conv2 = L.Conv(relu1, "conv2", dim_out = 50, kernel = 5) pool2 = L.Pool(conv2, "pool2", pool = L.Pool.MAX, kernel = 2, stride = 2) relu2 = L.ReLU(pool2, "relu2") fc3 = L.FC(relu2, "fc3", dim_out = 500) relu3 = L.ReLU(fc3, "relu3") pred = L.FC(relu3, "pred", dim_out = 10) loss = L.SoftmaxWithLoss(pred, "loss", label = label) # Net Instance net = mobula.Net() # Set Loss Layer net.set_loss(loss) # Set Solver solver = S.Momentum(gamma = 0.1, stepsize = 1000) solver.lr_policy = S.LR_POLICY.STEP net.set_solver(S.Momentum()) # Learning Rate = 0.005 ''' If start_iter > 0, load the existed model and continue to train. Otherwise, initialize weights and start to train. ''' start_iter = 0 max_iter = 100000 filename = RESULT_PATH + "/" if start_iter > 0:
Y = im.reshape((1, h, w, t)).transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) X = np.random.random((1, t, h, w)) - 0.5 data, label = L.Data([X, Y]) conv = L.Conv(data, dim_out=42, kernel=3, pad=1) relu = L.ReLU(conv) convt = L.ConvT(relu, dim_out=t, kernel=3, pad=1) relu2 = L.ReLU(convt) loss = L.MSE(relu2, label=label) # Net Instance net = mobula.Net() # Set Loss Layer net.set_loss(loss) # Set Solver net.set_solver(S.Momentum()) # Learning Rate = 2e-6 start_iter = 0 max_iter = 10000 plt.ion() for i in range(start_iter, max_iter + 1): net.forward() net.backward() if i % 100 == 0: print("Iter: %d, Cost: %f" % (i, loss.loss)) net.time() if i % 100 == 0: