def generate_objset(task, n_epoch=30, distractor=True):
    objset = sg.ObjectSet(n_epoch=n_epoch)

    # Guess objects
    for epoch_now in range(n_epoch):
        if distractor:
            objset.add(sg.Object(when='now', deletable=True), epoch_now)
        objset = task.get_expected_input(objset, epoch_now)

    return objset
Beispiel #2
    def generate_objset(self, n_epoch, n_distractor=1, average_memory_span=2):
        """Generate object set."""
        if n_epoch < 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of epoch {:d} is less than 4'.format(n_epoch))
        shape1, shape2 = sg.sample_shape(2)
        shape3 = sg.random_shape()

        objset = sg.ObjectSet(n_epoch=n_epoch)

        sample1 = sg.Object([self._color1, shape1], when='now')
        distractor1 = sg.Object([self._color3, shape3], when='now')
        test1 = sg.Object([self._color2, shape1], when='now')
        test2 = sg.Object([self._color2, shape2], when='now')

        objset.add(sample1, epoch_now=1)  # sample epoch
        objset.add(distractor1, epoch_now=2)  # delay epoch
        objset.add(test1, epoch_now=3)  # test epoch
        objset.add(test2, epoch_now=3)  # test epoch
        return objset
Beispiel #3
    def generate_objset(self, n_epoch, n_distractor=1, average_memory_span=2):
        if n_epoch < 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of epoch {:d} is less than 4'.format(n_epoch))
        objset = sg.ObjectSet(n_epoch=n_epoch)

        n_sample = 2
        sample_shapes = sg.sample_shape(n_sample)
        for i in range(n_sample):
            obj = sg.Object([self._color1, sample_shapes[i]], when='now')
            objset.add(obj, epoch_now=1)

        obj = sg.Object([sg.another_color(self._color1)], when='now')
        objset.add(obj, epoch_now=1)  # distractor

        if random.random() < 0.5:
            shape3 = random.choice(sample_shapes)
            shape3 = sg.another_shape(sample_shapes)
        test1 = sg.Object([self._color1, shape3], when='now')
        objset.add(test1, epoch_now=3)  # test epoch
        return objset
    def get_expected_input(self, should_be):
        if self.objs.when != 'now':
            raise ValueError("""
      Guess objset is not supported for the Exist class
      for when other than now""")

        if should_be is None:
            should_be = random.random() > 0.5

        if should_be:
            should_be = [sg.Object()]
            should_be = []

        return should_be
Beispiel #5
    def generate_objset(self, n_epoch, n_distractor=1, average_memory_span=2):
        """Generate object set.

    The task has 4 epochs: Fixation, Sample, Delay, and Test.
    During sample, one sample object is shown.
    During test, two test objects are shown, one of them will match the color
    of the sample object

      n_epoch: int

      objset: ObjectSet instance.

      ValueError: when n_epoch is less than 4,
          the minimum epoch number for this task
        if n_epoch < 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of epoch {:d} is less than 4'.format(n_epoch))
        color1, color2 = sg.sample_color(2)
        color3 = sg.random_color()

        objset = sg.ObjectSet(n_epoch=n_epoch)

        sample1 = sg.Object([color1, self._shape1], when='now')
        distractor1 = sg.Object([color3, self._shape3], when='now')
        test1 = sg.Object([color1, self._shape2], when='now')
        test2 = sg.Object([color2, self._shape2], when='now')

        objset.add(sample1, epoch_now=1)  # sample epoch
        objset.add(distractor1, epoch_now=2)  # delay epoch
        objset.add(test1, epoch_now=3)  # test epoch
        objset.add(test2, epoch_now=3)  # test epoch
        return objset
Beispiel #6
    def generate_objset(self, n_epoch, n_distractor=1, average_memory_span=2):
        """Manual generate objset.

    By design this function will not be balanced because the network always
    answer False during the sample epoch.
        if n_epoch < 4:
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of epoch {:d} is less than 4'.format(n_epoch))
        objset = sg.ObjectSet(n_epoch=n_epoch)

        n_sample = random.choice([1, 2, 3, 4])
        sample_attrs = sg.sample_colorshape(n_sample + 1)
        for attrs in sample_attrs[:n_sample]:
            obj = sg.Object(attrs, when='now')
            objset.add(obj, epoch_now=1)

        if random.random() < 0.5:
            attr = random.choice(sample_attrs[:n_sample])
            attr = sample_attrs[-1]
        test1 = sg.Object(attr, when='now')
        objset.add(test1, epoch_now=3)  # test epoch
        return objset
 def get_expected_input(self, should_be):
     if should_be is None:
         should_be = sg.random_attr(self.attr_type)
     objs = sg.Object([should_be])
     return [objs]
    def get_expected_input(self, should_be, objset, epoch_now):
        """Guess objset for Select operator.

