Beispiel #1
    def CheckCollisionConfig(self, config, activeIndices, vnear=None):
        """Check for both virtual and actual collisions.
        inCollision = False
        positions = [
            self.robots[i].Locate(config[i])[0] for i in activeIndices

        # Check for virtual collisions (trapped in deadlocks).
        a = self._a
        b = self._b
        for (iconflict, conflict) in enumerate(self.conflicts):
            if conflict.type != ConflictType.DEADLOCK:

            if not set(conflict.indices).issubset(set(activeIndices)):
            indices = conflict.indices

            svect = Config([config[rindex] for rindex in indices])
            # svect_start = Config([conflict.intervals[rindex][0] - a
            #                       for rindex in indices])
            # svect_end = Config([conflict.intervals[rindex][1] + b
            #                     for rindex in indices])
            svect_start = Config(
                [conflict.intervals[rindex][0] for rindex in indices])
            svect_end = Config(
                [conflict.intervals[rindex][1] for rindex in indices])

            if svect.Dominates(svect_start) and svect_end.Dominates(svect):
                msg = "    Config in deadlock {0}: Robot {1}".format\
                      (iconflict, indices[0])
                for index in indices[1:]:
                    msg += " & Robot {0}".format(index)
                inCollision = True
                if vnear is not None:
                    log.debug("    vnear.index = {0}".format(vnear.index))
                return inCollision

        # Check for actual collisions
        for i in xrange(len(activeIndices)):
            index1 = activeIndices[i]
            for j in xrange(i + 1, len(activeIndices)):
                index2 = activeIndices[j]

                diff = positions[i] - positions[j]
                dist = np.sqrt(, diff))
                if dist <= 2 * self.params.collisionRadius:
                    log.debug("    Config in collision: Robot {0} & Robot {1}".
                              format(index1, index2))
                    if vnear is not None:
                        log.debug("    vnear.index = {0}".format(vnear.index))
                    inCollision = True

                    if vnear is not None:
                        if index1 in vnear.waitingIndices or index2 in vnear.waitingIndices:
                            # If one of the colliding robot is a waiting
                            # robot, the other robot should also wait.
                            if index1 in vnear.waitingIndices:
                            elif index2 in vnear.waitingIndices:
                            for conflict in self.conflicts:
                                # if conflict.type != ConflictType.SHARED:
                                #     continue

                                # Consider both shared segments and junctions.
                                if conflict.type == ConflictType.DEADLOCK:
                                if (not (index1 in conflict.indices
                                         and index2 in conflict.indices)):
                                s1_start, s1_end = conflict.intervals[index1]
                                s2_start, s2_end = conflict.intervals[index2]
                                s1 = config[index1]
                                s2 = config[index2]
                                rem1 = s1_end - s1
                                rem2 = s2_end - s2

                                # The robot that is behind the other shall wait.
                                if rem1 > rem2:

                        vnear.waitingIndices = sorted(
                    return inCollision

        return inCollision
Beispiel #2
    def CheckAndPreventConflicts(self):
        """Check if the newly added config is near any conflict. If so, apply the
        conflict prevention policy.

        v = self.treeStart[-1]  # the newly added vertex
        c = v.config

        waitingIndices = []
        constrainedIndexSets = []
        a =
        b =
        d = self.params.preventionDistance

        # When there is (seems to be) freedom to choose which robot to
        # wait, we need to be more careful since the choice we make
        # can affect the problem. The order in which we iterate
        # through the conflict also affects the problem.

        # decisionSets is a list of sublists. Each sublist contains
        # robot indices among which we can choose them to
        # wait. Suppose a sublist is [rindex1, rindex2]. There might
        # be some future conflict that forces, e.g., rindex1 to
        # wait. Then we remove the sublist.
        decisionSets = []

