def plot(name, title, variable, *tree_parts, **kwargs): fallthrough = kwargs.pop("fallthrough", 0) def get_name(tree_part): for i in xrange(fallthrough): if not tree_part.parent: break tree_part = tree_part.parent return logy = kwargs.pop("logy", None) normalize = kwargs.pop("normalize", None) pos = kwargs.pop("pos", "RT") x_range = kwargs.pop("x_range", None) y_range = kwargs.pop("y_range", None) x_title = kwargs.pop("x_title", None) y_title = kwargs.pop("y_title", None) legend_header = kwargs.pop("legend_header", "") rebin = kwargs.pop("rebin", None) with canvas() as c: if logy: c.SetLogy() namehs = [("%s %s" % (tp.basename, get_name(tp)), fixup_hist_units(tp[variable])) for tp in tree_parts] if normalize is True: title += " (normalized)" for n, h in namehs: #h.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary Units") y_title = "Arbitrary Units" h.Scale(1. / h.Integral()) elif normalize: try: normalize_hists([h for n, h in namehs], normalize) title += " (normalized to %s above %i GeV)" % (namehs[0][0], normalize) except ZeroDivisionError: pass if rebin: for n, h in namehs: h.Rebin(rebin) hs = [(h, None, hname) for hname, h in namehs] sl = C.StackLegend(name, pos, title, legend_header=legend_header, *hs) if x_range is not None: sl.set_x_range(x_range) if y_range is not None: # Doesn't seem to work sl.Y.SetRangeUser(*y_range) if x_title is not None: sl.X.SetTitle(x_title) if y_title is not None: sl.Y.SetTitle(y_title) sl.Draw() name = "_".join(expand_hname(name, variable)) c.SaveAs("plots/purity/%s.eps" % name)
def multifit(self, params): import rootils.uncert as U from minty.utils import wait, canvas gROOT.SetBatch() R.gStyle.SetOptStat(1000000) # Integral only R.gStyle.SetOptFit(11) f = TFile("all.root") h = f.Get("corrected/ph/boson/mass_wide") window_size = 25 bins = array('d', []) values = array('d', []) errors = array('d', []) for i in xrange(80, 600, 5): h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(i - window_size/2, i + window_size/2) with canvas() as c: const, slope = U.from_fitresultp(h.Fit("expo", "LLISQ")) c.SaveAs("plots/massfit-{0}GeV.png".format(i)) integral = h.Integral() bins.append(i) values.append(slope.nominal_value) errors.append(slope.std_dev()) gROOT.SetBatch(0) with canvas() as c: g = R.TGraphErrors(len(bins), bins, values, array('d', [0]*len(bins)), errors) g.Draw("A*P") c.SaveAs("plots/massfit-pieces.png") wait()