Beispiel #1
 def adjustScoresForAttack(card, attackCounts, priorities):
     # Discarding the associated remedy is a better move, and an
     # auto-discard if all three have been played now
     # Also that safety is less useful as a coup fourre
     attackCounts[card] += 1
     if attackCounts[card] == 3:
         priorities[Move(Move.PLAY, Cards.attackToSafety(card))] = 100
         priorities[Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.attackToRemedy(card))] = 0
         priorities[Move(Move.PLAY, Cards.attackToSafety(card))] += 1
         priorities[Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.attackToRemedy(card))] += .5
Beispiel #2
 def adjustScoresForAttack(card, attackCounts, priorities):
   # Discarding the associated remedy is a better move, and an
   # auto-discard if all three have been played now
   # Also that safety is less useful as a coup fourre
   attackCounts[card] += 1
   if attackCounts[card] == 3:
     priorities[Move(Move.PLAY, Cards.attackToSafety(card))] = 100
     priorities[Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.attackToRemedy(card))] = 0
     priorities[Move(Move.PLAY, Cards.attackToSafety(card))] += 1
     priorities[Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.attackToRemedy(card))] += .5
Beispiel #3
  def GetBestAttack(self, state, attacks):
    # Best attack is one where safety is visible
    for attack in attacks:
      safety = Cards.attackToSafety(attack.card)
      safetyVisible = self.CountCard(state, safety)
      if (safetyVisible >= 1):
        return attack
    # Count remedies for 3 regular attacks, and figure out which is best
    gas = self.CountCard(state, Cards.REMEDY_GASOLINE)
    repairs = self.CountCard(state, Cards.REMEDY_REPAIRS)
    spares = self.CountCard(state, Cards.REMEDY_SPARE_TIRE)

    bestAttack = attacks[0] # Could be Stop or Limit
    for attack in attacks:
      if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_OUT_OF_GAS:
        if ((gas >= repairs) & (gas >= spares)):
          bestAttack = attack
      elif attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_ACCIDENT:
        if ((repairs >= gas) & (repairs >= spares)):
          bestAttack = attack
      elif attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_FLAT_TIRE:
        if ((spares >= gas) & (spares >= repairs)):
          bestAttack = attack
      if ((bestAttack.card == Cards.ATTACK_STOP) | (bestAttack.card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT)):
          # Anything's better than Stop/Limit
          bestAttack = attack
    return bestAttack
Beispiel #4
    def findValidPlays(self):
        for card in self.hand:
            # You can always discard
            self.validMoves.append(Move(Move.DISCARD, card))

            type = Cards.cardToType(card)
            if (card == or
                (card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT and or
                ( and type == Cards.MILEAGE and
                 ((not or card in Cards.LOW_MILEAGE) and
                 ( < 2 or card != Cards.MILEAGE_200)
                 ( + Cards.cardToMileage(card) <=
                    or type == Cards.SAFETY):
                self.validMoves.append(Move(Move.PLAY, card))
            elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
                for opponent in self.opponents:
                    if card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                        if ((not opponent.speedLimit)
                                and Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY
                                not in opponent.safeties):
                                Move(Move.PLAY, card, opponent.number))
                    elif (opponent.moving and Cards.attackToSafety(card)
                          not in opponent.safeties):
                            Move(Move.PLAY, card, opponent.number))
Beispiel #5
  def chanceOpponentHasProtection(self, team, attack):
    # Chance that a particular opponent has protection from a particular attack in their hand.
    safety = Cards.attackToSafety(attack)
    remedy = Cards.attackToRemedy(attack)

    if safety in team.safeties:
      self.debug("Team %d has already played safety v. %s",
      return 1.0

    # Odds based on number of the card lurking out there somewhere.
    odds = self.percentOfCardsRemaining(safety, remedy)

    # Boost likelihood by 50% for each remedy they've discarded.
    remedyDiscards = 0
    for player in team.playerNumbers:
      for _ in xrange(self.interestingRemedyDiscardsByPlayer[player][remedy]):
        remedyDiscards += 1
        odds *= self.__class__.constants.remedy_discard_boost

    self.debug("Team %d protection odds %r v. %s, based on %d safety %d remedy %d discards.",
    return odds
Beispiel #6
    def chanceOpponentHasProtection(self, team, attack):
        # Chance that a particular opponent has protection from a particular attack in their hand.
        safety = Cards.attackToSafety(attack)
        remedy = Cards.attackToRemedy(attack)

        if safety in team.safeties:
            self.debug("Team %d has already played safety v. %s", team.number,
            return 1.0

        # Odds based on number of the card lurking out there somewhere.
        odds = self.percentOfCardsRemaining(safety, remedy)

        # Boost likelihood by 50% for each remedy they've discarded.
        remedyDiscards = 0
        for player in team.playerNumbers:
            for _ in xrange(
                remedyDiscards += 1
                odds *= self.__class__.constants.remedy_discard_boost

            "Team %d protection odds %r v. %s, based on %d safety %d remedy %d discards.",
            team.number, odds, Cards.cardToString(attack),
            self.cardsUnseen[safety], self.cardsUnseen[remedy], remedyDiscards)
        return odds
Beispiel #7
    def goForExtension(self, gameState):
        score = 0
        # Safeties played
        #    print str(len( + ' safeties played'
        score += len( * 200

        # Mileage in hand
        mileage = 0
        for card in gameState.hand:
                mileage += Cards.cardToMileage(card)
            except ValueError:
        if mileage > 300:
            mileage = 300
#    print str(mileage) + ' miles in hand'
        score += mileage

        # Each card is on average worth 33 miles
        expectedMiles = 33 * (gameState.cardsLeft / len(gameState.opponents) +
        if expectedMiles > 300 - mileage:
            expectedMiles = 300 - mileage
        score += expectedMiles
        #    print str(expectedMiles) + ' expected miles in ' + str(gameState.cardsLeft) + ' cards'

        # Played attacks
        for attack in Cards.ATTACKS:
            if not Cards.attackToSafety(attack) in
                score += 60 * self.attackCounts[attack]
#        print str(self.attackCounts[attack]) + ' ' + Cards.cardToString(attack) + ' cards played'

# Opponents
        for opponent in gameState.opponents:
            score -= opponent.mileage
            #      print 'Team ' + str(opponent.number) + ' has ' + str(opponent.mileage) + ' miles'
            score -= len(opponent.safeties) * 100
            #      print 'Team ' + str(opponent.number) + ' has ' + str(len(opponent.safeties)) + ' safeties'
            if opponent.moving:
                #        print 'Team ' + str(opponent.number) + ' is moving'
                score -= 200

