Beispiel #1
def plot_good_coils(raw, t_step=1., t_window=0.2, dist_limit=0.005,
                    show=True, verbose=None):
    """Plot the good coil count as a function of time."""
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if isinstance(raw, dict):  # fit_data calculated and stored to disk
        t = raw['fit_t']
        counts = raw['counts']
        n_coils = raw['n_coils']
        t, counts, n_coils = compute_good_coils(raw, t_step, t_window,
    del t_step, t_window, dist_limit
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 2))
    ax.step(t, counts, zorder=4, color='k', clip_on=False)
    ax.set(xlim=t[[0, -1]], ylim=[0, n_coils], xlabel='Time (sec)',
           ylabel='Good coils')
    ax.set(yticks=np.arange(n_coils + 1))
    for comp, n, color in ((np.greater_equal, 5, '#2ca02c'),
                           (np.equal, 4, '#98df8a'),
                           (np.equal, 3, (1, 1, 0)),
                           (np.less_equal, 2, (1, 0, 0))):
        mask = comp(counts, n)
        mask[:-1] |= comp(counts[1:], n)
        ax.fill_between(t, 0, n_coils, where=mask,
                        color=color, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0, zorder=1)
    return fig
Beispiel #2
def tryThis():
    fpath = (FILE_PATH % "test") + "blink.csv"
    raw = fileUtil.getDto(fpath)
    mneRaw = mneUtil.createMNEObject(raw.getEEGData(), raw.getEEGHeader(), "",

    mneUtil.filterData(mneRaw, 0.5, 30)
    mneRaw.resample(sFreq, npad='auto', n_jobs=2, verbose=True)

    ica = mneUtil.ICA(mneRaw)
    ica.plot_sources(mneRaw, show=False)
    mneUtil.plotRaw(mneRaw, show=False)
    plt_show(), fpath + ".fif")
    fileUtil.saveICA(ica, fpath)
def _plot_topomap(data, pos, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, sensors=True,
                  res=64, axes=None, names=None, show_names=False, mask=None,
                  mask_params=None, outlines='head',
                  contours=6, image_interp='bilinear', show=True,
                  head_pos=None, onselect=None, extrapolate='box', border=0):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector
    data = np.asarray(data)

    if isinstance(pos, Info):  # infer pos from Info object
        picks = _pick_data_channels(pos)  # pick only data channels
        pos = pick_info(pos, picks)

        # check if there is only 1 channel type, and n_chans matches the data
        ch_type = {channel_type(pos, idx)
                   for idx, _ in enumerate(pos["chs"])}
        info_help = ("Pick Info with e.g. mne.pick_info and "
        if len(ch_type) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Multiple channel types in Info structure. "
                             + info_help)
        elif len(pos["chs"]) != data.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("Number of channels in the Info object and "
                             "the data array does not match. " + info_help)
            ch_type = ch_type.pop()

        if any(type_ in ch_type for type_ in ('planar', 'grad')):
            # deal with grad pairs
            from mne.channels.layout import (_merge_grad_data, find_layout,
            picks, pos = _pair_grad_sensors(pos, find_layout(pos))
            data = _merge_grad_data(data[picks]).reshape(-1)
            picks = list(range(data.shape[0]))
            pos = _find_topomap_coords(pos, picks=picks)

    if data.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("Data needs to be array of shape (n_sensors,); got "
                         "shape %s." % str(data.shape))

    # Give a helpful error message for common mistakes regarding the position
    # matrix.
    pos_help = ("Electrode positions should be specified as a 2D array with "
                "shape (n_channels, 2). Each row in this matrix contains the "
                "(x, y) position of an electrode.")
    if pos.ndim != 2:
        error = ("{ndim}D array supplied as electrode positions, where a 2D "
                 "array was expected").format(ndim=pos.ndim)
        raise ValueError(error + " " + pos_help)
    elif pos.shape[1] == 3:
        error = ("The supplied electrode positions matrix contains 3 columns. "
                 "Are you trying to specify XYZ coordinates? Perhaps the "
                 "mne.channels.create_eeg_layout function is useful for you.")
        raise ValueError(error + " " + pos_help)
    # No error is raised in case of pos.shape[1] == 4. In this case, it is
    # assumed the position matrix contains both (x, y) and (width, height)
    # values, such as Layout.pos.
    elif pos.shape[1] == 1 or pos.shape[1] > 4:
        raise ValueError(pos_help)

    if len(data) != len(pos):
        raise ValueError("Data and pos need to be of same length. Got data of "
                         "length %s, pos of length %s" % (len(data), len(pos)))

    norm = min(data) >= 0
    vmin, vmax = _setup_vmin_vmax(data, vmin, vmax, norm)
    if cmap is None:
        cmap = 'Reds' if norm else 'RdBu_r'

    pos, outlines = _check_outlines(pos, outlines, head_pos)
    assert isinstance(outlines, dict)

    ax = axes if axes else plt.gca()
    _prepare_topomap(pos, ax)

    _use_default_outlines = any(k.startswith('head') for k in outlines)

    if _use_default_outlines:
        # prepare masking
        _autoshrink(outlines, pos, res)

    mask_params = _handle_default('mask_params', mask_params)

