Beispiel #1
def test_slice_theta_irm():
    N = 10
    defn = model_definition([N], [((0, 0), bbnc)])
    data = np.random.random(size=(N, N)) < 0.8
    view = numpy_dataview(data)
    r = rng()
    prior = {'alpha': 1.0, 'beta': 9.0}

    s = initialize(
        cluster_hps=[{'alpha': 2.0}],
        domain_assignments=[[0] * N])

    bs = bind(s, 0, [view])

    params = {0: {'p': 0.05}}

    heads = len([1 for y in data.flatten() if y])
    tails = len([1 for y in data.flatten() if not y])

    alpha1 = prior['alpha'] + heads
    beta1 = prior['beta'] + tails

    def sample_fn():
        theta(bs, r, tparams=params)
        return s.get_suffstats(0, [0, 0])['p']

    rv = beta(alpha1, beta1)
    assert_1d_cont_dist_approx_sps(sample_fn, rv, nsamples=50000)
Beispiel #2
def latent(groups, entities_per_group, features, r):
    N = groups * entities_per_group
    defn = model_definition([N], [((0, 0), bb)] * features)

    # generate fake data
    views = []
    for i in xrange(features):
        Y = np.random.random(size=(N, N)) <= 0.5
        view = numpy_dataview(Y)

    # assign entities to their respective groups
    assignment = [[g] * entities_per_group for g in xrange(groups)]
    assignment = list(it.chain.from_iterable(assignment))

    latent = bind(initialize(defn, views, r, domain_assignments=[assignment]),
    latent.create_group(r)  # perftest() doesnt modify group assignments

    return latent
Beispiel #3
def latent(groups, entities_per_group, features, r):
    N = groups * entities_per_group
    defn = model_definition([N], [((0, 0), bb)] * features)

    # generate fake data
    views = []
    for i in xrange(features):
        Y = np.random.random(size=(N, N)) <= 0.5
        view = numpy_dataview(Y)

    # assign entities to their respective groups
    assignment = [[g] * entities_per_group for g in xrange(groups)]
    assignment = list(it.chain.from_iterable(assignment))

    latent = bind(
        initialize(defn, views, r, domain_assignments=[assignment]), 0, views)
    latent.create_group(r)  # perftest() doesnt modify group assignments

    return latent
Beispiel #4
# 3. initialize the model
# 4. define the runners (MCMC chains)
# 5. run the runners

# In[5]:

from microscopes.common.rng import rng
from microscopes.common.relation.dataview import numpy_dataview
from microscopes.models import bb as beta_bernoulli
from microscopes.irm.definition import model_definition
from microscopes.irm import model, runner, query
from microscopes.kernels import parallel
from microscopes.common.query import groups, zmatrix_heuristic_block_ordering, zmatrix_reorder

defn = model_definition([N], [((0, 0), beta_bernoulli)])
views = [numpy_dataview(communications_relation)]
prng = rng()

nchains = 1
latents = [model.initialize(defn, views, r=prng, cluster_hps=[{'alpha':1}]) for _ in xrange(nchains)]
kc = runner.default_assign_kernel_config(defn)
print kc
r = runner.runner(defn, views, latents[0], kc)

# ##From here, we can finally run each chain of the sampler 1000 times

# In[ ]:

start = time.time()
print start
Beispiel #5
def infinite_relational_model(corr_matrix, lag_matrix, threshold, sampled_coords, window_size):
    import numpy as np
    import math
    import json
    import time
    import itertools as it
    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    from microscopes.common.rng import rng
    from microscopes.common.relation.dataview import numpy_dataview
    from microscopes.models import bb as beta_bernoulli
    from microscopes.irm.definition import model_definition
    from microscopes.irm import model, runner, query
    from microscopes.kernels import parallel
    from microscopes.common.query import groups, zmatrix_heuristic_block_ordering, zmatrix_reorder

    cluster_matrix = []
    graph = []

    # calculate graph
    for row in corr_matrix:
        graph_row = []
        for corr in row:
            if corr < threshold:


    graph = np.array(graph, dtype=np.bool)

    graph_size = len(graph)

    # conduct Infinite Relational Model
    defn = model_definition([graph_size], [((0, 0), beta_bernoulli)])
    views = [numpy_dataview(graph)]
    prng = rng()

    nchains = cpu_count()
    latents = [model.initialize(defn, views, r=prng, cluster_hps=[{'alpha':1e-3}]) for _ in xrange(nchains)]
    kc = runner.default_assign_kernel_config(defn)
    runners = [runner.runner(defn, views, latent, kc) for latent in latents]
    r = parallel.runner(runners)

    start = time.time()
    #, niters=1000)
    #, niters=100), niters=20)
    print ("inference took", time.time() - start, "seconds")

    infers = r.get_latents()
    clusters = groups(infers[0].assignments(0), sort=True)
    ordering = list(it.chain.from_iterable(clusters))

    z = graph.copy()
    z = z[ordering]
    z = z[:,ordering]

    corr_matrix = corr_matrix[ordering]
    corr_matrix = corr_matrix[:,ordering]

    lag_matrix = lag_matrix[ordering]
    lag_matrix = lag_matrix[:,ordering]

    cluster_sampled_coords = np.array(sampled_coords)
    cluster_sampled_coords = cluster_sampled_coords[ordering]

    response_msg = {
        'corrMatrix': corr_matrix.tolist(),
        'lagMatrix': lag_matrix.tolist(),
        'clusterMatrix': z.tolist(),
        'clusterSampledCoords': cluster_sampled_coords.tolist(),
        'nClusterList': [len(cluster) for cluster in clusters],
        'ordering': ordering,
    f = open("./expdata/clustermatrix-" + str(window_size) + ".json", "w")
    json.dump(response_msg, f)

    return response_msg
Beispiel #6
# In[5]:

from microscopes.common.rng import rng
from microscopes.common.relation.dataview import numpy_dataview
from microscopes.models import bb as beta_bernoulli
from microscopes.irm.definition import model_definition
from microscopes.irm import model, runner, query
from microscopes.kernels import parallel
from microscopes.common.query import groups, zmatrix_heuristic_block_ordering, zmatrix_reorder

# ##Let's start by defining the model and loading the data

# In[6]:

defn = model_definition([N], [((0, 0), beta_bernoulli)])
views = [numpy_dataview(communications_relation)]
prng = rng()

# ##Next, let's initialize the model and define the runners.
# ##These runners are our MCMC chains. We'll use `cpu_count` to define our number of chains.

# In[ ]:

nchains = cpu_count()
latents = [
    model.initialize(defn, views, r=prng, cluster_hps=[{
        'alpha': 1e-3
    }]) for _ in xrange(nchains)
kc = runner.default_assign_kernel_config(defn)