    The main RSN OMS platform driver class.

    def __init__(self, event_callback, refdes=None):
        Creates an RSNPlatformDriver instance.
        @param event_callback  Listener of events generated by this driver
        PlatformDriver.__init__(self, event_callback)

        # CIOMSClient instance created by connect() and destroyed by disconnect():
        self._rsn_oms = None

        # URL for the event listener registration/unregistration (based on
        # web server launched by ServiceGatewayService, since that's the
        # service in charge of receiving/relaying the OMS events).
        # NOTE: (as proposed long ago), this kind of functionality should
        # actually be provided by some component more in charge of the RSN
        # platform netwokr as a whole -- as opposed to platform-specific).
        self.listener_url = None

        # scheduler config is a bit redundant now, but if we ever want to
        # re-initialize a scheduler we will need it.
        self._scheduler = None
        self._last_sample_time = {}

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        events_out = [x for x in events if RSNPlatformDriverCapability.has(x)]
        return events_out

    def validate_driver_configuration(self, driver_config):
        Driver config must include 'oms_uri' entry.
        if 'oms_uri' not in driver_config:
            log.error("'oms_uri' not present in driver_config = %r", driver_config)
            raise PlatformDriverException(msg="driver_config does not indicate 'oms_uri'")

    def _configure(self, driver_config):
        Nothing special done here, only calls super.configure(driver_config)

        @param driver_config with required 'oms_uri' entry.
        PlatformDriver._configure(self, driver_config)

        self.nodeCfg = NodeConfiguration()

        self._platform_id = driver_config['node_id']
        self.nodeCfg.openNode(self._platform_id, driver_config['driver_config_file']['node_cfg_file'])

        self.nms_source = self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data['nms_source']

        self.oms_sample_rate = self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data['oms_sample_rate']



    def _build_scheduler(self):
        Build a scheduler for periodic status updates
        self._scheduler = PolledScheduler()

        def event_callback(event):
            log.debug("driver job triggered, raise event: %s" % event)

        # Dynamically create the method and add it
        method = partial(event_callback, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA)

        self._job = self._scheduler.add_interval_job(method, seconds=self.oms_sample_rate)

    def _delete_scheduler(self):
        Remove the autosample schedule.
        except KeyError:
            log.debug('Failed to remove scheduled job for ACQUIRE_SAMPLE')


    def _construct_resource_schema(self):
        parameters = deepcopy(self._param_dict)

        for k, v in parameters.iteritems():
            read_write = v.get('read_write', None)
            if read_write == 'write':
                v['visibility'] = 'READ_WRITE'
                v['visibility'] = 'READ_ONLY'

        commands = {RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT: {
            "display_name": "Port Power On",
            "description": "Activate port power.",
            "args": [],
            "kwargs": {
                'port_id': {
                    "required": True,
                    "type": "string",

        }, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT: {
            "display_name": "Port Power Off",
            "description": "Deactivate port power.",
            "args": [],
            "kwargs": {
                'port_id': {
                    "required": True,
                    "type": "string",

        self._resource_schema['parameters'] = parameters
        self._resource_schema['commands'] = commands

    def _ping(self):
        Verifies communication with external platform returning "PONG" if
        this verification completes OK.

        @retval "PONG" iff all OK.
        @raise PlatformConnectionException Cannot ping external platform or
               got unexpected response.
        log.debug("%r: pinging OMS...", self._platform_id)

            retval =
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot ping: %s" % str(e))

        if retval is None or retval.upper() != "PONG":
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Unexpected ping response: %r" % retval)

        log.debug("%r: ping completed: response: %s", self._platform_id, retval)

        return "PONG"

    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s",
                  self._platform_id, self._rsn_oms)

        # ping to verify connection:
        self._build_scheduler()  # then start calling it every X seconds

    def _disconnect(self, recursion=None):
        self._rsn_oms = None
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance destroyed", self._platform_id)

        self._scheduler = None

    def get_metadata(self):
        return self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data

    def get_eng_data(self):
        ntp_time = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(time.time())
        max_time = ntp_time - self.oms_sample_rate * 10

        for key, stream in self.nodeCfg.node_streams.iteritems():
            log.debug("%r Stream(%s)", self._platform_id, key)
            # prevent the max lookback time getting to big if we stop getting data for some reason
            self._last_sample_time[key] = max(self._last_sample_time.get(key, max_time), max_time)

