def mlpn_loglinear_check():
    import mlpn
    import train_mlp1
    dims = [20, 3]
    params = mlpn.create_classifier(dims)

    x = np.random.randn(dims[0], )
    y = 0

        "MLP arbitrary layers gradient check (special case of log linear model"
    for i in range(5):
        random_params = train_mlp1.randomly_initialize_params(params)
        W, b = random_params

        def _loss_and_W_grad(W_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y, [W_, b])
            return loss, grads[0]

        def _loss_and_b_grad(b_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y, [W, b_])
            return loss, grads[1]

        print(f"Gradients checks for random initialization {i + 1}")
        gradient_check(_loss_and_W_grad, W)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_b_grad, b)
def mlpn_2_hidden_check():
    import mlpn
    import train_mlp1
    dims = [50, 20, 10, 3]
    params = mlpn.create_classifier(dims)

    x = np.random.randn(dims[0], )
    y = 0

        "MLP arbitrary layers gradient check (special case of log linear model"
    for i in range(5):
        random_params = train_mlp1.randomly_initialize_params(params)
        W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3 = random_params

        def _loss_and_W1_grad(W1_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y,
                                                  [W1_, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3])
            return loss, grads[0]

        def _loss_and_b1_grad(b1_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y,
                                                  [W1, b1_, W2, b2, W3, b3])
            return loss, grads[1]

        def _loss_and_W2_grad(W2_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y,
                                                  [W1, b1, W2_, b2, W3, b3])
            return loss, grads[2]

        def _loss_and_b2_grad(b2_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y,
                                                  [W1, b1, W2, b2_, W3, b3])
            return loss, grads[3]

        def _loss_and_W3_grad(W3_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y,
                                                  [W1, b1, W2, b2, W3_, b3])
            return loss, grads[4]

        def _loss_and_b3_grad(b3_):
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y,
                                                  [W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3_])
            return loss, grads[5]

        print(f"Gradients checks for random initialization {i + 1}")
        gradient_check(_loss_and_W1_grad, W1)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_b1_grad, b1)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_W2_grad, W2)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_b2_grad, b2)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_W3_grad, W3)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_b3_grad, b3)
Beispiel #3
def bigram_model():
    train_data = ut.TRAIN
    dev_data = ut.DEV
    test_data = ut.TEST
    in_dim = len(ut.vocab)
    out_dim = len(ut.L2I)
    num_iterations = 10
    learning_rate = 0.01

    params = model.create_classifier([in_dim, out_dim])
    trained_params = train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations,
                                      learning_rate, params)
Beispiel #4
def mlpn_grad_sanity():
    # Sanity checks. If these fail, your gradient calculation is definitely wrong.
    # If they pass, it is likely, but not certainly, correct.
    # import sys
    #from .grad_check import gradient_check
    W, b, U, b_tag = mlpn.create_classifier([3, 4, 6])

    def _loss_and_W_grad(W):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], np.double)
        loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, 0, [W, b, U, b_tag])
        return loss, grads[0]

    def _loss_and_b_grad(b):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], np.double)
        loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, 0, [W, b, U, b_tag])
        return loss, grads[1]

    def _loss_and_U_grad(U):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], np.double)
        loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, 0, [W, b, U, b_tag])
        return loss, grads[2]

    def _loss_and_b_tag_grad(b_tag):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], np.double)
        loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, 0, [W, b, U, b_tag])
        return loss, grads[3]

    for _ in range(1):
        W = randomize_array(W)
        b = randomize_array(b)
        U = randomize_array(U)
        b_tag = randomize_array(b_tag)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_b_tag_grad, b_tag)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_U_grad, U)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_b_grad, b)
        gradient_check(_loss_and_W_grad, W)
Beispiel #5
def main(text_to_ngram):
    if config.debug:

    train_data = utils.read_data(config.filename_train)
    symbol_dict = tl.initialize_symbol_dict(train_data, text_to_ngram)
    label_dict = tl.initialize_label_dict(train_data)
    xy_train = list(
        tl.xy_generator(train_data, text_to_ngram, symbol_dict, label_dict))

    dev_data = utils.read_data(config.filename_dev)
    xy_dev = list(
        tl.xy_generator(dev_data, text_to_ngram, symbol_dict, label_dict))
    dims = config.mlpn.layer_sizes
    if config.debug:
        print("problem dimensions are: {}".format(dims))
    params = pn.create_classifier(dims)
    params = [randomize_array(p) for p in params]
    trained_params = train_classifier(xy_train, xy_dev,
                                      config.mlpn.learning_rate, params)
    return trained_params
Beispiel #6
        for b in bs:
            if b not in bigrams:
                bigrams[b] = i
                i += 1

    def dataFromFile(fileData):
        data = []
        for [lang, bs] in fileData:
            features = np.zeros(len(bigrams))
            for b in bs:
                if b in bigrams:
                    features[bigrams[b]] += 1
            language = languages[lang] if lang in languages else -1
            data.append([language, features])
        return data

