Beispiel #1
 def _set_challenge_response(self):
     # 5.2 4-8.
     self._request.ws_challenge = self._get_challenge()
     # 5.2 9. let /response/ be the MD5 finterprint of /challenge/
     self._request.ws_challenge_md5 = util.md5_hash(self._request.ws_challenge).digest()
     self._logger.debug("Challenge: %r (%s)", self._request.ws_challenge, util.hexify(self._request.ws_challenge))
         "Challenge response: %r (%s)", self._request.ws_challenge_md5, util.hexify(self._request.ws_challenge_md5)
Beispiel #2
 def _set_challenge_response(self):
     # 5.2 4-8.
     self._request.ws_challenge = self._get_challenge()
     # 5.2 9. let /response/ be the MD5 finterprint of /challenge/
     self._request.ws_challenge_md5 = util.md5_hash(
     self._logger.debug('Challenge: %r (%s)', self._request.ws_challenge,
     self._logger.debug('Challenge response: %r (%s)',
    def handshake(self, socket):
        """Handshake WebSocket.

            Exception: handshake failed.

        self._socket = socket

        # 4.1 5. send request line.
        request_line = _method_line(self._options.resource)
        self._logger.debug('Opening handshake Request-Line: %r', request_line)
        # 4.1 6. Let /fields/ be an empty list of strings.
        fields = []
        # 4.1 7. Add the string "Upgrade: WebSocket" to /fields/.
        # 4.1 8. Add the string "Connection: Upgrade" to /fields/.
        # 4.1 9-12. Add Host: field to /fields/.
        # 4.1 13. Add Origin: field to /fields/.
        # TODO: 4.1 14 Add Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: field to /fields/.
        # TODO: 4.1 15 Add cookie headers to /fields/.

        # 4.1 16-23. Add Sec-WebSocket-Key<n> to /fields/.
        self._number1, key1 = self._generate_sec_websocket_key()
        self._logger.debug('Number1: %d', self._number1)
        fields.append('Sec-WebSocket-Key1: %s\r\n' % key1)
        self._number2, key2 = self._generate_sec_websocket_key()
        self._logger.debug('Number2: %d', self._number1)
        fields.append('Sec-WebSocket-Key2: %s\r\n' % key2)

        fields.append('Sec-WebSocket-Draft: %s\r\n' % self._draft_field)

        # 4.1 24. For each string in /fields/, in a random order: send the
        # string, encoded as UTF-8, followed by a UTF-8 encoded U+000D CARRIAGE
        # RETURN U+000A LINE FEED character pair (CRLF).

        self._logger.debug('Opening handshake request headers: %r', fields)
        for field in fields:

        # 4.1 25. send a UTF-8-encoded U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN U+000A LINE FEED
        # character pair (CRLF).
        # 4.1 26. let /key3/ be a string consisting of eight random bytes (or
        # equivalently, a random 64 bit integer encoded in a big-endian order).
        self._key3 = self._generate_key3()
        # 4.1 27. send /key3/ to the server.
            'Key3: %r (%s)', self._key3, util.hexify(self._key3))'Sent opening handshake request')

        # 4.1 28. Read bytes from the server until either the connection
        # closes, or a 0x0A byte is read. let /field/ be these bytes, including
        # the 0x0A bytes.
        field = ''
        while True:
            ch = receive_bytes(self._socket, 1)
            field += ch
            if ch == '\n':

        self._logger.debug('Opening handshake Response-Line: %r', field)