            for instance in stream:
                self.get_instance_particles(key, instance, stream[instance])

    def group_by_timestamp(self, attr_dict):
        return_dict = {}
        # go through all of the returned values and get the unique timestamps. Each
        # particle will have data for a unique timestamp
        for attr_id, attr_vals in attr_dict.iteritems():
            for value, timestamp in attr_vals:
                return_dict.setdefault(timestamp, []).append((attr_id, value))

        return return_dict

    def get_instance_particles(self, stream_name, instance, stream_def):
        # add a little bit of time to the last received so we don't get one we already have again
        attrs = [(k, self._last_sample_time[stream_name] + 0.1) for k in stream_def]

        if not attrs:

        attr_dict = self.get_attribute_values_from_oms(attrs)  # go get the data from the OMS
        ts_attr_dict = self.group_by_timestamp(attr_dict)

        if not ts_attr_dict:

        self._last_sample_time[stream_name] = max(ts_attr_dict.keys())

        for timestamp in ts_attr_dict:
            attrs = ts_attr_dict[timestamp]
            attrs = self.convert_attrs_to_ion(stream_def, attrs)
            particle = PlatformParticle(attrs, preferred_timestamp=DataParticleKey.INTERNAL_TIMESTAMP)
            particle._data_particle_type = stream_name

            event = {
                'type': DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE,
                'value': particle.generate(),
                'time': time.time(),
                'instance': '%s-%s' % (self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data['reference_designator'], instance),


    def get_attribute_values(self, attrs):
        """Simple wrapper method for compatibility.
        return self.get_attribute_values_from_oms(attrs)

    def get_attribute_values_from_oms(self, attrs):
        Fetch values from the OMS
        if not isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
            msg = 'get_attribute_values: attrs argument must be a list [(attrName, from_time), ...]. Given: %s' % attrs
            raise PlatformException(msg)

        response = None

            response = self._rsn_oms.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(self._platform_id, attrs)
            response = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)
            return_dict = {}
            for key in response:
                value_list = response[key]
                if value_list == 'INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID':

                if not isinstance(value_list, list):
                    raise PlatformException(msg="Error in getting values for attribute %s.  %s" % (key, value_list))
                if value_list and value_list[0][0] == "ERROR_DATA_REQUEST_TOO_FAR_IN_PAST":
                        raise PlatformException(msg="Time requested for %s too far in the past" % key)
                return_dict[key] = value_list
            return return_dict

        except Exception as e:
            msg = "get_attribute_values_from_oms Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: %s" % e
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg)
        except AttributeError:
            msg = "Error returned in requesting attributes: %s" % response
            raise PlatformException(msg)

    def convert_attrs_to_ion(self, stream, attrs):
        attrs_return = []

        # convert back to ION parameter name and scale from OMS to ION
        for key, v in attrs:
            scale_factor = stream[key]['scale_factor']
            v = v * scale_factor if v else v
            attrs_return.append((stream[key]['ion_parameter_name'], v))

        return attrs_return

    def _verify_platform_id_in_response(self, response):
        Verifies the presence of my platform_id in the response.

        @param response Dictionary returned by _rsn_oms

        @retval response[self._platform_id]
        if self._platform_id not in response:
            msg = "unexpected: response does not contain entry for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)

        if response[self._platform_id] == InvalidResponse.PLATFORM_ID:
            msg = "response reports invalid platform_id for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)
            return response[self._platform_id]

    def set_overcurrent_limit(self, port_id, milliamps, microseconds, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[port_id]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(msg="Error in setting overcurrent for port %s: %s" % (port_id, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in response: %s" % rsp)

        oms_port_cntl_id = self._verify_and_return_oms_port(port_id, 'set_overcurrent_limit')

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.set_over_current(self._platform_id, oms_port_cntl_id, int(milliamps),
                                                           int(microseconds), src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot set_overcurrent_limit: %s" % str(e))

        response = self._convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(port_id, oms_port_cntl_id, response)
        log.debug("set_overcurrent_limit = %s", response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def turn_on_port(self, port_id, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[port_id]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(msg="Error in turning on port %s: %s" % (port_id, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in turn on port response: %s" % rsp)

        oms_port_cntl_id = self._verify_and_return_oms_port(port_id, 'turn_on_port')

        log.debug("%r: turning on port: port_id=%s oms port_id = %s",
                  self._platform_id, port_id, oms_port_cntl_id)