        # movingIndices is a list of sublists. Each sublist contains robot
        # indices among which at least one robot MUST BE MOVING. (Otherwise, a
        # configuration will be stuck in a deadlock.)
        movingIndices = []

        for conflict in

            if conflict.type == ConflictType.DEADLOCK:
                # indices store active indices that are related to this deadlock.
                if not set(conflict.indices).issubset(
                indices = sorted(conflict.indices)
                # indices = sorted(list(set(conflict.indices) & set(self.currentActiveIndices)))
                # if len(indices) < 2:
                #     continue

                svect = Config([c[rindex] for rindex in indices])
                # svect_inner = Config([conflict.intervals[rindex][0] - a
                #                       for rindex in indices])
                svect_inner = Config(
                    [conflict.intervals[rindex][0] for rindex in indices])

                svect_outer = Config([s - d for s in svect_inner])
                # svect_max   = Config([conflict.intervals[rindex][1] + b
                #                       for rindex in indices])
                svect_max = Config(
                    [conflict.intervals[rindex][1] for rindex in indices])

                if not (svect.Dominates(svect_outer)
                        and svect_max.Dominates(svect)):
                    # This config is not near this deadlock obstacle

                if svect_inner.Dominates(svect):
                    # All robots that are related to this deadlock have not
                    # entered the deadlock yet.
                    intersect = list(set(indices) & set(waitingIndices))
                    if len(intersect) > 0:
                        # At least one robot is waiting so that's fine.
                        # In this case, we will decide later which one to wait.
                    # Some robots have already entered the deadlock. See first
                    # which robots have already entered or not entered.
                    diff = svect - svect_inner
                    decisionSet = []  # this list keeps the indices of robots
                    # outside the deadlock

                    for (ds, index) in zip(diff, indices):
                        if ds < 0:
                            # This robot has not entered the deadlock.
                    intersect = list(set(decisionSet) & set(waitingIndices))
                    if len(intersect) > 0:
                        # At least one robot outside the deadlock is already
                        # waiting. Do nothing here.
                        if len(decisionSet) == 1:
                            # # If we reach this case, the robot with index
                            # # decisionSet[0] is forced to wait since it is THE
                            # # ONLY ONE that has not entered the deadlock yet. We
                            # # also need to make sure that at least one of the
                            # # other robots MUST BE moving.
                            # waitingIndices.append(decisionSet[0])
                            # if len(indices) > 2:
                            #     # We may need to examine this case more closely.
                            #     # IPython.embed(header="len(conflict.indices) > 2")
                            #     moving = list(set(indices) - set(decisionSet))
                            #     movingIndices.append(moving)
                            # else:
                            #     # index is the index of the robot that must be moving.
                            #     index = list(set(indices) - set(decisionSet))[0]
                            #     for decisionSet in decisionSets:
                            #         # Remove any appearance of index in decision sets.
                            #         try:
                            #             decisionSet.remove(index)
                            #         except:
                            #             pass

                            # newDecisionSets = []
                            # for decisionSet in decisionSets:
                            #     if len(decisionSet) == 0:
                            #         # This should not be the case
                            #         raise ValueError
                            #     elif len(decisionSet) == 1:
                            #         # The decision has been made.
                            #         waitingIndices.append(decisionSet[0])
                            #     else:
                            #         intersect = list(set(waitingIndices) & set(decisionSet))
                            #         if len(intersect) > 0:
                            #             continue
                            #         else:
                            #             newDecisionSets.append(decisionSet)
                            # decisionSets = newDecisionSets
                            if decisionSet[0] not in waitingIndices:

                            # In this case, we decide later

                # Elementary conflict (shared segment or junction)
                rindex1, rindex2 = conflict.indices
                if ((rindex1 not in self.currentActiveIndices)
                        or (rindex2 not in self.currentActiveIndices)):
                    # At least one robot is inactive: this conflict is not relevant
                s1 = c[rindex1]
                s2 = c[rindex2]
                s1_start, s1_end = conflict.intervals[rindex1]
                s2_start, s2_end = conflict.intervals[rindex2]