        # if /field/ is not at least seven bytes long, or if the last
        # two bytes aren't 0x0D and 0x0A respectively, or if it does not
        # contain at least two 0x20 bytes, then fail the WebSocket connection
        # and abort these steps.
        if len(field) < 7 or not field.endswith('\r\n'):
            raise Exception('Wrong status line: %r' % field)
        m = re.match('[^ ]* ([^ ]*) .*', field)
        if m is None:
            raise Exception('No code found in status line: %r' % field)
        # 4.1 29. let /code/ be the substring of /field/ that starts from the
        # byte after the first 0x20 byte, and ends with the byte before the
        # second 0x20 byte.
        code =
        # 4.1 30. if /code/ is not three bytes long, or if any of the bytes in
        # /code/ are not in the range 0x30 to 0x90, then fail the WebSocket
        # connection and abort these steps.
        if not re.match('[0-9][0-9][0-9]', code):
            raise Exception(
                'HTTP status code %r is not three digit in status line: %r' %
                (code, field))
        # 4.1 31. if /code/, interpreted as UTF-8, is "101", then move to the
        # next step.
        if code != '101':
            raise HttpStatusException(
                'Expected HTTP status code 101 but found %r in status line: '
                '%r' % (code, field), int(code))
        # 4.1 32-39. read fields into /fields/
        fields = _read_fields(self._socket)

        self._logger.debug('Opening handshake response headers: %r', fields)

        # 4.1 40. _Fields processing_
        # read a byte from server
        ch = receive_bytes(self._socket, 1)
        if ch != '\n':  # 0x0A
            raise Exception('Expected LF but found %r' % ch)
        # 4.1 41. check /fields/
        if len(fields['upgrade']) != 1:
            raise Exception(
                'Multiple Upgrade headers found: %s' % fields['upgrade'])
        if len(fields['connection']) != 1:
            raise Exception(
                'Multiple Connection headers found: %s' % fields['connection'])
        if len(fields['sec-websocket-origin']) != 1:
            raise Exception(
                'Multiple Sec-WebSocket-Origin headers found: %s' %
        if len(fields['sec-websocket-location']) != 1:
            raise Exception(
                'Multiple Sec-WebSocket-Location headers found: %s' %
        # TODO(ukai): protocol
        # if the entry's name is "upgrade"
        #  if the value is not exactly equal to the string "WebSocket",
        #  then fail the WebSocket connection and abort these steps.
        if fields['upgrade'][0] != 'WebSocket':
            raise Exception(
                'Unexpected Upgrade header value: %s' % fields['upgrade'][0])
        # if the entry's name is "connection"
        #  if the value, converted to ASCII lowercase, is not exactly equal
        #  to the string "upgrade", then fail the WebSocket connection and
        #  abort these steps.
        if fields['connection'][0].lower() != 'upgrade':
            raise Exception(
                'Unexpected Connection header value: %s' %
        # TODO(ukai): check origin, location, cookie, ..

        # 4.1 42. let /challenge/ be the concatenation of /number_1/,
        # expressed as a big endian 32 bit integer, /number_2/, expressed
        # as big endian 32 bit integer, and the eight bytes of /key_3/ in the
        # order they were sent on the wire.
        challenge = struct.pack('!I', self._number1)
        challenge += struct.pack('!I', self._number2)
        challenge += self._key3

            'Challenge: %r (%s)', challenge, util.hexify(challenge))

        # 4.1 43. let /expected/ be the MD5 fingerprint of /challenge/ as a
        # big-endian 128 bit string.
        expected = util.md5_hash(challenge).digest()
            'Expected challenge response: %r (%s)',
            expected, util.hexify(expected))

        # 4.1 44. read sixteen bytes from the server.
        # let /reply/ be those bytes.
        reply = receive_bytes(self._socket, 16)
            'Actual challenge response: %r (%s)', reply, util.hexify(reply))

        # 4.1 45. if /reply/ does not exactly equal /expected/, then fail
        # the WebSocket connection and abort these steps.
        if expected != reply:
            raise Exception(
                'Bad challenge response: %r (expected) != %r (actual)' %
                (expected, reply))
Beispiel #4
    def handshake(self):
        """Performs opening handshake on the specified socket.

            ClientHandshakeError: handshake failed.

        # 4.1 5. send request line.
        # 4.1 6. Let /fields/ be an empty list of strings.
        fields = []
        # 4.1 7. Add the string "Upgrade: WebSocket" to /fields/.
        # 4.1 8. Add the string "Connection: Upgrade" to /fields/.
        # 4.1 9-12. Add Host: field to /fields/.
        # 4.1 13. Add Origin: field to /fields/.
        if not self._options.origin:
            raise ClientHandshakeError(
                'Specify the origin of the connection by --origin flag')
        # TODO: 4.1 14 Add Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: field to /fields/.
        # TODO: 4.1 15 Add cookie headers to /fields/.

        # 4.1 16-23. Add Sec-WebSocket-Key<n> to /fields/.
        self._number1, key1 = self._generate_sec_websocket_key()
        self._logger.debug('Number1: %d', self._number1)
        fields.append('%s: %s\r\n' % (common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1_HEADER, key1))
        self._number2, key2 = self._generate_sec_websocket_key()
        self._logger.debug('Number2: %d', self._number2)
        fields.append('%s: %s\r\n' % (common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2_HEADER, key2))

        fields.append('%s: 0\r\n' % common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_DRAFT_HEADER)

        # 4.1 24. For each string in /fields/, in a random order: send the
        # string, encoded as UTF-8, followed by a UTF-8 encoded U+000D CARRIAGE
        # RETURN U+000A LINE FEED character pair (CRLF).
        for field in fields:
        # 4.1 25. send a UTF-8-encoded U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN U+000A LINE FEED
        # character pair (CRLF).
        # 4.1 26. let /key3/ be a string consisting of eight random bytes (or
        # equivalently, a random 64 bit integer encoded in a big-endian order).
        self._key3 = self._generate_key3()
        # 4.1 27. send /key3/ to the server.
            'Key3: %r (%s)', self._key3, util.hexify(self._key3))'Sent handshake')

        # 4.1 28. Read bytes from the server until either the connection
        # closes, or a 0x0A byte is read. let /field/ be these bytes, including
        # the 0x0A bytes.
        field = ''
        while True:
            ch = _receive_bytes(self._socket, 1)
            field += ch
            if ch == '\n':
        # if /field/ is not at least seven bytes long, or if the last
        # two bytes aren't 0x0D and 0x0A respectively, or if it does not
        # contain at least two 0x20 bytes, then fail the WebSocket connection
        # and abort these steps.
        if len(field) < 7 or not field.endswith('\r\n'):
            raise ClientHandshakeError('Wrong status line: %r' % field)
        m = re.match('[^ ]* ([^ ]*) .*', field)
        if m is None:
            raise ClientHandshakeError(
                'No HTTP status code found in status line: %r' % field)
        # 4.1 29. let /code/ be the substring of /field/ that starts from the
        # byte after the first 0x20 byte, and ends with the byte before the
        # second 0x20 byte.
        code =
        # 4.1 30. if /code/ is not three bytes long, or if any of the bytes in
        # /code/ are not in the range 0x30 to 0x90, then fail the WebSocket
        # connection and abort these steps.
        if not re.match('[0-9][0-9][0-9]', code):
            raise ClientHandshakeError(
                'HTTP status code %r is not three digit in status line: %r' %
                (code, field))
        # 4.1 31. if /code/, interpreted as UTF-8, is "101", then move to the
        # next step.
        if code != '101':
            raise ClientHandshakeError(
                'Expected HTTP status code 101 but found %r in status line: '
                '%r' % (code, field))
        # 4.1 32-39. read fields into /fields/
        fields = self._read_fields()
        # 4.1 40. _Fields processing_
        # read a byte from server
        ch = _receive_bytes(self._socket, 1)
        if ch != '\n':  # 0x0A
            raise ClientHandshakeError('Expected LF but found %r' % ch)
        # 4.1 41. check /fields/
        # TODO(ukai): protocol
        # if the entry's name is "upgrade"
        #  if the value is not exactly equal to the string "WebSocket",
        #  then fail the WebSocket connection and abort these steps.
        # if the entry's name is "connection"
        #  if the value, converted to ASCII lowercase, is not exactly equal
        #  to the string "upgrade", then fail the WebSocket connection and
        #  abort these steps.

        origin = _get_mandatory_header(
            fields, common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN_HEADER)

        location = _get_mandatory_header(
            fields, common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_LOCATION_HEADER)

        # TODO(ukai): check origin, location, cookie, ..

        # 4.1 42. let /challenge/ be the concatenation of /number_1/,
        # expressed as a big endian 32 bit integer, /number_2/, expressed
        # as big endian 32 bit integer, and the eight bytes of /key_3/ in the
        # order they were sent on the wire.
        challenge = struct.pack('!I', self._number1)
        challenge += struct.pack('!I', self._number2)
        challenge += self._key3

            'Challenge: %r (%s)', challenge, util.hexify(challenge))

        # 4.1 43. let /expected/ be the MD5 fingerprint of /challenge/ as a
        # big-endian 128 bit string.
        expected = util.md5_hash(challenge).digest()
            'Expected challenge response: %r (%s)',
            expected, util.hexify(expected))

        # 4.1 44. read sixteen bytes from the server.
        # let /reply/ be those bytes.
        reply = _receive_bytes(self._socket, 16)
            'Actual challenge response: %r (%s)', reply, util.hexify(reply))

        # 4.1 45. if /reply/ does not exactly equal /expected/, then fail
        # the WebSocket connection and abort these steps.
        if expected != reply:
            raise ClientHandshakeError(
                'Bad challenge response: %r (expected) != %r (actual)' %
                (expected, reply))
Beispiel #5
    def handshake(self):
        """Performs opening handshake on the specified socket.

            ClientHandshakeError: handshake failed.

        # 4.1 5. send request line.
        # 4.1 6. Let /fields/ be an empty list of strings.
        fields = []
        # 4.1 7. Add the string "Upgrade: WebSocket" to /fields/.
        # 4.1 8. Add the string "Connection: Upgrade" to /fields/.
        # 4.1 9-12. Add Host: field to /fields/.
        fields.append(_format_host_header(self._options.server_host, self._options.server_port, self._options.use_tls))
        # 4.1 13. Add Origin: field to /fields/.
        if not self._options.origin:
            raise ClientHandshakeError("Specify the origin of the connection by --origin flag")
        fields.append(_origin_header(common.ORIGIN_HEADER, self._options.origin))
        # TODO: 4.1 14 Add Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: field to /fields/.
        # TODO: 4.1 15 Add cookie headers to /fields/.

        # 4.1 16-23. Add Sec-WebSocket-Key<n> to /fields/.
        self._number1, key1 = self._generate_sec_websocket_key()
        self._logger.debug("Number1: %d", self._number1)
        fields.append("%s: %s\r\n" % (common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1_HEADER, key1))
        self._number2, key2 = self._generate_sec_websocket_key()
        self._logger.debug("Number2: %d", self._number2)
        fields.append("%s: %s\r\n" % (common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2_HEADER, key2))

        fields.append("%s: 0\r\n" % common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_DRAFT_HEADER)

        # 4.1 24. For each string in /fields/, in a random order: send the
        # string, encoded as UTF-8, followed by a UTF-8 encoded U+000D CARRIAGE
        # RETURN U+000A LINE FEED character pair (CRLF).
        for field in fields:
        # 4.1 25. send a UTF-8-encoded U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN U+000A LINE FEED
        # character pair (CRLF).
        # 4.1 26. let /key3/ be a string consisting of eight random bytes (or
        # equivalently, a random 64 bit integer encoded in a big-endian order).
        self._key3 = self._generate_key3()
        # 4.1 27. send /key3/ to the server.
        self._logger.debug("Key3: %r (%s)", self._key3, util.hexify(self._key3))"Sent handshake")

