Beispiel #1
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     client_accept = self.request.headers.get('Accept', JSON)
     content_type = self.request.headers.get('Content-Type', FORM)
     if '_force_json' in self.request.params:
         client_accept = JSON
     input_format = mimeparse.best_match([FORM, JSON, XML], content_type)
     output_format = mimeparse.best_match([JSON, XML], client_accept)
     msg, msg_ok = input and input() or None, True
     if msg:
         if input_format == JSON:
                 msg_ok = msg.check(json.loads(self.request.body))
             except ValueError, e:
                 msg_ok = False
                 msg._errors['_major_'] = str(e)
         elif input_format == XML:
             msg_ok = msg.check(xmltodict.parse(self.request.body))
         elif input_format == FORM:
             msg_ok = msg.check(self.request.params)
             msg_ok = False
             msg._errors['_major_'] = "Invalid content type."
Beispiel #2
	def decide_mimetype(self, accepts, context_aware = False):
		""" Returns what mimetype the client wants to receive
		    Parses the given Accept header and returns the best one that
		    we know how to output
		    An empty Accept will default to application/rdf+xml
		    An Accept with */* use rdf+xml unless a better match is found
		    An Accept that doesn't match anything will return None
		mimetype = None
		# If the client didn't request a thing, use default
		if accepts is None or accepts.strip() == '':
			mimetype = self.get_default_mimetype()
			return mimetype

		# pick the mimetype
		if context_aware:
			mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(all_mimetypes + self.all_mimetypes + [WILDCARD], accepts)
			mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(ctxless_mimetypes + self.ctxless_mimetypes + [WILDCARD], accepts)
		if mimetype == '':
			mimetype = None

		# if browser sent */*
		if mimetype == WILDCARD:
			mimetype = self.get_wildcard_mimetype()

		return mimetype
Beispiel #3
def media_type(resource, request):
    if ("Accept" in request.headers and request.headers["Accept"]
            not in resource.acceptable_media_types):
        return webob.Response(status=406)
        acceptable = ("Accept" in request.headers and request.headers["Accept"]
                      or "*/*")
        mimeparse.best_match(resource.acceptable_media_types, acceptable)
Beispiel #4
 def determine_emitter(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     Function for determening which emitter to use
     for output. It lives here so you can easily subclass
     `Resource` in order to change how emission is detected.
         return kwargs['emitter_format']
     except KeyError:
     if 'format' in request.GET:
         return request.GET.get('format')
     if mimeparse and 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in request.META:
         supported_mime_types = set()
         emitter_map = {}
         for name, (klass, content_type) in Emitter.EMITTERS.items():
             content_type_without_encoding = content_type.split(';')[0]
             emitter_map[content_type_without_encoding] = emitter_map.get(content_type_without_encoding, name)
         supported_mime_types = list(supported_mime_types)
         preferred_content_type = mimeparse.best_match(
         return emitter_map.get(preferred_content_type, None)
Beispiel #5
def general_error_guard(e):
    name = str(uuid4())
    template = '出错了. 错误编号 %s . 你可以提交该编号给 %s , 协助改进torabot.'

    def format_json():
        return jsonify(
                text=template %
                (name, current_app.config.get('TORABOT_REPORT_EMAIL', '')),
                html=template %
                (name, "<a href='mailto:{0}' target=_blank>{0}</a>".format(
                    current_app.config.get('TORABOT_REPORT_EMAIL', ''))))))

    def format_html():
        return render_template(
            message=template %
            (name, current_app.config.get('TORABOT_REPORT_EMAIL', '')),

    formats = {
        'application/json': format_json,
        'text/html': format_html,
    return formats[mimeparse.best_match(formats,
                                        request.headers['accept'])](), 400
def determine_format(request, format, serializer, default_format='application/json'):
    Tries to "smartly" determine which output format is desired.

    First attempts to find a ``format`` override from the request and supplies
    that if found.

    If no request format was demanded, it falls back to ``mimeparse`` and the
    ``Accepts`` header, allowing specification that way.

    If still no format is found, returns the ``default_format`` (which defaults
    to ``application/json`` if not provided).
    # First, check if they forced the format.
    if format in serializer.formats:
        return serializer.get_mime_for_format(format)

    # If callback parameter is present, use JSONP.
    if 'callback' in request.GET:
        return serializer.get_mime_for_format('jsonp')

    # Try to fallback on the Accepts header.
    if request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') != '*/*':
        formats = list(serializer.supported_formats) or []
        # Reverse the list, because mimeparse is weird like that. See also
        # for
        # more information.
        best_format = mimeparse.best_match(formats, request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'])

        if best_format:
            return best_format

    # No valid 'Accept' header/formats. Sane default.
    return default_format
Beispiel #7
    def f1(request, **kwargs):
        # construct a http redirect response to html view
        html_view = f.func_name.replace('_rdf', '')
        html_url = urlresolvers.reverse('openoni_%s' % html_view, kwargs=kwargs)
        html_redirect = HttpResponseSeeOther(html_url)

        # determine the clients preferred representation
        available = ['text/html', 'application/rdf+xml']
        accept = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'application/rdf+xml')
        match = best_match(available, accept)

        # figure out what user agent we are talking to
        ua = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')

        if request.get_full_path().endswith('.rdf'):
            return f(request, **kwargs)
        elif ua and 'MSIE' in ua:
            return html_redirect
        elif match == 'application/rdf+xml':
            response = f(request, **kwargs)
            response['Vary'] = 'Accept'
            return response
        elif match == 'text/html':
            return html_redirect 
            return HttpResponseUnsupportedMediaType()
Beispiel #8
def select_contact(no):
    # Check to make sure JSON is ok
    type = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json'], request.headers.get('Accept'))
    if not type: return abort(406)

    print "Content-Type: %s" % request.headers.get('Content-Type')

    # Check to make sure the data we're getting is JSON
    #if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json': return abort(415)
    response.headers.append('Content-Type', type)
    # id, firstname,lastname,email,phone,notes
    conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
    c = conn.cursor()
    rows_count = c.execute("SELECT id, firstname,lastname,email,phone,notes FROM contact WHERE id LIKE ?", (str(no)))

    if rows_count > 0:
        rs = c.fetchall()
        firstRow = rs[0]
        print "firstRow: " , firstRow
        #json_data = json.dumps(cur_data[0]);#first row
        #print "json_data:", json_data
        #return template('{{json}}', json =json_data )
        return {
            "first_name": firstRow[1],
            "last_name": firstRow[2],
            "email": firstRow[3],
            "phone": firstRow[4],
            "notes": firstRow[5]
        return {}
Beispiel #9
    def serialize_response(self, response, status=200):
        Serializes the response into an appropriate format for the wire such as
        JSON. ``HttpResponse`` instances are returned directly.
        if isinstance(response, HttpResponse):
            return response

        formats = [
            ('application/json', {
                'handler': lambda response, output_format, config: (
                    HttpResponse(json.dumps(response, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder),
                        mimetype='application/json', status=status)),
            #('text/html', {
                #'handler': self.serialize_response_html,

        # Thanks!
            output_format = mimeparse.best_match(
                reversed([format for format, config in formats]),
        except IndexError:
            output_format = 'application/json'

        config = dict(formats)[output_format]
        response = config['handler'](response, output_format, config)
        patch_vary_headers(response, ('Accept',))
        return response
Beispiel #10
    def f1(request, **kwargs):
        # construct a http redirect response to html view
        html_view = f.func_name.replace('_rdf', '')
        html_url = urlresolvers.reverse('openoni_%s' % html_view, kwargs=kwargs)
        html_redirect = HttpResponseSeeOther(html_url)

        # determine the clients preferred representation
        available = ['text/html', 'application/rdf+xml']
        accept = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'application/rdf+xml')
        match = best_match(available, accept)

        # figure out what user agent we are talking to
        ua = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')

        if request.get_full_path().endswith('.rdf'):
            return f(request, **kwargs)
        elif ua and 'MSIE' in ua:
            return html_redirect
        elif match == 'application/rdf+xml':
            response = f(request, **kwargs)
            response['Vary'] = 'Accept'
            return response
        elif match == 'text/html':
            return html_redirect 
            return HttpResponseUnsupportedMediaType()
Beispiel #11
 def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
     context_dictionary = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
     context_instance = self.request_context and RequestContext(request) or Context()
     if self.template_mapping:
         content_type = mimeparse.best_match(self.template_mapping.keys(),\
         content_type = settings.DEFAULT_MIMETYPE
     if self.template_mapping.has_key(content_type):
         template_name = self.template_mapping.get(content_type)
     elif kwargs.has_key(settings.FORMAT_STRING) and \
          kwargs.get(settings.FORMAT_STRING) in self.allowed_format:
         format = kwargs.get(settings.FORMAT_STRING)
         template_name = '%s.%s' % (view_func.__name__, format)
         content_type = settings.ALLOWED_FORMAT.get(format)
         raise Http404
     response = render_to_response(template_name,
     response['Content-Type'] = "%s; charset=%s" % (content_type, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
     return response
Beispiel #12
def put_task(userid):

    if not verify_user(userid,request.query['token']): return {"RESULT":"YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED USER"}

    # Check to make sure JSON is ok
    type = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json'], request.headers.get('Accept'))
    if not type: return abort(406)

    print "Content-Type: %s" % request.headers.get('Content-Type')

    # Check to make sure the data we're getting is JSON
    #if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json': return abort(415)

    response.headers.append('Content-Type', type)