    # find mask limits
    xlim = np.inf, -np.inf,
    ylim = np.inf, -np.inf,
    mask_ = np.c_[outlines['mask_pos']]
    xmin, xmax = (np.min(np.r_[xlim[0], mask_[:, 0]]),
                  np.max(np.r_[xlim[1], mask_[:, 0]]))
    ymin, ymax = (np.min(np.r_[ylim[0], mask_[:, 1]]),
                  np.max(np.r_[ylim[1], mask_[:, 1]]))

    # interpolate the data, we multiply clip radius by 1.06 so that pixelated
    # edges of the interpolated image would appear under the mask
    head_radius = (None if extrapolate == 'local' else
                   outlines['clip_radius'][0] * 1.06)
    xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, res)
    yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, res)
    Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
    interp = _GridData(pos, extrapolate, head_radius, border).set_values(data)
    Zi = interp.set_locations(Xi, Yi)()

    # plot outline
    patch_ = None
    if 'patch' in outlines:
        patch_ = outlines['patch']
        patch_ = patch_() if callable(patch_) else patch_
    if _use_default_outlines:
        from matplotlib import patches
        patch_ = patches.Ellipse((0, 0),
                                 2 * outlines['clip_radius'][0],
                                 2 * outlines['clip_radius'][1],

    # plot interpolated map
    im = ax.imshow(Zi, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower',
                   aspect='equal', extent=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),

    # This tackles an incomprehensible matplotlib bug if no contours are
    # drawn. To avoid rescalings, we will always draw contours.
    # But if no contours are desired we only draw one and make it invisible.
    linewidth = mask_params['markeredgewidth']
    no_contours = False
    if isinstance(contours, (np.ndarray, list)):
        pass  # contours precomputed
    elif contours == 0:
        contours, no_contours = 1, True
    if (Zi == Zi[0, 0]).all():
        cont = None  # can't make contours for constant-valued functions
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
            cont = ax.contour(Xi, Yi, Zi, contours, colors='k',
                              linewidths=linewidth / 2.)
    if no_contours and cont is not None:
        for col in cont.collections:

    if patch_ is not None:
        if cont is not None:
            for col in cont.collections:

    pos_x, pos_y = pos.T
    if sensors is not False and mask is None:
        _plot_sensors(pos_x, pos_y, sensors=sensors, ax=ax)
    elif sensors and mask is not None:
        idx = np.where(mask)[0]
        ax.plot(pos_x[idx], pos_y[idx], **mask_params)
        idx = np.where(~mask)[0]
        _plot_sensors(pos_x[idx], pos_y[idx], sensors=sensors, ax=ax)
    elif not sensors and mask is not None:
        idx = np.where(mask)[0]
        ax.plot(pos_x[idx], pos_y[idx], **mask_params)

    if isinstance(outlines, dict):
        _draw_outlines(ax, outlines)

    if show_names:
        if names is None:
            raise ValueError("To show names, a list of names must be provided"
                             " (see `names` keyword).")
        if show_names is True:
            def _show_names(x):
                return x
            _show_names = show_names
        show_idx = np.arange(len(names)) if mask is None else np.where(mask)[0]
        for ii, (p, ch_id) in enumerate(zip(pos, names)):
            if ii not in show_idx:
            ch_id = _show_names(ch_id)
            ax.text(p[0], p[1], ch_id, horizontalalignment='center',
                    verticalalignment='center', size='x-small')

    if onselect is not None:
        ax.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=onselect)
    return im, cont, interp, patch_
 def _plot(self, mneRaw, ica):
     ica.plot_sources(mneRaw, show=False)
     self.mneUtil.plotRaw(mneRaw, show=False)
def plot_connectivity_circle(
    colorbar_pos=(-0.15, -0.05),
    """Visualize connectivity as a circular graph.

    Note: This code is based on the circle graph example by Nicolas P. Rougier

    con : numpy.array
        Connectivity scores. Can be a square matrix, or a 1D array. If a 1D
        array is provided, "indices" has to be used to define the connection
    node_names : list of str
        Node names. The order corresponds to the order in con.
    indices : tuple of arrays | None
        Two arrays with indices of connections for which the connections
        strenghts are defined in con. Only needed if con is a 1D array.
    n_lines : int | None
        If not None, only the n_lines strongest connections (strength=abs(con))
        are drawn.
    node_angles : array, shape=(len(node_names,)) | None
        Array with node positions in degrees. If None, the nodes are equally
        spaced on the circle. See mne.viz.circular_layout.
    node_width : float | None
        Width of each node in degrees. If None, the minimum angle between any
        two nodes is used as the width.
    node_colors : list of tuples | list of str
        List with the color to use for each node. If fewer colors than nodes
        are provided, the colors will be repeated. Any color supported by
        matplotlib can be used, e.g., RGBA tuples, named colors.
    facecolor : str
        Color to use for background. See matplotlib.colors.
    textcolor : str
        Color to use for text. See matplotlib.colors.
    node_edgecolor : str
        Color to use for lines around nodes. See matplotlib.colors.
    linewidth : float
        Line width to use for connections.
    colormap : str
        Colormap to use for coloring the connections.
    vmin : float | None
        Minimum value for colormap. If None, it is determined automatically.
    vmax : float | None
        Maximum value for colormap. If None, it is determined automatically.
    colorbar : bool
        Display a colorbar or not.
    title : str
        The figure title.
    colorbar_size : float
        Size of the colorbar.
    colorbar_pos : 2-tuple
        Position of the colorbar.
    fontsize_title : int
        Font size to use for title.
    fontsize_names : int
        Font size to use for node names.
    fontsize_colorbar : int
        Font size to use for colorbar.
    padding : float
        Space to add around figure to accommodate long labels.
    fig : None | instance of matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
        The figure to use. If None, a new figure with the specified background
        color will be created.
    subplot : int | 3-tuple
        Location of the subplot when creating figures with multiple plots. E.g.
        121 or (1, 2, 1) for 1 row, 2 columns, plot 1. See
    interactive : bool
        When enabled, left-click on a node to show only connections to that
        node. Right-click shows all connections.
    node_linewidth : float
        Line with for nodes.
    show : bool
        Show figure if True.

    fig : instance of matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
        The figure handle.
    axes : instance of matplotlib.axes.PolarAxesSubplot
        The subplot handle.
    n_nodes = len(node_names)

    if node_angles is not None:
        if len(node_angles) != n_nodes:
            raise ValueError("node_angles has to be the same length " "as node_names")
        # convert it to radians
        node_angles = node_angles * np.pi / 180
        # uniform layout on unit circle
        node_angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_nodes, endpoint=False)

    if node_width is None:
        # widths correspond to the minimum angle between two nodes
        dist_mat = node_angles[None, :] - node_angles[:, None]
        dist_mat[np.diag_indices(n_nodes)] = 1e9
        node_width = np.min(np.abs(dist_mat))
        node_width = node_width * np.pi / 180

    if node_colors is not None:
        if len(node_colors) < n_nodes:
            node_colors = cycle(node_colors)
        # assign colors using colormap (plt.cmp.spectral -> plt.spectral)
        cmap = cm.get_cmap("hsv", n_nodes)  # 'Spectral'
        node_colors = [cmap(i / float(n_nodes)) for i in range(n_nodes)]

    # handle 1D and 2D connectivity information
    if con.ndim == 1:
        if indices is None:
            raise ValueError("indices has to be provided if con.ndim == 1")
    elif con.ndim == 2:
        print("Dimension: 2D")
        if con.shape[0] != n_nodes or con.shape[1] != n_nodes:
            raise ValueError("con has to be 1D or a square matrix")
        # we use the lower-triangular part
        print("Number_of_nodes : %i" % n_nodes)
        indices = np.tril_indices(n_nodes, -1)
        con = np.squeeze(con[indices])
        raise ValueError("con has to be 1D or a square matrix")

    con = np.squeeze(con.T)

    # get the colormap
    if isinstance(colormap, str):
        colormap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)

    # Make figure background the same colors as axes
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 11), facecolor=facecolor)

    # Use a polar axes
    if not isinstance(subplot, tuple):
        subplot = (subplot,)
    axes = plt.subplot(*subplot, polar=True)

    # No ticks, we'll put our own

    # Set y axes limit, add additional space if requested
    plt.ylim(0, 10 + padding)

    # Remove the black axes border which may obscure the labels

    # Draw lines between connected nodes, only draw the strongest connections
    if n_lines is not None and len(con) > n_lines:
        con_thresh = np.sort(np.abs(con).ravel())[-n_lines]
        con_thresh = 0.0

    # get the connections which we are drawing and sort by connection strength
    # this will allow us to draw the strongest connections first
    con_abs = np.abs(con)
    con_draw_idx = np.where(con_abs >= con_thresh)[1]

    con = np.squeeze(con[con_abs >= con_thresh].transpose())
    con_abs = np.squeeze(con_abs[con_abs >= con_thresh].transpose())
    indices = [np.squeeze(ind[con_draw_idx].transpose()) for ind in indices]

    # now sort them
    sort_idx = np.argsort(con_abs)

    # con_abs = con_abs[0, sort_idx]
    con = con[0, sort_idx]
    indices = [np.squeeze(ind[sort_idx].transpose()) for ind in indices]

    # Get vmin vmax for color scaling
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = np.min(con[np.abs(con) >= con_thresh])
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = np.max(con)
    vrange = vmax - vmin

    # We want to add some "noise" to the start and end position of the
    # edges: We modulate the noise with the number of connections of the
    # node and the connection strength, such that the strongest connections
    # are closer to the node center
    nodes_n_con = np.zeros((n_nodes),
    for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]):
        # print "i : %i / j: %i" % (i,j)
        nodes_n_con[i] += 1
        nodes_n_con[j] += 1

    # initialize random number generator so plot is reproducible
    rng = np.random.mtrand.RandomState(seed=0)

    n_con = len(indices[0])
    noise_max = 0.25 * node_width
    start_noise = rng.uniform(-noise_max, noise_max, n_con)
    end_noise = rng.uniform(-noise_max, noise_max, n_con)

    nodes_n_con_seen = np.zeros_like(nodes_n_con)
    for i, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(indices[0], indices[1])):
        nodes_n_con_seen[start] += 1
        nodes_n_con_seen[end] += 1

        start_noise[i] *= (nodes_n_con[start] - nodes_n_con_seen[start]) / float(
        end_noise[i] *= (nodes_n_con[end] - nodes_n_con_seen[end]) / float(

