import mod_HYCOM_utils as MHU import datetime as DTM from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec as GrdSpc from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable import os, sys import numpy as np PLOT_MOD = False PLOT_OBS = False year = 2006 # model data print('Load model daily files...\n') ddir = '/work/timill/RealTime_Models/TP4a0.12/expt_01.4/data' fli1 = mr.file_list(ddir, 'DAILY', '.a') # monthly averaged conc print('Load OSISAF monthly files...\n') osidir = '/work/shared/nersc/OSISAF/' osipat = 'osisaf-nh_aggregated_ice_concentration_nh_polstere-100' fli2 = mr.file_list(osidir, osipat, '.nc') # basemap gs = GrdSpc.GridSpec(1, 1) bmap = Fplt.start_HYCOM_map('Arctic') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) dto0 = DTM.datetime(year, 1, 1) dto0_, idx0 = fli2.nearestDate(dto0)
fobj = MR.nc_getinfo(ncfil) vobj = 'fice' idx = 2 else: # file_object_list pattern = 'archv' if 1: # list of binary files ddir = FCdir + '/bin' ext = '.a' elif 1: # list of netcdf files ddir = FCdir + '/netcdf' ext = '.nc' fobj = MR.file_list(ddir, pattern, ext) vobj = 'fice' # 2nd variable to plot: ice velocity as a quiver plot vobj2 = MR.make_plot_options('uice',\ vec_opt=3,layer=0,conv_fac=1,wave_mask=False,ice_mask=True,dir_from=True) # ========================================================================= if 0: # use imshow for a fast plot fobj.imshow(vobj, time_index=idx, date_label=2) elif 0: # use plot_var for a projected plot fobj.plot_var(vobj, time_index=idx, date_label=2) elif 0: # plot pair of variables
dto = DTM.datetime.strptime(cdate + "12", fmt + "%H") print('\nObservation date') print(dto) print('\n') FCdays = 6 # length of -ice-only FC's for ndays in range(FCdays): # 0,...,5 (days which have daily average files) fcdate = dto - DTM.timedelta(ndays + .5) fcdir = FCdir + '/' + fcdate.strftime(fmt) + '/bin' # print(fcdate) # print(fcdir) if os.path.exists(fcdir): hi = mr.file_list(fcdir, 'DAILY', '.a') # for i,DT in enumerate(hi.datetimes): # print(i) # print(DT) if dto in hi.datetimes: # ======================================================== # find index corresponding to observation date idx = hi.datetimes.index(dto) # call the AOD routine odir = outdir + '/FC' + str(ndays) + 'days' if not os.path.exists(odir): # don't overwrite sub-dirs hi.areas_of_disagreement(time_index=idx,\ obs_type='OSISAF',obs_path=None,\
def average_area_model(cdate, vertices, fcdir0, outdir='.'): # average MIZ area for a given date # use binary files since more likely to be there # returns None if nothing there fcdir = fcdir0 + '/' + cdate + '/' if not os.path.exists(fcdir): return lst = os.listdir(fcdir) if cdate in lst: # check if need to add another cdate fcdir += cdate + '/' lst = os.listdir(fcdir) if 'bin' in lst: bindir = fcdir + 'bin' else: bindir = fcdir + 'binaries' # make file_list object from binary files # - treat in same way as multi-record netcdf fli = mr.file_list(bindir, 'archv_wav', '.a') if fli.number_of_time_records == 0: return # loop over 6-h intervals: daily_areas = [] for hr in range(0, 24, 6): dto = datetime.datetime(int(cdate[:4]), int(cdate[4:6]), int(cdate[6:8]), hr) #print(dto) if dto in fli.datetimes: idx = fli.datetimes.index(dto) out = fli.MIZmap(no_width=True, vertices=vertices, time_index=idx, outdir=outdir) # out = fli.MIZmap(vertices=vertices,time_index=idx,outdir=outdir) # sys.exit() # tfil = out[out.keys()[0]] pil = mc.single_file(tfil) tot_area = 0 for pio in pil.poly_info_objects: #pio.area # approximate area (Euclidean after projection using NP as center) #pio.ll_coords #list of coords of boundaries lon, lat = np.array(pio.ll_coords).transpose() area = GS.area_polygon_ellipsoid(lon, lat) # print(area) tot_area += area print('\nTot area: ' + str(tot_area) + '\n') daily_areas.append(tot_area) if len(daily_areas) == 0: return else: # take daily average TotArea = np.mean(daily_areas) print('\nAvg tot area: ' + str(TotArea) + '\n') return TotArea