                if conflict.type == ConflictType.SHARED:
                    # SHARED SEGMENT
                    # if ((s1_start - a - d <= s1 <= s1_start) and
                    #     (s2_start - a - d <= s2 <= s2_start - a)):
                    #     # Both robots have not entered the shared segment
                    #     # yet. So we keep them as candidates.
                    #     decisionSet = [rindex1, rindex2]
                    #     decisionSets.append(decisionSet)
                    # elif ((s1_start - a - d <= s1 <= s1_start - a) and
                    #       (s2_start - a <= s2 <= s2_start)):
                    #     # Both robots have not entered the shared segment
                    #     # yet. So we keep them as candidates.
                    #     decisionSet = [rindex1, rindex2]
                    #     decisionSets.append(decisionSet)
                    if ((s1_start - d <= s1 <= s1_start)
                            and (s2_start - d <= s2 <= s2_start)):
                        # Both robots have not entered the shared segment
                        # yet. So we keep them as candidates.
                        decisionSet = [rindex1, rindex2]
                    elif ((s1_start - d <= s1 <= s1_start + a)
                          and (s2_start - d <= s2 <= s2_start + a)):
                        if s1 >= s1_start:
                    # elif ((s1_start - a - d <= s1 <= s1_end + a) and
                    #       (s2_start - a - d <= s2 <= s2_end + a)):
                    elif ((s1_start - d <= s1 <= s1_end)
                          and (s2_start - d <= s2 <= s2_end)):
                        # This configuration is inside a velocity constrained
                        # region. (Both robots are inside a shared segment so
                        # they should move at the same speed.)
                        indices = [rindex1, rindex2]

                        # Now we need to check if robot1/robot2 is already part
                        # of any other shared segment conflict.
                        appeared = False
                        for i in xrange(len(constrainedIndexSets)):
                            if ((rindex1 in constrainedIndexSets[i])
                                    or (rindex2 in constrainedIndexSets[i])):
                                newIndices = list(
                                    set(constrainedIndexSets[i] + indices))
                                constrainedIndexSets[i] = newIndices
                                appeared = True

                        if not appeared:
                    # JUNCTION
                    # if ((s1_start - d <= s1 <= s1_end) and
                    #     (s2_start - d <= s2 <= s2_end)):
                    #     # Both robots almost reach the junction.
                    #     decisionSet = [rindex1, rindex2]
                    #     decisionSets.append(decisionSet)
                    if ((s1_start - d <= s1 <= s1_start)
                            and (s2_start - d <= s2 <= s2_start)):
                        # Both robots are about to cross this junction.
                        decisionSet = [rindex1, rindex2]

                    elif ((s1_start - d <= s1 <= s1_end)
                          and (s2_start - d <= s2 <= s2_end)):
                        rem1 = s1_end - s1
                        rem2 = s2_end - s2

                        # The robot that is behind the other shall wait.
                        if rem1 > rem2:

        # Now we have already iterated through all conflicts.

        # Manage the pending decisions.
        newDecisionSets = []
        for decisionSet in decisionSets:
            intersect = list(set(waitingIndices) & set(decisionSet))
            if len(intersect) > 0:
        decisionSets = newDecisionSets

        if len(decisionSets) > 0:
            appearance = dict()
            for decisionSet in decisionSets:
                for el in decisionSet:
                    if el not in appearance:
                        appearance[el] = 1
                        appearance[el] += 1

            # Sort the dictionary `appearance` by its values (descending order).
            sorted_appearance = sorted(appearance.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

            # Idea: indices that appear most often should be waiting so as to
            # minimize the waiting robots.
            for item in sorted_appearance:
                index, _ = item
                newDecisionSets = []
                for decisionSet in decisionSets:
                    if len(decisionSet) > 1:
                decisionSets = newDecisionSets
                if len(decisionSets) == 0:
        if len(decisionSets) > 0:
            # All pending decisions should have already been made.
            raise ValueError

        for movingSet in movingIndices:
            if len(list(set(movingSet) - set(waitingIndices))) == 0:
                import IPython
                IPython.embed(header="error with moving indices")

        # Manage constrained index sets

        # Idea: if there are three robot in the shared segment but the one
        # behind is waiting, that robot should not affect the other two. If the
        # one waiting is not the one behind, the moving one will eventually
        # collide with it and be made waiting anyway.
        waitingSet = set(waitingIndices)
        newconstrainedset = []
        for constrainedset in constrainedIndexSets:
            constrainedset = list(set(constrainedset) - waitingSet)
            if len(constrainedset) > 1:

        v.waitingIndices = sorted(list(set(waitingIndices)))
        v.constrainedIndexSets = newconstrainedset  # constrainedIndexSets