    # Read in the data
    data = json.load(request.body)
    name = data.get('name')
    password = data.get('password')
    email = data.get('email')

    print "updating user info(new): userid:%s, name:%s, password:%s, email:%s" % (userid,name,password,email)
    # Return the new rating for the entity
    return {
        "Result": "OK"
 def _test_best_match(self, args, expected, description):
     if expected is None:
         self.assertRaises(mimeparse.MimeTypeParseException, mimeparse.best_match, args[0], args[1])
         result = mimeparse.best_match(args[0], args[1])
         message = "Expected: '%s' but got %s. Description for this test: %s" % (expected, result, description)
         self.assertEqual(expected, result, message)
Beispiel #14
def contentNegotiation(req, extension, queryset, single=True):
    acceptedExtensions = {'.json': 'json',
                          '.geojson': 'geojson',
                          '.kml': 'kml',
                          '.csv': 'csv',
                          '.js': 'js'}
    acceptedTypes = {'application/json': 'json',
                     'application/geojson': 'geojson',
                     'application/': 'kml',
                     'text/csv': 'csv',
                     'text/javascript': 'js',
                     'application/javascript': 'js'}
    accept = req.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'text/csv').lower()

    if extension != None and extension in acceptedExtensions.keys():
        format = acceptedExtensions[extension]
        bestType = mimeparse.best_match(acceptedTypes.keys(), accept)
        if bestType in acceptedTypes.keys():
            format = acceptedTypes[bestType]
            return HttpResponse('Not Acceptable', status=406)

    if format == 'json':
        return HttpSimpleJsonResponse(queryset, single)
    elif format == 'geojson':
        return HttpGeoJsonResponse(queryset, single)
    elif format == 'kml':
        return HttpKmlResponse(queryset)
    elif format == 'csv':
        return HttpCsvResponse(queryset)
    elif format == 'js':
        return HttpJsResponse(queryset, single)
    def render_to_response(self, request, data=None, status=200):
        mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(self.supported_mimetypes.keys(), request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
        mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(request.path_info.rstrip('/'))[0] or mimetype
        content_type = '%s; charset=%s' % (mimetype, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)

        templ_or_func = self.supported_mimetypes.get(mimetype)

        # If a template or function isn't found, return a 415 (unsupportted media type) response
        if not templ_or_func:
            return HttpResponse(status=415)

        if isinstance(templ_or_func, str):
            def serialize(data):
                data = data or {}
                response = render_to_response(templ_or_func, data)
                response['Content-Type'] = content_type
                response.status_code = status
                return response
            def serialize(data):
                if data:
                    response = HttpResponse(templ_or_func(data), content_type=content_type, status=status)
                    response = HttpResponse(content_type=content_type, status=status)
                return response

        return serialize(data)
Beispiel #16
def put_task(userid):

    if not verify_user(userid, request.query['token']):

    # Check to make sure JSON is ok
    type = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json'],
    if not type: return abort(406)

    print "Content-Type: %s" % request.headers.get('Content-Type')

    # Check to make sure the data we're getting is JSON
    #if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json': return abort(415)

    response.headers.append('Content-Type', type)

    # Read in the data
    data = json.load(request.body)
    name = data.get('name')
    password = data.get('password')
    email = data.get('email')

    print "updating user info(new): userid:%s, name:%s, password:%s, email:%s" % (
        userid, name, password, email)
    firebase_edit_user(userid, name, password, email)
    # Return the new rating for the entity
    return {"Result": "OK"}
Beispiel #17
    def lookup_handler(self, media_type, default_media_type=None):
        """Lookup media handler by media type.

            media_type (str): A media type of the registered media handler
            default_media_type (str): The default media type to use when
                `media_type` is not specified

            BaseMediaHandler: A media handler.

            falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType: If `content_type` is not supported

        if media_type == '*/*' or not media_type:
            media_type = default_media_type or self.media_type
        handler = self.handlers.get(media_type, None)
        if handler is None:
                resolved = mimeparse.best_match(self.handlers, media_type)
                assert not resolved
                handler = self.handlers[resolved]
            except (AssertionError, KeyError, ValueError):
                allowed = ', '.join("'{}'".format(media_type)
                                    for media_type in self.allowed_media_types)
                raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(
                    description="'{}' is an unsupported media type, supported "
                    "media types: {}".format(media_type, allowed))
                self.handlers[media_type] = handler
        return handler
def put_rating(entity):
	# Check to make sure JSON is ok
	mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json'], request.headers.get('Accept'))
	if not mimetype: return abort(406)

	# Check to make sure the data we're getting is JSON
	if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json': return abort(415)

	response.headers.append('Content-Type', mimetype)

	# Parse the request
	data = json.load(request.body)
	setrating = data.get('rating')
	setclock = VectorClock.fromDict(data.get('clock'))
	key = '/rating/'+entity
	#key = '/rating-and-clock/'+entity

	merge_with_db(setrating, setclock, key)
	# lets grab the results of our work!	
	result = get_final_rating_result(key) 

