Beispiel #1
def evaluate(source="google"):
    Evaluate the question-answering system based on `source`.  Allowed
    values for `source` are explain in the doc string for
    print "Evaluating the question-answering system based on %s" % source
    qa_pairs = load_qa_pairs()
    num_questions = len(qa_pairs)
    print "Generating candidate answers for %s questions" % num_questions
    perfect_answers = 0
    if source == "google":
        okay_answers = 0
        rank_sum = 0
    if source == "wolfram" or source == "hybrid":
        num_answers = 0
    for (j, qa_pair) in enumerate(qa_pairs):
        print "Processing question %s" % j
        if source == "google":
            cr = correct_results(answers(qa_pair.question), qa_pair.answers)
            if 0 in cr:
                perfect_answers += 1
            if len(cr) > 0:
                okay_answers += 1
                rank_sum += cr[0]
        else:  # assume source=="wolfram" or source=="hybrid"
            answer =, source)
            if answer in qa_pair.answers:
                perfect_answers += 1
            if answer:  # answer is not null
                num_answers += 1
    print "{} returned a perfect answer ({:2%})".format(
        perfect_answers, perfect_answers / num_questions)
    if source == "google":
        print "{} of {} had a correct answer in the top 20 ({:.2%})".format(
            okay_answers, num_questions, okay_answers / num_questions)
        print "Average rank for answers in the top 20: {:.2f}".format(
            rank_sum / okay_answers)
    if source == "wolfram" or source == "hybrid":
        print "{} of {} returned a non-null answer".format(
            num_answers, num_questions)
Beispiel #2
def evaluate(source="google"):
    Evaluate the question-answering system based on `source`.  Allowed
    values for `source` are explain in the doc string for
    print "Evaluating the question-answering system based on %s" % source
    qa_pairs = load_qa_pairs()
    num_questions = len(qa_pairs)
    print "Generating candidate answers for %s questions" % num_questions
    perfect_answers = 0
    if source=="google":
        okay_answers = 0
        rank_sum = 0
    if source=="wolfram" or source=="hybrid":
        num_answers = 0
    for (j, qa_pair) in enumerate(qa_pairs):
        print "Processing question %s" % j
        if source=="google":
            cr = correct_results(answers(qa_pair.question), qa_pair.answers)
            if 0 in cr:
                perfect_answers += 1
            if len(cr) > 0:
                okay_answers += 1
                rank_sum += cr[0]
        else: # assume source=="wolfram" or source=="hybrid"
            answer =, source)
            if answer in qa_pair.answers:
                perfect_answers += 1
            if answer: # answer is not null
                num_answers += 1
    print "{} returned a perfect answer ({:2%})".format(
        perfect_answers, perfect_answers / num_questions)
    if source=="google":
        print "{} of {} had a correct answer in the top 20 ({:.2%})".format(
            okay_answers, num_questions, okay_answers / num_questions)
        print "Average rank for answers in the top 20: {:.2f}".format(
            rank_sum / okay_answers)
    if source=="wolfram" or source=="hybrid":
        print "{} of {} returned a non-null answer".format(
            num_answers, num_questions)
Beispiel #3
def answers(question):
    Return a list of the top 20 answers generated by `` to
    return [answer for (answer, score) in[:20]]
Beispiel #4
def answers(question):
    Return a list of the top 20 answers generated by `` to
    return [answer for (answer, score) in[:20]]