    # scale connectivity for colormap (vmin<=>0, vmax<=>1)
    con_val_scaled = (con - vmin) / vrange

    # print("con_val_scaled.shape")
    con_val_scaled = np.squeeze(con_val_scaled.transpose())

    # Finally, we draw the connections
    for pos, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(indices[0], indices[1])):
        # Start point
        t0, r0 = node_angles[i], 10

        # End point
        t1, r1 = node_angles[j], 10

        # Some noise in start and end point
        t0 += start_noise[pos]
        t1 += end_noise[pos]

        verts = [(t0, r0), (t0, 5), (t1, 5), (t1, r1)]
        codes = [
        path = m_path.Path(verts, codes)

        color = colormap(con_val_scaled[0, pos])

        # Actual line
        patch = m_patches.PathPatch(
            path, fill=False, edgecolor=color, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1.0

    # Draw ring with colored nodes
    height = np.ones(n_nodes) * 1.0
    bars =

    for bar, color in zip(bars, node_colors):

    # Draw node labels
    angles_deg = 180 * node_angles / np.pi
    for name, angle_rad, angle_deg in zip(node_names, node_angles, angles_deg):
        if angle_deg >= 270 or angle_deg <= 90:
            ha = "left"
            # Flip the label, so text is always upright
            angle_deg += 180
            ha = "right"


    if title is not None:
        plt.title(title, color=textcolor, fontsize=fontsize_title, axes=axes)

    if colorbar:
        sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin, vmax))
        sm.set_array(np.linspace(vmin, vmax))
        cb = plt.colorbar(
            sm, ax=axes, use_gridspec=False, shrink=colorbar_size, anchor=colorbar_pos
        cb_yticks = plt.getp(, "yticklabels")
        plt.setp(cb_yticks, color=textcolor)

    from functools import partial

    # Add callback for interaction
    if interactive:
        callback = partial(

        fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", callback)

    return fig, axes
Beispiel #6
    def plot(self,
        from mne.viz.utils import _plot_psd, plt_show

        # set up default vars
        from packaging import version
        mne_version = version.parse(mne.__version__)
        has_new_mne = mne_version >= version.parse('0.22.0')
        has_20_mne = (mne_version >= version.parse('0.20.0')
                      and mne_version < version.parse('0.22.0'))
        if has_new_mne:
            from mne.defaults import _handle_default
            from import _picks_to_idx
            from mne.viz._figure import _split_picks_by_type

            if ax is None:
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                fig, ax = plt.subplots()
                fig = ax.figure
            ax_list = [ax]

            units = _handle_default('units', None)
            picks = _picks_to_idx(, picks)
            titles = _handle_default('titles', None)
            scalings = _handle_default('scalings', None)

            make_label = len(ax_list) == len(fig.axes)
            xlabels_list = [False] * (len(ax_list) - 1) + [True]
            (picks_list, units_list, scalings_list,
             titles_list) = _split_picks_by_type(self, picks, units, scalings,
        elif has_20_mne:
            from mne.viz.utils import _set_psd_plot_params
            fig, picks_list, titles_list, units_list, scalings_list, \
                ax_list, make_label, xlabels_list = _set_psd_plot_params(
          , proj, picks, ax, area_mode)
            from mne.viz.utils import _set_psd_plot_params
            fig, picks_list, titles_list, units_list, scalings_list, ax_list, \
                make_label = _set_psd_plot_params(, proj, picks, ax,
        del ax

        crop_inst = not (fmin == 0 and fmax is None)
        fmax = self.freqs[-1] if fmax is None else fmax

        inst = self.copy()
        if crop_inst:
            inst.crop(fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)

        # create list of psd's (one element for each channel type)
        psd_list = list()
        for picks in picks_list:

        args = [
            inst, fig, inst.freqs, psd_list, picks_list, titles_list,
            units_list, scalings_list, ax_list, make_label, color, area_mode,
            area_alpha, dB, estimate, average, spatial_colors, xscale,
        if has_20_mne or has_new_mne:
            args += [sphere, xlabels_list]

        fig = _plot_psd(*args)
        return fig
 def _plot(self):
     self.templateRaw = self.fileUtil.load(TEMPLATE_ICA_PATH +
     self.templateICA.plot_sources(self.templateRaw, show=False)
Beispiel #8
def _plot_connectivity_circle(con, node_names, indices=None, n_lines=None,
                              node_angles=None, node_width=None,
                              node_colors=None, facecolor='black',
                              textcolor='white', node_edgecolor='black',
                              linewidth=1.5, colormap='hot', vmin=None,
                              vmax=None, colorbar=True, title=None,
                              group_node_order=None, group_node_angles=None,
                              group_node_width=None, group_colors=None,
                              colorbar_size=0.2, colorbar_pos=(-0.3, 0.1),
                              fontsize_title=12, fontsize_names=8,
                              fontsize_colorbar=8, padding=6.,
                              fig=None, subplot=111, interactive=False,
                              node_linewidth=2., show=True):
    """Visualize connectivity as a circular graph.

