Beispiel #1
def test_plot_tfr_topo():
    """Test plotting of TFR data."""
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    epochs = _get_epochs()
    n_freqs = 3
    nave = 1
    data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(len(epochs.ch_names),
                                          n_freqs, len(epochs.times))
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, np.arange(n_freqs), nave)
    fig = tfr.plot_topo(baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio',
                        title='Average power', vmin=0., vmax=14.)

    # test opening tfr by clicking
    num_figures_before = len(plt.get_fignums())
    # could use np.reshape(fig.axes[-1].images[0].get_extent(), (2, 2)).mean(1)
    with pytest.warns(None):  # on old mpl there is a warning
        _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[0], (0.08, 0.65))
    assert num_figures_before + 1 == len(plt.get_fignums())

    tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio', show=False, title='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, tfr.plot, [4], yscale='lin', show=False)

    # nonuniform freqs
    freqs = np.logspace(*np.log10([3, 10]), num=3)
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, freqs, nave)
    fig = tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='mean', vmax=14., show=False)
    assert fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale() == 'log'

    # one timesample
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data[:, :, [0]], epochs.times[[1]],
                     freqs, nave)
    with pytest.warns(None):  # matplotlib equal left/right
        tfr.plot([4], baseline=None, vmax=14., show=False, yscale='linear')

    # one frequency bin, log scale required: as it doesn't make sense
    # to plot log scale for one value, we test whether yscale is set to linear
    vmin, vmax = 0., 2.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    tmin, tmax = epochs.times[0], epochs.times[-1]
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not masking'):
        _imshow_tfr(ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax, None, tfr=data[:, [0], :],
                    freq=freqs[[-1]], x_label=None, y_label=None,
                    colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True), yscale='log')
    fig = plt.gcf()
    assert fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale() == 'linear'

    # ValueError when freq[0] == 0 and yscale == 'log'
    these_freqs = freqs[:3].copy()
    these_freqs[0] = 0
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not masking'):
        pytest.raises(ValueError, _imshow_tfr, ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax,
                      None, tfr=data[:, :3, :], freq=these_freqs, x_label=None,
                      y_label=None, colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True),
Beispiel #2
def test_plot_tfr_topo():
    """Test plotting of TFR data."""
    epochs = _get_epochs()
    n_freqs = 3
    nave = 1
    data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(len(epochs.ch_names),
                                          n_freqs, len(epochs.times))
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, np.arange(n_freqs), nave)
    fig = tfr.plot_topo(baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio',
                        title='Average power', vmin=0., vmax=14.)

    # test opening tfr by clicking
    num_figures_before = len(plt.get_fignums())
    # could use np.reshape(fig.axes[-1].images[0].get_extent(), (2, 2)).mean(1)
    with pytest.warns(None):  # on old mpl (at least 2.0) there is a warning
        _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[0], (0.08, 0.65))
    assert num_figures_before + 1 == len(plt.get_fignums())

    tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio', show=False, title='foo')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, tfr.plot, [4], yscale='lin', show=False)

    # nonuniform freqs
    freqs = np.logspace(*np.log10([3, 10]), num=3)
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, freqs, nave)
    fig = tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='mean', vmax=14., show=False)
    assert fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale() == 'log'

    # one timesample
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data[:, :, [0]], epochs.times[[1]],
                     freqs, nave)
    with pytest.warns(None):  # matplotlib equal left/right
        tfr.plot([4], baseline=None, vmax=14., show=False, yscale='linear')

    # one frequency bin, log scale required: as it doesn't make sense
    # to plot log scale for one value, we test whether yscale is set to linear
    vmin, vmax = 0., 2.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    tmin, tmax = epochs.times[0], epochs.times[-1]
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not masking'):
        _imshow_tfr(ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax, None, tfr=data[:, [0], :],
                    freq=freqs[[-1]], x_label=None, y_label=None,
                    colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True), yscale='log')
    fig = plt.gcf()
    assert fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale() == 'linear'

    # ValueError when freq[0] == 0 and yscale == 'log'
    these_freqs = freqs[:3].copy()
    these_freqs[0] = 0
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not masking'):
        pytest.raises(ValueError, _imshow_tfr, ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax,
                      None, tfr=data[:, :3, :], freq=these_freqs, x_label=None,
                      y_label=None, colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True),
Beispiel #3
def test_plot_tfr_topo():
    """Test plotting of TFR data."""
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    epochs = _get_epochs()
    n_freqs = 3
    nave = 1
    data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(len(epochs.ch_names),
                                          n_freqs, len(epochs.times))
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, np.arange(n_freqs), nave)
    fig = tfr.plot_topo(baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio',
                        title='Average power', vmin=0., vmax=14.)

    # test opening tfr by clicking
    num_figures_before = len(plt.get_fignums())
    _fake_click(fig, fig.axes[-1], (0.08, 0.65))
    assert_equal(num_figures_before + 1, len(plt.get_fignums()))

    tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='ratio', show=False, title='foo')
    assert_raises(ValueError, tfr.plot, [4], yscale='lin', show=False)

    # nonuniform freqs
    freqs = np.logspace(*np.log10([3, 10]), num=3)
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data, epochs.times, freqs, nave)
    fig = tfr.plot([4], baseline=(None, 0), mode='mean', vmax=14., show=False)
    assert_equal(fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale(), 'log')

    # one timesample
    tfr = AverageTFR(, data[:, :, [0]], epochs.times[[1]],
                     freqs, nave)
    tfr.plot([4], baseline=None, vmax=14., show=False, yscale='linear')

    # one freqency bin, log scale required: as it doesn't make sense
    # to plot log scale for one value, we test whether yscale is set to linear
    vmin, vmax = 0., 2.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    tmin, tmax = epochs.times[0], epochs.times[-1]
    _imshow_tfr(ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax, None, tfr=data[:, [0], :],
                freq=freqs[[-1]], x_label=None, y_label=None,
                colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True), yscale='log')
    fig = plt.gcf()
    assert_equal(fig.axes[0].get_yaxis().get_scale(), 'linear')

    # ValueError when freq[0] == 0 and yscale == 'log'
    these_freqs = freqs[:3].copy()
    these_freqs[0] = 0
    assert_raises(ValueError, _imshow_tfr, ax, 3, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax,
                  None, tfr=data[:, :3, :], freq=these_freqs, x_label=None,
                  y_label=None, colorbar=False, cmap=('RdBu_r', True),