Beispiel #1
def get_contacts_for_id(id):
    print("I am ashwin" + id)
    if db.getById('contacts', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No contact with this id exists")
    # Handle 404. Do db.getById first, check if it's null, if it is do a 404.
    return create_response({"contacts": db.getById('contacts', int(id))})
Beispiel #2
def put_show(id):

    #If requested id is not found
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="The requested URL was not found.")

    #Get data from Postman
    payload = request.json

    #Store original show data if only 1 variable is to be updated
    originalShow = db.getById("shows", int(id))
    originalName = originalShow["name"]
    originalEp = str(originalShow["episodes_seen"])

    #Check if name or episodes_seen is to be updated
    if "name" in payload:
        name = payload["name"]
        name = originalName
    if "episodes_seen" in payload:
        episodes_seen = payload["episodes_seen"]
        episodes_seen = originalEp

    #Format data into dict
    updateShow = {"id": int(id), "name": name, "episodes_seen": episodes_seen}

    #Update show
    updatedShow = db.updateById('shows', int(id), updateShow)

    #Return updated show
    return jsonify(updatedShow)
def show_with_id(id):
    # PART 2
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
            return create_response(status=404,
                                   message="No show with this id exists")
        return create_response({"shows": db.get('shows')[int(id) - 1]})
    if request.method == 'DELETE':
        if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
            return create_response(status=404,
                                   message="No show with this id exists")
        db.deleteById('shows', int(id))
        return create_response(message="Show deleted")
    # PART 4
    if request.method == 'PUT':
        if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
            return create_response(status=404,
                                   message="No show with this id exists")
            # store values recevied in corresponding variables
            data_json = request.get_data()
            data = json.loads(data_json)

            # if name and episodes are not provided, keep orignal values
            if data['name'] == "":
                data['name'] = db.getById('shows', int(id))['name']
            if data['episodes_seen'] == "":
                data['episodes_seen'] = db.getById('shows',

            # update show with corresponding ID
            db.updateById('shows', int(id), data)
            # return results
            return create_response({"shows": db.get('shows')[int(id) - 1]},
Beispiel #4
def part256(id):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if db.getbyId('users', int(id)) is None:
            return create_response(status=400, message="Not found")
            json = {
            'users': db.getId('users')
            return create_response(json)

    if request.method == 'PUT':
        json = {'name': request.form['name'], 'age': request.form['age'], 'team': request.form['team']}
        if db.updateById('users', int(id), json) is None:
            return create_response(status=400, message="not found")
            return create_response(db.updateById('users', id, json))

    if request.method == 'DELETE':
        if db.getById('users', int(id)) is None:    
            return create_response(status=400, message="Not found")

        if db.getById('users', int(id)) is None:
            return create_response(None, 404, "User cannot be found")
            json = {
            'user': db.getById('users', int(id))
        return create_response(json)
Beispiel #5
def get_single_contact_from_id(id):

    if db.getById('contacts', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="The contact with id " + str(id) +
                               " was not found.")

    return create_response({'contact': db.getById('contacts', int(id))})
def get_show(id):
    if not id.isdigit():
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    return create_response(result=db.getById('shows', int(id)))
Beispiel #7
def update_show(id):
    updateShow = request.get_json(force=True)
    if updateShow is None:
        return create_response(status=422, message="Please enter JSON with 'name' and/or 'episodes_seen' fields")
    elif db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404, message="Please enter JSON with 'id' that exists in the database")
        db.updateById('shows', int(id), updateShow)
        return create_response(status=201, data=db.getById('shows', int(id)))
Beispiel #8
def get_show(id):

    #If requested id is not found
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="The requested URL was not found.")

    #Return requested show
    return create_response(data=db.getById("shows", int(id)))
Beispiel #9
def updateContact(id): 
    if db.getById('contacts', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404, message="No contact with this id exists")
    name = request.json.get("name")
    hobby = request.json.get("hobby")
    if name is not None: 
        db.updateById('contacts', int(id), {"name": name}) 
    if hobby is not None: 
        db.updateById('contacts', int(id), {"hobby": hobby}) 
    return create_response(status = 201, data = {"contacts": db.getById('contacts', int(id))})
Beispiel #10
def updateShow(id):
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404, message="No show with this id exists")
        data = db.getById('shows',2)
        if request.args["param1"] != "":
        if request.args["param2"] != "":
        return create_response(data)
Beispiel #11
def put_show(id):
    int_id = int(id)
    updated_show = request.json
    old_show = db.getById('shows', int_id)
    if old_show is None:
        return create_response(status=404, message="No show found with that id")
    db.updateById('shows', int_id, updated_show)
    return create_response(db.getById('shows', int_id), 201)
Beispiel #12
def modify_show(id):
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    info = dict()
    if "name" in request.json:
        info["name"] = request.json["name"]
    if "episodes_seen" in request.json:
        info["episodes_seen"] = request.json["episodes_seen"]
    db.updateById('shows', int(id), info)
    return create_response(data=db.getById('shows', int(id)))
Beispiel #13
def get_contact_from_id(id):
    if db.getById('contacts',int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status = 404, message = "No contact with this id exists")
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        return create_response(result = {"contact":db.getById(contacts, int(id))})
    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        data = request.json()
        cont = db.getById(contacs,int(id))
        cont["name"] = data["name"]
        cont["hobby"] = data["hobby"]
        return create_response(status = 201,result = {"contact":cont})
Beispiel #14
def update_contact(id):
    if db.getById('contacts', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No contact with this id exists")

