Beispiel #1
def run_for_parms(Ns, ms, ts, popmaps, numreg, reps, compError = False, coal_error_threshold = 0.0001):
    """This function runs the estimation procedure given the 
    population sizes, mig rates, times, pop history. numreg 
    controls the noise in the estimate of coal rates,
    and reps repeats the procedure multiple times.
    true_parms = []
    for i in xrange(len(Ns)):
        if len(Ns[i]) > 1:
            true_parms.append(np.array(Ns[i] + ms[i]))

    true_rates = mig.compute_pw_coal_rates(ms, Ns, ts, popmaps)
    print 'True_rates:', true_rates
    xopts = []
    estErr = []
    while reps > 0:
        obs_rates = add_uniform_noise(true_rates, numreg)
        while np.min(obs_rates) < 0 or np.max(obs_rates) > 1:
            obs_rates = add_uniform_noise(true_rates, numreg)

        xopt = mig.comp_N_m(obs_rates, ts, coal_error_threshold)
        reps -= 1
        if compError:
            estErr.append(compute_error(true_parms, xopt))

    if compError:
        return (xopts, estErr)
        return xopts
Beispiel #2
 def estimate_sim_run(self, merge_threshold = 0.01, useMigration = False, DFO = False, window = 0, hack = False):
     """This function estimates the pop and mig in each
     timeslice and returns it. If useMigration, the threshold
     is the migration threshold, if not the threshold is the
     coal rate threshold
     if DFO:
         self.estimatedParms = mig.comp_N_m(self.obsRates, self.timeslices, merge_threshold, useMigration, self.logVal, self.verbose)
         self.estimatedParms = mig.comp_N_m_bfgs(self.obsRates, self.timeslices, merge_threshold, useMigration, False, self.logVal, True, window, hack, variances=self.vars)
     return self.estimatedParms