    Note: This code is based on the circle graph example by Nicolas P. Rougier

    con : array
        Connectivity scores. Can be a square matrix, or a 1D array. If a 1D
        array is provided, "indices" has to be used to define the connection
    node_names : list of str
        Node names. The order corresponds to the order in con.
    indices : tuple of arrays | None
        Two arrays with indices of connections for which the connections
        strenghts are defined in con. Only needed if con is a 1D array.
    n_lines : int | None
        If not None, only the n_lines strongest connections (strength=abs(con))
        are drawn.
    node_angles : array, shape=(len(node_names,)) | None
        Array with node positions in degrees. If None, the nodes are equally
        spaced on the circle. See mne.viz.circular_layout.
    node_width : float | None
        Width of each node in degrees. If None, the minimum angle between any
        two nodes is used as the width.
    node_colors : list of tuples | list of str
        List with the color to use for each node. If fewer colors than nodes
        are provided, the colors will be repeated. Any color supported by
        matplotlib can be used, e.g., RGBA tuples, named colors.
    group_node_order : list of str
        Group node names in correct order.
    group_node_angles : array, shape=(len(group_node_order,)) | None
        Array with node positions in degrees. If None, the nodes are equally
        spaced on the circle. See mne.viz.circular_layout.
    group_node_width : float | None
        Width of each group node in degrees. If None, the minimum angle between
        any two nodes is used as the width.
    group_colors : None
        List with colours to use for each group node.
    fontsize_groups : int
        The font size of the text used for group node labels.
    facecolor : str
        Color to use for background. See matplotlib.colors.
    textcolor : str
        Color to use for text. See matplotlib.colors.
    node_edgecolor : str
        Color to use for lines around nodes. See matplotlib.colors.
    linewidth : float
        Line width to use for connections.
    colormap : str
        Colormap to use for coloring the connections.
    vmin : float | None
        Minimum value for colormap. If None, it is determined automatically.
    vmax : float | None
        Maximum value for colormap. If None, it is determined automatically.
    colorbar : bool
        Display a colorbar or not.
    title : str
        The figure title.
    colorbar_size : float
        Size of the colorbar.
    colorbar_pos : 2-tuple
        Position of the colorbar.
    fontsize_title : int
        Font size to use for title.
    fontsize_names : int
        Font size to use for node names.
    fontsize_colorbar : int
        Font size to use for colorbar.
    padding : float
        Space to add around figure to accommodate long labels.
    fig : None | instance of matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
        The figure to use. If None, a new figure with the specified background
        color will be created.
    subplot : int | 3-tuple
        Location of the subplot when creating figures with multiple plots. E.g.
        121 or (1, 2, 1) for 1 row, 2 columns, plot 1. See
    interactive : bool
        When enabled, left-click on a node to show only connections to that
        node. Right-click shows all connections.
    node_linewidth : float
        Line with for nodes.
    show : bool
        Show figure if True.

    fig : instance of matplotlib.pyplot.Figure
        The figure handle.
    axes : instance of matplotlib.axes.PolarAxesSubplot
        The subplot handle.
    import matplotlib.path as m_path
    import matplotlib.patches as m_patches

    n_nodes = len(node_names)
    n_groups = len(group_node_order)

    if group_node_angles is not None:
        if len(group_node_angles) != n_groups:
            raise ValueError('group_node_angles has to be the same length '
                             'as group_node_order')
        # convert it to radians
        group_node_angles = group_node_angles * np.pi / 180

    if node_angles is not None:
        if len(node_angles) != n_nodes:
            raise ValueError('node_angles has to be the same length '
                             'as node_names')
        # convert it to radians
        node_angles = node_angles * np.pi / 180
        # uniform layout on unit circle
        node_angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_nodes, endpoint=False)

    if node_width is None:
        # widths correspond to the minimum angle between two nodes
        dist_mat = node_angles[None, :] - node_angles[:, None]
        dist_mat[np.diag_indices(n_nodes)] = 1e9
        node_width = np.min(np.abs(dist_mat))
        node_width = node_width * np.pi / 180

    if node_colors is not None:
        if len(node_colors) < n_nodes:
            node_colors = cycle(node_colors)
        # assign colors using colormap
        node_colors = [ / float(n_nodes))
                       for i in range(n_nodes)]

    # handle 1D and 2D connectivity information
    if con.ndim == 1:
        if indices is None:
            raise ValueError('indices has to be provided if con.ndim == 1')
    elif con.ndim == 2:
        if con.shape[0] != n_nodes or con.shape[1] != n_nodes:
            raise ValueError('con has to be 1D or a square matrix')
        # we use the lower-triangular part
        indices = np.tril_indices(n_nodes, -1)
        con = con[indices]
        raise ValueError('con has to be 1D or a square matrix')

    # get the colormap
    if isinstance(colormap, string_types):
        colormap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)

    # Make figure background the same colors as axes
    if fig is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), facecolor=facecolor)

    # Use a polar axes
    if not isinstance(subplot, tuple):
        subplot = (subplot,)
    axes = plt.subplot(*subplot, polar=True, axisbg=facecolor)

    # No ticks, we'll put our own

    # Set y axes limit, add additonal space if requested
    # plt.ylim(0, 10 + padding)

    # increase space to allow for external group names
    plt.ylim(0, 18 + padding)

    # Remove the black axes border which may obscure the labels

    # Draw lines between connected nodes, only draw the strongest connections
    if n_lines is not None and len(con) > n_lines:
        con_thresh = np.sort(np.abs(con).ravel())[-n_lines]
        con_thresh = 0.

    # get the connections which we are drawing and sort by connection strength
    # this will allow us to draw the strongest connections first
    con_abs = np.abs(con)
    con_draw_idx = np.where(con_abs >= con_thresh)[0]

    con = con[con_draw_idx]
    con_abs = con_abs[con_draw_idx]
    indices = [ind[con_draw_idx] for ind in indices]

    # now sort them
    sort_idx = np.argsort(con_abs)
    con_abs = con_abs[sort_idx]
    con = con[sort_idx]
    indices = [ind[sort_idx] for ind in indices]

    # Get vmin vmax for color scaling
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = np.min(con[np.abs(con) >= con_thresh])
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = np.max(con)
    vrange = vmax - vmin

    # We want to add some "noise" to the start and end position of the
    # edges: We modulate the noise with the number of connections of the
    # node and the connection strength, such that the strongest connections
    # are closer to the node center
    nodes_n_con = np.zeros((n_nodes),
    for i, j in zip(indices[0], indices[1]):
        nodes_n_con[i] += 1
        nodes_n_con[j] += 1

    # initalize random number generator so plot is reproducible
    rng = np.random.mtrand.RandomState(seed=0)

    n_con = len(indices[0])
    noise_max = 0.25 * node_width
    start_noise = rng.uniform(-noise_max, noise_max, n_con)
    end_noise = rng.uniform(-noise_max, noise_max, n_con)

    nodes_n_con_seen = np.zeros_like(nodes_n_con)
    for i, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(indices[0], indices[1])):
        nodes_n_con_seen[start] += 1
        nodes_n_con_seen[end] += 1

        start_noise[i] *= ((nodes_n_con[start] - nodes_n_con_seen[start]) /
        end_noise[i] *= ((nodes_n_con[end] - nodes_n_con_seen[end]) /

    # scale connectivity for colormap (vmin<=>0, vmax<=>1)
    con_val_scaled = (con - vmin) / vrange

    # Finally, we draw the connections
    for pos, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(indices[0], indices[1])):
        # Start point
        t0, r0 = node_angles[i], 10

        # End point
        t1, r1 = node_angles[j], 10

        # Some noise in start and end point
        t0 += start_noise[pos]
        t1 += end_noise[pos]

        verts = [(t0, r0), (t0, 5), (t1, 5), (t1, r1)]
        codes = [m_path.Path.MOVETO, m_path.Path.CURVE4, m_path.Path.CURVE4,
        path = m_path.Path(verts, codes)

        color = colormap(con_val_scaled[pos])

        # Actual line
        patch = m_patches.PathPatch(path, fill=False, edgecolor=color,
                                    linewidth=linewidth, alpha=1.)

    # Draw ring with colored nodes
    height = np.ones(n_nodes) * 1.0
    bars =, height, width=node_width, bottom=9,
                    edgecolor=node_edgecolor, lw=node_linewidth,
                    facecolor='.9', align='center')

    for bar, color in zip(bars, node_colors):

    # Draw node labels
    angles_deg = 180 * node_angles / np.pi
    for name, angle_rad, angle_deg in zip(node_names, node_angles, angles_deg):
        if angle_deg >= 270:
            ha = 'left'
            # Flip the label, so text is always upright
            angle_deg += 180
            ha = 'right'

        axes.text(angle_rad, 10.4, name, size=fontsize_names,
                  rotation=angle_deg, rotation_mode='anchor',
                  horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment='center',

    # draw outer ring with group names
    group_heights = np.ones(n_groups) * 1.5
    group_width = 2 * np.pi/n_groups

    # draw ring with group colours
    group_bars =, group_heights,
                          width=group_width, bottom=22,
                          linewidth=node_linewidth, facecolor='.9',

    for gbar, color in zip(group_bars, group_colors):

    # add group labels
    for i in range(group_node_angles.size):
        # to modify the position of the labels
        theta = group_node_angles[i] + np.pi/n_groups
        # theta = group_node_angles[n_groups-1-i] + np.pi/n_groups
        plt.text(theta, 22.5, group_node_order[i], rotation=180*theta/np.pi-90,
                 size=fontsize_groups, horizontalalignment='center',
                 verticalalignment='center', color=textcolor)

    if title is not None:
        plt.title(title, color=textcolor, fontsize=fontsize_title,

    if colorbar:
        norm = plt.normalize_colors(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
        sm =, norm=norm)
        sm.set_array(np.linspace(vmin, vmax))
        cb = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=axes, use_gridspec=False,
                          shrink=colorbar_size, orientation='horizontal',
        cb_yticks = plt.getp(, 'yticklabels')
        plt.setp(cb_yticks, color=textcolor)

    # Add callback for interaction
    if interactive:
        callback = partial(_plot_connectivity_circle_onpick, fig=fig,
                           axes=axes, indices=indices, n_nodes=n_nodes,

        fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', callback)

    return fig, axes
Beispiel #9
def plot_epochs(epochs, picks=None, scalings=None, n_epochs=20,
                n_channels=20, title=None, show=True, block=False,
                bad_epochs_idx=None, fix_log=None):
    """ Visualize epochs

    Bad epochs can be marked with a left click on top of the epoch. Bad
    channels can be selected by clicking the channel name on the left side of
    the main axes. Calling this function drops all the selected bad epochs as
    well as bad epochs marked beforehand with rejection parameters.


