Beispiel #1
    def get_logical_task_state(self, task_ex):
        task_spec = self.wf_spec.get_tasks()[]

        if not task_spec.get_join():
            # A simple 'non-join' task does not have any preconditions
            # based on state of other tasks so its logical state always
            # equals to its real state.
            return base.TaskLogicalState(task_ex.state, task_ex.state_info)

        return self._get_join_logical_state(task_spec)
 def get_logical_task_state(self, task_ex):
     # TODO(rakhmerov): Implement.
     return base.TaskLogicalState(task_ex.state, task_ex.state_info)
Beispiel #3
    def _get_join_logical_state(self, task_spec):
        """Evaluates logical state of 'join' task.

        :param task_spec: 'join' task specification.
        :return: TaskLogicalState (state, state_info, cardinality,
            triggered_by) where 'state' and 'state_info' describe the logical
            state of the given 'join' task and 'cardinality' gives the
            remaining number of unfulfilled preconditions. If logical state
            is not WAITING then 'cardinality' should always be 0.

        # TODO(rakhmerov): We need to use task_ex instead of task_spec
        # in order to cover a use case when there's more than one instance
        # of the same 'join' task in a workflow.
        # TODO(rakhmerov): In some cases this method will be expensive because
        # it uses a multi-step recursive search. We need to optimize it moving
        # forward (e.g. with Workflow Execution Graph).

        join_expr = task_spec.get_join()

        in_task_specs = self.wf_spec.find_inbound_task_specs(task_spec)

        if not in_task_specs:
            return base.TaskLogicalState(states.RUNNING)

        # List of tuples (task_name, task_ex, state, depth, event_name).
        induced_states = []

        for t_s in in_task_specs:
            t_ex = self._find_task_execution_by_name(t_s.get_name())

            tup = self._get_induced_join_state(t_s, t_ex, task_spec)

                (t_s.get_name(), t_ex, tup[0], tup[1], tup[2]))

        def count(state):
            cnt = 0
            total_depth = 0

            for s in induced_states:
                if s[2] == state:
                    cnt += 1
                    total_depth += s[3]

            return cnt, total_depth

        errors_tuple = count(states.ERROR)
        runnings_tuple = count(states.RUNNING)
        total_count = len(induced_states)

        def _blocked_message():
            return ('Blocked by tasks: %s' %
                    [s[0] for s in induced_states if s[2] == states.WAITING])

        def _failed_message():
            return ('Failed by tasks: %s' %
                    [s[0] for s in induced_states if s[2] == states.ERROR])

        def _triggered_by(state):
            return [{
                'task_id': s[1].id,
                'event': s[4]
            } for s in induced_states if s[2] == state and s[1] is not None]

        # If "join" is configured as a number or 'one'.
        if isinstance(join_expr, int) or join_expr == 'one':
            spec_cardinality = 1 if join_expr == 'one' else join_expr

            if runnings_tuple[0] >= spec_cardinality:
                return base.TaskLogicalState(states.RUNNING,

            # E.g. 'join: 3' with inbound [ERROR, ERROR, RUNNING, WAITING]
            # No chance to get 3 RUNNING states.
            if errors_tuple[0] > (total_count - spec_cardinality):
                return base.TaskLogicalState(states.ERROR, _failed_message())

            # Calculate how many tasks need to finish to trigger this 'join'.
            cardinality = spec_cardinality - runnings_tuple[0]

            return base.TaskLogicalState(states.WAITING,

        if join_expr == 'all':
            if total_count == runnings_tuple[0]:
                return base.TaskLogicalState(states.RUNNING,

            if errors_tuple[0] > 0:
                return base.TaskLogicalState(states.ERROR,

            # Remaining cardinality is just a difference between all tasks and
            # a number of those tasks that induce RUNNING state.
            cardinality = total_count - runnings_tuple[1]

            return base.TaskLogicalState(states.WAITING,

        raise RuntimeError('Unexpected join expression: %s' % join_expr)