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.turn_on_platform_port(self._platform_id,
                                                                oms_port_cntl_id, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot turn_on_platform_port: %s" % str(e))

        response = self._convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(port_id, oms_port_cntl_id, response)
        log.debug("%r: turn_on_platform_port response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def turn_off_port(self, port_id, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[port_id]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(msg="Error in turning off port %s: %s" % (port_id, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in turn off port response: %s" % rsp)

        oms_port_cntl_id = self._verify_and_return_oms_port(port_id, 'turn_off_port')

        log.debug("%r: turning off port: port_id=%s oms port_id = %s",
                  self._platform_id, port_id, oms_port_cntl_id)

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.turn_off_platform_port(self._platform_id,
                                                                 oms_port_cntl_id, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot turn_off_platform_port: %s" % str(e))

        response = self._convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(port_id, oms_port_cntl_id, response)
        log.debug("%r: turn_off_platform_port response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def start_profiler_mission(self, mission_name, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[mission_name]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(msg="Error in starting mission %s: %s" % (mission_name, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in starting mission response: %s" % rsp)


            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.start_mission(self._platform_id,
                                                            mission_name, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot start_profiler_mission: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: start_profiler_mission response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def stop_profiler_mission(self, flag, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
            if not rsp.startswith('OK'):
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in stopping profiler: %s" % rsp)


            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.stop_mission(self._platform_id, flag, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot stop_profiler_mission: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: stop_profiler_mission response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def get_mission_status(self, *args, **kwargs):

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.get_mission_status(self._platform_id)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot get_mission_status: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: get_mission_status response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def get_available_missions(self, *args, **kwargs):

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.get_available_missions(self._platform_id)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot get_available_missions: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: get_available_missions response: %s",
                  self._platform_id, response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def _verify_rsn_oms(self, method_name):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                "Cannot %s: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)" % method_name)

    def _verify_and_return_oms_port(self, port_id, method_name):
        if port_id not in self.nodeCfg.node_port_info:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot %s: Invalid Port ID" % method_name)

        return self.nodeCfg.node_port_info[port_id]['port_oms_port_cntl_id']

    def _convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(self, port_id, oms_port_cntl_id, response):
        Converts the OMS port id into the original one provided.
        if response[self._platform_id].get(oms_port_cntl_id, None):
            return {self._platform_id: {port_id: response[self._platform_id].get(oms_port_cntl_id, None)}}

        return response

    # External event handling:

    def _register_event_listener(self, url):
        Registers given url for all event types.

            already_registered = self._rsn_oms.event.get_registered_event_listeners()
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot get registered event listeners: %s" % (self._platform_id, e))

        if url in already_registered:
            log.debug("listener %r was already registered", url)

            result = self._rsn_oms.event.register_event_listener(url)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot register_event_listener: %s" % (self._platform_id, e))

        log.debug("%r: register_event_listener(%r) => %s", self._platform_id, url, result)

    def _unregister_event_listener(self, url):
        Unregisters given url for all event types.

            result = self._rsn_oms.event.unregister_event_listener(url)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot unregister_event_listener: %s" % (self._platform_id, e))

        log.debug("%r: unregister_event_listener(%r) => %s", self._platform_id, url, result)

    # GET

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):

        if 'attrs' in kwargs:
            attrs = kwargs['attrs']
            result = self.get_attribute_values(attrs)
            return result

        if 'metadata' in kwargs:
            result = self.get_metadata()
            return result

        return super(RSNPlatformDriver, self).get(*args, **kwargs)


    def execute(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Executes the given command.

        @param cmd   command

        @return  result of the execution
        if cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT:
            result = self.turn_on_port(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT:
            result = self.turn_off_port(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS:
            result = self.set_overcurrent_limit(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION:
            result = self.start_profiler_mission(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION:
            result = self.stop_profiler_mission(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS:
            result = self.get_mission_status(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS:
            result = self.get_available_missions(*args, **kwargs)

            result = super(RSNPlatformDriver, self).execute(cmd, args, kwargs)

        return result

    def _handler_connected_start_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
        profile_mission_name = kwargs.get('profile_mission_name')
        if profile_mission_name is None:
            raise InstrumentException('start_profiler_mission: missing profile_mission_name argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.start_profiler_mission(profile_mission_name, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
        flag = kwargs.get('flag', None)
        if flag is None:
            raise InstrumentException('_handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission: missing flag argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.stop_profiler_mission(flag, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_get_mission_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = self.get_mission_status()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_get_available_missions(self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = self.get_available_missions()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_get_eng_data(self, *args, **kwargs):

