Beispiel #1
class MockLTIServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    A mock version of the LTI provider server that listens on a local
    port and responds with pre-defined grade messages.

    Used for lettuce BDD tests in lms/courseware/features/lti.feature

    def setUp(self):

        # This is a test of the test setup,
        # so it does not need to run as part of the unit test suite
        # You can re-enable it by commenting out the line below
        # raise SkipTest

        # Create the server
        server_port = 8034
        server_host = ''
        address = (server_host, server_port)
        self.server = MockLTIServer(address)
        self.server.oauth_settings = {
            'client_key': 'test_client_key',
            'client_secret': 'test_client_secret',
            'lti_base':  'http://{}:{}/'.format(server_host, server_port),
            'lti_endpoint': 'correct_lti_endpoint'
        # Start the server in a separate daemon thread
        server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever)
        server_thread.daemon = True

    def tearDown(self):

        # Stop the server, freeing up the port

    def test_request(self):
        Tests that LTI server processes request with right program
        path,  and responses with incorrect signature.
        request = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'role': 'student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
            'oauth_consumer_key': 'client_key',
            'lti_version': 'LTI-1p0',
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_version': '1.0',
            'oauth_signature': '',
            'lti_message_type': 'basic-lti-launch-request',
            'oauth_callback': 'about:blank',
            'launch_presentation_return_url': '',
            'lis_outcome_service_url': '',
            'lis_result_sourcedid': ''

        response_handle = urllib.urlopen(
            self.server.oauth_settings['lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint'],
        response =
        self.assertTrue('Wrong LTI signature' in response)
Beispiel #2
class MockLTIServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    A mock version of the LTI provider server that listens on a local
    port and responds with pre-defined grade messages.

    Used for lettuce BDD tests in lms/courseware/features/lti.feature

    def setUp(self):

        # Create the server
        server_port = 8034
        server_host = 'localhost'
        address = (server_host, server_port)
        self.server = MockLTIServer(address)
        self.server.oauth_settings = {
            'client_key': 'test_client_key',
            'client_secret': 'test_client_secret',
            'lti_base':  'http://{}:{}/'.format(server_host, server_port),
            'lti_endpoint': 'correct_lti_endpoint'
        self.server.run_inside_unittest_flag = True
        #flag for creating right callback_url
        self.server.test_mode = True

        self.server.server_host = server_host
        self.server.server_port = server_port

        # Start the server in a separate daemon thread
        server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever)
        server_thread.daemon = True

    def tearDown(self):

        # Stop the server, freeing up the port

    def test_wrong_header(self):
        Tests that LTI server processes request with right program path but with wrong header.
        #wrong number of params and no signature
        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'roles': 'Student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
        uri = self.server.oauth_settings['lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('Wrong LTI signature', response.content)

    def test_wrong_signature(self):
        Tests that LTI server processes request with right program
        path and responses with incorrect signature.
        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'roles': 'Student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
            'oauth_consumer_key': 'test_client_key',
            'lti_version': 'LTI-1p0',
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_version': '1.0',
            'oauth_signature': '',
            'lti_message_type': 'basic-lti-launch-request',
            'oauth_callback': 'about:blank',
            'launch_presentation_return_url': '',
            'lis_outcome_service_url': '',
            'lis_result_sourcedid': '',
        uri = self.server.oauth_settings['lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('Wrong LTI signature', response.content)

    def test_success_response_launch_lti(self):
        Success lti launch.
        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'roles': 'Student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
            'oauth_consumer_key': 'test_client_key',
            'lti_version': 'LTI-1p0',
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_version': '1.0',
            'oauth_signature': '',
            'lti_message_type': 'basic-lti-launch-request',
            'oauth_callback': 'about:blank',
            'launch_presentation_return_url': '',
            'lis_outcome_service_url': '',
            'lis_result_sourcedid': '',
        self.server.check_oauth_signature = Mock(return_value=True)

        uri = self.server.oauth_settings['lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('This is LTI tool. Success.', response.content)

    def test_send_graded_result(self):