	#final_rating_key = '/rating/'+entity
	#client.hset(final_rating_key, 'rating', result["rating"])
	# Return rating
	return {
		"rating": result["rating"]
Beispiel #19
	def get_feed_type(self, request, feed_type=None):
		If ``feed_type`` is not ``None``, returns the corresponding class from the registry or raises :exc:`.HttpNotAcceptable`.
		Otherwise, intelligently chooses a feed type for a given request. Tries to return :attr:`feed_type`, but if the Accept header does not include that mimetype, tries to return the best match from the feed types that are offered by the :class:`FeedView`. If none of the offered feed types are accepted by the :class:`HttpRequest`, raises :exc:`.HttpNotAcceptable`.
		If `mimeparse <>`_ is installed, it will be used to select the best matching accepted format; otherwise, the first available format that is accepted will be selected.
		if feed_type is not None:
			feed_type = registry[feed_type]
			loose = False
			feed_type = registry.get(self.feed_type, DEFAULT_FEED)
			loose = True
		mt = feed_type.mime_type
		accept = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT')
		if accept and mt not in accept and "*/*" not in accept and "%s/*" % mt.split("/")[0] not in accept:
			# Wups! They aren't accepting the chosen format.
			feed_type = None
			if loose:
				# Is there another format we can use?
				accepted_mts = dict([(obj.mime_type, obj) for obj in registry.values()])
				if mimeparse:
					mt = mimeparse.best_match(accepted_mts.keys(), accept)
					if mt:
						feed_type = accepted_mts[mt]
					for mt in accepted_mts:
						if mt in accept or "%s/*" % mt.split("/")[0] in accept:
							feed_type = accepted_mts[mt]
			if not feed_type:
				raise HttpNotAcceptable
		return feed_type
Beispiel #20
 def init_response(self, request):
     accept = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', None)
     if not accept:
         raise Http406
         self.mime = mimeparse.best_match([x[0] for x in self.serializers], accept)
         if not self.mime:
             raise ValueError
     except ValueError:
         raise Http406
     # Reading data
     if request.method in ('POST', 'PUT'):
         content_type = request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').split(';',1)[0]
         deserializers = dict(self.deserializers)
         deserializer = deserializers.get(content_type)
         # We may have a default deserializer
         if not deserializer:
             deserializer = deserializers.get('*/*')
         if not deserializer:
             raise Http406
    = deserializer(request)
         except BaseException, e:
             raise HttpException(str(e), 400)
Beispiel #21
    def dispatch(self, method, mime_type):
    	"""Pass in the method and the media-range and the best matching 
        function will be called. For example, if BaseHttpDispatch is 
        constructed with a mime type map
        that maps 'text/xml' to 'xml', then if dispatch is called with
    	'POST' and 'text/xml' will first look for 'POST_xml' and 
        then if that fails it will try to call 'POST'. 
        Each function so defined must return a tuple
        (headers, body) 
        where 'headers' is a dictionary of headers for the response
        and 'body' is any object that simulates a file. 

        returnValue = ({}, StringIO(""))
        if mime_type and self.mime_types_supported:
            match = mimeparse.best_match(self.mime_types_supported.keys(), mime_type)
            mime_type_short_name = self.mime_types_supported.get(match , '')
            mime_type_short_name = ""
        fun_name = method + "_" + mime_type_short_name
        if fun_name in dir(self) and callable(getattr(self, fun_name)):
            returnValue = self._call_fn(fun_name, method, mime_type)
        elif method in dir(self) and callable(getattr(self, method)):
            returnValue = self._call_fn(method, method, mime_type)
            returnValue = self.nomatch(method, mime_type)
        return returnValue
Beispiel #22
def determine_format(request, serializer, default_format='application/json'):
    Tries to "smartly" determine which output format is desired.

    First attempts to find a ``format`` override from the request and supplies
    that if found.

    If no request format was demanded, it falls back to ``mimeparse`` and the
    ``Accepts`` header, allowing specification that way.

    If still no format is found, returns the ``default_format`` (which defaults
    to ``application/json`` if not provided).
    # First, check if they forced the format.
    if request.GET.get('format'):
        if request.GET['format'] in serializer.formats:
            return serializer.get_mime_for_format(request.GET['format'])

    # Try to fallback on the Accepts header.
    if request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') != '*/*':
        formats = list(serializer.supported_formats) or []
        # Reverse the list, because mimeparse is weird like that. See also
        # for
        # more information.
        best_format = mimeparse.best_match(formats,

        if best_format:
            return best_format

    # No valid 'Accept' header/formats. Sane default.
    return default_format
Beispiel #23
def post_item():
        Just a demonstration of POST. It particularly shows how to handle
        CORS issues.
    print "Entered post_item"
    # Check to make sure JSON is ok
    mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json'],
    if not mimetype:
        return abort(406)

    # Check to make sure the data we're getting is JSON
    if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json':
        return abort(415)

    response.headers.append('Content-Type', mimetype)
    response.headers.append("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")

    # Parse the request
    data = json.load(request.body)
    print "Received", data
    print "Ready to return from POST"

    return {"answer": "Done"}
Beispiel #24
def responseexception_factory(request, response_code, title, message, response_class=HttpResponse):
    rest_mime_types = list(get_supported_mime_types())
    ui_mime_types = ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']

    best_match = mimeparse.best_match(rest_mime_types + ui_mime_types, request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'text/html'))
    resp_message = message

    if best_match in ui_mime_types:
        if isinstance(resp_message, (list, tuple)):
            resp_message = ', '.join(resp_message)

        context = {'response_code': response_code, 'title': title, 'message': resp_message}
        content = render_to_string(('%s.html' % response_code, 'error.html'),
                                   context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        ct = None
        if resp_message:
            if isinstance(resp_message, (list, tuple)):
                resp_message = [force_text(val) for val in resp_message]
                resp_message = force_text(resp_message)
            resp_message = force_text(title)
        set_rest_context_to_request(request, BaseResource.DEFAULT_REST_CONTEXT_MAPPING)
        converter, ct = get_converter_from_request(request)
        content = converter().encode(request, {'error': resp_message}, None, message)
    return response_class(content, status=response_code, content_type=ct)
Beispiel #25
def put_task(userid):

    if not verify_user(userid,request.query['token']): return {"RESULT":"YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED USER"}