#    print 'Score: ' + str(score)
        if score > 500:
            return True
            return False
Beispiel #8
 def getDangerCards(self, gameState):
   #Danger cards are cards that can actually stop us
   dangerCards = 0
   if len( == 4:
     #If we have all of the safeties, there are no danger cards.
     return 0
     for card in self.cardsLeft:
       if Cards.cardToType(card) == Cards.ATTACK and Cards.attackToSafety(card) not in and card != Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
       #For each card that's an attack and we don't have the safety
         if Cards.attackToRemedy(card) not in gameState.hand:
           #If the remedy isn't in our hand, all cards are danger cards
         elif gameState.hand.count(Cards.attackToRemedy(card)) < self.cardsLeft[card]:
           #If The number of remedies we have is less than the number of attacks out there
           dangerCards+=(self.cardsLeft[card] - gameState.hand.count(Cards.attackToRemedy(card)))
Beispiel #9
  def GetDiscard(self, state, discards):

    milesLeft = -
    milesInHand = 0
    for discard in discards:
      # Excess mileage; discard the card that puts me over the top
      if (Cards.cardToType(discard.card) == Cards.MILEAGE):
        milesInHand = milesInHand + Cards.cardToMileage(discard.card)
        if (milesInHand > milesLeft): 
          return discard
      # Too many 200s
      if (discard.card == Cards.MILEAGE_200):
        total200 = + state.hand.count(Cards.MILEAGE_200)
        if (total200 > 2):
          return discard
      # Attack that opponent has a safety for, if only 1 opponent
      if (len(state.opponents) == 1) & (Cards.cardToType(discard.card) == Cards.ATTACK):
        safety = Cards.attackToSafety(discard.card)
        if safety in state.opponents[0].safeties:
          return discard
      # Remedy for a safety that I have
      if Cards.cardToType(discard.card) == Cards.REMEDY:
        safety = Cards.remedyToSafety(discard.card)
        if (safety in state.hand) | (safety in
          return discard
    # Now that we've gone through the best options, try second-tier discards
    for discard in discards:
      # 2 of the same remedy, or 3 if it's GO
      if Cards.cardToType(discard.card) == Cards.REMEDY:
        count = state.hand.count(discard.card)
        if (count > 1) & (discard.card != Cards.REMEDY_GO):
          return discard
        if count > 2:
          return discard
        # Weak mileage, unless near the end of the game
        if (milesLeft > 100):
          if discard.card == Cards.MILEAGE_25:
            return discard
          if discard.card == Cards.MILEAGE_50:
            return discard
          if discard.card == Cards.MILEAGE_75:
            return discard
    # Nothing good to discard; just toss something that's not attack or safety
    for d in discards:
      if ((Cards.cardToType(d.card) != Cards.SAFETY) &
          (Cards.cardToType(d.card) != Cards.ATTACK)):
        return d;
Beispiel #10
  def goForExtension(self, gameState):
    score = 0
    # Safeties played
#    print str(len( + ' safeties played'
    score += len( * 200

    # Mileage in hand
    mileage = 0
    for card in gameState.hand:
        mileage += Cards.cardToMileage(card)
      except ValueError:
    if mileage > 300:
      mileage = 300
#    print str(mileage) + ' miles in hand'
    score += mileage

    # Each card is on average worth 33 miles
    expectedMiles = 33 * (gameState.cardsLeft / len(gameState.opponents) + 1)
    if expectedMiles > 300 - mileage:
      expectedMiles = 300 - mileage
    score += expectedMiles
#    print str(expectedMiles) + ' expected miles in ' + str(gameState.cardsLeft) + ' cards'

    # Played attacks
    for attack in Cards.ATTACKS:
      if not Cards.attackToSafety(attack) in
        score += 60 * self.attackCounts[attack]
#        print str(self.attackCounts[attack]) + ' ' + Cards.cardToString(attack) + ' cards played'

    # Opponents
    for opponent in gameState.opponents:
      score -= opponent.mileage
#      print 'Team ' + str(opponent.number) + ' has ' + str(opponent.mileage) + ' miles'
      score -= len(opponent.safeties) * 100
#      print 'Team ' + str(opponent.number) + ' has ' + str(len(opponent.safeties)) + ' safeties'
      if opponent.moving:
#        print 'Team ' + str(opponent.number) + ' is moving'
        score -= 200

#    print 'Score: ' + str(score)
    if score > 500:
      return True
      return False
Beispiel #11
  def findValidPlays(self):
    for card in self.hand:
      # You can always discard
      self.validMoves.append(Move(Move.DISCARD, card))

      type = Cards.cardToType(card)
      if (card ==
       or (card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT and
       or ( and type == Cards.MILEAGE
           and ((not or card in Cards.LOW_MILEAGE)
           and ( < 2 or card != Cards.MILEAGE_200)
           and ( + Cards.cardToMileage(card) <=
       or type == Cards.SAFETY):
        self.validMoves.append(Move(Move.PLAY, card))
      elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
        for opponent in self.opponents:
          if card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
            if ((not opponent.speedLimit)
             and Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY not in opponent.safeties):
              self.validMoves.append(Move(Move.PLAY, card, opponent.number))
          elif (opponent.moving
           and Cards.attackToSafety(card) not in opponent.safeties):
            self.validMoves.append(Move(Move.PLAY, card, opponent.number))
Beispiel #12
    def handleMove(self,
        if True:  # To keep the indent level of all this the same as in upstream and make the diff prettier. :(
            currentPlayerNumber = currentPlayer.number

            # Handle moves
            if move.type == Move.PLAY:
                card = move.card
                type = Cards.cardToType(card)
                if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
                    currentTeam.mileage += Cards.cardToMileage(card)
                    if card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
                        currentTeam.safeTrip = False
                        currentTeam.twoHundredsPlayed += 1
                    if currentTeam.mileage ==
                        tempState = self.makeState(currentPlayer)
                        if self.extensionPossible and (
                            if self.debug:
                                print 'Player ' + str(
                                ) + ' goes for the extension'
                            self.extension = True
                            self.extensionPossible = False
                   = 1000
                            if self.debug:
                                print 'Race complete'
                            self.winner = currentPlayer.teamNumber
                            self.tripComplete = True
                elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
                    if card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT:
                        currentTeam.speedLimit = False
                        currentTeam.needRemedy = Cards.REMEDY_GO
                    if (card == Cards.REMEDY_GO or Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY
                            in currentTeam.safeties):
                        currentTeam.needRemedy = None
                        currentTeam.moving = True
                elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
                    targetTeam = self.teams[(]

