Beispiel #1
    def compile(self, col, mkr_list, attr_list, withtest=False):
        Compiles data given into flags for a single run of 'mmSolver'.

        :param self: The solver to compile
        :type self: Solver

        :param col: The collection to compile.
        :type col: Collection

        :param mkr_list: Markers to measure
        :type mkr_list: list of Marker

        :param attr_list: Attributes to solve for
        :type attr_list: list of Attribute

            Yields a tuple of two Actions at each iteration. First
            action is the solver action, second action is for
            validation of the solve.
        :rtype: (Action, Action)
        assert isinstance(self, solverbase.SolverBase)
        assert isinstance(mkr_list, list)
        assert isinstance(attr_list, list)

        func = 'maya.cmds.mmSolverAffects'
        args = []
        kwargs = dict()
        kwargs['camera'] = []
        kwargs['marker'] = []
        kwargs['attr'] = []
        kwargs['mode'] = 'addAttrsToMarkers'

        # Get precomputed data to reduce re-querying Maya for data.
        precomputed_data = self.get_precomputed_data()
        mkr_state_values = precomputed_data.get(
        attr_state_values = precomputed_data.get(

        # Get Markers and Cameras
        markers, cameras = api_compile.markersAndCameras_compile_flags(
            mkr_list, mkr_static_values=mkr_state_values)
        if len(markers) == 0 and len(cameras) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Markers or Cameras found!')
        elif len(markers) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Markers found!')
        elif len(cameras) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Cameras found!')

        # Get Attributes
        # NOTE: time is not a factor for the calculation of 'affects'
        # relationships, therefore use_animated and use_static are
        # True, to ensure all attributes (that are not locked) are
        # calculated.
        use_animated = True
        use_static = True
        attrs = api_compile.attributes_compile_flags(
        if len(attrs) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Attributes found!')

        kwargs['marker'] = markers
        kwargs['camera'] = cameras
        kwargs['attr'] = attrs

        action = api_action.Action(func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
        yield action, action

        # Query and set 'used solver object' values on nodes.
        func = _runAndSetUsedSolveObjects
        args = [col.get_node()]
        action = api_action.Action(func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
        yield action, action
Beispiel #2
    def compile(self, mkr_list, attr_list, withtest=False):
        Compiles data given into flags for a single run of 'mmSolver'.

        :param self: The solver to compile
        :type self: Solver

        :param mkr_list: Markers to measure
        :type mkr_list: list of Marker

        :param attr_list: Attributes to solve for
        :type attr_list: list of Attribute

        :return: List of SolverActions to be performed one after the other.
        :rtype: [SolverAction, ..]
        assert isinstance(self, solverbase.SolverBase)
        assert isinstance(mkr_list, list)
        assert isinstance(attr_list, list)
        assert self.get_frame_list_length() > 0

        func = 'maya.cmds.mmSolver'
        args = []
        kwargs = dict()
        kwargs['camera'] = []
        kwargs['marker'] = []
        kwargs['attr'] = []
        kwargs['frame'] = []

        # Get Markers and Cameras
        markers, cameras = api_compile.markersAndCameras_compile_flags(mkr_list)
        if len(markers) == 0 and len(cameras) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Markers or Cameras found!')
        elif len(markers) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Markers found!')
        elif len(cameras) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Cameras found!')

        # Get Attributes
        use_animated = self.get_attributes_use_animated()
        use_static = self.get_attributes_use_static()
        attrs = api_compile.attributes_compile_flags(attr_list,
        if len(attrs) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Attributes found!')

        # Get Frames
        frm_list = self.get_frame_list()
        frame_use_tags = self.get_frames_use_tags()
        frames = api_compile.frames_compile_flags(frm_list, frame_use_tags)
        if len(frames) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Frames found!')

