def draw_conversions(directory): from minty.utils.brace_expand import get_expand gStyle.SetOptStat(1110) #gStyle.SetOptStat(11111111) variable = "eta" #variable = "mass_wide" #variable = "deltar" hists = get_expand(directory, "conv{1,2,neither,both}/boson/%s" % variable) hists = map(meaningful_yaxis, hists) conv1, conv2, convn, convb = hists titles = ["(only) Leading converted", "(only) Subleading converted", "Neither converted", "Both converted"] for h, t in zip(hists, titles): h.SetTitle(t) #if variable in ["mass_wide", "phi"]: #print "Scaling", h #h.Scale(convn.Integral() / h.Integral()) if variable == "mass_wide": h.Rebin(4000 / 800) # (4000 is original binning, 200 target) h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(50, 300) #h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(80, 100) if variable == "eta": h.Rebin(2) maxv = max(h.GetMaximum() * 1.1 for h in hists) for h in hists: h.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, maxv) canvas = R.TCanvas("mass-conversions", "Mgg conversions") canvas.Divide(2,2) #strs = canvas.strs = [] for i, h in enumerate(hists): h.Draw() convn.SetLineColor(R.kRed) convn.Draw("same hist") #t = R.TText(0.4, 0.5, h.GetTitle()) #t.SetNDC() #strs.append(t) #t.Draw() wait() if canvas: canvas.Close()
def multifit(self, params): import rootils.uncert as U from minty.utils import wait, canvas gROOT.SetBatch() R.gStyle.SetOptStat(1000000) # Integral only R.gStyle.SetOptFit(11) f = TFile("all.root") h = f.Get("corrected/ph/boson/mass_wide") window_size = 25 bins = array('d', []) values = array('d', []) errors = array('d', []) for i in xrange(80, 600, 5): h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(i - window_size/2, i + window_size/2) with canvas() as c: const, slope = U.from_fitresultp(h.Fit("expo", "LLISQ")) c.SaveAs("plots/massfit-{0}GeV.png".format(i)) integral = h.Integral() bins.append(i) values.append(slope.nominal_value) errors.append(slope.std_dev()) gROOT.SetBatch(0) with canvas() as c: g = R.TGraphErrors(len(bins), bins, values, array('d', [0]*len(bins)), errors) g.Draw("A*P") c.SaveAs("plots/massfit-pieces.png") wait()