        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'roles': 'Student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
            'oauth_consumer_key': 'test_client_key',
            'lti_version': 'LTI-1p0',
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_version': '1.0',
            'oauth_signature': '',
            'lti_message_type': 'basic-lti-launch-request',
            'oauth_callback': 'about:blank',
            'launch_presentation_return_url': '',
            'lis_outcome_service_url': '',
            'lis_result_sourcedid': '',
        self.server.check_oauth_signature = Mock(return_value=True)

        uri = self.server.oauth_settings['lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        #this is the uri for sending grade from lti
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('This is LTI tool. Success.', response.content)

        self.server.grade_data['TC answer'] = "Test response"
        graded_response ='')
        self.assertIn('Test response', graded_response.content)
class MockLTIServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    A mock version of the LTI provider server that listens on a local
    port and responds with pre-defined grade messages.

    Used for lettuce BDD tests in lms/courseware/features/lti.feature
    def setUp(self):

        # Create the server
        server_port = 8034
        server_host = 'localhost'
        address = (server_host, server_port)
        self.server = MockLTIServer(address)
        self.server.oauth_settings = {
            'client_key': 'test_client_key',
            'client_secret': 'test_client_secret',
            'lti_base': 'http://{}:{}/'.format(server_host, server_port),
            'lti_endpoint': 'correct_lti_endpoint'
        self.server.run_inside_unittest_flag = True
        #flag for creating right callback_url
        self.server.test_mode = True

        self.server.server_host = server_host
        self.server.server_port = server_port

        # Start the server in a separate daemon thread
        server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever)
        server_thread.daemon = True

    def tearDown(self):

        # Stop the server, freeing up the port

    def test_wrong_header(self):
        Tests that LTI server processes request with right program path but with wrong header.
        #wrong number of params and no signature
        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'role': 'student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
        uri = self.server.oauth_settings[
            'lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('Wrong LTI signature', response.content)

    def test_wrong_signature(self):
        Tests that LTI server processes request with right program
        path and responses with incorrect signature.
        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'role': 'student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
            'oauth_consumer_key': 'test_client_key',
            'lti_version': 'LTI-1p0',
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_version': '1.0',
            'oauth_signature': '',
            'lti_message_type': 'basic-lti-launch-request',
            'oauth_callback': 'about:blank',
            'launch_presentation_return_url': '',
            'lis_outcome_service_url': '',
            'lis_result_sourcedid': '',
            'resource_link_id': '',
        uri = self.server.oauth_settings[
            'lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('Wrong LTI signature', response.content)

    def test_success_response_launch_lti(self):
        Success lti launch.
        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'role': 'student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
            'oauth_consumer_key': 'test_client_key',
            'lti_version': 'LTI-1p0',
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_version': '1.0',
            'oauth_signature': '',
            'lti_message_type': 'basic-lti-launch-request',
            'oauth_callback': 'about:blank',
            'launch_presentation_return_url': '',
            'lis_outcome_service_url': '',
            'lis_result_sourcedid': '',
            'resource_link_id': '',
        self.server.check_oauth_signature = Mock(return_value=True)

        uri = self.server.oauth_settings[
            'lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('This is LTI tool. Success.', response.content)

    def test_send_graded_result(self):

        payload = {
            'user_id': 'default_user_id',
            'role': 'student',
            'oauth_nonce': '',
            'oauth_timestamp': '',
            'oauth_consumer_key': 'test_client_key',
            'lti_version': 'LTI-1p0',
            'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_version': '1.0',
            'oauth_signature': '',
            'lti_message_type': 'basic-lti-launch-request',
            'oauth_callback': 'about:blank',
            'launch_presentation_return_url': '',
            'lis_outcome_service_url': '',
            'lis_result_sourcedid': '',
            'resource_link_id': '',
        self.server.check_oauth_signature = Mock(return_value=True)

        uri = self.server.oauth_settings[
            'lti_base'] + self.server.oauth_settings['lti_endpoint']
        #this is the uri for sending grade from lti
        headers = {'referer': 'http://localhost:8000/'}
        response =, data=payload, headers=headers)
        self.assertIn('This is LTI tool. Success.', response.content)

        self.server.grade_data['TC answer'] = "Test response"
        graded_response ='')
        self.assertIn('Test response', graded_response.content)