Beispiel #1
    def optimal_weights(self):
        # DFT layer of x: xhat
        x_to_xhat_re, x_to_xhat_im = dft_weights_2d(self.width, self.height)

        # multiplication of Yhat in log space: Yhat
        Xhat_to_Yhat = np.eye(self.width * self.height)
        Xhat_to_Yhat_re = np.real(Xhat_to_Yhat)
        Xhat_to_Yhat_im = np.imag(Xhat_to_Yhat)

        # inverse DFT layer of yhat: y
        yhat_to_y_re, yhat_to_y_im = idft_weights_2d(self.width, self.height)

        return (x_to_xhat_re, x_to_xhat_im, Xhat_to_Yhat_re, Xhat_to_Yhat_im, yhat_to_y_re, yhat_to_y_im)
Beispiel #2
    def optimal_shift_weights(self):
        # DFT layer of x: xhat
        x_to_xhat_re,  x_to_xhat_im = dft_weights_2d(self.width, self.height)

        if self.arch == 'conv':
            # DFT layer of s: shat
            s_to_shat_re, s_to_shat_im = dft_weights_2d(self.width, self.height)
        elif self.arch == 'comp':
            # shift calculation from s: shat
            xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.width), np.arange(self.height), indexing='ij')
            fx = xgrid.flatten()[:, np.newaxis]
            fy = ygrid.flatten()[:, np.newaxis]
            s_to_shat_x = -2j*np.pi * fx / self.width
            s_to_shat_y = -2j*np.pi * fy / self.height
            s_to_shat = np.hstack((s_to_shat_x, s_to_shat_y))
            s_to_shat_re, s_to_shat_im = np.real(s_to_shat), np.imag(s_to_shat)
            assert False

        # multiplication of Yhat and Shat in log space: Yhat
        Xhat_to_Yhat = np.eye(self.width * self.height)
        Xhat_to_Yhat_re = np.real(Xhat_to_Yhat)
        Xhat_to_Yhat_im = np.imag(Xhat_to_Yhat)

        Shat_to_Yhat = np.eye(self.width * self.height)
        Shat_to_Yhat_re = np.real(Shat_to_Yhat)
        Shat_to_Yhat_im = np.imag(Shat_to_Yhat)

        # inverse DFT layer of yhat y:
        yhat_to_y_re, yhat_to_y_im = idft_weights_2d(self.width, self.height)

        return (x_to_xhat_re, x_to_xhat_im,
                s_to_shat_re, s_to_shat_im,
                Xhat_to_Yhat_re, Xhat_to_Yhat_im,
                Shat_to_Yhat_re, Shat_to_Yhat_im,
                yhat_to_y_re, yhat_to_y_im)