            return None, None

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_set_port_over_current_limits(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing port_id argument')

        milliamps = kwargs.get('milliamps', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing milliamps argument')

        microseconds = kwargs.get('microseconds', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing microseconds argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.set_overcurrent_limit(port_id, milliamps, microseconds, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_turn_on_port(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_on_port: missing port_id argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_on_port: missing src argument')

            result = self.turn_on_port(port_id, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_turn_off_port(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_off_port: missing port_id argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_off_port: missing src argument')

            result = self.turn_off_port(port_id, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    # RSN Platform driver FSM setup

    def _construct_fsm(self,
        super(RSNPlatformDriver, self)._construct_fsm(states, events,
                                                      enter_event, exit_event)

        # CONNECTED state event handlers we add in this class:
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA,
        self._fsm.add_handler(PlatformDriverState.CONNECTED, ScheduledJob.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE,
class RSNPlatformDriver(PlatformDriver):
    The main RSN OMS platform driver class.
    def __init__(self, event_callback):
        Creates an RSNPlatformDriver instance.
        @param event_callback  Listener of events generated by this driver
        PlatformDriver.__init__(self, event_callback)

        # CIOMSClient instance created by connect() and destroyed by disconnect():
        self._rsn_oms = None

        # URL for the event listener registration/unregistration (based on
        # web server launched by ServiceGatewayService, since that's the
        # service in charge of receiving/relaying the OMS events).
        # NOTE: (as proposed long ago), this kind of functionality should
        # actually be provided by some component more in charge of the RSN
        # platform netwokr as a whole -- as opposed to platform-specific).
        self.listener_url = None

        # scheduler config is a bit redundant now, but if we ever want to
        # re-initialize a scheduler we will need it.
        self._scheduler = None

    def _filter_capabilities(self, events):
        events_out = [x for x in events if RSNPlatformDriverCapability.has(x)]
        return events_out

    def validate_driver_configuration(self, driver_config):
        Driver config must include 'oms_uri' entry.
        if 'oms_uri' not in driver_config:
            log.error("'oms_uri' not present in driver_config = %r",
            raise PlatformDriverException(
                msg="driver_config does not indicate 'oms_uri'")

    def _configure(self, driver_config):
        Nothing special done here, only calls super.configure(driver_config)

        @param driver_config with required 'oms_uri' entry.

        log.error("%r: _configure...", self._platform_id)

        PlatformDriver._configure(self, driver_config)

        self.nodeCfg = NodeConfiguration()

        self._platform_id = driver_config['node_id']

        self.nms_source = self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data['nms_source']

        self.oms_sample_rate = self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data['oms_sample_rate']



        self._lastRcvSampleTime = {}

    def _build_scheduler(self):
        Build a scheduler for periodic status updates
        self._scheduler = PolledScheduler()

        def event_callback(event):
  "driver job triggered, raise event: %s" % event)

        # Dynamically create the method and add it
        method = partial(event_callback, RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA)

        self._job = self._scheduler.add_interval_job(
            method, seconds=self.oms_sample_rate)

    def _delete_scheduler(self):
        Remove the autosample schedule.
        except KeyError:
  'Failed to remove scheduled job for ACQUIRE_SAMPLE')


    def _construct_resource_schema(self):
        parameters = deepcopy(self._param_dict)

        for k, v in parameters.iteritems():
            read_write = v.get('read_write', None)
            if read_write == 'write':
                v['visibility'] = 'READ_WRITE'
                v['visibility'] = 'READ_ONLY'

        commands = {
            RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT: {
                "display_name": "Port Power On",
                "description": "Activate port power.",
                "args": [],
                "kwargs": {
                    'port_id': {
                        "required": True,
                        "type": "string",
            RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT: {
                "display_name": "Port Power Off",
                "description": "Deactivate port power.",
                "args": [],
                "kwargs": {
                    'port_id': {
                        "required": True,
                        "type": "string",

        self._resource_schema['parameters'] = parameters
        self._resource_schema['commands'] = commands

    def _ping(self):
        Verifies communication with external platform returning "PONG" if
        this verification completes OK.