                    # Check for coup fourre
                    neededSafety = Cards.attackToSafety(card)
                    coupFourrePlayerNumber = -1
                    for targetPlayerNumber in targetTeam.playerNumbers:
                        targetPlayer = self.players[targetPlayerNumber]
                        if neededSafety in targetPlayer.hand:
                            tempState = self.makeState(targetPlayer)
                            if and
                                    card, tempState):
                                coupFourrePlayerNumber = targetPlayerNumber
                            # There's only one of each safety, so if we found it, we don't
                            # need to keep looking

                    if coupFourrePlayerNumber == -1:
                        # The attack resolves
                        if card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                            self.teams[].speedLimit = True
                            self.teams[].moving = False
                      ].needRemedy = Cards.attackToRemedy(
                        # Coup fourre
                        self.playSafety(targetTeam, neededSafety)
                        nextPlayerNumber = coupFourrePlayerNumber
                        # Remove the safety from the player's hand
                        del self.players[coupFourrePlayerNumber].hand[
                        # Draw an extra card to replace the one just played
                            player = self.players[coupFourrePlayerNumber]
                            cfCard = self.draw(player)
                        except IndexError:
                            cfCard = None
                        targetTeam.coupFourres += 1
                        cfMove = Move(Move.PLAY, neededSafety, None, True)
                        if self.debug:
                            print self.players[nextPlayerNumber],
                            print cfMove
                        cfPlayer = copy(self.players[nextPlayerNumber])
                        cfPlayer.hand = []
               = None
                        self.notifyPlayers(cfPlayer, cfMove)
                        if self.transcriptWriter:
                                cfPlayer.number, cfCard, cfMove, False)
                elif type == Cards.SAFETY:
                    self.playSafety(currentTeam, card)
                    nextPlayerNumber = currentPlayerNumber
                    raise ValueError('Unknown card type!')
            elif move.type == Move.DISCARD:
Beispiel #13
  def cardValue(self, card, cardIdx, cards):
    # cardIdx and cards let us disambiguate between two equal cards in our hand.
    # All equally worthless:
    # * Safeties in play or elsewhere in our hand
    # * Remedies for safeties in play or elsewhere in our hand
    # * 200mi if we've already maxed out
    # * Mileage > distance remaining (assuming extension will be played)
    #   TODO: ...but what if an extension *won't* be played?
    # * Safeties we have in our hand

    # How many of this card do we already have in our hand?
    numDuplicates = len([c for c in cards if c == card])
    # Make this card less valuable if we have more if it on our hand.
    # The obvious thing to do is a straight divisor:
    # If we have 2 dupes, value each at 1/2; if 3, value each at 1/3.
    # But that's too severe, having 2 200km is more valuable than having
    # 1 200km!  So, we take the "duplicate fraction", 1/numDuplicates,
    # and we want to scale down *the inverse of that* to bring it
    # nearer to 1 (to reduce the severity of the penalty), and then
    # invert again to cancel out the inversion.
    dupeFrac = 1/numDuplicates
    dupePenaltyFactor = self.__class__.constants.dupe_penalty_factor
    dupeCoefficient = 1-(1-dupeFrac)/dupePenaltyFactor

    cardType = Cards.cardToType(card)
    if cardType == Cards.MILEAGE:
      mileage = Cards.cardToMileage(card)
      mileageRemaining = 1000 -
      if mileage > mileageRemaining:
        return 0.0 * dupeCoefficient
      elif mileage == 200 and >= 2:
        return 0.0 * dupeCoefficient
      elif mileage == 25 and cards.index(card) == cardIdx:
        # Try to hold onto a single 25km card in case we need it to finish.
        return 1.0 * dupeCoefficient
        return self.mileageCardValue(card) * dupeCoefficient
    elif cardType == Cards.REMEDY:
      # Attacks that could necessitate this card.
      if card == Cards.REMEDY_GO:
        relevantAttacks = Cards.ATTACKS[:]
        relevantAttacks = [Cards.remedyToAttack(card)]

      relevantAttacks = [c for c in relevantAttacks
                         if not Cards.attackToSafety(c) in + cards]

      # Factor in:
      # 1. Value of taking a turn.
      # 2. Likelihood of getting hit with a relevant attack.
      #    (Number of attacks remaining / number of teams in game.)
      #    NB: If no attacks are relevant, this will be 0.
      # TODO: Also add likelihood of drawing another remedy (or the safety.)
      turnPoints = self.expectedTurnPoints(
      turnPointValue = self.valueOfPoints(turnPoints,
      # Hold onto at least one of the card if we already know we need it!
      if (cards.index(card) == cardIdx and
          ((not and card == Cards.REMEDY_GO) or
           ( and card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT) or
           ( and card ==
        self.debug("We need %s, attack on us odds == 1.0!", Cards.cardToString(card))
        attackOnUsOdds = 1.0
        attackOdds = self.percentOfCardsRemaining(*relevantAttacks) * self.expectedTurnsLeft()
        attackOnUsOdds = attackOdds / (len(self.gameState.opponents) + 1)
      value = turnPointValue * attackOnUsOdds
      self.debug("Card %s val: %r = %r * %r = val(%d) * pctLeft(%s)/#teams",
                 turnPointValue, attackOnUsOdds,
                 ",".join([Cards.cardToString(c) for c in relevantAttacks]))
      return value * dupeCoefficient
    elif cardType == Cards.SAFETY:
      # Never discard a safety!
      # (Assuming default deck composition of 1 of each type...)
      return 1.0 * dupeCoefficient
    elif cardType == Cards.ATTACK:
      safety = Cards.attackToSafety(card)
      remedy = Cards.attackToRemedy(card)

      valuesPerTarget = []
      for target in self.gameState.opponents:
          (1-self.chanceOpponentHasProtection(target, card)) *
          (1-self.percentOfCardsRemaining(safety, remedy)) *
          self.valueOfPoints(self.expectedTurnPoints(target), target))
      return sum(valuesPerTarget)/len(valuesPerTarget) * dupeCoefficient
      raise Exception("Unknown card type for %r: %r" % (card, cardType))
Beispiel #14
    def makeMove(self, gameState):
        discards = []
        mileage = []
        attacks = []
        remedies = []
        safeties = []

        cardsPlayed = []
        us =
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.mileagePile
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.speedPile
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.battlePile
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.safeties

        MyMileage = us.mileage
        MyRunningTotal = MyMileage + us.totalScore + len(us.safeties) * 100 + us.coupFourres * 300

        opponents = gameState.opponents
        ourSafeties = us.safeties
        playedSafeties = ourSafeties
        opponentsCount = 0
        opponentsSafeties = []
        for opponent in opponents:
            opponentsCount = opponentsCount + 1
            opponentsSafeties = opponentsSafeties + opponent.safeties
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.mileagePile
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.speedPile
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.battlePile
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.safeties
        playedSafeties = playedSafeties + opponentsSafeties

        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + gameState.discardPile
        cardPlayedByType = {}
        for x in xrange(0, 19):
            cardPlayedByType[x] = 0

        for card in cardsPlayed:
            cardPlayedByType[card] += 1

        target =
        target_minus_25 = target - 25
        target_minus_50 = target - 50
        target_minus_75 = target - 75
        target_minus_100 = target - 100
        target_minus_200 = target - 200

        for play in gameState.validMoves:
            if play.type == Move.DISCARD:
                type = Cards.cardToType(play.card)
                if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
                elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
                elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
                elif type == Cards.SAFETY:

        #  IF CAN GO FOR WIN  DO IT!

        if len(mileage) > 0:
            if us.mileage == target_minus_25:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_25:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_50:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_50:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_75:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_75:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_100:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_100:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_200:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
                        return mi