        kwargs['marker'] = markers
        kwargs['camera'] = cameras
        kwargs['attr'] = attrs
        kwargs['frame'] = frames

        solver_type = self.get_solver_type()
        if solver_type is not None:
            kwargs['solverType'] = solver_type

        iterations = self.get_max_iterations()
        if iterations is not None:
            kwargs['iterations'] = iterations

        verbose = self.get_verbose()
        if verbose is not None:
            kwargs['verbose'] = verbose

        delta_factor = self.get_delta_factor()
        if delta_factor is not None:
            kwargs['delta'] = delta_factor

        auto_diff_type = self.get_auto_diff_type()
        if auto_diff_type is not None:
            kwargs['autoDiffType'] = auto_diff_type

        tau_factor = self.get_tau_factor()
        if tau_factor is not None:
            kwargs['tauFactor'] = tau_factor

        gradient_error_factor = self.get_gradient_error_factor()
        if gradient_error_factor is not None:
            kwargs['epsilon1'] = gradient_error_factor

        parameter_error_factor = self.get_parameter_error_factor()
        if parameter_error_factor is not None:
            kwargs['epsilon2'] = parameter_error_factor

        error_factor = self.get_error_factor()
        if error_factor is not None:
            kwargs['epsilon3'] = error_factor

        kwargs['robustLossType'] = const.ROBUST_LOSS_TYPE_TRIVIAL_VALUE
        kwargs['robustLossScale'] = 1.0

        # TODO: Add 'robustLossType' flag.
        # TODO: Add 'robustLossScale' flag.
        # TODO: Add 'autoParamScaling' flag.
        # TODO: Add 'debugFile' flag.

        # # Add a debug file flag to the mmSolver command, only
        # # triggered during debug mode.
        # # TODO: Wrap this in another function.
        # if logging.DEBUG >= LOG.getEffectiveLevel():
        #     debug_file = maya.cmds.file(query=True, sceneName=True)
        #     debug_file = os.path.basename(debug_file)
        #     debug_file, ext = os.path.splitext(debug_file)
        #     debug_file_path = os.path.join(
        #         os.path.expandvars('${TEMP}'),
        #         debug_file + '_' + str(i).zfill(6) + '.log'
        #     )
        #     if len(debug_file) > 0 and debug_file_path is not None:
        #         kwargs['debugFile'] = debug_file_path

        action = api_action.Action(

        # Check the inputs and outputs are valid.
        vaction = None
        if withtest is True:
            assert api_action.action_func_is_mmSolver(action) is True
            vfunc = func
            vargs = list(args)
            vkwargs = kwargs.copy()
            remove_keys = ['debugFile', 'verbose']
            for key in remove_keys:
                if key in vkwargs:
                    del vkwargs[key]
            vkwargs['printStatistics'] = ['inputs']
            vaction = api_action.Action(

        yield action, vaction
    def compile(self, col, mkr_list, attr_list, withtest=False):
        Compiles data given into flags for a single run of 'mmSolver'.

        :param self: The solver to compile
        :type self: Solver

        :param col: The collection to compile.
        :type col: Collection

        :param mkr_list: Markers to measure
        :type mkr_list: list of Marker

        :param attr_list: Attributes to solve for
        :type attr_list: list of Attribute

            Yields a tuple of two Actions at each iteration. First
            action is the solver action, second action is for
            validation of the solve.
        :rtype: (Action, Action)
        assert isinstance(self, solverbase.SolverBase)
        assert isinstance(mkr_list, list)
        assert isinstance(attr_list, list)
        assert self.get_frame_list_length() > 0

        func = 'maya.cmds.mmSolver'
        args = []
        kwargs = dict()
        kwargs['camera'] = []
        kwargs['marker'] = []
        kwargs['attr'] = []
        kwargs['frame'] = []

        # Get precomputed data to reduce re-querying Maya for data.
        precomputed_data = self.get_precomputed_data()
        mkr_state_values = precomputed_data.get(
        attr_state_values = precomputed_data.get(
        attr_stiff_state_values = precomputed_data.get(
        attr_smooth_state_values = precomputed_data.get(

        # Get Markers and Cameras
        markers, cameras = api_compile.markersAndCameras_compile_flags(
            mkr_list, mkr_static_values=mkr_state_values)
        if len(markers) == 0 and len(cameras) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Markers or Cameras found!')
        elif len(markers) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Markers found!')
        elif len(cameras) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Cameras found!')

        # Get Attributes
        use_animated = self.get_attributes_use_animated()
        use_static = self.get_attributes_use_static()
        attrs = api_compile.attributes_compile_flags(
        if len(attrs) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Attributes found!')

