def forward(self, data):
        inputs data:
            data[0] - dbscan data
            data[1] - primary data
        # need to form graph, then pass through GNN
        clusts = form_clusters_new(data[0])

        # remove track-like particles
        #types = get_cluster_label(data[0], clusts)
        #selection = types > 1 # 0 or 1 are track-like
        #clusts = clusts[selection]

        # remove compton clusters
        # if no cluster fits this condition, return
        selection = filter_compton(clusts)  # non-compton looking clusters
        if not len(selection):
            e = torch.tensor([], requires_grad=True)
            if data[0].is_cuda:
            return e

        clusts = clusts[selection]

        # process group data
        # data_grp = process_group_data(data[1], data[0])
        # data_grp = data[1]

        # form primary/secondary bipartite graph
        primaries = assign_primaries(data[1], clusts, data[0])
        batch = get_cluster_batch(data[0], clusts)
        edge_index = primary_bipartite_incidence(batch, primaries, cuda=True)

        # obtain vertex features
        x = cluster_vtx_features(data[0], clusts, cuda=True)
        # x = cluster_vtx_features_old(data[0], clusts, cuda=True)
        #print("max input: ", torch.max(x.view(-1)))
        #print("min input: ", torch.min(x.view(-1)))
        # obtain edge features
        e = cluster_edge_features(data[0], clusts, edge_index, cuda=True)

        # go through layers
        x = self.attn1(x, edge_index)
        #print("max x: ", torch.max(x.view(-1)))
        #print("min x: ", torch.min(x.view(-1)))
        x = self.attn2(x, edge_index)
        #print("max x: ", torch.max(x.view(-1)))
        #print("min x: ", torch.min(x.view(-1)))
        x = self.attn3(x, edge_index)
        #print("max x: ", torch.max(x.view(-1)))
        #print("min x: ", torch.min(x.view(-1)))

        xbatch = torch.tensor(batch).cuda()
        x, e, u = self.edge_predictor(x, edge_index, e, u=None, batch=xbatch)
        print("max edge weight: ", torch.max(e.view(-1)))
        print("min edge weight: ", torch.min(e.view(-1)))
        return e
Beispiel #2
    def forward(self, data):
            data[0]: (Nx5) Cluster tensor with row (x, y, z, batch_id, cluster_id)
        dictionary, with
            'node_pred': torch.tensor with node prediction weights
        # Get device
        cluster_label = data[0]
        device = cluster_label.device

        # Find index of points that belong to the same EM clusters
        clusts = form_clusters_new(cluster_label)

        # If requested, remove clusters below a certain size threshold
        if self.remove_compton:
            selection = np.where(filter_compton(clusts,
            if not len(selection):
                return self.default_return(device)
            clusts = clusts[selection]

        # Get the cluster ids of each processed cluster
        clust_ids = get_cluster_label(cluster_label, clusts)

        # Get the batch ids of each cluster
        batch_ids = get_cluster_batch(cluster_label, clusts)

        # Form a complete graph (should add options for other structures, TODO)
        edge_index = complete_graph(batch_ids, device=device)
        if not edge_index.shape[0]:
            return self.default_return(device)

        # Obtain vertex features
        x = cluster_vtx_features(cluster_label, clusts, device=device)

        # Obtain edge features
        e = cluster_edge_features(cluster_label,

        # Convert the the batch IDs to a torch tensor to pass to Torch
        xbatch = torch.tensor(batch_ids).to(device)

        # Pass through the model, get output
        out = self.node_predictor(x, edge_index, e, xbatch)

        return {
            **out, 'clust_ids': [torch.tensor(clust_ids)],
            'batch_ids': [torch.tensor(batch_ids)],
            'edge_index': [edge_index]
    def forward(self, data):
        inputs data:
            data[0] - dbscan data
        dictionary, with
            'edge_pred': torch.tensor with edge prediction weights
        # get device
        device = data[0].device
        # need to form graph, then pass through GNN
        clusts = form_clusters_new(data[0])
        # remove compton clusters
        # if no cluster fits this condition, return
        if self.remove_compton:
            selection = filter_compton(clusts, self.compton_thresh) # non-compton looking clusters
            if not len(selection):
                e = torch.tensor([], requires_grad=True)
                return {'edge_pred':[e]}