    trainData = dataFromFile(utils.TRAIN)
    devData = dataFromFile(utils.DEV)
    testData = dataFromFile(utils.TEST)

    params = mlpn.create_classifier([len(bigrams), 13, 13, len(languages)])
    trainedParams = train_classifier(trainData, devData, 20, 0.01, params)

    predictions = []
    for [label, data] in testData:
        predictions.append(languagesBack[mlpn.predict(data, trainedParams)])

    outF = open('test.pred', 'w')
Beispiel #7
    params: list of parameters (initial values)
    for epoch in range(num_iterations):
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec_uni(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = ll.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            new_params =[]
            for (p,g) in zip(params,grads):
            params = new_params
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
        """if epoch == 4:
            learning_rate = 0.001"""
        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print(epoch, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.
    params = ll.create_classifier([600, 1200, 6])
    trained_params = train_classifier(TRAIN, DEV, 10,  0.0285, params)
            x = features  # numpy vector.
            y = label  # a number.
            loss, grads = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss

            # SGD update parameters
            for i in range(0, len(params)):
                params[i] -= learning_rate * grads[i]

        # notify progress
        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # training parameters
    num_iterations = 100
    learning_rate = 1e-2

    # get params
    vocab_size, num_langs, train_data, dev_data = utils.get_bigram_data()
    dims = [vocab_size, 144, 30, num_langs]

    params = mlpn.create_classifier(dims)
    trained_params = train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations,
                                      learning_rate, params)
    pickle.dump(trained_params, open("model.p", "wb"))
    :param test_data: test data to be predicted
    :param params: trained params
    f = open("test.pred", 'w')
    for label, features in test_data:
        x = feats_to_vec(features)
        y_hat = mlpn.predict(x, params)
        for l, i in utils.L2I.items():
            if y_hat == i:
                label = l
        f.write(label + "\n")

LR = 0.001

if __name__ == '__main__':

    params = mlpn.create_classifier(
    trained_params = train_classifier(utils.TRAIN, utils.DEV, NUM_ITERATIONS,
                                      LR, params)

    TEST = [(l, utils.text_to_bigrams(t)) for l, t in utils.read_data("test")]
    create_test_pred_file(TEST, trained_params)
    def fileData(fData):
        data = []
        for [lang, bigrams] in fData:
            features = np.zeros(len(all_bigrams))
            for bigram in bigrams:
                if bigram in all_bigrams:
                    features[all_bigrams[bigram]] += 1
            language = all_langs[lang] if lang in all_langs else -1
            data.append([language, features])
        return data

# process the training and dev data and print accuracy
#params = mlp.create_classifier(len(all_bigrams), int(math.log(len(all_bigrams) * len(all_langs))), len(all_langs))

    params = mlp.create_classifier(
        [len(all_bigrams), 20, 30, 40, 10,
    trained_params = train_classifier(fileData(utils.TRAIN),
                                      fileData(utils.DEV), num_iterations,
                                      learning_rate, params)

    # run prediction on the test data
    predict = []
    for [label, data] in fileData(utils.TEST):
        predict.append(lang_to_id[mlp.predict(data, trained_params)])
""" In comment in order not to run over the file
# write the prediction to a file
    predict_file = open('test.pred', 'w')
    predict_file.writelines(["%s\n" % item  for item in predict])
Beispiel #11
        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params

def run_test(test_data, params):
    pred_file = open("test.pred", 'w')
    for label, features in test_data:
        x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
        y_hat = ml.predict(x, params)
        for key, val in ut.L2I.items(
        ):  # for name, age in dictionary.iteritems():  (for Python 2.x)
            if val == y_hat:
                label = key
        pred_file.write(str(label) + "\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.
    params = ml.create_classifier(
        [len(ut.F2I), HIDDEN_SIZE1, HIDDEN_SIZE2,
    trained_params = train_classifier(ut.TRAIN, ut.DEV, EPOCHS, ETA, params)
    run_test(ut.TRAIN, trained_params)
Beispiel #12
    return params

def test(parameters):
    test classifier with test data - no labels

    params - the trained params
    # fd = open("test.pred", 'w')
    counter = 0
    test_ans = ''
    test_data = ut.read_data('test')
    for label, feature in test_data:
        pred = mlpn.predict(feats_to_vec(feature), parameters)
        for l,i in ut.L2I.items():
            if i == pred:
                test_ans = l
        counter += 1
        #print 'line: ', counter, 'prediction: ', test_ans

if __name__ == '__main__':
    train_data = ut.read_data('train')
    dev_data = ut.read_data('dev')
    params = mlpn.create_classifier([len(ut.F2I),HIDDEN_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, len(ut.L2I)])
    trained_params = train_classifier(train_data,dev_data,EPOCH,LR,params)
    print trained_params
Beispiel #13
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.
    train_data = utils.TRAIN
    dev_data = utils.DEV

    learning_rate = 0.01
    num_iterations = 250
    out_dim = len(utils.L2I)
    hid_dim1 = 100
    hid_dim2 = 50
    hid_dim3 = 20
    in_dim = 600
    # in_dim = len(utils.F2I)

    params = mlpn.create_classifier(
        [in_dim, hid_dim1, hid_dim2, hid_dim3, out_dim])
    trained_params = train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations,
                                      learning_rate, params)

        test_results = []
        for val in utils.TEST:
        with open("test_results.txt", "w") as f:
            f.writelines(["%s\n" % item for item in test_results])
Beispiel #14
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = ut.L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = mlp_n.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

