Beispiel #1
def activate():
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    config = InventoryConfig()
    logger.debug("Inventory %s" % str(config.disable))
    if config.disable:
        logger.warning("Plugin inventory: disabled by configuration.")
        return False

    # When this module is used by the MMC agent, the global inventory variable is shared.
    # This means an Inventory instance is not created each time a XML-RPC call is done.
    if not InventoryLocation().init(
    ):  # does Inventory().activate() (which does the Inventory().db_check())
        return False"Plugin inventory: Inventory database version is %d" %

    ComputerManager().register("inventory", InventoryComputers)
    ProvisioningManager().register('inventory', InventoryProvisioner)
    ComputerLocationManager().register('inventory', InventoryLocation)


    # Register the panel to the DashboardManager
        from mmc.plugins.dashboard.manager import DashboardManager
        from mmc.plugins.inventory.panel import InventoryPanel
        DM = DashboardManager()
    except ImportError:

    return True
Beispiel #2
def queryGroups():
    # Assign criterions to categories
    # Identification cat
    criterions = []
    for type in ['list', 'double', 'halfstatic']:
        for possible in PossibleQueries().possibleQueries(type):
            criterions.append([possible, ''])
    return [['Criterions', criterions]]
Beispiel #3
def funcGet(couple, type = 'list'):
    if type == 'list':
        table, col = re.compile('/').split(couple)
        def getListValue(ctx, value = '', table = table, col = col):
            if value != '':
                return getValuesFuzzy(table, col, value)
            return getValues(table, col)
        return getListValue
    elif type == 'double':
        def getListValue(ctx, table, cols, value1 = '', value2 = None): # pyflakes.ignore
            getListValue of "double" type. It's used where you search on 2 fields of a table.
            Example: On table Software, you can search on ProductName and ProductVersion

            @param table: table who will be requested
            @type table: str

            @param cols: the 2 fields of table who will be requested, it's a string separated by ":"
            @type cols: str

            @param value1: ajax search on field 1 (the first field of table)
            @type value1: str

            @param value2: ajax search on field 2 (the second field of table)
            @type value2: str
            if value2 is None: # Search of possibles values of field 1
                if value1 != '':
                    return getValuesFuzzy(table, cols.split(':')[0], value1)
                return getValues(table, col)
            else: # Search of possibles values of field 2 according to field 1
                return getValueFuzzyWhere(table, cols.split(':')[0], value1, cols.split(':')[1], value2)
        return getListValue
    elif type == 'halfstatic':
            table, col, val = re.compile('/').split(couple)
            logging.getLogger().info('funcGet halfstatic:')
            dummy, f, v = PossibleQueries().possibleQueries('halfstatic')[couple]
            logging.getLogger().info("%s - %s" % (f,v))
            def getListValue(ctx, value = '', table = table, col = col, f = f, v = v): # pyflakes.ignore
                if value != '':
                    return getValueFuzzyWhere(table, f, v, col, value)
                return getValuesWhere(table, f, v, col)
            return getListValue
        except ValueError:
            logging.getLogger().warning("%s cant be used as a 'halfstatic' value, please check the syntax of the config file."%(couple))
    elif type == 'extended':
        # Get the table and column name from the parameter
        table, col = re.compile('/').split(couple)
        # Return the type of this column
        return getTypeOfAttribute(table, col)
Beispiel #4
def extendedPossibilities():
    ret = {}
    for possible in PossibleQueries().possibleQueries('extended'):
        ret[possible] = ['extended', funcGet(possible, 'extended')]
    return ret
Beispiel #5
def queryPossibilities():
    ret = {}
    for type in ['list', 'double', 'halfstatic']:
        for possible in PossibleQueries().possibleQueries(type):
            ret[possible] = [type, funcGet(possible, type)]
    return ret