        #  play a red card based on weighted factors
        #  but check to see if the corrosponding safety is known in play or in your hand
        #  if not known  dont play if less then X cards in deck

        numberOfCardsLeftToNotAttack = 10

        if len(attacks) > 0:
            highestWeight = -10
            weightedAttacks = {}
            for attack in attacks:
                opponent = gameState.teamNumberToTeam(
                opponentMileage = opponent.mileage
                opponentRunningTotal = (
                    opponentMileage + opponent.totalScore + len(opponent.safeties) * 100 + opponent.coupFourres * 300
                weight = 0
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 3000:
                    #         print "opponentRunningTotal >= 3500"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 3500:
                    #         print "opponentRunningTotal >= 3500"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 4000:
                    #          print "opponentRunningTotal >= 4000"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 4500:
                    #         print "opponentRunningTotal >= 4500"
                    weight += 2
                if opponentRunningTotal >= MyRunningTotal + 1000:
                    #        print "opponentRunningTotal >= myRunningTotal+2000"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= MyRunningTotal + 2000:
                    #        print "opponentRunningTotal >= myRunningTotal+2000"
                    weight += 3
                if opponentMileage >= MyMileage + 400:
                    #       print "opponentMileage >= my mileage + 400"
                    weight += 1

                if opponentMileage >= target_minus_200:
                    if opponentMileage >= target_minus_50 and attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                        weight = -10
                    #        print "opponet withi 50 of end and attack=limit"
                        weight += 1
                #       print "opponent within 200 of end"
                if attack.card != Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT and attack.card != Cards.ATTACK_STOP:
                    weight += 0.6
                if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                    weight += 0
                if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_STOP:
                    weight += 0.01
                #    print "attack card not limit or stop"

                corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown = True
                corrospondingSafety = Cards.attackToSafety(attack.card)
                if cardPlayedByType[corrospondingSafety] == 1:
                    corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown = False
                for safet in safeties:
                    if Cards.attackToSafety(attack.card) == safet.card:
                        corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown = False

                if corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown:
                    if gameState.cardsLeft < numberOfCardsLeftToNotAttack:
                        weight = -10  # nop
                    #     print "safety NOT known and gameState.cardsLeft < numberOfCardsLeftToNotAttack"
                        #    print "safety not known"
                        weight -= 0.5
                    # print "proceed with attack!!!!!!!!!!"
                    # print "safety KNOWN!"
                    weight += 0.5
                # print "weight="+str(weight)
                if weight > highestWeight:
                    highestWeight = weight
                weightedAttacks[weight] = attack

            if highestWeight > -1:
                # print "=============highest Weight="+str(highestWeight)
                # print weightedAttacks[highestWeight]
                return weightedAttacks[highestWeight]

        # play a remedy

        if len(remedies) > 0:
            remedies.sort(key=lambda x: x.card)
            if remedies[0].card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT and us.mileage >= target_minus_50 and len(mileage) > 0:
                mileage.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
                # print "remedy= EOL AND us.mileage="+str(us.mileage)+" mileage[0]="+str(mileage[0].card)
                return mileage[0]
                return remedies[0]

        # play a mileage:
        #      first check to see if you are 200 or less away, if any 2 card combonation in hand will finish race
        #      if not, play highest mileage

        if len(mileage) > 0:
            mileage.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
            if len(mileage) > 2 and us.mileage > target_minus_200:
                num = 0

                for mi in mileage:
                    num += 1
                    mileageCopy = mileage[num:]
                    for mi2 in mileageCopy:
                        mivalue = Cards.cardToMileage(mi.card)
                        mi2value = Cards.cardToMileage(mi2.card)
                        total = us.mileage + mivalue + mi2value
                        if total == target:
                            return mi
            return mileage[0]

        #  If have safety that solves a problem we have... use it

        remedyNeeded = us.needRemedy
        if remedyNeeded > 0:
            for safet in safeties:
                if safet.card == Cards.remedyToSafety(remedyNeeded):
                    return safet
        if us.speedLimit == True:
            for safet in safeties:
                if safet.card == Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY:
                    return safet


        # reuse these because this used to be in a seperate function
        mileage = []
        attacks = []
        remedies = []

        for play in discards:
            type = Cards.cardToType(play.card)
            if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
            elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
            elif type == Cards.ATTACK:

        # Remedies we have safeties for in play, in hand or for all attacks have been played

        if len(remedies) > 0:
            for remedy in remedies:
                for safet in safeties:
                    if Cards.remedyToSafety(remedy.card) == safet.card:
                        return remedy

                if Cards.remedyToSafety(remedy.card) in ourSafeties:
                    return remedy
                corrospondingAttack = Cards.remedyToAttack(remedy.card)
                if corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_FLAT_TIRE:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_FLAT_TIRE] == 3:
                        #            print "discard spare due to all flats played"
                        return remedy
                elif corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_OUT_OF_GAS:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_OUT_OF_GAS] == 3:
                        #           print "discard gas due to all out of gas played"
                        return remedy
                elif corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_ACCIDENT:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_ACCIDENT] == 3:
                        #          print "discard repairs due to all accidents played"
                        return remedy
                elif corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT] == 4:
                        #         print "discard end of limit due to all spedlimits played"
                        return remedy

        #   Attacks that opponents have safeties for (if not 3 or 6 person game)

        if len(attacks) > 0:
            if opponentsCount == 1:
                for attack in attacks:
                    if Cards.attackToSafety(attack.card) in opponentsSafeties:
                        return attack

        # mileage discard due to limit:
        #     if an opponent has right of way and all EOL played and we have speed limit  discard mileage over 50

        mileage.sort(key=lambda x: x.card)
        if len(mileage) > 0:
            opponentRightOfWay = False
            for safet in opponentsSafeties:
                if safet == Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY:
                    opponentRightOfWay = True
            if cardPlayedByType[Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT] == 6 and us.speedLimit and opponentRightOfWay:

                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card > 1:
                        # print "discarding mi:" + Cards.cardToString(mi.card)
                        return mi

            #  milage that we can no longer play due to being to close to the end
            # or playing 2 2 hundreds

            thp = us.twoHundredsPlayed

            for mi in mileage:

                if thp == 2 or us.mileage > target_minus_200:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
                        return mi
                if us.mileage > target_minus_100:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_100:
                        return mi
                if us.mileage > target_minus_75:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_75:
                        return mi
                if us.mileage > target_minus_50:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_50:
                        return mi

        #  Enter "Smart" discard phases

        # Remedy smart discard:  remedies we have dupes of (save 1 of each, except GO  save 2)

        remedyDupes = {}
        for x in xrange(5, 10):
            remedyDupes[x] = 0
        if len(remedies) > 0:
            for remedy in remedies:
                remedyDupes[remedy.card] += 1
            if remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_SPARE_TIRE] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_SPARE_TIRE:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_GASOLINE] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_GASOLINE:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_REPAIRS] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_REPAIRS:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_GO] > 2:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_GO:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT:
                        return remedy

        # play a safety as no more easy discards are available

        # Play a safety rather than discard
        if len(safeties) > 0:

            return safeties[0]

        #  attack smart discard: if have more then 2 attack cards  discard stops/ speedlimits

        attackDupes = {}
        for x in xrange(10, 16):
            attackDupes[x] = 0

        if len(attacks) > 0:
            totalAttackCardsInHand = 0
            for attack in attacks:
                totalAttackCardsInHand += 1
                attackDupes[attack.card] += 1
            if totalAttackCardsInHand > 2:
                for attack in attacks:
                    if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                        return attack
                    if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_STOP:
                        return attack

        # final "smart" discard: if more then one mileage in hand discard lowest mileage
        # if exactly 1 mileage in hand  first discard a non GO remedy(starting with EOL, then an attack (order EOL, stop, then others)

        if len(mileage) > 0:
            if len(mileage) == 1:

                remedies.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card != Cards.REMEDY_GO:
                        return remedy
                attacks.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
                for attack in attacks:
                    return attack
                return mileage[0]

        #  discard whatever is left

        return discards[0]  # toDiscard
Beispiel #15
  def makeMove(self, gameState):
    discards = []
    mileage = []
    attacks = []
    remedies = []
    safeties = []
    worthlessCards = [] #These are cards that cannot ever help us and are first to be discarded.
    milesToGo = -
    numMiles = []
    targetTeam = self.priorityTarget(gameState)
    for play in gameState.validMoves:
      type = Cards.cardToType(play.card)
      if (play.type == Move.DISCARD):
	    #Never discard a safety.
        if type != Cards.SAFETY:
          if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
            #Mileage cards are worthless if they put us over 1000 miles.
            if Cards.cardToMileage(play.card) + > 1000:
            #200 miles is worthless if we've played 2 of them, or if # played + # in hand > 2, the surplus is worthless
          elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
            #Attack cards are worthless if we only have one opponent and they have played the safety
            if targetTeam == -1:
              for opponent in gameState.opponents:
                if Cards.attackToSafety(play.card) in opponent.safeties:
          elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
            #Remedies are worthless if the we have played the safety
            if Cards.remedyToSafety(play.card) in
            #Remedies are worthless if we have the safety for it in our hand
            elif Cards.remedyToSafety(play.card) in gameState.hand:
            #Remedies are worthless if all of the appropriate attack cards have been played and we do not need it right now.
            elif self.cardsLeft[Cards.remedyToAttack(play.card)] == 0 and != Cards.remedyToAttack(play.card):
        if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
          #Sort as we insert, biggest mileage at the front of the list
          if len(mileage) == 0:
          elif len(mileage) == 1:
            if Cards.cardToMileage(play.card) > numMiles[0]:
              numMiles.insert(0, Cards.cardToMileage(play.card))
              mileage.insert(0, play)
          elif len(mileage) == 2:
            if Cards.cardToMileage(play.card) > numMiles[0]:
              numMiles.insert(0, Cards.cardToMileage(play.card))
              mileage.insert(0, play)
            elif Cards.cardToMileage(play.card) > numMiles[1]:
              numMiles.insert(1, Cards.cardToMileage(play.card))
              mileage.insert(1, play)
            #If it's biggest, insert it first
            if Cards.cardToMileage(play.card) > numMiles[0]:
              numMiles.insert(0, Cards.cardToMileage(play.card))
              mileage.insert(0, play)
            #If it's smallest, insert it last
            elif Cards.cardToMileage(play.card) < numMiles[len(numMiles) - 1]:
              numMiles.insert((1 - len(numMiles)), Cards.cardToMileage(play.card))
              mileage.insert((1 - len(mileage)), play)
            #Otherwise Insert it at index 1
              numMiles.insert(1, Cards.cardToMileage(play.card))
              mileage.insert(1, play)
        elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
          if targetTeam == -1:
            #No priority target
          #Sort as we insert, priority targets in front
          elif == targetTeam:
            attacks.insert(0, play)
        elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
        elif type == Cards.SAFETY:
	#If there are less than 10 cards left, play any safeties in our hand
	# NOTE: Investigate how much this changes AI results
    if gameState.cardsLeft <= 10:
      if len(safeties) > 0:
        return safeties[0]
	#If we can win the game, play a safety if we can, then check to see if we are safe to go for delayed action, otherwise win the game.
    if milesToGo in numMiles:
      if len(safeties) > 0:
        return safeties[0]
      elif gameState.cardsLeft == 0:
        #Win the game if we already have a delayed action.
        return mileage[numMiles.index(milesToGo)]
      elif self.getDangerCards(gameState) == 0:
        #If we are safe, attack if we can, pitch a worthless card if we can't, win the game otherwise.
        if len(attacks) > 0:
          return attacks[0]
        elif len(worthlessCards) > 0:
          return worthlessCards[0]
          return mileage[numMiles.index(milesToGo)]
        #For the time being, consider even one potential attack too deadly, and end the game.
        return mileage[numMiles.index(milesToGo)]
    if len(attacks) > 0:
      attacks = self.sortAttacks(attacks, targetTeam)        
      #Attack if we can in a two player game always.
      if targetTeam == -1 :
        return attacks[0]
      #If we can't move in a 3 player game, attack first.
      elif len(mileage) == 0:
        return attacks[0]
      #If we have a valid move for 100 miles or more and we've got a ways to go, move, otherwise attack.
      elif Cards.cardToMileage(mileage[0].card) >= 100 and milesToGo >= 400:
        return mileage[0]
        return attacks[0]
	#Fix what needs fixing in a two player game, attack in a 3 player game (since we aren't moving)
    if len(remedies) > 0:
      return remedies[0]
  #If we need a remedy and we have the safety for it after move 10, just play it.
    if != None and len(safeties) > 0:
      for s in safeties:
        if Cards.remedyToSafety( == s.card and len(self.gameHistory) >= 10:
          return s
  # If we can move
    if len(mileage) > 0:
      #Move as fast as we can if we haven't gone too far
      if milesToGo > 400:
        return mileage[0]
      #If we've already played a 200 and our biggest mileage card leaves us at or over 100 miles, play it
      if (milesToGo - Cards.cardToMileage(mileage[0].card) >= 100):
        if ( > 0):
          return mileage[0]
      #If we have more than 200 miles to go, haven't played a 200, have a 100, and we're not under a speed limit, play the 100
      if milesToGo > 200 and == 0 and Cards.MILEAGE_100 in gameState.hand and not(
        for i in mileage:
          if numMiles[mileage.index(i)] == 100:
            return i
      #If we're over 100 miles away and we can get to 100 miles away, do it
      if milesToGo > 100:
        for i in numMiles:
          if milesToGo - i == 100:
            return mileage[numMiles.index(i)]
      #If we're under a speed limit, play the biggest mileage we have
        return mileage[0]
      #If we're at 200 miles or less, play our smallest mileage (if we could win the game, we already would have done so)
      if milesToGo <= 200:
        return mileage[0]
      #Return our biggest mileage
      return mileage[0]
  # Discard something worthless if we have it
    if len(worthlessCards) > 0:
      return worthlessCards[0]
    #If we are at the end of the game, discard high mileage, then remedies, then attacks, then low mileage.
    if gameState.cardsLeft == 0:
      for d in discards:
        if d.card <= 4:
          if d.card >= 2:
            return d
      for d in discards:
        if d.card <= 9:
          if d.card >= 2:
            return d
      for d in discards:
        if d.card <= 14:
          if d.card >= 2:
            return d
      for d in discards:
        if d.card <= 2:
          return d
    for d in discards:
      #If we have more of a remedy than there are attacks in the game, discard it.
      if Cards.cardToType(d.card) == Cards.REMEDY and discards.count(d) > self.cardsLeft[Cards.remedyToAttack(d.card)]:
        return d
      #If we have 3 of any given card, discard it.
      if discards.count(d) >= 3:
        return d
      #If we're under a speed limit, discard 75 if we have it, 100 if we already popped our safeTrip cherry, 200 if we haven't and are halfway through the race, the rest of the mileage.
        if d.card == Cards.MILEAGE_75:
          return d
        if and (( == 1000 and >= 600) or ( == 700 and > 400)) and d.card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
          return d
        if d.card == Cards.MILEAGE_100:
          return d
        if d.card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
          return d
        if d.card == Cards.MILEAGE_25:
          return d
    #Pitch doubles next - low mileage first, then high mileage, then remedies
    for d in discards:
       if discards.count(d) > 1:
        if d.card <= 1:
          return d
    for d in discards:
      if discards.count(d) > 1:
        if d.card <= 4:
          return d
    for d in discards:
      if discards.count(d) > 1:
        if d.card <= 9:
          return d    
    #Pitch crappy single cards.
    if Cards.MILEAGE_25 in gameState.hand:
      return Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.MILEAGE_25)
    if Cards.MILEAGE_75 in gameState.hand:
      return Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.MILEAGE_75)
    if Cards.MILEAGE_50 in gameState.hand:
      return Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.MILEAGE_50)
    if Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT in gameState.hand:
      return Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT)
    #Pitch any mileage that puts us over 700 if the target is 700
    for d in discards:
      if Cards.cardToType(d.card) == Cards.MILEAGE:
        if == 700 and Cards.cardToMileage(d.card) + > 700:
          return d
    #If we have an attack and the remedy for the attack, pitch the remedy
    for d in discards:
      if Cards.cardToType(d.card) == Cards.ATTACK:
        if Cards.attackToRemedy(d.card) in gameState.hand:
          return Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.attackToRemedy(d.card))
    #Pitch duplicate attack cards now, but only if we don't have the safety for it already played.
    for d in discards:
      if discards.count(d) > 1:
        if d.card <= 14 and Cards.attackToSafety(d.card) not in
          return d
    #If we've gotten here we have a pretty good hand - so play a safety if we have one 
    if len(safeties) > 0:
      return safeties[0]
    #Pitch attacks we don't have the safety for
    for d in discards:
      if Cards.cardToType(d.card) == Cards.ATTACK and Cards.attackToSafety(d.card) not in
          return d