    epochs : instance of Epochs
        The epochs object
    picks : array-like of int | None
        Channels to be included. If None only good data channels are used.
        Defaults to None
    scalings : dict | 'auto' | None
        Scaling factors for the traces. If any fields in scalings are 'auto',
        the scaling factor is set to match the 99.5th percentile of a subset of
        the corresponding data. If scalings == 'auto', all scalings fields are
        set to 'auto'. If any fields are 'auto' and data is not preloaded,
        a subset of epochs up to 100mb will be loaded. If None, defaults to::

            dict(mag=1e-12, grad=4e-11, eeg=20e-6, eog=150e-6, ecg=5e-4,
                 emg=1e-3, ref_meg=1e-12, misc=1e-3, stim=1, resp=1, chpi=1e-4)

    n_epochs : int
        The number of epochs per view. Defaults to 20.
    n_channels : int
        The number of channels per view. Defaults to 20.
    title : str | None
        The title of the window. If None, epochs name will be displayed.
        Defaults to None.
    show : bool
        Show figure if True. Defaults to True
    block : bool
        Whether to halt program execution until the figure is closed.
        Useful for rejecting bad trials on the fly by clicking on an epoch.
        Defaults to False.
    bad_epochs_idx : array-like | None
        Indices of bad epochs to show. No bad epochs to visualize if None.
    fix_log : array, shape (n_channels, n_epochs) | None
        The bad segments to show in red and the interpolated segments
        to show in green.

    fig : Instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The figure.

    The arrow keys (up/down/left/right) can be used to navigate between
    channels and epochs and the scaling can be adjusted with - and + (or =)
    keys, but this depends on the backend matplotlib is configured to use
    (e.g., mpl.use(``TkAgg``) should work). Full screen mode can be toggled
    with f11 key. The amount of epochs and channels per view can be adjusted
    with home/end and page down/page up keys. Butterfly plot can be toggled
    with ``b`` key. Right mouse click adds a vertical line to the plot.
    scalings = _compute_scalings(scalings, epochs)
    scalings = _handle_default('scalings_plot_raw', scalings)

    projs =['projs']

    bads = np.array(list(), dtype=int)
    if bad_epochs_idx is not None:
        bads = np.array(bad_epochs_idx).astype(int)

    params = {'epochs': epochs,
              'info': copy.deepcopy(,
              'bad_color': (0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
              't_start': 0,
              'histogram': None,
              'bads': bads,
              'fix_log': fix_log}
    params['label_click_fun'] = partial(_pick_bad_channels, params=params)
    _prepare_mne_browse_epochs(params, projs, n_channels, n_epochs, scalings,
                               title, picks)

    callback_close = partial(_close_event, params=params)
    params['fig'].canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', callback_close)
        plt_show(show, block=block)
    except TypeError:  # not all versions have this

    return params['fig']
Beispiel #10
def plot_topomap(data, pos, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, sensors=True,
                 res=64, axes=None, names=None, show_names=False, mask=None,
                 mask_params=None, outlines='head', image_mask=None,
                 contours=6, image_interp='bilinear', show=True,
                 head_pos=None, onselect=None, axis=None):
    ''' see the docstring for mne.viz.plot_topomap,
        which i've simply modified to return more objects '''

    from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector
    from import (channel_type, pick_info, _pick_data_channels)
    from mne.utils import warn
    from mne.viz.utils import (_setup_vmin_vmax, plt_show)
    from mne.defaults import _handle_default
    from mne.channels.layout import _find_topomap_coords
    from import Info
    from mne.viz.topomap import _check_outlines, _prepare_topomap, _griddata, _make_image_mask, _plot_sensors, \

    data = np.asarray(data)

    if isinstance(pos, Info):  # infer pos from Info object
        picks = _pick_data_channels(pos)  # pick only data channels
        pos = pick_info(pos, picks)

        # check if there is only 1 channel type, and n_chans matches the data
        ch_type = set(channel_type(pos, idx)
                      for idx, _ in enumerate(pos["chs"]))
        info_help = ("Pick Info with e.g. mne.pick_info and "
        if len(ch_type) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Multiple channel types in Info structure. " +
        elif len(pos["chs"]) != data.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("Number of channels in the Info object and "
                             "the data array does not match. " + info_help)
            ch_type = ch_type.pop()

        if any(type_ in ch_type for type_ in ('planar', 'grad')):
            # deal with grad pairs
            from ..channels.layout import (_merge_grad_data, find_layout,
            picks, pos = _pair_grad_sensors(pos, find_layout(pos))
            data = _merge_grad_data(data[picks]).reshape(-1)
            picks = list(range(data.shape[0]))
            pos = _find_topomap_coords(pos, picks=picks)

    if data.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("Data needs to be array of shape (n_sensors,); got "
                         "shape %s." % str(data.shape))

