Beispiel #1
    def clean_network(self):
        network = self.cleaned_data['network']
        if not network:
            return network

            region, carrier = network.split('_')
        except ValueError:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Network {0} not in the Bango format '
                                        'of COUNTRY_NETWORK.'.format(network))
        except KeyError:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Invalid country: {0}'.format(region))

        self.cleaned_data['carrier'] = carrier
        self.cleaned_data['region'] = region
        return network
Beispiel #2
def build_regions_js():
    Generate a supported regions modules for Marketplace frontend projects.
    Maps from region slug to gettexted region names.
    ex: {"fr": gettext("France"),...}
    js_module_template = open(lib_path('templates/regions.js'), 'r').read()
    countries = name(glob.glob(py_path(''))[0])
    countries = importlib.import_module(countries)

    # REGION_CHOICES_SLUG: Region slug to gettext mapping.
    data = {
            'restofworld': "gettext('Rest of World')"
        'MOBILE_CODES': {}
    for k, country in countries.COUNTRY_DETAILS.items():
        data['REGION_CHOICES_SLUG'][country['slug'].lower()] = (
            "gettext('%s')" % country['name'])

    # MOBILE_CODES: Mobile code to region slug mapping.
    for alpha3, country in countries.COUNTRY_DETAILS.items():
            mccs = mobile_codes.alpha3(alpha3).mcc
        except KeyError:

        if not isinstance(mccs, list):
            mccs = [mccs]
        for mcc in mccs:
            data['MOBILE_CODES'][mcc] = country['slug']

    # Serialize.
    data = json.dumps(data)

    # Unquote the gettexts. "gettext('France')" -> gettext("France"). It's
    # important to keep gettext calls with double quotes, since we have escape
    # sequences in them for unicode stuff.
    pattern = re.compile(r'"gettext\(\'(.*?)\'\)"')
    data = pattern.sub(r'gettext("\1")', data)

    # Write the data.
    output = js_path('regions.js')
    change = 'Updating' if os.path.exists(output) else 'Creating'
    print '{0} file: {1}'.format(change, output)
    open(output, 'w').write(js_module_template % data)
def build_regions_js():
    Generate a supported regions modules for Marketplace frontend projects.
    Maps from region slug to gettexted region names.
    ex: {"fr": gettext("France"),...}
    js_module_template = open(lib_path('templates/umd.js'), 'r').read()
    countries = name(glob.glob(py_path(''))[0])
    countries = importlib.import_module(countries)

    # REGION_CHOICES_SLUG: Region slug to name (non-translated - if you need
    # translations, better directly call the region API instead of having
    # 250+ translated names in your javascript).
    data = {
            'restofworld': 'Rest of World'
        'MOBILE_CODES': {}
    for k, country in countries.COUNTRY_DETAILS.items():
        data['REGION_CHOICES_SLUG'][country['slug'].lower()] = country['name']

    # MOBILE_CODES: Mobile code to region slug mapping.
    for alpha3, country in countries.COUNTRY_DETAILS.items():
            mccs = mobile_codes.alpha3(alpha3).mcc
        except KeyError:

        if not isinstance(mccs, list):
            mccs = [mccs]
        for mcc in mccs:
            data['MOBILE_CODES'][mcc] = country['slug']

    # Serialize.
    data = json.dumps(data)

    # Write the data.
    output = js_path('regions.js')
    change = 'Updating' if os.path.exists(output) else 'Creating'
    print '{0} file: {1}'.format(change, output)
    open(output, 'w').write(js_module_template % data)
Beispiel #4
 def test_alpha3(self):
     country = mobile_codes.alpha3(u'ATA')
     self.assertEqual(country.mcc, None)
Beispiel #5
 def test_alpha3(self):
     country = mobile_codes.alpha3(u'CAN')
     self.assertEqual(country.alpha3, u'CAN')
Beispiel #6
 def test_alpha3_fail(self):
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Beispiel #7
 def test_alpha3(self):
     country = mobile_codes.alpha3("CAN")
     assert country.alpha3 == "CAN"
Beispiel #8
 def test_alpha3(self):
     country = mobile_codes.alpha3("ATA")
     assert country.mcc is None
 def test_alpha3(self):
     country = mobile_codes.alpha3(u'ATA')
     self.assertEqual(country.mcc, None)
 def test_alpha3(self):
     country = mobile_codes.alpha3(u'CAN')
     self.assertEqual(country.alpha3, u'CAN')