        @retval "PONG" iff all OK.
        @raise PlatformConnectionException Cannot ping external platform or
               got unexpected response.
        log.debug("%r: pinging OMS...", self._platform_id)

            retval =
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot ping: %s" % str(e))

        if retval is None or retval.upper() != "PONG":
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Unexpected ping response: %r" % retval)

        log.debug("%r: ping completed: response: %s", self._platform_id,

        return "PONG"

    def _connect(self, recursion=None):
        Creates an CIOMSClient instance, does a ping to verify connection,
        and starts event dispatch.
        """"%r: _connect...", self._platform_id)

        # create CIOMSClient:
        oms_uri = self._driver_config['oms_uri']
        log.debug("%r: creating CIOMSClient instance with oms_uri=%r",
                  self._platform_id, oms_uri)
        self._rsn_oms = CIOMSClientFactory.create_instance(oms_uri)
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance created: %s", self._platform_id,

        # ping to verify connection:
        self._build_scheduler()  # then start calling it every X seconds

    def _disconnect(self, recursion=None):"%r: _disconnect...", self._platform_id)

        self._rsn_oms = None
        log.debug("%r: CIOMSClient instance destroyed", self._platform_id)

        self._scheduler = None

    def get_metadata(self):
        return self.nodeCfg.node_meta_data

    def get_eng_data(self):
        log.debug("%r: get_eng_data...", self._platform_id)

        ntp_time = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(time.time())
        max_time = ntp_time - self.oms_sample_rate * 10

        for key, stream in self.nodeCfg.node_streams.iteritems():
            log.debug("%r Stream(%s)", self._platform_id, key)
            if key not in self._lastRcvSampleTime:
                self._lastRcvSampleTime[key] = max_time

            if self._lastRcvSampleTime[
                    key] < max_time:  # prevent the max lookback time getting to big
                    key] = max_time  # if we stop getting data for some reason

            attrs = []
            for instance in stream:
                # add a little bit of time to the last received so we don't get one we already have again
                attrs = [(k, self._lastRcvSampleTime[key] + 0.1)
                         for k in stream[instance]]

                if attrs:
                    return_dict = self.get_attribute_values_from_oms(
                        attrs)  # go get the data from the OMS

                    ts_list = self.get_all_returned_timestamps(
                        return_dict)  # get the list of all unique timestamps

                    # for each timestamp create a particle and emit it
                    for ts in sorted(ts_list):
                        # go get the list at this timestamp
                        onetimestamp_attrs = self.get_single_timestamp_list(
                            stream, ts, return_dict)
                        # scale the attrs and convert the names to ion
                        ion_onetimestamp_attrs = self.convert_attrs_to_ion(
                            stream, onetimestamp_attrs)
                        pad_particle = PlatformParticle(

                        pad_particle._data_particle_type = key  # stream name
                        json_message = pad_particle.generate()

                        event = {
                            '%s-%s' %
                             node_meta_data['reference_designator'], instance),

                        self._lastRcvSampleTime[key] = ts

    def get_attribute_values(self, attrs):
        """Simple wrapper method for compatibility.
        return self.get_attribute_values_from_oms(attrs)

    def get_attribute_values_from_oms(self, attrs):
        def _verify_returned_dict(attr_dict):
                for key in attr_dict.iterkeys():
                    value_list = attr_dict[key]
                    if value_list == 'INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID':

                    if not isinstance(value_list, list):
                        raise PlatformException(
                            msg="Error in getting values for attribute %s.  %s"
                            % (key, value_list))

                    if value_list and value_list[0][
                            0] == "ERROR_DATA_REQUEST_TOO_FAR_IN_PAST":
                        raise PlatformException(
                            msg="Time requested for %s too far in the past" %
            except AttributeError:
                raise PlatformException(
                    msg="Error returned in requesting attributes: %s" %

        if not isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
            raise PlatformException(
                'get_attribute_values: attrs argument must be a '
                'list [(attrName, from_time), ...]. Given: %s', attrs)


        log.debug("get_attribute_values: attrs=%s", self._platform_id)
        log.debug("get_attribute_values: attrs=%s", attrs)

            response = self._rsn_oms.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(
                self._platform_id, attrs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                "get_attribute_values_from_oms Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: %s"
                % str(e))

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        # reported timestamps are already in NTP. Just return the dict:
        return dic_plat

    def get_all_returned_timestamps(self, attrs):
        ts_list = []