    Optionally modify the objset based on the target output, should_be,
    and pass down the supposed input attributes

    There are two sets of attributes to compute:
    (1) The attributes of the expected input, i.e. the attributes to select
    (2) The attributes of new object being added to the objset

    There are two main scenarios:
    (1) the target output is empty
    (2) the target output is not empty, then it has to be a list with a single
    Object instance in it

    When (1) the target output is empty, the goal is to make sure
    attr_newobject and attr_expectedinput differ by a single attribute

    When (2) the target output is not empty, then
    attr_newobject and attr_expectedinput are the same

    We first decide the attributes of the expected inputs.

    If target output is empty, then expected inputs is determined solely
    based on its actual inputs. If the actual inputs can already be computed,
    then use it, and skip the traversal of following nodes. Otherwise, use a
    random allowed value.

    If target output is not empty, again, if the actual inputs can be computed,
    use it. If the actual input can not be computed, but the attribute is
    specified by the target output, use that. Otherwise, use a random value.

    Then we determine the new object being added.

    If target output is empty, then randomly change one of the attributes that
    is not None.
    For attribute, if it is an operator, then add the object at the
    opposite side of space

    If target output is not empty, use the attributes of the expected input

      should_be: a list of Object instances
      objset: objset instance
      epoch_now: int, the current epoch

      objset: objset instance
      space: supposed input
      color: supposed input
      shape: supposed input

      TypeError: when should_be is not a list of Object instances
      NotImplementedError: when should_be is a list and has length > 1
        # print(should_be[0])
        if should_be is None:
            raise NotImplementedError('This should not happen.')

        if should_be:
            # Making sure should_be is a length-1 list of Object instance
            for s in should_be:
                if not isinstance(s, sg.Object):
                    raise TypeError('Wrong type for items in should_be: ' +

            if len(should_be) > 1:
                for s in should_be:
                raise NotImplementedError()
            obj_should_be = should_be[0]

            attr_new_object = list()
            attr_type_not_fixed = list()
            # First evaluate the inputs that can be evaluated
            for attr_type in ['loc', 'color', 'shape']:
                a = getattr(self, attr_type)
                attr = a(objset, epoch_now)
                # If the input is successfully evaluated
                if attr != const.INVALID and attr.has_value:
                    if attr_type == 'loc':
                        attr = attr.get_space_to(self.space_type)

            # Add an object based on these attributes
            # Note that, objset.add() will implicitly select the objset
            obj = sg.Object(attr_new_object, when=self.when)
            obj = objset.add(obj, epoch_now, add_if_exist=False)

            if obj is None:
                return objset, Skip(), Skip(), Skip()

            # If some attributes of the object are given by should_be, use them
            for attr_type in attr_type_not_fixed:
                a = getattr(obj_should_be, attr_type)
                if a.has_value:
                    setattr(obj, attr_type, a)

            # If an attribute of select is an operator, then the expected input is
            # the value of obj
            attr_expected_in = list()
            for attr_type in ['loc', 'color', 'shape']:
                a = getattr(self, attr_type)
                if isinstance(a, Operator):
                    # Only operators need expected_in
                    if attr_type == 'loc':
                        space = obj.loc.get_opposite_space_to(self.space_type)
                        attr = space.sample()
                        attr = getattr(obj, attr_type)

        if not should_be:
            # First determine the attributes to flip later
            attr_type_to_flip = list()
            for attr_type in ['loc', 'color', 'shape']:
                a = getattr(self, attr_type)
                # If attribute is operator or is a specified value
                if isinstance(a, Operator) or a.has_value:

            # Now generate expected input attributes
            attr_expected_in = list()
            attr_new_object = list()
            for attr_type in ['loc', 'color', 'shape']:
                a = getattr(self, attr_type)
                attr = a(objset, epoch_now)
                if isinstance(a, Operator):
                    if attr == const.INVALID:
                        # Can not be evaluated yet, then randomly choose one
                        attr = sg.random_attr(attr_type)

                if attr_type in attr_type_to_flip:
                    # Candidate attribute values for the new object

            # Randomly pick one attribute to flip
            attr_type = random.choice(attr_type_to_flip)
            i = attr_type_to_flip.index(attr_type)
            if attr_type == 'loc':
                # If flip location, place it in the opposite direction
                loc = attr_new_object[i]
                attr_new_object[i] = loc.get_opposite_space_to(self.space_type)
                # Select a different attribute
                attr_new_object[i] = sg.another_attr(attr_new_object[i])
                # Not flipping loc, so place it in the correct direction
                if 'loc' in attr_type_to_flip:
                    j = attr_type_to_flip.index('loc')
                    loc = attr_new_object[j]
                    attr_new_object[j] = loc.get_space_to(self.space_type)

            # Add an object based on these attributes
            obj = sg.Object(attr_new_object, when=self.when)
            obj = objset.add(obj, epoch_now, add_if_exist=False)

        # Return the expected inputs
        return [objset] + attr_expected_in