def test_get_filter_info():
    nrc = spec.get_filter_info(['nircam_f444w_magnitude'], 'abmag')
    assert nrc == {'nircam_f444w_magnitude': (6.6928e-22 * FLAMBDA_CGS_UNITS, 4.3637e-31 * FNU_CGS_UNITS, 27.3004,
                                              4.4212 * u.micron)}

    nis = spec.get_filter_info(['niriss_f200w_magnitude'], 'vegamag')
    assert nis == {'niriss_f200w_magnitude': (2.173398e-21 * FLAMBDA_CGS_UNITS, 2.879494e-31 * FNU_CGS_UNITS,
                                              26.04898, 1.9930 * u.micron)}

    fgs = spec.get_filter_info(['fgs_magnitude'], 'stmag')
    assert fgs == {'fgs_magnitude': (1.593395e-22 * FLAMBDA_CGS_UNITS, 3.324736e-32 * FNU_CGS_UNITS, 33.39426,
                                     2.5011 * u.micron)}
def test_get_filter_info():
    nrc = spec.get_filter_info(['nircam_f444w_magnitude'], 'abmag')
    assert nrc == {
        (5.584676852068291e-22 * FLAMBDA_CGS_UNITS,
         3.641228911284274e-31 * FNU_CGS_UNITS, 27.496928286774455,
         4.421150698281195 * u.micron)

    nis = spec.get_filter_info(['niriss_f200w_magnitude'], 'vegamag')
    assert nis == {
        (2.173398e-21 * FLAMBDA_CGS_UNITS, 2.879494e-31 * FNU_CGS_UNITS,
         26.04898, 1.9930 * u.micron)

    fgs = spec.get_filter_info(['fgs_magnitude'], 'stmag')
    assert fgs == {
        (1.593395e-22 * FLAMBDA_CGS_UNITS, 3.324736e-32 * FNU_CGS_UNITS,
         33.39426, 2.5011 * u.micron)
def test_spectra_rescaling():
    """Test the functionality for rescaling input spectra to a given
    magnitude in a given filter
    # JWST primary mirror area in cm^2. Needed for countrate check
    # at the end
    primary_area = 25.326 * (u.m * u.m)

    # Create spectrum: one source to be normalized
    # and the other should not be
    waves = np.arange(0.4, 5.6, 0.01)
    flux = np.repeat(1e-16, len(waves))
    flux2 = np.repeat(4.24242424242e-18, len(waves))  # arbitrary value
    spectra = {
        1: {
            "wavelengths": waves * u.micron,
            "fluxes": flux * u.pct
        2: {
            "wavelengths": waves * u.micron,
            "fluxes": flux2 * units.FLAM

    # Create source catalog containing scaling info
    catalog = Table()
    catalog['index'] = [1, 2]
    catalog['nircam_f322w2_magnitude'] = [18.] * 2
    catalog['niriss_f090w_magnitude'] = [18.] * 2
    #catalog['fgs_magnitude'] = [18.] * 2

    # Instrument info
    instrument = ['nircam', 'niriss']  # , 'fgs']
    filter_name = ['F322W2', 'F090W']  # , 'N/A']
    module = ['B', 'N']  # , 'F']
    detector = ['NRCA1', 'NIS']  # , 'GUIDER1']

    # Magnitude systems of renormalization magnitudes
    mag_sys = ['vegamag', 'abmag', 'stmag']

    # Loop over options and test each
    for inst, filt, mod, det in zip(instrument, filter_name, module, detector):

        # Extract the appropriate column from the catalog information
        magcol = [col for col in catalog.colnames if inst in col]
        sub_catalog = catalog['index', magcol[0]]

        # Filter throughput files
        filter_thru_file = get_filter_throughput_file(instrument=inst,

        # Retrieve the correct gain value that goes with the fluxcal info
        if inst == 'nircam':
            gain = MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['nircam']['lwb']
        elif inst == 'niriss':
            gain = MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['niriss']
        elif inst == 'fgs':
            gain = MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['fgs'][det.lower()]

        # Create filter bandpass object, to be used in the final
        # comparison
        filter_tp =
        bp_waves = filter_tp['Wavelength_microns'].data * u.micron
        thru = filter_tp['Throughput'].data
        bandpass = SpectralElement(
            Empirical1D, points=bp_waves, lookup_table=thru) / gain

        # Check the renormalization in all photometric systems
        for magsys in mag_sys:
            rescaled_spectra = spec.rescale_normalized_spectra(
                spectra, sub_catalog, magsys, filter_thru_file, gain)

            # Calculate the countrate associated with the renormalized
            # spectrum through the requested filter
            for dataset in rescaled_spectra:
                if dataset == 1:
                    # This block is for the spectra that are rescaled
                    rescaled_spectrum = SourceSpectrum(

                    obs = Observation(rescaled_spectrum,
                    renorm_counts = obs.countrate(area=primary_area)

                    # Calculate the countrate associated with an object of
                    # matching magnitude
                    if inst != 'fgs':
                        mag_col = '{}_{}_magnitude'.format(
                            inst.lower(), filt.lower())
                        mag_col = 'fgs_magnitude'
                    filt_info = spec.get_filter_info([mag_col], magsys)
                    magnitude = catalog[mag_col][dataset - 1]
                    photflam, photfnu, zeropoint, pivot = filt_info[mag_col]
                    check_counts = magnitude_to_countrate(

                    if magsys != 'vegamag':
                        # As long as the correct gain is used, AB mag and ST mag
                        # count rates agree very well
                        tolerance = 0.0005
                        # Vegamag count rates for NIRISS have a sligtly larger
                        # disagreement. Zeropoints were derived assuming Vega = 0.02
                        # magnitudes. This offset has been added to the rescaling
                        # function, but may not be exact.
                        tolerance = 0.0015

                    # This dataset has been rescaled, so check that the
                    # countrate from the rescaled spectrum matches that from
                    # the magnitude it was rescaled to
                    if isinstance(check_counts, u.quantity.Quantity):
                        check_counts = check_counts.value
                    if isinstance(renorm_counts, u.quantity.Quantity):
                        renorm_counts = renorm_counts.value

                    print(inst, filt, magsys, renorm_counts, check_counts,
                          renorm_counts / check_counts)
                    assert np.isclose(renorm_counts, check_counts, atol=0, rtol=tolerance), \
                        print('Failed assertion: ', inst, filt, magsys, renorm_counts, check_counts,
                              renorm_counts / check_counts)
                elif dataset == 2:
                    # Not rescaled. In this case Mirage ignores the magnitude
                    # value in the catalog, so we can't check against check_counts.
                    # Just make sure that the rescaling function did not
                    # change the spectrum at all
                    assert np.all(spectra[dataset]['fluxes'] ==