        # go through all of the returned values and get the unique timestamps. Each
        # particle will have data for a unique timestamp
        for attr_id, attr_vals in attrs.iteritems():
            if not (isinstance(attr_vals, list)):
                log.debug("Invalid attr_vals %s attrs=%s", attr_id,
                          attr_vals)  # in case we get an INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID
                for v, ts in attr_vals:
                    if ts not in ts_list:

        return ts_list

    def get_single_timestamp_list(self, stream, ts_in, attrs):
        # create a list of sample data from just the single timestamp
        new_attrs = []  # key value list for this timestamp

        for key in stream:  # assuming we will put all values in stream even if we didn't get a sample this time
            if key in attrs:
                for v, ts in attrs[key]:
                    if ts == ts_in:
                        new_attrs.append((key, v))

        return new_attrs

    def convert_attrs_to_ion(self, stream, attrs):
        attrs_return = []

        # convert back to ION parameter name and scale from OMS to ION
        for key, v in attrs:
            scale_factor = stream[key]['scale_factor']
            if v is None:
                attrs_return.append((stream[key]['ion_parameter_name'], v))
                    (stream[key]['ion_parameter_name'], v * scale_factor))

        return attrs_return

    def _verify_platform_id_in_response(self, response):
        Verifies the presence of my platform_id in the response.

        @param response Dictionary returned by _rsn_oms

        @retval response[self._platform_id]
        if self._platform_id not in response:
            msg = "unexpected: response does not contain entry for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)

        if response[self._platform_id] == InvalidResponse.PLATFORM_ID:
            msg = "response reports invalid platform_id for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)
            return response[self._platform_id]

    def set_overcurrent_limit(self, port_id, milliamps, microseconds, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[port_id]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Error in setting overcurrent for port %s: %s" %
                        (port_id, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in response: %s" % rsp)

        oms_port_cntl_id = self._verify_and_return_oms_port(
            port_id, 'set_overcurrent_limit')

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.set_over_current(
                self._platform_id, oms_port_cntl_id, int(milliamps),
                int(microseconds), src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot set_overcurrent_limit: %s" % str(e))

        response = self._convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(
            port_id, oms_port_cntl_id, response)
        log.debug("set_overcurrent_limit = %s", response)

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def turn_on_port(self, port_id, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[port_id]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Error in turning on port %s: %s" %
                        (port_id, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(
                    msg="Error in turn on port response: %s" % rsp)

        oms_port_cntl_id = self._verify_and_return_oms_port(
            port_id, 'turn_on_port')

        log.debug("%r: turning on port: port_id=%s oms port_id = %s",
                  self._platform_id, port_id, oms_port_cntl_id)

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.turn_on_platform_port(
                self._platform_id, oms_port_cntl_id, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot turn_on_platform_port: %s" % str(e))

        response = self._convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(
            port_id, oms_port_cntl_id, response)
        log.debug("%r: turn_on_platform_port response: %s", self._platform_id,

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def turn_off_port(self, port_id, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[port_id]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Error in turning off port %s: %s" %
                        (port_id, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(
                    msg="Error in turn off port response: %s" % rsp)

        oms_port_cntl_id = self._verify_and_return_oms_port(
            port_id, 'turn_off_port')

        log.debug("%r: turning off port: port_id=%s oms port_id = %s",
                  self._platform_id, port_id, oms_port_cntl_id)

            response = self._rsn_oms.port.turn_off_platform_port(
                self._platform_id, oms_port_cntl_id, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot turn_off_platform_port: %s" % str(e))

        response = self._convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(
            port_id, oms_port_cntl_id, response)
        log.debug("%r: turn_off_platform_port response: %s", self._platform_id,

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def start_profiler_mission(self, mission_name, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[mission_name]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Error in starting mission %s: %s" %
                        (mission_name, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(
                    msg="Error in starting mission response: %s" % rsp)


            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.start_mission(
                self._platform_id, mission_name, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot start_profiler_mission: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: start_profiler_mission response: %s", self._platform_id,

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def stop_profiler_mission(self, flag, src):
        def _verify_response(rsp):
            if not rsp.startswith('OK'):
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in stopping profiler: %s" %


            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.stop_mission(
                self._platform_id, flag, src)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot stop_profiler_mission: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: stop_profiler_mission response: %s", self._platform_id,

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def get_mission_status(self, *args, **kwargs):

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.get_mission_status(
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot get_mission_status: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: get_mission_status response: %s", self._platform_id,

