Beispiel #1
def read_subset_box(template_file, meta):
    """Read subset info from template file

    Parameters: template_file - str, path of template file
                meta          - dict, metadata
    Returns:    pix_box       - tuple of 4 int in (x0, y0, x1, y1)
                meta          - dict, metadata

    if template_file and os.path.isfile(template_file):

        # read subset info from template file
        pix_box, geo_box = read_subset_template2box(template_file)

        # geo_box --> pix_box
        if geo_box is not None:
            coord = ut.coordinate(meta)
            pix_box = coord.bbox_geo2radar(geo_box)
            pix_box = coord.check_box_within_data_coverage(pix_box)
            print('input bounding box in lalo: {}'.format(geo_box))

        pix_box = None

    if pix_box is not None:
        # update metadata against the new bounding box
        print('input bounding box in yx: {}'.format(pix_box))
        meta = ut.subset_attribute(meta, pix_box)
        # translate box of None to tuple of 4 int
        length, width = int(meta['LENGTH']), int(meta['WIDTH'])
        pix_box = (0, 0, width, length)

    return pix_box, meta
Beispiel #2
def read_subset_box(inpsDict):
    # Read subset info from template
    inpsDict['box'] = None
    inpsDict['box4geo_lut'] = None
    pix_box, geo_box = subset.read_subset_template2box(inpsDict['template_file'][0])

    # Grab required info to read input geo_box into pix_box
        lookupFile = [glob.glob(str(inpsDict['mintpy.load.lookupYFile']))[0],
        lookupFile = None

        pathKey = [i for i in datasetName2templateKey.values()
                   if i in inpsDict.keys()][0]
        file = glob.glob(str(inpsDict[pathKey]))[0]
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(file)
        atr = dict()

    geocoded = None
    if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys():
        geocoded = True
        geocoded = False

    # Check conflict
    if geo_box and not geocoded and lookupFile is None:
        geo_box = None
        print(('WARNING: mintpy.subset.lalo is not supported'
               ' if 1) no lookup file AND'
               '    2) radar/unkonwn coded dataset'))
        print('\tignore it and continue.')
    if not geo_box and not pix_box:
        return inpsDict

    # geo_box --> pix_box
    coord = ut.coordinate(atr, lookup_file=lookupFile)
    if geo_box is not None:
        pix_box = coord.bbox_geo2radar(geo_box)
        pix_box = coord.check_box_within_data_coverage(pix_box)
        print('input bounding box of interest in lalo: {}'.format(geo_box))
    print('box to read for datasets in y/x: {}'.format(pix_box))

    # Get box for geocoded lookup table (for gamma/roipac)
    box4geo_lut = None
    if lookupFile is not None:
        atrLut = readfile.read_attribute(lookupFile[0])
        if not geocoded and 'Y_FIRST' in atrLut.keys():
            geo_box = coord.bbox_radar2geo(pix_box)
            box4geo_lut = ut.coordinate(atrLut).bbox_geo2radar(geo_box)
            print('box to read for geocoded lookup file in y/x: {}'.format(box4geo_lut))

    inpsDict['box'] = pix_box
    inpsDict['box4geo_lut'] = box4geo_lut
    return inpsDict
Beispiel #3
def read_subset_box(iDict):
    """read the following items:
    # Read subset info from template
    iDict['box'] = None
    iDict['box4geo_lut'] = None
    pix_box, geo_box = subset.read_subset_template2box(iDict['template_file'][0])

    # Grab required info to read input geo_box into pix_box
        lookupFile = [glob.glob(str(iDict['mintpy.load.lookupYFile']))[0],
        lookupFile = None

        pathKey = [i for i in iDict['ds_name2key'].values()
                   if i in iDict.keys()][0]
        file = glob.glob(str(iDict[pathKey]))[0]
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(file)
        atr = dict()

    geocoded = None
    if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys():
        geocoded = True
        geocoded = False

    # Check conflict
    if geo_box and not geocoded and lookupFile is None:
        geo_box = None
        print(('WARNING: mintpy.subset.lalo is not supported'
               ' if 1) no lookup file AND'
               '    2) radar/unkonwn coded dataset'))
        print('\tignore it and continue.')

    if not geo_box and not pix_box:
        # adjust for the size inconsistency problem in SNAP geocoded products
        # ONLY IF there is no input subset
        # Use the min bbox if files size are different
        if iDict['processor'] == 'snap':
            fnames = ut.get_file_list(iDict['mintpy.load.unwFile'])
            pix_box = update_box4files_with_inconsistent_size(fnames)

        if not pix_box:
            return iDict

    # geo_box --> pix_box
    coord = ut.coordinate(atr, lookup_file=lookupFile)
    if geo_box is not None:
        pix_box = coord.bbox_geo2radar(geo_box)
        pix_box = coord.check_box_within_data_coverage(pix_box)
        print('input bounding box of interest in lalo: {}'.format(geo_box))
    print('box to read for datasets in y/x: {}'.format(pix_box))

    # Get box for geocoded lookup table (for gamma/roipac)
    box4geo_lut = None
    if lookupFile is not None:
        atrLut = readfile.read_attribute(lookupFile[0])
        if not geocoded and 'Y_FIRST' in atrLut.keys():
            geo_box = coord.bbox_radar2geo(pix_box)
            box4geo_lut = ut.coordinate(atrLut).bbox_geo2radar(geo_box)
            print('box to read for geocoded lookup file in y/x: {}'.format(box4geo_lut))

    iDict['geocoded'] = geocoded
    iDict['box'] = pix_box
    iDict['box4geo_lut'] = box4geo_lut
    return iDict