    # Check to make sure JSON is ok
    type = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json'], request.headers.get('Accept'))
    if not type: return abort(406)

    print "Content-Type: %s" % request.headers.get('Content-Type')

    # Check to make sure the data we're getting is JSON
    #if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json': return abort(415)

    response.headers.append('Content-Type', type)

    # Read in the data
    data = json.load(request.body)
    command = data.get('command')
    devicename = data.get('devicename')
    executedate = data.get('executedate')

    print "requested command:%s, devicename:%s, executedate:%s" % (command,devicename,executedate)
    # Basic sanity checks on the task
    if iscommand(command): command = command
    if not iscommand(command): return {"Result": "ERROR: your comamnd doesnot allowed in our api"}   #   abort(400)
    # Send a message to a robot to begin processing actual switching on/off

    # Return the new rating for the entity
    return {
        "Result": "OK"
Beispiel #26
def update_contact(no):
    # Check to make sure JSON is ok
    type = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json'], request.headers.get('Accept'))
    if not type: return abort(406)

    print "Content-Type: %s" % request.headers.get('Content-Type')

    # Check to make sure the data we're getting is JSON
    #if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'application/json': return abort(415)
    response.headers.append('Content-Type', type)

    # Read in the data
    data = json.load(request.body)
    firstname = data.get('first_name')
    lastname = data.get('last_name')
    email = data.get('email')
    phone = data.get('phone')
    notes = data.get('notes')

    print no,firstname,lastname,email,phone,notes

    # Basic sanity checks on the task
    #if iscommand(command): command = command
    #if not iscommand(command): return {"Result": "ERROR: your comamnd doesnot allowed in our api"}   #   abort(400)
    # Return the new rating for the entity
    return {
        "Result": "OK"
Beispiel #27
def find_formatter_type(accept_header=None, **kw):
    if accept_header is None:
        accept_header = "application/xml"
    accept_header = mimeparse.best_match(CONTENT_TYPE_CONVERTERS.keys(),
    type_ = CONTENT_TYPE_CONVERTERS.get(accept_header, NO_CONV)[2]
    return type_
Beispiel #28
def team_index(request, format=None):
  "Format: %s" % format)

            if format == None:
                best_match = mimeparse.best_match(['application/rdf+xml', 'application/rdf+n3', 'text/html'], request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
                if best_match == 'application/rdf+xml':
                    format = 'rdf+xml'
                elif best_match == 'application/rdf+nt':
                    format = 'rdf+nt'
                    format = 'html'

            team_list = College.objects.filter(updated=True).order_by('name')

            if ( format != 'html'):
                store = Graph()

                store.bind("cfb", "")

                CFB = Namespace("")

                for current_team in team_list:
                    team = BNode()

                    store.add((team, RDF.type, CFB["Team"]))
                    store.add((team, CFB["name"], Literal(
                    store.add((team, CFB["link"], Literal(current_team.get_absolute_url())))
                if ( format == 'rdf+xml'):
                    return HttpResponse(store.serialize(format="pretty-xml"), mimetype='application/rdf+xml')
                if ( format == 'rdf+nt'):
                    return HttpResponse(store.serialize(format="nt"), mimetype='application/rdf+nt')

            return render_to_response('college/teams.html', {'team_list': team_list})
Beispiel #29
 def get_response_type(self):
     response_type = self.view.patched_meta.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '')
     effective_type = response_type.split(self.recognized_media_types[0], 1)[-1]
     return mimeparse.best_match(,
Beispiel #30
    def best_match(self, accept, default=None):
        get the media type provided by this simplate that best matches
        the supplied Accept: header, or the default type (that of the
        first template page) if no accept header is provided (is None),
        or raise SimplateException if no matches are available
        to a valid Accept: header.

        This is what the simplate will call internally to determine
        which template to use.
        _, media_type = self.pages[2]  # default to first content page
        if accept is None:
            # No accept header provided, use the default
            return media_type
            media_type = mimeparse.best_match(self.available_types, accept)
            # exception means don't override the defaults
            log( "Problem with mimeparse.best_match(%r, %r): %r "
                % (self.available_types, accept, sys.exc_info())
            if media_type == '':    # breakdown in negotiations
                raise SimplateException(self.available_types)
        return media_type
Beispiel #31
def determine_format(request, serializer, default_format='application/json'):
    Tries to "smartly" determine which output format is desired.
    First attempts to find a ``format`` override from the request and supplies
    that if found.
    If no request format was demanded, it falls back to ``mimeparse`` and the
    ``Accepts`` header, allowing specification that way.
    If still no format is found, returns the ``default_format`` (which defaults
    to ``application/json`` if not provided).
    # First, check if they forced the format.
    if request.GET.get('format'):
        if request.GET['format'] in serializer.formats:
            return serializer.get_mime_for_format(request.GET['format'])
    # If callback parameter is present, use JSONP.
    if request.GET.has_key('callback'):
        return serializer.get_mime_for_format('jsonp')
    # Try to fallback on the Accepts header.
    if request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') != '*/*':
        best_format = mimeparse.best_match(serializer.supported_formats, request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
        if best_format:
            return best_format
    # No valid 'Accept' header/formats. Sane default.
    return default_format
  def ConfigureRequest(self, upload_config, http_request, url_builder):
    """Configure the request and url for this upload."""
    # Validate total_size vs. max_size
    if (self.total_size and upload_config.max_size and
        self.total_size > upload_config.max_size):
      raise exceptions.InvalidUserInputError(
          'Upload too big: %s larger than max size %s' % (
              self.total_size, upload_config.max_size))
    # Validate mime type
    if not mimeparse.best_match(upload_config.accept, self.mime_type):
      raise exceptions.InvalidUserInputError(
          'MIME type %s does not match any accepted MIME ranges %s' % (
              self.mime_type, upload_config.accept))