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def get_available_missions(self, *args, **kwargs):

            response = self._rsn_oms.profiler.get_available_missions(
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot get_available_missions: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("%r: get_available_missions response: %s", self._platform_id,

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        return dic_plat  # note: return the dic for the platform

    def _verify_rsn_oms(self, method_name):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                "Cannot %s: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)"
                % method_name)

    def _verify_and_return_oms_port(self, port_id, method_name):
        if port_id not in self.nodeCfg.node_port_info:
            raise PlatformConnectionException("Cannot %s: Invalid Port ID" %

        return self.nodeCfg.node_port_info[port_id]['port_oms_port_cntl_id']

    def _convert_port_id_from_oms_to_ci(self, port_id, oms_port_cntl_id,
        Converts the OMS port id into the original one provided.
        if response[self._platform_id].get(oms_port_cntl_id, None):
            return {
                self._platform_id: {
                    response[self._platform_id].get(oms_port_cntl_id, None)

        return response

    # External event handling:

    def _register_event_listener(self, url):
        Registers given url for all event types.

            already_registered = self._rsn_oms.event.get_registered_event_listeners(
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot get registered event listeners: %s" %
                (self._platform_id, e))

        if url in already_registered:
            log.debug("listener %r was already registered", url)

            result = self._rsn_oms.event.register_event_listener(url)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot register_event_listener: %s" %
                (self._platform_id, e))

        log.debug("%r: register_event_listener(%r) => %s", self._platform_id,
                  url, result)

    def _unregister_event_listener(self, url):
        Unregisters given url for all event types.

            result = self._rsn_oms.event.unregister_event_listener(url)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="%r: Cannot unregister_event_listener: %s" %
                (self._platform_id, e))

        log.debug("%r: unregister_event_listener(%r) => %s", self._platform_id,
                  url, result)

    # GET

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):

        if 'attrs' in kwargs:
            attrs = kwargs['attrs']
            result = self.get_attribute_values(attrs)
            return result

        if 'metadata' in kwargs:
            result = self.get_metadata()
            return result

        return super(RSNPlatformDriver, self).get(*args, **kwargs)


    def execute(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Executes the given command.

        @param cmd   command

        @return  result of the execution
        if cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT:
            result = self.turn_on_port(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT:
            result = self.turn_off_port(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS:
            result = self.set_overcurrent_limit(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION:
            result = self.start_profiler_mission(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION:
            result = self.stop_profiler_mission(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS:
            result = self.get_mission_status(*args, **kwargs)

        elif cmd == RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS:
            result = self.get_available_missions(*args, **kwargs)

            result = super(RSNPlatformDriver, self).execute(cmd, args, kwargs)

        return result

    def _handler_connected_start_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
        profile_mission_name = kwargs.get('profile_mission_name')
        if profile_mission_name is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'start_profiler_mission: missing profile_mission_name argument'

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.start_profiler_mission(profile_mission_name, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(
                RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION, args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
        flag = kwargs.get('flag', None)
        if flag is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                '_handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission: missing flag argument'

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.stop_profiler_mission(flag, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(
                RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION, args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_get_mission_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = self.get_mission_status()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(
                RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_MISSION_STATUS, args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_get_available_missions(self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = self.get_available_missions()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(
                RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_AVAILABLE_MISSIONS, args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_get_eng_data(self, *args, **kwargs):

            result = self.get_eng_data()
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.GET_ENG_DATA,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_set_port_over_current_limits(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'set_port_over_current_limits: missing port_id argument')

        milliamps = kwargs.get('milliamps', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'set_port_over_current_limits: missing milliamps argument')

        microseconds = kwargs.get('microseconds', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'set_port_over_current_limits: missing microseconds argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.set_overcurrent_limit(port_id, milliamps,
                                                microseconds, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(
                RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS, args,
                kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_turn_on_port(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_on_port: missing port_id argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_on_port: missing src argument')

            result = self.turn_on_port(port_id, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_ON_PORT,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    def _handler_connected_turn_off_port(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException(
                'turn_off_port: missing port_id argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise InstrumentException('turn_off_port: missing src argument')

            result = self.turn_off_port(port_id, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT,
                                         args, kwargs, e)

    # RSN Platform driver FSM setup

    def _construct_fsm(self,
        super(RSNPlatformDriver, self)._construct_fsm(states, events,
                                                      enter_event, exit_event)

        # CONNECTED state event handlers we add in this class: