def test_make_forward_dipole():
    """Test forward-projecting dipoles."""
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)

    evoked = read_evokeds(fname_evo)[0]
    cov = read_cov(fname_cov)
    cov['projs'] = []  # avoid proj warning
    dip_c = read_dipole(fname_dip)

    # Only use magnetometers for speed!
    picks = pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False)[::8]
    evoked.pick_channels([evoked.ch_names[p] for p in picks])
    info =

    # Make new Dipole object with n_test_dipoles picked from the dipoles
    # in the test dataset.
    n_test_dipoles = 3  # minimum 3 needed to get uneven sampling in time
    dipsel = np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(len(dip_c)))[:n_test_dipoles])
    dip_test = Dipole(times=dip_c.times[dipsel],

    sphere = make_sphere_model(head_radius=0.1)

    # Warning emitted due to uneven sampling in time
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='unevenly spaced'):
        fwd, stc = make_forward_dipole(dip_test, sphere, info,

    # stc is list of VolSourceEstimate's
    assert isinstance(stc, list)
    for n_dip in range(n_test_dipoles):
        assert isinstance(stc[n_dip], VolSourceEstimate)

    # Now simulate evoked responses for each of the test dipoles,
    # and fit dipoles to them (sphere model, MEG and EEG)
    times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof = [], [], [], [], []
    nave = 200  # add a tiny amount of noise to the simulated evokeds
    for s in stc:
        evo_test = simulate_evoked(fwd, s, info, cov,
                                   nave=nave, random_state=rng)
        # evo_test.add_proj(make_eeg_average_ref_proj(
        dfit, resid = fit_dipole(evo_test, cov, sphere, None)
        times += dfit.times.tolist()
        pos += dfit.pos.tolist()
        amplitude += dfit.amplitude.tolist()
        ori += dfit.ori.tolist()
        gof += dfit.gof.tolist()

    # Create a new Dipole object with the dipole fits
    dip_fit = Dipole(times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof)

    # check that true (test) dipoles and fits are "close"
    # cf. mne/tests/
    diff = dip_test.pos - dip_fit.pos
    corr = np.corrcoef(dip_test.pos.ravel(), dip_fit.pos.ravel())[0, 1]
    dist = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum(diff * diff, axis=1)))
    gc_dist = 180 / np.pi * \
        np.mean(np.arccos(np.sum(dip_test.ori * dip_fit.ori, axis=1)))
    amp_err = np.sqrt(np.mean((dip_test.amplitude - dip_fit.amplitude) ** 2))

    # Make sure each coordinate is close to reference
    # NB tolerance should be set relative to snr of simulated evoked!
    assert_allclose(dip_fit.pos, dip_test.pos, rtol=0, atol=1e-2,
                    err_msg='position mismatch')
    assert dist < 1e-2  # within 1 cm
    assert corr > 0.985
    assert gc_dist < 20  # less than 20 degrees
    assert amp_err < 10e-9  # within 10 nAm

    # Make sure rejection works with BEM: one dipole at z=1m
    # NB will raise a RuntimeError
    # if no points are left after min_dist exclusions, hence 2 dips here!
    dip_outside = Dipole(times=[0., 0.001],
                         pos=[[0., 0., 1.0], [0., 0., 0.040]],
                         amplitude=[100e-9, 100e-9],
                         ori=[[1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]], gof=1)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, make_forward_dipole, dip_outside, fname_bem,
                  info, fname_trans)
    # if we get this far, can safely assume the code works with BEMs too
    # -> use sphere again below for speed

    # Now make an evenly sampled set of dipoles, some simultaneous,
    # should return a VolSourceEstimate regardless
    times = [0., 0., 0., 0.001, 0.001, 0.002]
    pos = np.random.rand(6, 3) * 0.020 + \
        np.array([0., 0., 0.040])[np.newaxis, :]
    amplitude = np.random.rand(6) * 100e-9
    ori = np.eye(6, 3) + np.eye(6, 3, -3)
    gof = np.arange(len(times)) / len(times)  # arbitrary

    dip_even_samp = Dipole(times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof)

    fwd, stc = make_forward_dipole(dip_even_samp, sphere, info,
    assert isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate)
    assert_allclose(stc.times, np.arange(0., 0.003, 0.001))
def test_make_forward_dipole():
    """Test forward-projecting dipoles."""
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)

    evoked = read_evokeds(fname_evo)[0]
    cov = read_cov(fname_cov)
    dip_c = read_dipole(fname_dip)