            clusts = clusts[selection]
        # form graph
        batch = get_cluster_batch(data[0], clusts)
        edge_index = complete_graph(batch, device=device)
        if not edge_index.shape[0]:
            e = torch.tensor([], requires_grad=True)
            return {'edge_pred':[e]}

        # obtain vertex features
        x = cluster_vtx_features(data[0], clusts, device=device)
        # obtain edge features
        e = cluster_edge_features(data[0], clusts, edge_index, device=device)
        # get x batch
        xbatch = torch.tensor(batch).to(device)
        # get output
        out = self.edge_predictor(x, edge_index, e, xbatch)
        return out
Beispiel #4
    def forward(self, data):
        input data:
            data[0] - dbscan data
            data[1] - primary data
        output data:
            dictionary with following keys:
                edges     : list of edge_index tensors used for edge prediction
                edge_pred : list of torch tensors with edge prediction weights
                matched   : numpy array of group for each cluster (identified by primary index)
                n_iter    : number of iterations taken
            each list is of length k, where k is the number of times the iterative network is applied
        # need to form graph, then pass through GNN
        clusts = form_clusters_new(data[0])

        # remove compton clusters
        # if no cluster fits this condition, return
        if self.remove_compton:
            selection = filter_compton(
                clusts, self.compton_thresh)  # non-compton looking clusters
            if not len(selection):
                e = torch.tensor([], requires_grad=True)
                if data[0].is_cuda:
                    e = e.cuda()
                return e

            clusts = clusts[selection]

        #others = np.array([(i not in primaries) for i in range(n)])
        batch = get_cluster_batch(data[0], clusts)
        # get x batch
        xbatch = torch.tensor(batch).cuda()

        primaries = assign_primaries(data[1],
        # keep track of who is matched. -1 is not matched
        matched = np.repeat(-1, len(clusts))
        matched[primaries] = primaries
        # print(matched)

        edges = []
        edge_pred = []

        counter = 0
        found_match = True

        while (-1 in matched) and (counter < self.maxiter) and found_match:
            # continue until either:
            # 1. everything is matched
            # 2. we have exceeded the max number of iterations
            # 3. we didn't find any matches

            #print('iter ', counter)
            counter = counter + 1

            # get matched indices
            assigned = np.where(matched > -1)[0]
            # print(assigned)
            others = np.where(matched == -1)[0]

            edge_index = primary_bipartite_incidence(batch,
            # check if there are any edges to predict
            # also batch norm will fail on only 1 edge, so break if this is the case
            if edge_index.shape[1] < 2:
                counter -= 1

            # obtain vertex features
            x = cluster_vtx_features(data[0], clusts, cuda=True)
            # obtain edge features
            e = cluster_edge_features(data[0], clusts, edge_index, cuda=True)
            # print(x.shape)
            # print(torch.max(edge_index))
            # print(torch.min(edge_index))

            out = self.edge_predictor(x, edge_index, e, xbatch)

            # predictions for this edge set.


            matched, found_match = self.assign_clusters(
                edge_index, out[0][0][:, 1] - out[0][0][:, 0], others, matched,

            # print(edges)
            # print(edge_pred)

        #print('num iterations: ', counter)

        matched = torch.tensor(matched)
        counter = torch.tensor([counter])
        if data[0].is_cuda:
            matched = matched.cuda()
            counter = counter.cuda()

        return {
            'edges': [edges],
            'edge_pred': [edge_pred],
            'matched': [matched],
            'counter': [counter]