    # Give a helpful error message for common mistakes regarding the position
    # matrix.
    pos_help = ("Electrode positions should be specified as a 2D array with "
                "shape (n_channels, 2). Each row in this matrix contains the "
                "(x, y) position of an electrode.")
    if pos.ndim != 2:
        error = ("{ndim}D array supplied as electrode positions, where a 2D "
                 "array was expected").format(ndim=pos.ndim)
        raise ValueError(error + " " + pos_help)
    elif pos.shape[1] == 3:
        error = ("The supplied electrode positions matrix contains 3 columns. "
                 "Are you trying to specify XYZ coordinates? Perhaps the "
                 "mne.channels.create_eeg_layout function is useful for you.")
        raise ValueError(error + " " + pos_help)
    # No error is raised in case of pos.shape[1] == 4. In this case, it is
    # assumed the position matrix contains both (x, y) and (width, height)
    # values, such as Layout.pos.
    elif pos.shape[1] == 1 or pos.shape[1] > 4:
        raise ValueError(pos_help)

    if len(data) != len(pos):
        raise ValueError("Data and pos need to be of same length. Got data of "
                         "length %s, pos of length %s" % (len(data), len(pos)))

    norm = min(data) >= 0
    vmin, vmax = _setup_vmin_vmax(data, vmin, vmax, norm)
    if cmap is None:
        cmap = 'Reds' if norm else 'RdBu_r'

    pos, outlines = _check_outlines(pos, outlines, head_pos)

    if axis is not None:
        axes = axis
        warn('axis parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 0.13. '
             'Use axes instead.', DeprecationWarning)
    ax = axes if axes else plt.gca()
    pos_x, pos_y = _prepare_topomap(pos, ax)
    if outlines is None:
        xmin, xmax = pos_x.min(), pos_x.max()
        ymin, ymax = pos_y.min(), pos_y.max()
        xlim = np.inf, -np.inf,
        ylim = np.inf, -np.inf,
        mask_ = np.c_[outlines['mask_pos']]
        xmin, xmax = (np.min(np.r_[xlim[0], mask_[:, 0]]),
                      np.max(np.r_[xlim[1], mask_[:, 0]]))
        ymin, ymax = (np.min(np.r_[ylim[0], mask_[:, 1]]),
                      np.max(np.r_[ylim[1], mask_[:, 1]]))

    # interpolate data
    xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, res)
    yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, res)
    Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
    Zi = _griddata(pos_x, pos_y, data, Xi, Yi)

    if outlines is None:
        _is_default_outlines = False
    elif isinstance(outlines, dict):
        _is_default_outlines = any(k.startswith('head') for k in outlines)

    if _is_default_outlines and image_mask is None:
        # prepare masking
        image_mask, pos = _make_image_mask(outlines, pos, res)

    mask_params = _handle_default('mask_params', mask_params)

    # plot outline
    linewidth = mask_params['markeredgewidth']
    patch = None
    if 'patch' in outlines:
        patch = outlines['patch']
        patch_ = patch() if callable(patch) else patch

    # plot map and countour
    im = ax.imshow(Zi, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower',
                   aspect='equal', extent=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),

    # This tackles an incomprehensible matplotlib bug if no contours are
    # drawn. To avoid rescalings, we will always draw contours.
    # But if no contours are desired we only draw one and make it invisible .
    no_contours = False
    if contours in (False, None):
        contours, no_contours = 1, True
    cont = ax.contour(Xi, Yi, Zi, contours, colors='k',
    if no_contours is True:
        for col in cont.collections:

    if _is_default_outlines:
        from matplotlib import patches
        patch_ = patches.Ellipse((0, 0),
                                 2 * outlines['clip_radius'][0],
                                 2 * outlines['clip_radius'][1],
    if _is_default_outlines or patch is not None:
        if cont is not None:
            for col in cont.collections:

    if sensors is not False and mask is None:
        _plot_sensors(pos_x, pos_y, sensors=sensors, ax=ax)
    elif sensors and mask is not None:
        idx = np.where(mask)[0]
        ax.plot(pos_x[idx], pos_y[idx], **mask_params)
        idx = np.where(~mask)[0]
        _plot_sensors(pos_x[idx], pos_y[idx], sensors=sensors, ax=ax)
    elif not sensors and mask is not None:
        idx = np.where(mask)[0]
        ax.plot(pos_x[idx], pos_y[idx], **mask_params)

    if isinstance(outlines, dict):
        _draw_outlines(ax, outlines)

    if show_names:
        if names is None:
            raise ValueError("To show names, a list of names must be provided"
                             " (see `names` keyword).")
        if show_names is True:
            def _show_names(x):
                return x
            _show_names = show_names
        show_idx = np.arange(len(names)) if mask is None else np.where(mask)[0]
        for ii, (p, ch_id) in enumerate(zip(pos, names)):
            if ii not in show_idx:
            ch_id = _show_names(ch_id)
            ax.text(p[0], p[1], ch_id, horizontalalignment='center',
                    verticalalignment='center', size='x-small')


    if onselect is not None:
        ax.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=onselect)
    return ax, im, cont, pos_x, pos_y
Beispiel #11
    data = raw._data
    for field in eegFields:
        channel = data[ch_names.index(field)]
        channel -= eegMean
        print mean(channel)

def runTestData():
    global probands
    probands = ["mp"]
    files = ["awake_full", "drowsy_full"]
    for f in files:
        csvToRaw(f + ".csv", f)
        rawWithEOGAndICA(f, f + "_eog")
        rawWithNormedGyroAll(f + "_eog", f + "_norm")

def rawToCSV(proband, name):
    filePath = (FILE_PATH % str(proband)) + name
    dto = fileUtil.getDtoFromFif(filePath + ".raw.fif")
    fileUtil.saveDto(filePath + ".csv", dto)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #for proband in probands:
    #    rawToCSV(proband, "EEGNormed")
    raw = loadRaw("1", "EEG")