Beispiel #1
    def _initialize_w_c_b(self, n_words, vocab, initial_embedding_dict):
        self.W = randmatrix(n_words, self.n)  # Word weights.
        self.C = randmatrix(n_words, self.n)  # Context weights.
        if initial_embedding_dict:
            assert self.n == len(next(iter(initial_embedding_dict.values())))

            self.original_embedding = np.zeros((len(vocab), self.n))
            self.has_embedding = np.zeros(len(vocab), dtype=bool)

            for i, w in enumerate(vocab):
                if w in initial_embedding_dict:
                    self.has_embedding[i] = 1
                    embedding = np.array(initial_embedding_dict[w])
                    self.original_embedding[i] = embedding
                    # Divide the original embedding into W and C,
                    # plus some noise to break the symmetry that would
                    # otherwise cause both gradient updates to be
                    # identical.
                    self.W[i] = 0.5 * embedding + noise(self.n)
                    self.C[i] = 0.5 * embedding + noise(self.n)
            # This is for testing. It differs from
            # `self.original_embedding` only in that it includes the
            # random noise we added above to break the symmetry.
            self.G_start = self.W + self.C = randmatrix(n_words, 1)
        self.bc = randmatrix(n_words, 1)
        self.ones = np.ones((n_words, 1))
Beispiel #2
    def _build_graph(self, vocab, initial_embedding_dict):
        """Builds the computatation graph.

        vocab : Iterable
        initial_embedding_dict : dict
        # Constants
        self.ones = tf.ones([self.n_words, 1])

        # Parameters:
        if initial_embedding_dict is None:
            # Ordinary GloVe
            self.W = self._weight_init(self.n_words, self.n, 'W')
            self.C = self._weight_init(self.n_words, self.n, 'C')
            # This is the case where we have values to use as a
            # "warm start":
            self.n = len(next(iter(initial_embedding_dict.values())))
            W = randmatrix(len(vocab), self.n)
            C = randmatrix(len(vocab), self.n)
            self.original_embedding = np.zeros((len(vocab), self.n))
            self.has_embedding = np.zeros(len(vocab))
            for i, w in enumerate(vocab):
                if w in initial_embedding_dict:
                    self.has_embedding[i] = 1.0
                    embedding = np.array(initial_embedding_dict[w])
                    self.original_embedding[i] = embedding
                    # Divide the original embedding into W and C,
                    # plus some noise to break the symmetry that would
                    # otherwise cause both gradient updates to be
                    # identical.
                    W[i] = 0.5 * embedding + noise(self.n)
                    C[i] = 0.5 * embedding + noise(self.n)
            self.W = tf.Variable(W, name='W', dtype=tf.float32)
            self.C = tf.Variable(C, name='C', dtype=tf.float32)
            self.original_embedding = tf.constant(self.original_embedding,
            self.has_embedding = tf.constant(self.has_embedding,
            # This is for testing. It differs from
            # `self.original_embedding` only in that it includes the
            # random noise we added above to break the symmetry.
            self.G_start = W + C = self._weight_init(self.n_words, 1, 'bw')
        self.bc = self._weight_init(self.n_words, 1, 'bc')

        self.model = tf.tensordot(self.W, tf.transpose(self.C), axes=1) + \
                     tf.tensordot(, tf.transpose(self.ones), axes=1) + \
                     tf.tensordot(self.ones, tf.transpose(self.bc), axes=1)