    #Pitch any duplicates at this point
    for d in discards:
      if discards.count(d) > 1:
        return d

    #Pitch Speed Limit next
    for d in discards:
      if d.card == 14:
        return d

    #Pitch Stop next
    for d in discards:
      if d.card == 13:
        return d

    #In nearly a million runs total this hasn't ever triggered.  But it seems best to leave it here.
    return discards[0]
Beispiel #16
  def handleMove(self, currentPlayer, currentTeam, move, forceExtension = False):
    if True:  # To keep the indent level of all this the same as in upstream and make the diff prettier. :(
      currentPlayerNumber = currentPlayer.number

      # Handle moves
      if move.type == Move.PLAY:
        card = move.card
        type = Cards.cardToType(card)
        if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
          currentTeam.mileage += Cards.cardToMileage(card)
          if card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
            currentTeam.safeTrip = False
            currentTeam.twoHundredsPlayed += 1
          if currentTeam.mileage ==
            tempState = self.makeState(currentPlayer)
            if self.extensionPossible and (forceExtension or
              if self.debug:
                print 'Player ' + str(currentPlayerNumber) + ' goes for the extension'
              self.extension = True
              self.extensionPossible = False
     = 1000
              if self.debug:
                print 'Race complete'
              self.winner = currentPlayer.teamNumber
              self.tripComplete = True
        elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
          if card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT:
            currentTeam.speedLimit = False
            currentTeam.needRemedy = Cards.REMEDY_GO
          if (card == Cards.REMEDY_GO
              or Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY in currentTeam.safeties):
            currentTeam.needRemedy = None
            currentTeam.moving = True
        elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
          targetTeam = self.teams[(]

          # Check for coup fourre
          neededSafety = Cards.attackToSafety(card)
          coupFourrePlayerNumber = -1
          for targetPlayerNumber in targetTeam.playerNumbers:
            targetPlayer = self.players[targetPlayerNumber]
            if neededSafety in targetPlayer.hand:
              tempState = self.makeState(targetPlayer)
              if and, tempState):
                coupFourrePlayerNumber = targetPlayerNumber
              # There's only one of each safety, so if we found it, we don't
              # need to keep looking

          if coupFourrePlayerNumber == -1:
            # The attack resolves
            if card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
              self.teams[].speedLimit = True
              self.teams[].moving = False
              self.teams[].needRemedy = Cards.attackToRemedy(card)
            # Coup fourre
            self.playSafety(targetTeam, neededSafety)
            nextPlayerNumber = coupFourrePlayerNumber
            # Remove the safety from the player's hand
            del self.players[coupFourrePlayerNumber].hand[self.players[coupFourrePlayerNumber].hand.index(neededSafety)]
            # Draw an extra card to replace the one just played
              player = self.players[coupFourrePlayerNumber]
              cfCard = self.draw(player)
            except IndexError:
              cfCard = None
            targetTeam.coupFourres += 1
            cfMove = Move(Move.PLAY, neededSafety, None, True)
            if self.debug:
              print self.players[nextPlayerNumber],
              print cfMove
            cfPlayer = copy(self.players[nextPlayerNumber])
            cfPlayer.hand = []
   = None
            self.notifyPlayers(cfPlayer, cfMove)
            if self.transcriptWriter:
        elif type == Cards.SAFETY:
          self.playSafety(currentTeam, card)
          nextPlayerNumber = currentPlayerNumber
          raise ValueError('Unknown card type!')
      elif move.type == Move.DISCARD:
Beispiel #17
    def cardValue(self, card, cardIdx, cards):
        # cardIdx and cards let us disambiguate between two equal cards in our hand.
        # All equally worthless:
        # * Safeties in play or elsewhere in our hand
        # * Remedies for safeties in play or elsewhere in our hand
        # * 200mi if we've already maxed out
        # * Mileage > distance remaining (assuming extension will be played)
        #   TODO: ...but what if an extension *won't* be played?
        # * Safeties we have in our hand