    self.__SetDefaultUploadStrategy(upload_config, http_request)
    if self.strategy == _SIMPLE_UPLOAD:
      url_builder.relative_path = upload_config.simple_path
      if http_request.body:
        url_builder.query_params['uploadType'] = 'multipart'
        url_builder.query_params['uploadType'] = 'media'
      url_builder.relative_path = upload_config.resumable_path
      url_builder.query_params['uploadType'] = 'resumable'
Beispiel #33
 def render(self, context=None, **kwargs):
     Renders the desired template (determined via the client's accepted mime
     types) with the context. Accepts the same kwargs as render_to_response. 
     desired_template = ''
     content_type = 'text/html'
     if self.templates == {}:
         raise RuntimeError('You must register at least one mime type and template with MultiResponse before rendering.')
     if 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in self.request.META:
         registered_types = []
         for mime, short in self.accept_header_mapping.items():
             if short in self.templates.keys():
         content_type = mimeparse.best_match(registered_types, self.request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
         short_type = self.accept_header_mapping.get(content_type)
         if short_type in self.templates.keys():
             desired_template = self.templates.get(short_type)
     if not desired_template:
             desired_template = self.templates.get(self.default_type)
             # Fail miserably.
             content_type = 'text/plain'
         except KeyError:
             raise RuntimeError('The default mime type could not be found in the registered templates.')
     response = render_to_response(desired_template, context, **kwargs)
     response['Content-Type'] = "%s; charset=%s" % (content_type, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
     return response
Beispiel #34
def responseexception_factory(request, response_code, title, message, response_class=HttpResponse):
    rest_mime_types = list(get_supported_mime_types())
    ui_mime_types = ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']

    best_match = mimeparse.best_match(rest_mime_types + ui_mime_types, request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', 'text/html'))
    resp_message = message

    if best_match in ui_mime_types:
        if isinstance(resp_message, (list, tuple)):
            resp_message = ', '.join(resp_message)

        context = {'response_code': response_code, 'title': title, 'message': resp_message}
        content = render_to_string(('%s.html' % response_code, 'error.html'),
                                   context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        ct = None
        if resp_message:
            if isinstance(resp_message, (list, tuple)):
                resp_message = [force_text(val) for val in resp_message]
                resp_message = force_text(resp_message)
            resp_message = force_text(title)
        set_rest_context_to_request(request, BaseResource.DEFAULT_REST_CONTEXT_MAPPING)
        converter, ct = get_converter_from_request(request)
        content = converter().encode(request, {'error': resp_message}, None, message)
    return response_class(content, status=response_code, content_type=ct)
Beispiel #35
    def ConfigureRequest(self, upload_config, http_request, url_builder):
        """Configure the request and url for this upload."""
        # Validate total_size vs. max_size
        if (self.total_size and upload_config.max_size
                and self.total_size > upload_config.max_size):
            raise exceptions.InvalidUserInputError(
                'Upload too big: %s larger than max size %s' %
                (self.total_size, upload_config.max_size))
        # Validate mime type
        if not mimeparse.best_match(upload_config.accept, self.mime_type):
            raise exceptions.InvalidUserInputError(
                'MIME type %s does not match any accepted MIME ranges %s' %
                (self.mime_type, upload_config.accept))

        self.__SetDefaultUploadStrategy(upload_config, http_request)
        if self.strategy == _SIMPLE_UPLOAD:
            url_builder.relative_path = upload_config.simple_path
            if http_request.body:
                url_builder.query_params['uploadType'] = 'multipart'
                url_builder.query_params['uploadType'] = 'media'
            url_builder.relative_path = upload_config.resumable_path
            url_builder.query_params['uploadType'] = 'resumable'
Beispiel #36
    def render(self, result, mimetype, errors=None):
        Render a model result into `mimetype` format.
        available_mimetypes = [x for x in self.render_map.keys() if '/' in x]
        render_func = None

        if '/' not in mimetype:
            # naked superformat (does not correspond to a mimetype)
            render_func = self.reject_map.get(mimetype, None)
            if not render_func:
                raise NoViewMethod("Unknown Superformat: %s" % mimetype)

        if not render_func and available_mimetypes:
            target_mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(available_mimetypes, mimetype)
            render_func = self.render_map.get(target_mimetype, None)

        if not render_func:
            raise NoViewMethod("%s not supported for this program" % mimetype)

        principle_mimetype = render_func.mimetypes[0]

        if GiottoControl in render_func.__class__.mro():
            # redirection defined as view (not wrapped in lambda)
            return {'body': render_func, 'persist': render_func.persist}

        if callable(self.persist):
            # persist (cookie data) can be either an object, or a callable)
            persist = self.persist(result)
            persist = self.persist

