def test_contains_row_different_types():
    """Test that _contains_row() can handle different dtypes without warning.

    This is to check if we're successfully avoiding a FutureWarning emitted by
    NumPy, see
    (pytest must be configured to fail on warnings for this to work!)
    data = odict(age=[20, 30, 40, 'n/a'])  # string
    row = dict(age=60)  # int
    _contains_row(data, row)
Beispiel #2
def test_tsv_handler(tmp_path):
    """Test the TSV handling."""
    # create some dummy data
    d = odict(a=[1, 2, 3, 4], b=['five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight'])
    assert _contains_row(d, {'a': 1, 'b': 'five'})
    d2 = odict(a=[5], b=['nine'])
    d = _combine_rows(d, d2)
    assert 5 in d['a']
    d2 = odict(a=[5])
    d = _combine_rows(d, d2)
    assert 'n/a' in d['b']
    d2 = odict(a=[5], b=['ten'])
    d = _combine_rows(d, d2, drop_column='a')
    # make sure that the repeated data was dropped
    assert 'nine' not in d['b']

    d_path = tmp_path / 'output.tsv'

    # write the data to an output tsv file
    _to_tsv(d, d_path)
    # now read it back
    d = _from_tsv(d_path)
    # test reading the file in with the incorrect number of datatypes raises
    # an Error
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        d = _from_tsv(d_path, dtypes=[str])
    # we can also pass just a single data type and it will be applied to all
    # columns
    d = _from_tsv(d_path, str)

    # remove any rows with 2 or 5 in them
    d = _drop(d, [2, 5], 'a')
    assert 2 not in d['a']

    # test combining data with differing numbers of columns
    d = odict(a=[1, 2], b=['three', 'four'])
    d2 = odict(a=[4], b=['five'], c=[3.1415])
    # raise error if a new column is tried to be added
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        d = _combine_rows(d, d2)
    d2 = odict(a=[5])
    d = _combine_rows(d, d2)
    assert d['b'] == ['three', 'four', 'n/a']
    assert _contains_row(d, {'a': 5})

    # test reading a single column
    _to_tsv(odict(a=[1, 2, 3, 4]), d_path)
    d = _from_tsv(d_path)
    assert d['a'] == ['1', '2', '3', '4']
Beispiel #3
def _participants_tsv(raw, subject_id, fname, overwrite=False,
    """Create a participants.tsv file and save it.

    This will append any new participant data to the current list if it
    exists. Otherwise a new file will be created with the provided information.

    raw : instance of Raw
        The data as MNE-Python Raw object.
    subject_id : str
        The subject name in BIDS compatible format ('01', '02', etc.)
    fname : str
        Filename to save the participants.tsv to.
    overwrite : bool
        Whether to overwrite the existing file.
        Defaults to False.
        If there is already data for the given `subject_id` and overwrite is
        False, an error will be raised.
    verbose : bool
        Set verbose output to true or false.

    subject_id = 'sub-' + subject_id
    data = OrderedDict(participant_id=[subject_id])

    subject_age = "n/a"
    sex = "n/a"
    subject_info =['subject_info']
    if subject_info is not None:
        sexes = {0: 'n/a', 1: 'M', 2: 'F'}
        sex = sexes[subject_info.get('sex', 0)]

        # determine the age of the participant
        age = subject_info.get('birthday', None)
        meas_date ='meas_date', None)
        if isinstance(meas_date, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
            meas_date = meas_date[0]

        if meas_date is not None and age is not None:
            bday = datetime(age[0], age[1], age[2])
            meas_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(meas_date)
            subject_age = _age_on_date(bday, meas_datetime)
            subject_age = "n/a"

    data.update({'age': [subject_age], 'sex': [sex]})

    if os.path.exists(fname):
        orig_data = _from_tsv(fname)
        # whether the new data exists identically in the previous data
        exact_included = _contains_row(orig_data,
                                       {'participant_id': subject_id,
                                        'age': subject_age,
                                        'sex': sex})
        # whether the subject id is in the previous data
        sid_included = subject_id in orig_data['participant_id']
        # if the subject data provided is different to the currently existing
        # data and overwrite is not True raise an error
        if (sid_included and not exact_included) and not overwrite:
            raise FileExistsError('"%s" already exists in the participant '  # noqa: E501 F821
                                  'list. Please set overwrite to '
                                  'True.' % subject_id)
        # otherwise add the new data
        data = _combine(orig_data, data, 'participant_id')

    # overwrite is forced to True as all issues with overwrite == False have
    # been handled by this point
    _write_tsv(fname, data, True, verbose)

    return fname