    data = request.json
    if check_if_key_exists(data, "name") or check_if_key_exists(data, "hobby"):
        return create_response(
            data={"contacts": db.updateById('contacts', int(id), data)})
    return create_response({"contacts": db.getById('contacts', int(id))})
Beispiel #15
def update_contact(id):
    if db.getById('contacts', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No contact with this id exists")
    data = request.json
    keys = list(data.keys())
    for key in keys:
        if (key != "name") and (key != "hobby"):
            del data[key]
    db.updateById('contacts', int(id), data)
    return create_response(db.getById('contacts', int(id)), status=201)
Beispiel #16
def put_show(id):
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404, message="No show with this id exists")
    name = request.form.get('name')
    episodes_seen = request.form.get('episodes_seen')
    if ((name is None) and (episodes_seen is None)): 
        return create_response(db.getById('shows', int(id)), message="Show returned unchanged")
    if name is None:
        return create_response(db.updateById('shows', int(id), {"episodes_seen" : episodes_seen}))
    if episodes_seen is None:
        return create_response(db.updateById('shows', int(id), {"name" : name}))
    return create_response(db.updateById('shows', int(id), {"name" : name, "episodes_seen" : episodes_seen}))
Beispiel #17
def update_show(id):
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    na = request.form['name']
    if na is not "":
        db.updateById("shows", int(id), {"name": na})
    ep = request.form['episodes_seen']
    if ep is not "":
        db.updateById("shows", int(id), {"episodes_seen": ep})
    sh = db.getById('shows', int(id))
    return create_response(sh)
Beispiel #18
def get_contacts_id(id):
    if db.getById('contacts', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No contact with this id exists")
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return create_response(db.getById('contacts', int(id)))
    if request.method == 'PUT':
        body = request.json
        valid = ['name', 'hobby']
        update = {key: body[key] for key in valid}
        return create_response(db.updateById('contacts', int(id), update))
Beispiel #19
def post_single_contact(id):
    name = request.args.get('name')
    nickname = request.args.get('nickname')
    hobyy = request.args.get('hobby')
    contact_data = {
        'name': name,
        'age': age,
        'id': len(db.get('contacts')) + 1,
        'team': team
    if db.getById('contacts', int(id)) is None:
        return create_reponse(status=201,contact_data);
    return create_reponse(status=404,message = "There are no users with the id");
Beispiel #20
def update_show(id):
    # if the show with the provided id does not exist
    if db.getById("shows", int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404, message="No show with this id exists!")
    show = db.getById("shows", int(id))
    # received request.json file
    data = request.json
    # obtain the updated name and episodes_seen
    name = data.get("name", "")
    episodes_seen = data.get("episodes_seen", "")
    #update the values from the corresponding show in our database
    show["name"] = name
    show["episodes_seen"] = episodes_seen
    return create_response(data=show, status=201, message="Show updated!")
Beispiel #21
def get_restaurant(id):
    restaurant = db.getById('restaurants', id)
    if restaurant is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No restaurant with this id exists")

    return create_response(restaurant)
Beispiel #22
def get_single_show(id):
    show = db.getById("shows", int(id))
    if show is None:
        return create_response(
            message="There doesn't exist a show with the provided id!")
    return create_response(status=200, message="", data=show)
Beispiel #23
def update_show(id):
    body = request.get_json()
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    updated_show = db.updateById('shows', int(id), body)
    return create_response(updated_show)
Beispiel #24
def update_restaurant(id):
    if db.getById('restaurants', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No restaurant with this id exists")

    update_restaurant_data = request.get_json()
    if not update_restaurant_data.get("name") is None:
        new_name_payload = {"name": update_restaurant_data.get("name")}
        db.updateById('restaurants', int(id), new_name_payload)

    if not update_restaurant_data.get("rating") is None:
        new_rating_payload = {
            "rating": int(update_restaurant_data.get("rating"))
        db.updateById('restaurants', int(id), new_rating_payload)
    return create_response(status=201, data=db.getById('restaurants', int(id)))
Beispiel #25
def update_show(id):
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    data = request.json
    name = db.getById('shows', int(id))["name"]
    episodes_seen = db.getById('shows', int(id))["episodes_seen"]
    if name is not None:
        name = data["name"]
    if episodes_seen is not None:
        episodes_seen = int(data["episodes_seen"])
    item = db.updateById('shows', int(id), {
        "name": name,
        "episodes_seen": int(episodes_seen)
    return create_response({"result": item}, status=201)
Beispiel #26
def get_contact_by_id(id):
    contact = db.getById('contacts', int(id))
    if (contact):
        return create_response(contact)
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No contact with this id exists")
def edit_show(id):
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    req_data = request.get_json()
    if not 'name' in req_data and not 'episodes_seen' in req_data:
        return create_response(status=201,
                               message="Nothing was changed",
                               data=db.getById('shows', int(id)))
    my_dict = {}
    if 'name' in req_data:
        my_dict['name'] = req_data['name']
    if 'episodes_seen' in req_data:
        my_dict['episodes_seen'] = req_data['episodes_seen']
    updated_show = db.updateById('shows', int(id), my_dict)
    return create_response(status=201, data=updated_show)
Beispiel #28
def update_show(id):
    if db.getById('shows', int(id)) is None:
        return create_response(status=422, message="There is no tv show with that id that exists")
    input_data = request.get_json()
    if input_data is None:
        return create_response(status=422, message="Incorrect input format")
    db.updateById('shows', int(id), input_data)
    return create_response(input_data, status=201)
Beispiel #29
def update_show(id):
    req = request.get_json()
    item = db.updateById('shows', int(id), req)
    if item is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
    return create_response(status=201,
                           data={"shows": db.getById('shows', int(id))})
Beispiel #30
def get_show_by_id(id):
    show = db.getById('shows', int(id))
    if show is None:
        return create_response(status=404,
                               message="No show with this id exists")
        return create_response({"shows": show},
                               message="Show successfully displayed")