        # render functins can take either one or two arguments, both are
        # supported by the API
        arg_names = inspect.getargspec(render_func).args
        num_args = len(set(arg_names) - set(['self', 'cls']))
        if num_args == 2:
            data = render_func(result, errors or Mock())
            # if the renderer only has one argument, don't pass in the 2nd arg.
            data = render_func(result)

        if GiottoControl in data.__class__.mro():
            # render function returned a control object
            return {'body': data, 'persist': persist}

        if not hasattr(data, 'items'):
            # view returned string
            data = {'body': data, 'mimetype': principle_mimetype}
            # result is a dict in for form {body: XX, mimetype: xx}
            if not 'mimetype' in data and target_mimetype == '*/*':
                data['mimetype'] = ''

            if not 'mimetype' in data:
                data['mimetype'] = target_mimetype

        data['persist'] = persist
        return data
Beispiel #37
def index():
    use = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json', 'text/html'], bottle.request.header.get('accept'))
    if use == 'application/json':
        return {'message': '',
                'accept': bottle.request.header.get('accept'),
                'use': use}
        return bottle.static_file('index.html', root=app.config['media_root'])
Beispiel #38
def request_prefers_json_over_html():
    """True if request Accept header indicates preference for json over html."""
        best_mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(["application/json", "text/html"], request.headers["Accept"])
        return best_mimetype == "application/json"
        # E.g. best_matches raises if mimetype does not even contain a '/'.
        return False
Beispiel #39
 def getFormat(self, contentType):
     if contentType == None:
         return [ "application/rdf+xml;",self.contentTypes[None]]
     print contentType
     type = mimeparse.best_match([x for x in self.contentTypes.keys() if x != None],
     if type != None: return [type,self.contentTypes[type]]
     else: return [ "application/rdf+xml",serializeXML]
Beispiel #40
 def getFormat(self, contentType):
     if contentType == None:
         return ["application/rdf+xml;", self.contentTypes[None]]
     print contentType
     type = mimeparse.best_match(
         [x for x in self.contentTypes.keys() if x != None], contentType)
     if type != None: return [type, self.contentTypes[type]]
     else: return ["application/rdf+xml", serializeXML]
Beispiel #41
def get_preferred_mimetype(acceptable, default):
    Gets the preferred MIME type to use for rendering the response based on
    what the client will accept.
    if 'HTTP_ACCEPT' not in web.ctx.env:
        return default
    return mimeparse.best_match(acceptable, web.ctx.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
Beispiel #42
        async def wrapper(request):
            header = request.headers.get('ACCEPT', '*/*')
            best_match = mimeparse.best_match(content_types, header)

            if not best_match or best_match not in content_types:
                raise web.HTTPNotAcceptable

            return await func(request)
Beispiel #43
def check_client_accpets_application_json():
    accept_header = request.headers.get('accept', '*/*')
    best_response_mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(('application/json', ),
    if best_response_mimetype == '':
        msg = "The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request"
        details = {'supported_mime_types': ['application/json']}
        return build_response({'error': msg, 'details': details}, 406)
Beispiel #44
 def get_handlers(self):
     mimetype_handlers = self.get_mime_to_handlers()
     mime_match = mimeparse.best_match(mimetype_handlers.keys(),
     str_or_tup = mimetype_handlers[mime_match]
     while isinstance(str_or_tup, str):
         str_or_tup = mimetype_handlers[str_or_tup]
     return str_or_tup
Beispiel #45
 def get_content_type_based_on(self, header_key):
     mimetypes = self.get_mimetypes_priority()
     default_encoding = mimetypes[-1]
     content_types_by_client = self.request.headers.get(
         header_key, default_encoding)
     if content_types_by_client == SIMPLE_POST_MIMETYPE:
         content_types_by_client = default_encoding
     content_type = mimeparse.best_match(mimetypes, content_types_by_client)
     return content_type
Beispiel #46
    def _get_best_matched(self, key: str) -> ty.Optional[t.AbstractConvertible[T]]:
        best = self.allowed.get(key)

        if best is None:
            match = mimeparse.best_match(self.allowed.keys(), key)
            if match:
                best = self.allowed[match]

        return best
Beispiel #47
def request_prefers_json_over_html():
    """True if request Accept header indicates preference for json over html."""
        best_mimetype = mimeparse.best_match(['application/json', 'text/html'],
        return best_mimetype == 'application/json'
        # E.g. best_matches raises if mimetype does not even contain a '/'.
        return False
Beispiel #48
 def content_type_supported(self, request, response, *args, **kwargs):
     content_type = request.META['CONTENT_TYPE']
     mimetypes = list(self.supported_content_types)
     match = mimeparse.best_match(mimetypes, content_type)
     if match:
         request._content_type = match
         return True
     return False
Beispiel #49
def get_response_type(request):
    supported = get_supported()

    header = request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT']
    match = mimeparse.best_match(supported, header)
    if match:
        return match
        raise NotAcceptable()
Beispiel #50
    def render(self, state):
        """Render the resource with the given state as context, return Output.

        Before rendering we need to determine what type of content we're going
        to send back, by trying to find a match between the media types the
        client wants and the ones provided by the resource.

        The two sources for what the client wants are the extension in the
        request URL, and the Accept header. If the former fails to match we
        raise NotFound (404), if the latter fails we raise NegotiationFailure

        Note that we don't always respect the `Accept` header (the spec says
        we can ignore it: <>).
        available = self.available_types

        dispatch_extension = state['dispatch_result'].extension
        if dispatch_extension:
            # There's an extension in the URI path, guess the media type from it
            dispatch_accept = mimetypes.guess_type('a.' + dispatch_extension,
            if dispatch_accept is None:
                # The extension is unknown, raise NotFound
                raise NotFound()
            accept = dispatch_accept
            # Accept `media/type` for `media/x-type`
            i = accept.find('/x-')
            if i > 0:
                accept += ',' + accept[:i + 1] + accept[i + 3:]
            # Accept custom JSON media type
            if accept == 'application/json':
                accept += ',' + self.request_processor.media_type_json
        elif len(available) == 1:
            # If there's only one available type and no extension in the path,
            # then we ignore the Accept header
            return self.render_for_type(available[0], state)
            dispatch_accept = None
            accept = state.get('accept_header')

        if accept:
                best_match = mimeparse.best_match(available, accept)
            except ValueError:
                # Unparseable accept header
                best_match = None
            if best_match:
                return self.render_for_type(best_match, state)
            elif best_match == '':
                if dispatch_accept is not None:
                    # e.g. client requested `/foo.json` but `/foo.spt` has no JSON page
                    raise NotFound()
                raise NegotiationFailure(accept, available)

        # Fall back to the first available type
        return self.render_for_type(available[0], state)
Beispiel #51
    def guess_content_type(self):
        Guesses the client's ``Accept`` header using :mod:`mimeparse` against
        the supported :attr:`.supported_types`.

        :return: best match (str)
        return mimeparse.best_match(self.supported_types,
                                    self.request.headers.get("accept", ""))
Beispiel #52
 def _negotiate_content_type(self):
     if not hasattr(self, '_negotiated_content_type'):
         accept = self.request.headers.get('Accept')
         self._negotiated_content_type = mimeparse.best_match(
             self._negotiable_server_content_types, accept)
         if not self._negotiated_content_type:
             if not self._finished:
     return self._negotiated_content_type
Beispiel #53
def getFormat(contentType):
    if contentType == None:
        return ["application/rdf+xml", contentTypes[None]]
    type = mimeparse.best_match(["application/rdf+xml"] +
                                [x for x in contentTypes.keys() if x != None],
    if type == '' or type == None:
        return ["application/rdf+xml", DefaultSerializer('xml')]
        return [type, contentTypes[type]]
Beispiel #54
def find_formatter(format=None, accept_header=None, **kw):
    if format is not None:
        return FORMATTERS.get(format, (format_xml, 'text/xml'))
    # Parse accept header until acceptable is found
    if accept_header is None:
        accept_header = "application/xml"
    accept_header = mimeparse.best_match(CONTENT_TYPE_CONVERTERS.keys(),
    converter = CONTENT_TYPE_CONVERTERS.get(accept_header, NO_CONV)[0]
    return (converter, accept_header)
Beispiel #55
def _filter_dispatchers_on_match(dispatchers, match, value):
    # Build an ordered list of the supported types.
    supported = []
    for d in dispatchers:
    # Find the best match
    # XXX mimeparse picks *last* matching item so we reverse.
    best_match = mimeparse.best_match(supported, value)
    # Return the matching dispatchers
    return [d for d in dispatchers if best_match in d[1][match]]
Beispiel #56
def determine_return_type(request_meta):
        preferred_types = ['application/json', 'text/html']
        if "HTTP_ACCEPT" in request_meta:
            return best_match(preferred_types, request_meta['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
        return "application/json"
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        # This is a bit of a hack - as there is no specific exception that `best_match` function raises in case of
        # invalid/broken accept header, we just catch every possible exception that comes from it and treat such
        # a situation as a broken header
        return ""
Beispiel #57
 async def negotiate(self, request):
     request.headers.getall('Accept', "*/*")
     mime_type = mimeparse.best_match(
         ['application/json', 'text/event-stream'],
         ",".join(request.headers.getall('Accept', "*/*")))
     if mime_type == 'text/event-stream':
         return await self.event_stream(request)
     elif mime_type == 'application/json':
         return await self.json(request)
         raise NotImplementedError(mime_type)
Beispiel #58
    def get_request_type(self):
        Returns the active request type to be used

        :rtype: string
        val = self.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', self.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', ''))
        media_types = self.media_types.keys()
        if not media_types:
            return val
        return mimeparse.best_match(media_types, val) or val