def midi_time_code(self, msg_type, values):
     msg_type: 0-7
     values: 0-15
     value = (msg_type<<4) + values
     self.event_slice(fromBytes([MIDI_TIME_CODE, value]))
    def channel_pressure(self, channel, pressure):

        channel: 0-15
        pressure: 0-127
        slc = fromBytes([CHANNEL_PRESSURE + channel, pressure])
    def patch_change(self, channel, patch):

        channel: 0-15
        patch: 0-127
        slc = fromBytes([PATCH_CHANGE + channel, patch])
    def continuous_controller(self, channel, controller, value):

        channel: 0-15
        controller, value: 0-127
        slc = fromBytes([CONTINUOUS_CONTROLLER + channel, controller, value])
    def aftertouch(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40):

        channel: 0-15
        note, velocity: 0-127
        slc = fromBytes([AFTERTOUCH + channel, note, velocity])
    def note_off(self, channel=0, note=0x40, velocity=0x40):

        channel: 0-15
        note, velocity: 0-127
        slc = fromBytes([NOTE_OFF + channel, note, velocity])
    def song_position_pointer(self, value):

        value: 0-16383
        lsb = (value & 0x7F)
        msb = (value >> 7) & 0x7F
        self.event_slice(fromBytes([SONG_POSITION_POINTER, lsb, msb]))
    def key_signature(self, sf, mi):

        sf: is a byte specifying the number of flats (-ve) or sharps
            (+ve) that identifies the key signature (-7 = 7 flats, -1
            = 1 flat, 0 = key of C, 1 = 1 sharp, etc).
        mi: is a byte specifying a major (0) or minor (1) key.
        self.meta_slice(KEY_SIGNATURE, fromBytes([sf, mi]))
    def tempo(self, value):

        value: 0-2097151
        tempo in us/quarternote
        (to calculate value from bpm: int(60,000,000.00 / BPM))
        hb, mb, lb = (value>>16 & 0xff), (value>>8 & 0xff), (value & 0xff)
        self.meta_slice(TEMPO, fromBytes([hb, mb, lb]))
    def pitch_bend(self, channel, value):

        channel: 0-15
        value: 0-16383
        msb = (value>>7) & 0xFF
        lsb = value & 0xFF
        slc = fromBytes([PITCH_BEND + channel, msb, lsb])
    def time_signature(self, nn, dd, cc, bb):

        nn: Numerator of the signature as notated on sheet music
        dd: Denominator of the signature as notated on sheet music
            The denominator is a negative power of 2: 2 = quarter
            note, 3 = eighth, etc.
        cc: The number of MIDI clocks in a metronome click
        bb: The number of notated 32nd notes in a MIDI quarter note
            (24 MIDI clocks)
        self.meta_slice(TIME_SIGNATURE, fromBytes([nn, dd, cc, bb]))
 def end_of_track(self):
     Writes the track to the buffer.
     raw = self.raw_out
     track_data = self._current_track_buffer.getvalue()
     # wee need to know size of track data.
     eot_slice = writeVar(self.rel_time()) + fromBytes([META_EVENT, END_OF_TRACK, 0])
     raw.writeBew(len(track_data)+len(eot_slice), 4)
     # then write
    def smtp_offset(self, hour, minute, second, frame, framePart):

        second: 3 bytes specifying the hour (0-23), minutes (0-59) and
                seconds (0-59), respectively. The hour should be
                encoded with the SMPTE format, just as it is in MIDI
                Time Code.
        frame: A byte specifying the number of frames per second (one
               of : 24, 25, 29, 30).
        framePart: A byte specifying the number of fractional frames,
                   in 100ths of a frame (even in SMPTE-based tracks
                   using a different frame subdivision, defined in the
                   MThd chunk).
        self.meta_slice(SMTP_OFFSET, fromBytes([hour, minute, second, frame, framePart]))
 def meta_event(self, meta_type, data):
     Handles any undefined meta events
     self.meta_slice(meta_type, fromBytes(data))
 def meta_slice(self, meta_type, data_slice):
     "Writes a meta event"
     slc = fromBytes([META_EVENT, meta_type]) + \
                      writeVar(len(data_slice)) +  data_slice
    def song_select(self, songNumber):

        songNumber: 0-127
        self.event_slice(fromBytes([SONG_SELECT, songNumber]))