            # Teata = Theata  - learnning rate * gradient.
            # For every param in the params list reduce the right gradient multiply the lr.
            for index, _ in enumerate(params):
                params[index] = params[index] - learning_rate * grads[index]

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)

        print(I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.
    firstLayerNeuronsLength = len(ut.F2I)
    outputLayerNeuronsLength = len(ut.L2I)
    params = mlp_n.create_classifier(
        [firstLayerNeuronsLength, 20, 30, 40, 10, outputLayerNeuronsLength])
    trained_params = train_classifier(ut.TRAIN, ut.DEV, EPOCHS, ETA, params)
import mlpn as mlp
from train_mlpn import train_classifier
from utils import load_train_set, load_validation_set

STUDENT = {'name': 'Dorin Keshales'}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.

    # ...

    # Allowing the user to decide how many hidden layers he wants and define their sizes.
    dimensions = [700]
    d = input(
        "Enter the dimensions of the hidden layers separated by comma.\nIf you don't want hidden layers press enter.\n"
    if len(d) != 0:
        d = d.split(",")
        for dim in d:

    train, features_size, labels_size = load_train_set('bigrams')
    validation = load_validation_set('bigrams')
    learning_rate = 0.001
    params = mlp.create_classifier(dimensions)
    trained_params = train_classifier(train, validation, 10, learning_rate,
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.

    train_data = utils.TRAIN
    dev_data = utils.DEV

    in_dim = len(utils.F2I)
    out_dim = len(utils.L2I)
    num_iterations = 7
    learning_rate = 1e-3

    TEST = [utils.text_to_bigrams(t) for l, t in utils.read_data("test")]

    params = mlpn.create_classifier([in_dim, 500, 256, 100, out_dim])
    #params = mlpn.create_classifier([in_dim, out_dim])

    trained_params = train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations,
                                      learning_rate, params)

    pred(TEST, trained_params)
    # in_dim = 2
    # hidden_dim = 4
    # out_dim = 2
    # num_iterations = 20
    # learning_rate = 1
    # params = mlpn.create_classifier([in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim])
Beispiel #17
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = L2I.get(label)  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, gradients = mlpn.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            cum_loss += loss
            for param, dparam in zip(params, gradients):
                param -= learning_rate * dparam
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.

    # ...
    in_dim = VOCAB_SIZE
    hidden_dim = CATEGORIES * 2
    out_dim = CATEGORIES

    params = mlpn.create_classifier([600, 200, 100, 6])
    trained_params = train_classifier(TRAIN, DEV, num_iterations,
                                      learning_rate, params)
        cum_loss = 0.0  # total loss in this iteration.
        for label, features in train_data:
            x = feats_to_vec(features)  # convert features to a vector.
            y = L2I[label]  # convert the label to number if needed.
            loss, grads = ll.loss_and_gradients(x, y, params)
            gw, gb = grads
            cum_loss += loss
            W, b = params
            W -= learning_rate * gw
            b -= learning_rate * gb
            params = W, b
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
        if epoch == 4:
            learning_rate = 0.001

        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print(epoch, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.
    params = ll.create_classifier(600, 6)
    trained_params = train_classifier(TRAIN, DEV, 10, 0.01, params)
# predict(TEST, (ll.predict, params))
Beispiel #19
            # update the parameters according to the gradients
            # and the learning rate.
            for i in range(0, len(params), 2):
                params[i] -= learning_rate * grads[i]
                b = params[i + 1]
                params[i + 1] = np.squeeze(
                    (b - learning_rate * grads[i + 1].T).T)
        train_loss = cum_loss / len(train_data)
        train_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(train_data, params)
        dev_accuracy = accuracy_on_dataset(dev_data, params)
        print(I, train_loss, train_accuracy, dev_accuracy)
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # write code to load the train and dev sets, set up whatever you need,
    # and call train_classifier.

    train_data = ut.TRAIN
    dev_data = ut.DEV
    test_data = ut.TEST
    num_iterations = 20
    learning_rate = 0.001

    in_dim, out_dim = len(ut.F2I), len(ut.L2I)
    layers_sizes = [in_dim, out_dim]
    params = mlpn.create_classifier(layers_sizes)
    trained_params = train_classifier(train_data, dev_data, num_iterations,
                                      learning_rate, params)
    test_predict(test_data, trained_params)