    # Only use magnetometers for speed!
    picks = pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False)
    evoked.pick_channels([evoked.ch_names[p] for p in picks])
    info =

    # Make new Dipole object with n_test_dipoles picked from the dipoles
    # in the test dataset.
    n_test_dipoles = 3  # minimum 3 needed to get uneven sampling in time
    dipsel = np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(len(dip_c)))[:n_test_dipoles])
    dip_test = Dipole(times=dip_c.times[dipsel],

    sphere = make_sphere_model(head_radius=0.1)

    # Warning emitted due to uneven sampling in time
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        fwd, stc = make_forward_dipole(dip_test,
        assert_true(issubclass(w[-1].category, RuntimeWarning))

    # stc is list of VolSourceEstimate's
    assert_true(isinstance(stc, list))
    for nd in range(n_test_dipoles):
        assert_true(isinstance(stc[nd], VolSourceEstimate))

    # Now simulate evoked responses for each of the test dipoles,
    # and fit dipoles to them (sphere model, MEG and EEG)
    times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof = [], [], [], [], []
    snr = 20.  # add a tiny amount of noise to the simulated evokeds
    for s in stc:
        evo_test = simulate_evoked(fwd,
        # evo_test.add_proj(make_eeg_average_ref_proj(
        dfit, resid = fit_dipole(evo_test, cov, sphere, None)
        times += dfit.times.tolist()
        pos += dfit.pos.tolist()
        amplitude += dfit.amplitude.tolist()
        ori += dfit.ori.tolist()
        gof += dfit.gof.tolist()

    # Create a new Dipole object with the dipole fits
    dip_fit = Dipole(times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof)

    # check that true (test) dipoles and fits are "close"
    # cf. mne/tests/
    diff = dip_test.pos - dip_fit.pos
    corr = np.corrcoef(dip_test.pos.ravel(), dip_fit.pos.ravel())[0, 1]
    dist = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum(diff * diff, axis=1)))
    gc_dist = 180 / np.pi * \
        np.mean(np.arccos(np.sum(dip_test.ori * dip_fit.ori, axis=1)))
    amp_err = np.sqrt(np.mean((dip_test.amplitude - dip_fit.amplitude)**2))

    # Make sure each coordinate is close to reference
    # NB tolerance should be set relative to snr of simulated evoked!
                    err_msg='position mismatch')
    assert_true(dist < 1e-2, 'dist: %s' % dist)  # within 1 cm
    assert_true(corr > 1 - 1e-2, 'corr: %s' % corr)
    assert_true(gc_dist < 20, 'gc_dist: %s' % gc_dist)  # less than 20 degrees
    assert_true(amp_err < 10e-9, 'amp_err: %s' % amp_err)  # within 10 nAm

    # Make sure rejection works with BEM: one dipole at z=1m
    # NB will raise a RuntimeError
    # if no points are left after min_dist exclusions, hence 2 dips here!
    dip_outside = Dipole(times=[0., 0.001],
                         pos=[[0., 0., 1.0], [0., 0., 0.040]],
                         amplitude=[100e-9, 100e-9],
                         ori=[[1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]],
    assert_raises(ValueError, make_forward_dipole, dip_outside, fname_bem,
                  info, fname_trans)
    # if we get this far, can safely assume the code works with BEMs too
    # -> use sphere again below for speed

    # Now make an evenly sampled set of dipoles, some simultaneous,
    # should return a VolSourceEstimate regardless
    times = [0., 0., 0., 0.001, 0.001, 0.002]
    pos = np.random.rand(6, 3) * 0.020 + \
        np.array([0., 0., 0.040])[np.newaxis, :]
    amplitude = np.random.rand(6) * 100e-9
    ori = np.eye(6, 3) + np.eye(6, 3, -3)
    gof = np.arange(len(times)) / len(times)  # arbitrary

    dip_even_samp = Dipole(times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof)

    fwd, stc = make_forward_dipole(dip_even_samp,
    assert_true(isinstance, VolSourceEstimate)
    assert_allclose(stc.times, np.arange(0., 0.003, 0.001))
Beispiel #3
def test_make_forward_dipole(tmp_path):
    """Test forward-projecting dipoles."""
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)

    evoked = read_evokeds(fname_evo)[0]
    cov = read_cov(fname_cov)
    cov['projs'] = []  # avoid proj warning
    dip_c = read_dipole(fname_dip)

    # Only use magnetometers for speed!
    picks = pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False)[::8]
    evoked.pick_channels([evoked.ch_names[p] for p in picks])
    info =

    # Make new Dipole object with n_test_dipoles picked from the dipoles
    # in the test dataset.
    n_test_dipoles = 3  # minimum 3 needed to get uneven sampling in time
    dipsel = np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(len(dip_c)))[:n_test_dipoles])
    dip_test = Dipole(times=dip_c.times[dipsel],

    sphere = make_sphere_model(head_radius=0.1)

    # Warning emitted due to uneven sampling in time
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='unevenly spaced'):
        fwd, stc = make_forward_dipole(dip_test,

    # stc is list of VolSourceEstimate's
    assert isinstance(stc, list)
    for n_dip in range(n_test_dipoles):
        assert isinstance(stc[n_dip], VolSourceEstimate)

    # Now simulate evoked responses for each of the test dipoles,
    # and fit dipoles to them (sphere model, MEG and EEG)
    times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof = [], [], [], [], []
    nave = 200  # add a tiny amount of noise to the simulated evokeds
    for s in stc:
        evo_test = simulate_evoked(fwd,
        # evo_test.add_proj(make_eeg_average_ref_proj(
        dfit, resid = fit_dipole(evo_test, cov, sphere, None)
        times += dfit.times.tolist()
        pos += dfit.pos.tolist()
        amplitude += dfit.amplitude.tolist()
        ori += dfit.ori.tolist()
        gof += dfit.gof.tolist()

    # Create a new Dipole object with the dipole fits
    dip_fit = Dipole(times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof)

    # check that true (test) dipoles and fits are "close"
    # cf. mne/tests/
    diff = dip_test.pos - dip_fit.pos
    corr = np.corrcoef(dip_test.pos.ravel(), dip_fit.pos.ravel())[0, 1]
    dist = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum(diff * diff, axis=1)))
    gc_dist = 180 / np.pi * \
        np.mean(np.arccos(np.sum(dip_test.ori * dip_fit.ori, axis=1)))
    amp_err = np.sqrt(np.mean((dip_test.amplitude - dip_fit.amplitude)**2))

    # Make sure each coordinate is close to reference
    # NB tolerance should be set relative to snr of simulated evoked!
                    err_msg='position mismatch')
    assert dist < 1e-2  # within 1 cm
    assert corr > 0.985
    assert gc_dist < 20  # less than 20 degrees
    assert amp_err < 10e-9  # within 10 nAm

    # Make sure rejection works with BEM: one dipole at z=1m
    # NB will raise a RuntimeError
    # if no points are left after min_dist exclusions, hence 2 dips here!
    dip_outside = Dipole(times=[0., 0.001],
                         pos=[[0., 0., 1.0], [0., 0., 0.040]],
                         amplitude=[100e-9, 100e-9],
                         ori=[[1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]],
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='outside the inner skull'):
        make_forward_dipole(dip_outside, fname_bem, info, fname_trans)
    # if we get this far, can safely assume the code works with BEMs too
    # -> use sphere again below for speed

    # Now make an evenly sampled set of dipoles, some simultaneous,
    # should return a VolSourceEstimate regardless
    times = [0., 0., 0., 0.001, 0.001, 0.002]
    pos = np.random.rand(6, 3) * 0.020 + \
        np.array([0., 0., 0.040])[np.newaxis, :]
    amplitude = np.random.rand(6) * 100e-9
    ori = np.eye(6, 3) + np.eye(6, 3, -3)
    gof = np.arange(len(times)) / len(times)  # arbitrary

    dip_even_samp = Dipole(times, pos, amplitude, ori, gof)

    # I/O round-trip
    fname = str(tmp_path / 'test-fwd.fif')
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='free orientation'):
        write_forward_solution(fname, fwd)
    fwd_read = convert_forward_solution(read_forward_solution(fname),
    assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_read, rtol=1e-6)

    fwd, stc = make_forward_dipole(dip_even_samp,
    assert isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate)
    assert_allclose(stc.times, np.arange(0., 0.003, 0.001))

    # Test passing a list of Dipoles instead of a single Dipole object
    fwd2, stc2 = make_forward_dipole([dip_even_samp[0], dip_even_samp[1:]],
    assert_array_equal(fwd['sol']['data'], fwd2['sol']['data'])