def getPages(url, verbose): gotAnswer = False sourceCode = "" pageNo = 1 videos = [] parsed_uri = urlparse( url ) domain = '{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}/'.format(uri=parsed_uri) if verbose: printInfo1("Domain is: %s" % domain) while True: printInfo1("\nGetting page %s..." % pageNo) printInfo1("URL: %s" % "%s/?sida=%s" % (url, pageNo)) responseCode = getResponseCode("%s/?sida=%s" % (url, pageNo), verbose) #if pageNo == 2: # responseCode = 404 if responseCode != 404: trys = 0 while True: trys += 1 if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) if trys > maxTrys: onError(10, "Tried connecting %s times. Giving up..." % (trys - 1)) try: source = urllib2.urlopen("%s/?sida=%s" % (url, pageNo)) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(23, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(24, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime) except:
def parseXML(xmlRoot, url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose): vidBitRate = 0 vidWidth = 0 currentQuality = 0 lastQuality = 0 downloads = [] if name == "null": trys = 0 printInfo2("Getting page title to use as file name...") while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(10, "Tried connecting %s times. Giving up..." % (trys - 1)) if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) try: html = urllib2.urlopen(url) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(35, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(36, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime) except:
def retrievePiratePlayXML(apiBaseUrl, url, name, fileInfo, downloadAll, setQuality, bestQuality, checkDuration, verbose): xmlCode = "" trys = 0 if verbose: printInfo1("Using %s as source for getting XML" % apiBaseUrl) if verbose: printInfo2("Parsing the response from API...") parseUrl = "%s/%s%s" % (apiBaseUrl, getStreamsXML, url) printInfo2("\nGetting streams for %s ..." % parseUrl) printScores() while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(10, "Tried connecting %s times. Giving up..." % (trys - 1)) break if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) try: piratePlayXML = urllib2.urlopen(parseUrl) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: onError(35, "HTTPError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.code)) sleep(waitTime) except urllib2.URLError, e: onError(36, "URLError\n %s\n Trying again...\n" % str(e.reason)) sleep(waitTime)
def getResponseCode(url, verbose): trys = 0 responseCode = "" if verbose: printInfo1("Getting response code...") while True: trys += 1 if verbose: printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) if trys > maxTrys: onError(22, "Tried %s times" % (trys - 1)) try: r = requests.head(url) except requests.ConnectionError: onError(20, "Failed to connect\nTrying again...") else: responseCode = r.status_code if verbose: printInfo1("Response: %s" % responseCode) break return responseCode
def getVideos(downloads, keepOld, reDownload, checkDuration, verbose): oldReDownload = reDownload printInfo2("\nStarting downloads") for line in downloads: trys = 0 videoCmd, subCmd = getDownloadCommands(line, verbose) while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(29, "Tried to download video %s times\nSkipping..." % (trys - 1)) videoComment = dlCommentError break print printInfo2("Downloading stream to %s.%s ..." % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'])) expectedDuration = round(float(line['duration']), 2) printInfo1("Expected duration: %s" % str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=expectedDuration))) printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) printScores() if continueWithProcess(line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'], keepOld, reDownload, "Will redownload\n", "Keeping old file. No download\n", verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Executing download command...") print videoCmd exitCode = runProcess(videoCmd, verbose) if exitCode != 0: printScores() onError(30, "Failed. Process exited on %s" % exitCode) printInfo2("Trying again...") reDownload = True else: if checkDuration and float(line['duration']) > 0: durationOK = checkDurations(line, verbose) else: if verbose: printWarning("Not checking duration") durationOK = True if os.path.isfile("%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix'])) and durationOK: printScores() printInfo1("Finished downloading video") setPerms("%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']), verbose) reDownload = oldReDownload videoComment = dlCommentSuccess break else: printScores() if not durationOK: onError(46, "Durations does not match") printInfo2("Trying again") else: onError(31, "Failed. Video file does not exist") printInfo2("Trying again...") reDownload = True else: videoComment = dlCommentExist break if subCmd: trys = 0 oldReDownload = reDownload while True: trys += 1 if trys > maxTrys: onError(32, "Tried to download subtitles %s times\nSkipping..." % (trys - 1)) subComment = dlCommentError break print printInfo2("Downloading subtitles ..." % line['name'].rstrip()) if verbose: printInfo1("from %s" % line['subs']) printInfo1("%s%s try" % (trys, numbering(trys, verbose))) printScores() if continueWithProcess(line['name'].rstrip(), "srt", keepOld, reDownload, "Will redownload\n", "Keeping old file. No download\n", verbose): if verbose: printInfo2("Downloading file...") print line['subs'] print videoCmd result = downloadFile(line['subs'], "%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), "srt"), verbose) if not result: printScores() onError(33, "Failed to download subtitles") printInfo2("Trying again...") reDownload = True else: fileSizeOK = checkFileSize(line, verbose) if os.path.isfile("" % line['name'].rstrip()) and fileSizeOK: printScores() printInfo1("Finished downloading subtitles") setPerms("" % line['name'].rstrip(), verbose) reDownload = oldReDownload subComment = dlCommentSuccess break else: printScores() if not fileSizeOK: onError(47, "Failed. File sizes does not match") printInfo2("Trying again") else: onError(34, "Failed. Subtitle file does not exist") printInfo2("Trying again") reDownload = True else: subComment = dlCommentExist break else: subComment = dlCommentNoSub printInfo2("\nGetting file info...") fileSize = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%FileSize%"', verbose) fileSizeMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%FileSize/String%"', verbose) duration = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%Duration%"', verbose) durationFormatted = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%Duration/String3%"', verbose) overallBitRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%OverallBitRate%"', verbose) overallBitRateMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="General;%OverallBitRate/String%"', verbose) videoFormat = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%Format%"', verbose) videoCodecId = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%CodecID%"', verbose) videoBitRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%BitRate%"', verbose) videoBitRateMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%BitRate/String%"', verbose) width = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%Width%"', verbose) height = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%Height%"', verbose) frameRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%FrameRate%"', verbose) frameCount = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Video;%FrameCount%"', verbose) audioFormat = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%Format%"', verbose) audioCodecId = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%CodecID%"', verbose) audioBitRate = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%BitRate%"', verbose) audioBitRateMeasure = getInfo(line, '--Inform="Audio;%BitRate/String%"', verbose) if line['subs']: subSize = os.path.getsize("" % line['name'].rstrip()) with open("" % line['name'].rstrip()) as myfile: subLines = sum(1 for line in myfile) # number of lines in file myfile.close() # close file else: subSize = "na" subLines = "na" infoDownloaded.append({'videoName': "%s.%s" % (line['name'].rstrip(), line['suffix']), 'expectedDuration': line['duration'], 'videoDlComment': videoComment, 'fileSize': fileSize, 'fileSizeMeasure': fileSizeMeasure, 'duration': duration, 'durationFormatted': durationFormatted, 'overallBitRate': overallBitRate, 'overallBitRateMeasure': overallBitRateMeasure, 'videoFormat': videoFormat, 'videoCodecId': videoCodecId, 'videoBitRate': videoBitRate, 'videoBitRateMeasure': videoBitRateMeasure, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'frameRate': frameRate, 'frameCount': frameCount, 'audioFormat': audioFormat, 'audioCodecId': audioCodecId, 'audioBitRate': audioBitRate, 'audioBitRateMeasure': audioBitRateMeasure, 'subName': "" % line['name'].rstrip(), 'expectedSubSize': line['subSize'], 'subDlComment': subComment, 'subSize': subSize, 'subLines': subLines}) printScores() print return infoDownloaded