Beispiel #1
def test_remove():
    """Test removing figures from a report."""
    r = Report()
    fig1, fig2 = _get_example_figures()
    r.add_figure(fig=fig1, title='figure1', tags=('slider', ))
    r.add_figure(fig=[fig1, fig2], title='figure1', tags=('othertag', ))
    r.add_figure(fig=fig2, title='figure1', tags=('slider', ))
    r.add_figure(fig=fig2, title='figure2', tags=('slider', ))

    # Test removal by title
    r2 = copy.deepcopy(r)
    removed_index = r2.remove(title='figure1')
    assert removed_index == 2
    assert len(r2.html) == 3
    assert r2.html[0] == r.html[0]
    assert r2.html[1] == r.html[1]
    assert r2.html[2] == r.html[3]

    # Test restricting to section
    r2 = copy.deepcopy(r)
    removed_index = r2.remove(title='figure1', tags=('othertag', ))
    assert removed_index == 1
    assert len(r2.html) == 3
    assert r2.html[0] == r.html[0]
    assert r2.html[1] == r.html[2]
    assert r2.html[2] == r.html[3]
Beispiel #2
def test_scraper(tmp_path):
    """Test report scraping."""
    r = Report()
    fig1, fig2 = _get_example_figures()
    r.add_figure(fig=fig1, title='a')
    r.add_figure(fig=fig2, title='b')
    # Mock a Sphinx + sphinx_gallery config
    app = Bunch(builder=Bunch(srcdir=str(tmp_path),
                              outdir=op.join(str(tmp_path), '_build', 'html')))
    scraper = _ReportScraper() = app
    gallery_conf = dict(src_dir=app.builder.srcdir, builder_name='html')
    img_fname = op.join(app.builder.srcdir, 'auto_examples', 'images',
    target_file = op.join(app.builder.srcdir, 'auto_examples', '')
    block_vars = dict(image_path_iterator=(img for img in [img_fname]),
    # Nothing yet
    block = None
    rst = scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf)
    assert rst == ''
    # Still nothing
    block_vars['example_globals']['r'] = r
    rst = scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf)
    # Once it's saved, add it
    assert rst == ''
    fname = op.join(str(tmp_path), 'my_html.html'), open_browser=False)
    rst = scraper(block, block_vars, gallery_conf)
    out_html = op.join(app.builder.outdir, 'auto_examples', 'my_html.html')
    assert not op.isfile(out_html)
    assert op.isfile(out_html)
    assert rst.count('"') == 6
    assert "<iframe" in rst
    assert op.isfile(img_fname.replace('png', 'svg'))
Beispiel #3
def test_add_or_replace():
    """Test replacing existing figures in a report."""
    r = Report()
    fig1, fig2 = _get_example_figures()
    r.add_figure(fig=fig1, title='duplicate', tags=('foo', ))
    r.add_figure(fig=fig1, title='duplicate', tags=('foo', ))
    r.add_figure(fig=fig1, title='duplicate', tags=('bar', ))
    r.add_figure(fig=fig2, title='nonduplicate', tags=('foo', ))
    # By default, replace=False, so all figures should be there
    assert len(r.html) == 4

    old_r = copy.deepcopy(r)

    # Replace last occurrence of `fig1` tagges as `foo`
    r.add_figure(fig=fig2, title='duplicate', tags=('foo', ), replace=True)
    assert len(r._content) == len(r.html) == 4
    assert r.html[1] != old_r.html[1]  # This figure should have changed
    # All other figures should be the same
    assert r.html[0] == old_r.html[0]
    assert r.html[2] == old_r.html[2]
    assert r.html[3] == old_r.html[3]