        # 4.1 28. Read bytes from the server until either the connection
        # closes, or a 0x0A byte is read. let /field/ be these bytes, including
        # the 0x0A bytes.
        field = ""
        while True:
            ch = _receive_bytes(self._socket, 1)
            field += ch
            if ch == "\n":
        # if /field/ is not at least seven bytes long, or if the last
        # two bytes aren't 0x0D and 0x0A respectively, or if it does not
        # contain at least two 0x20 bytes, then fail the WebSocket connection
        # and abort these steps.
        if len(field) < 7 or not field.endswith("\r\n"):
            raise ClientHandshakeError("Wrong status line: %r" % field)
        m = re.match("[^ ]* ([^ ]*) .*", field)
        if m is None:
            raise ClientHandshakeError("No HTTP status code found in status line: %r" % field)
        # 4.1 29. let /code/ be the substring of /field/ that starts from the
        # byte after the first 0x20 byte, and ends with the byte before the
        # second 0x20 byte.
        code =
        # 4.1 30. if /code/ is not three bytes long, or if any of the bytes in
        # /code/ are not in the range 0x30 to 0x90, then fail the WebSocket
        # connection and abort these steps.
        if not re.match("[0-9][0-9][0-9]", code):
            raise ClientHandshakeError("HTTP status code %r is not three digit in status line: %r" % (code, field))
        # 4.1 31. if /code/, interpreted as UTF-8, is "101", then move to the
        # next step.
        if code != "101":
            raise ClientHandshakeError(
                "Expected HTTP status code 101 but found %r in status line: " "%r" % (code, field)
        # 4.1 32-39. read fields into /fields/
        fields = self._read_fields()
        # 4.1 40. _Fields processing_
        # read a byte from server
        ch = _receive_bytes(self._socket, 1)
        if ch != "\n":  # 0x0A
            raise ClientHandshakeError("Expected LF but found %r" % ch)
        # 4.1 41. check /fields/
        # TODO(ukai): protocol
        # if the entry's name is "upgrade"
        #  if the value is not exactly equal to the string "WebSocket",
        #  then fail the WebSocket connection and abort these steps.
        _validate_mandatory_header(fields, common.UPGRADE_HEADER, common.WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE_TYPE_HIXIE75, True)
        # if the entry's name is "connection"
        #  if the value, converted to ASCII lowercase, is not exactly equal
        #  to the string "upgrade", then fail the WebSocket connection and
        #  abort these steps.
        _validate_mandatory_header(fields, common.CONNECTION_HEADER, common.UPGRADE_CONNECTION_TYPE, False)

        origin = _get_mandatory_header(fields, common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN_HEADER)

        location = _get_mandatory_header(fields, common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_LOCATION_HEADER)

        # TODO(ukai): check origin, location, cookie, ..

        # 4.1 42. let /challenge/ be the concatenation of /number_1/,
        # expressed as a big endian 32 bit integer, /number_2/, expressed
        # as big endian 32 bit integer, and the eight bytes of /key_3/ in the
        # order they were sent on the wire.
        challenge = struct.pack("!I", self._number1)
        challenge += struct.pack("!I", self._number2)
        challenge += self._key3

        self._logger.debug("Challenge: %r (%s)", challenge, util.hexify(challenge))

        # 4.1 43. let /expected/ be the MD5 fingerprint of /challenge/ as a
        # big-endian 128 bit string.
        expected = util.md5_hash(challenge).digest()
        self._logger.debug("Expected challenge response: %r (%s)", expected, util.hexify(expected))

        # 4.1 44. read sixteen bytes from the server.
        # let /reply/ be those bytes.
        reply = _receive_bytes(self._socket, 16)
        self._logger.debug("Actual challenge response: %r (%s)", reply, util.hexify(reply))

        # 4.1 45. if /reply/ does not exactly equal /expected/, then fail
        # the WebSocket connection and abort these steps.
        if expected != reply:
            raise ClientHandshakeError("Bad challenge response: %r (expected) != %r (actual)" % (expected, reply))