        # Stiffness Attribute Flags
        stiff_flags = None
        use_stiffness = self.get_use_stiffness()
        if use_stiffness is True:
            stiff_flags = api_compile.attr_stiffness_compile_flags(

        # Smoothness Attribute Flags
        smooth_flags = None
        use_smoothness = self.get_use_smoothness()
        if use_smoothness is True:
            smooth_flags = api_compile.attr_smoothness_compile_flags(

        # Get Frames
        frm_list = self.get_frame_list()
        frame_use_tags = self.get_frames_use_tags()
        frames = api_compile.frames_compile_flags(frm_list, frame_use_tags)
        if len(frames) == 0:
            LOG.warning('No Frames found!')

        kwargs['marker'] = markers
        kwargs['camera'] = cameras
        kwargs['attr'] = attrs
        kwargs['frame'] = frames

        if stiff_flags:
            kwargs['attrStiffness'] = stiff_flags
        if smooth_flags:
            kwargs['attrSmoothness'] = smooth_flags

        solver_type = self.get_solver_type()
        if solver_type is not None:
            kwargs['solverType'] = solver_type

        iterations = self.get_max_iterations()
        if iterations is not None:
            kwargs['iterations'] = iterations

        verbose = self.get_verbose()
        if verbose is not None:
            kwargs['verbose'] = verbose

        delta_factor = self.get_delta_factor()
        if delta_factor is not None:
            kwargs['delta'] = delta_factor

        auto_diff_type = self.get_auto_diff_type()
        if auto_diff_type is not None:
            kwargs['autoDiffType'] = auto_diff_type

        tau_factor = self.get_tau_factor()
        if tau_factor is not None:
            kwargs['tauFactor'] = tau_factor

        gradient_error_factor = self.get_gradient_error_factor()
        if gradient_error_factor is not None:
            kwargs['epsilon1'] = gradient_error_factor

        parameter_error_factor = self.get_parameter_error_factor()
        if parameter_error_factor is not None:
            kwargs['epsilon2'] = parameter_error_factor

        error_factor = self.get_error_factor()
        if error_factor is not None:
            kwargs['epsilon3'] = error_factor

        kwargs['robustLossType'] = const.ROBUST_LOSS_TYPE_TRIVIAL_VALUE
        kwargs['robustLossScale'] = 1.0
        kwargs['timeEvalMode'] = self.get_time_eval_mode()

        value = self.get_remove_unused_markers()
        if value is not None:
            kwargs['removeUnusedMarkers'] = value

        value = self.get_remove_unused_attributes()
        if value is not None:
            kwargs['removeUnusedAttributes'] = value

        # TODO: Add 'robustLossType' flag.
        # TODO: Add 'robustLossScale' flag.
        # TODO: Add 'autoParamScaling' flag.
        # TODO: Add 'debugFile' flag.

        # # Add a debug file flag to the mmSolver command, only
        # # triggered during debug mode.
        # # TODO: Wrap this in another function.
        # if logging.DEBUG >= LOG.getEffectiveLevel():
        #     debug_file = maya.cmds.file(query=True, sceneName=True)
        #     debug_file = os.path.basename(debug_file)
        #     debug_file, ext = os.path.splitext(debug_file)
        #     debug_file_path = os.path.join(
        #         os.path.expandvars('${TEMP}'),
        #         debug_file + '_' + str(i).zfill(6) + '.log'
        #     )
        #     if len(debug_file) > 0 and debug_file_path is not None:
        #         kwargs['debugFile'] = debug_file_path

        action = api_action.Action(func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

        # Check the inputs and outputs are valid.
        vaction = None
        if withtest is True:
            assert api_action.action_func_is_mmSolver(action) is True
            vfunc = func
            vargs = list(args)
            vkwargs = kwargs.copy()
            remove_keys = ['debugFile', 'verbose']
            for key in remove_keys:
                if key in vkwargs:
                    del vkwargs[key]
            vkwargs['printStatistics'] = ['inputs']
            vaction = api_action.Action(func=vfunc, args=vargs, kwargs=vkwargs)

        yield action, vaction