        # How many of this card do we already have in our hand?
        numDuplicates = len([c for c in cards if c == card])
        # Make this card less valuable if we have more if it on our hand.
        # The obvious thing to do is a straight divisor:
        # If we have 2 dupes, value each at 1/2; if 3, value each at 1/3.
        # But that's too severe, having 2 200km is more valuable than having
        # 1 200km!  So, we take the "duplicate fraction", 1/numDuplicates,
        # and we want to scale down *the inverse of that* to bring it
        # nearer to 1 (to reduce the severity of the penalty), and then
        # invert again to cancel out the inversion.
        dupeFrac = 1 / numDuplicates
        dupePenaltyFactor = self.__class__.constants.dupe_penalty_factor
        dupeCoefficient = 1 - (1 - dupeFrac) / dupePenaltyFactor

        cardType = Cards.cardToType(card)
        if cardType == Cards.MILEAGE:
            mileage = Cards.cardToMileage(card)
            mileageRemaining = 1000 -
            if mileage > mileageRemaining:
                return 0.0 * dupeCoefficient
            elif mileage == 200 and >= 2:
                return 0.0 * dupeCoefficient
            elif mileage == 25 and cards.index(card) == cardIdx:
                # Try to hold onto a single 25km card in case we need it to finish.
                return 1.0 * dupeCoefficient
                return self.mileageCardValue(card) * dupeCoefficient
        elif cardType == Cards.REMEDY:

            # Attacks that could necessitate this card.
            if card == Cards.REMEDY_GO:
                relevantAttacks = Cards.ATTACKS[:]
                relevantAttacks = [Cards.remedyToAttack(card)]

            relevantAttacks = [
                c for c in relevantAttacks
                if not Cards.attackToSafety(c) in +

            # Factor in:
            # 1. Value of taking a turn.
            # 2. Likelihood of getting hit with a relevant attack.
            #    (Number of attacks remaining / number of teams in game.)
            #    NB: If no attacks are relevant, this will be 0.
            # TODO: Also add likelihood of drawing another remedy (or the safety.)
            turnPoints = self.expectedTurnPoints(
            turnPointValue = self.valueOfPoints(turnPoints,
            # Hold onto at least one of the card if we already know we need it!
            if (cards.index(card) == cardIdx and
                ((not and card == Cards.REMEDY_GO) or
                  and card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT) or
                  and card ==
                self.debug("We need %s, attack on us odds == 1.0!",
                attackOnUsOdds = 1.0
                attackOdds = self.percentOfCardsRemaining(
                    *relevantAttacks) * self.expectedTurnsLeft()
                attackOnUsOdds = attackOdds / (len(self.gameState.opponents) +
            value = turnPointValue * attackOnUsOdds
                "Card %s val: %r = %r * %r = val(%d) * pctLeft(%s)/#teams",
                Cards.cardToString(card), value, turnPointValue,
                attackOnUsOdds, turnPoints,
                ",".join([Cards.cardToString(c) for c in relevantAttacks]))
            return value * dupeCoefficient
        elif cardType == Cards.SAFETY:
            # Never discard a safety!
            # (Assuming default deck composition of 1 of each type...)
            return 1.0 * dupeCoefficient
        elif cardType == Cards.ATTACK:
            safety = Cards.attackToSafety(card)
            remedy = Cards.attackToRemedy(card)

            valuesPerTarget = []
            for target in self.gameState.opponents:
                    (1 - self.chanceOpponentHasProtection(target, card)) *
                    (1 - self.percentOfCardsRemaining(safety, remedy)) *
            return sum(valuesPerTarget) / len(
                valuesPerTarget) * dupeCoefficient
            raise Exception("Unknown card type for %r: %r" % (card, cardType))
Beispiel #18
    def makeMove(self, gameState):
        discards = []
        mileage = []
        attacks = []
        remedies = []
        safeties = []

        cardsPlayed = []
        us =
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.mileagePile
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.speedPile
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.battlePile
        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + us.safeties

        MyMileage = us.mileage
        MyRunningTotal = MyMileage + us.totalScore + len(
            us.safeties) * 100 + us.coupFourres * 300

        opponents = gameState.opponents
        ourSafeties = us.safeties
        playedSafeties = ourSafeties
        opponentsCount = 0
        opponentsSafeties = []
        for opponent in opponents:
            opponentsCount = opponentsCount + 1
            opponentsSafeties = opponentsSafeties + opponent.safeties
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.mileagePile
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.speedPile
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.battlePile
            cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + opponent.safeties
        playedSafeties = playedSafeties + opponentsSafeties

        cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed + gameState.discardPile
        cardPlayedByType = {}
        for x in xrange(0, 19):
            cardPlayedByType[x] = 0

        for card in cardsPlayed:
            cardPlayedByType[card] += 1

        target =
        target_minus_25 = target - 25
        target_minus_50 = target - 50
        target_minus_75 = target - 75
        target_minus_100 = target - 100
        target_minus_200 = target - 200

        for play in gameState.validMoves:
            if (play.type == Move.DISCARD):
                type = Cards.cardToType(play.card)
                if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
                elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
                elif type == Cards.ATTACK:
                elif type == Cards.SAFETY:

        #  IF CAN GO FOR WIN  DO IT!

        if len(mileage) > 0:
            if us.mileage == target_minus_25:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_25:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_50:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_50:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_75:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_75:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_100:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_100:
                        return mi
            elif us.mileage == target_minus_200:
                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
                        return mi

        #  play a red card based on weighted factors
        #  but check to see if the corrosponding safety is known in play or in your hand
        #  if not known  dont play if less then X cards in deck

        numberOfCardsLeftToNotAttack = 10

        if len(attacks) > 0:
            highestWeight = -10
            weightedAttacks = {}
            for attack in attacks:
                opponent = gameState.teamNumberToTeam(
                opponentMileage = opponent.mileage
                opponentRunningTotal = opponentMileage + opponent.totalScore + len(
                    opponent.safeties) * 100 + opponent.coupFourres * 300
                weight = 0
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 3000:
                    #         print "opponentRunningTotal >= 3500"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 3500:
                    #         print "opponentRunningTotal >= 3500"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 4000:
                    #          print "opponentRunningTotal >= 4000"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= 4500:
                    #         print "opponentRunningTotal >= 4500"
                    weight += 2
                if opponentRunningTotal >= MyRunningTotal + 1000:
                    #        print "opponentRunningTotal >= myRunningTotal+2000"
                    weight += 1
                if opponentRunningTotal >= MyRunningTotal + 2000:
                    #        print "opponentRunningTotal >= myRunningTotal+2000"
                    weight += 3
                if opponentMileage >= MyMileage + 400:
                    #       print "opponentMileage >= my mileage + 400"
                    weight += 1

                if opponentMileage >= target_minus_200:
                    if opponentMileage >= target_minus_50 and attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                        weight = -10
        #        print "opponet withi 50 of end and attack=limit"
                        weight += 1
        #       print "opponent within 200 of end"
                if attack.card != Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT and attack.card != Cards.ATTACK_STOP:
                    weight += 0.6
                if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                    weight += 0
                if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_STOP:
                    weight += 0.01
            #    print "attack card not limit or stop"

                corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown = True
                corrospondingSafety = Cards.attackToSafety(attack.card)
                if cardPlayedByType[corrospondingSafety] == 1:
                    corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown = False
                for safet in safeties:
                    if Cards.attackToSafety(attack.card) == safet.card:
                        corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown = False

                if corrospondingSafetyisNotKnown:
                    if gameState.cardsLeft < numberOfCardsLeftToNotAttack:
                        weight = -10  #nop
            #     print "safety NOT known and gameState.cardsLeft < numberOfCardsLeftToNotAttack"
                        #    print "safety not known"
                        weight -= 0.5
                    #print "proceed with attack!!!!!!!!!!"
                    # print "safety KNOWN!"
                    weight += 0.5
                #print "weight="+str(weight)
                if weight > highestWeight:
                    highestWeight = weight
                weightedAttacks[weight] = attack

            if highestWeight > -1:
                #print "=============highest Weight="+str(highestWeight)
                #print weightedAttacks[highestWeight]
                return weightedAttacks[highestWeight]

        # play a remedy

        if len(remedies) > 0:
            remedies.sort(key=lambda x: x.card)
            if remedies[
                    0].card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT and us.mileage >= target_minus_50 and len(
                        mileage) > 0:
                mileage.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
                #print "remedy= EOL AND us.mileage="+str(us.mileage)+" mileage[0]="+str(mileage[0].card)
                return mileage[0]
                return remedies[0]

        # play a mileage:
        #      first check to see if you are 200 or less away, if any 2 card combonation in hand will finish race
        #      if not, play highest mileage

        if len(mileage) > 0:
            mileage.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
            if len(mileage) > 2 and us.mileage > target_minus_200:
                num = 0

                for mi in mileage:
                    num += 1
                    mileageCopy = mileage[num:]
                    for mi2 in mileageCopy:
                        mivalue = Cards.cardToMileage(mi.card)
                        mi2value = Cards.cardToMileage(mi2.card)
                        total = us.mileage + mivalue + mi2value
                        if total == target:
                            return mi
            return mileage[0]

        #  If have safety that solves a problem we have... use it

        remedyNeeded = us.needRemedy
        if remedyNeeded > 0:
            for safet in safeties:
                if safet.card == Cards.remedyToSafety(remedyNeeded):
                    return safet
        if us.speedLimit == True:
            for safet in safeties:
                if safet.card == Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY:
                    return safet


    # reuse these because this used to be in a seperate function
        mileage = []
        attacks = []
        remedies = []

        for play in discards:
            type = Cards.cardToType(play.card)
            if type == Cards.MILEAGE:
            elif type == Cards.REMEDY:
            elif type == Cards.ATTACK:

        # Remedies we have safeties for in play, in hand or for all attacks have been played

        if len(remedies) > 0:
            for remedy in remedies:
                for safet in safeties:
                    if Cards.remedyToSafety(remedy.card) == safet.card:
                        return remedy

                if Cards.remedyToSafety(remedy.card) in ourSafeties:
                    return remedy
                corrospondingAttack = Cards.remedyToAttack(remedy.card)
                if corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_FLAT_TIRE:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_FLAT_TIRE] == 3:
                        #            print "discard spare due to all flats played"
                        return remedy
                elif corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_OUT_OF_GAS:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_OUT_OF_GAS] == 3:
                        #           print "discard gas due to all out of gas played"
                        return remedy
                elif corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_ACCIDENT:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_ACCIDENT] == 3:
                        #          print "discard repairs due to all accidents played"
                        return remedy
                elif corrospondingAttack == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                    if cardPlayedByType[Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT] == 4:
                        #         print "discard end of limit due to all spedlimits played"
                        return remedy

        #   Attacks that opponents have safeties for (if not 3 or 6 person game)

        if len(attacks) > 0:
            if opponentsCount == 1:
                for attack in attacks:
                    if Cards.attackToSafety(attack.card) in opponentsSafeties:
                        return attack

        # mileage discard due to limit:
        #     if an opponent has right of way and all EOL played and we have speed limit  discard mileage over 50

        mileage.sort(key=lambda x: x.card)
        if len(mileage) > 0:
            opponentRightOfWay = False
            for safet in opponentsSafeties:
                if safet == Cards.SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY:
                    opponentRightOfWay = True
            if cardPlayedByType[
                    REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT] == 6 and us.speedLimit and opponentRightOfWay:

                for mi in mileage:
                    if mi.card > 1:
                        #print "discarding mi:" + Cards.cardToString(mi.card)
                        return mi

        #  milage that we can no longer play due to being to close to the end
        # or playing 2 2 hundreds

            thp = us.twoHundredsPlayed

            for mi in mileage:

                if thp == 2 or us.mileage > target_minus_200:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_200:
                        return mi
                if us.mileage > target_minus_100:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_100:
                        return mi
                if us.mileage > target_minus_75:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_75:
                        return mi
                if us.mileage > target_minus_50:
                    if mi.card == Cards.MILEAGE_50:
                        return mi

        #  Enter "Smart" discard phases

        # Remedy smart discard:  remedies we have dupes of (save 1 of each, except GO  save 2)

        remedyDupes = {}
        for x in xrange(5, 10):
            remedyDupes[x] = 0
        if len(remedies) > 0:
            for remedy in remedies:
                remedyDupes[remedy.card] += 1
            if remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_SPARE_TIRE] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_SPARE_TIRE:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_GASOLINE] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_GASOLINE:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_REPAIRS] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_REPAIRS:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_GO] > 2:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_GO:
                        return remedy
            elif remedyDupes[Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT] > 1:
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card == Cards.REMEDY_END_OF_LIMIT:
                        return remedy

    # play a safety as no more easy discards are available

    # Play a safety rather than discard
        if len(safeties) > 0:

            return safeties[0]

        #  attack smart discard: if have more then 2 attack cards  discard stops/ speedlimits

        attackDupes = {}
        for x in xrange(10, 16):
            attackDupes[x] = 0

        if len(attacks) > 0:
            totalAttackCardsInHand = 0
            for attack in attacks:
                totalAttackCardsInHand += 1
                attackDupes[attack.card] += 1
            if totalAttackCardsInHand > 2:
                for attack in attacks:
                    if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_SPEED_LIMIT:
                        return attack
                    if attack.card == Cards.ATTACK_STOP:
                        return attack

        # final "smart" discard: if more then one mileage in hand discard lowest mileage
        # if exactly 1 mileage in hand  first discard a non GO remedy(starting with EOL, then an attack (order EOL, stop, then others)

        if len(mileage) > 0:
            if len(mileage) == 1:

                remedies.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
                for remedy in remedies:
                    if remedy.card != Cards.REMEDY_GO:
                        return remedy
                attacks.sort(key=lambda x: x.card, reverse=True)
                for attack in attacks:
                    return attack
                return mileage[0]

        #  discard whatever is left

        return discards[0]  #toDiscard