ODLmap = pyproj.Proj(ODLsrs) #same as srs="+init=EPSG:3413" bmap = FP.start_HYCOM_map('Arctic') if 0: # ease2 projection (North) # cf ease2 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:6931") # ease1 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:3408") # works # directories if 0: #hexagon odir = '/work/shared/nersc/msc/cersat/' # path to observations mdir = '/work/timill/RealTime_Models/TP4a0.12/expt_01.5/data' # path to model data flist = mr.file_list(mdir, 'DAILY', '.a') else: mdir = '/mnt/sda1/work/Model-outputs/thickness_comp_ifremer/TP4/2015_060' odir = '/mnt/sda1/work/Model-outputs/thickness_comp_ifremer/cersat' flist = mr.file_list(mdir, 'DAILY', '.a', gridpath=mdir + '/../topo') if 1: olist = [''] else: olist = os.listdir(odir) # mlon,mlat = flist.get_corners() Mgrid = flist.create_ESMF_grid() Mfld = create_field(Mgrid, 'hice') ofil = olist[-1]
ss = str(its) + ' | ' + str(len(wlist)) fid.write(ss) fid.close() # place to save results outdir = mdir2 + '/' + wdir + '/analysis' if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) outdir += '/MIZmap' if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) else: continue flist = MR.file_list(mdir2 + '/' + wdir + '/' + subdir, 'archv_wav', '.a') step = 0.5 start_date = flist.datetimes[2].strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') end_date = flist.datetimes[-1].strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') # end_date = flist.datetimes[4].strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') regions = ['gre', 'bar', 'lab', 'beau'] out = flist.MIZmap_all(end_date=end_date,start_date=start_date,step=step,\ outdir=outdir,regions=regions,plotting=plotting) if 1: # do 1 week at a time (can do all in parallel) print('\nExit python\n') sys.exit() print('\nExit python\n')
ss = str(its) + ' | ' + str(len(wlist)) fid.write(ss) fid.close() # place to save results outdir = mdir2 + '/' + wdir + '/analysis' if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) else: continue outdir += '/AODs' if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) flist = MR.file_list(mdir2 + '/' + wdir + '/' + subdir, 'DAILY', '.a') regions = ['gre', 'bar', 'lab', 'beau'] obs_type = 'OSISAF' out = flist.AODs_all(outdir=outdir, regions=regions, obs_type=obs_type, plotting=plotting) # ============================================ # weekly average of conc anomalies cdates = [] nlist = [] wt = 1. / 7 anom_av = 0.
if len(opts) == 1: ddir = rootdir + '/' + ddirs[opts[0]] else: print('Usage: ' + me + ' run_name') print('options for run_name') for s in ddirs: d_dir = rootdir + '/' + ddir[s] print(s + ' = ' + d_dir) print('\n') raise ValueError('\n\nNot enough inputs to ' + me + '\n') # ddir = sys.argv[1] print('sort files in ' + ddir + '...') fli = mr.file_list(ddir, 'TP4archv_wav', '.a') # print(fli.datetimes) if 0: # just do a few times for testing start_date = DTM.strptime('20050831', '%Y%m%d') # +TDEL(0.5) end_date = DTM.strptime('20050901', '%Y%m%d') plotting = True show = False else: # do all times start_date = None end_date = None plotting = False show = False
if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) hmax = 4 po = FP.plot_object() shorts = ['BackThick' ,'CS2' ,'SMOS' ,'AnThick' ,'AnThickErr'] clabs = ['Background Thickness, m','Cryosat-2 thickness, m','SMOS thickness, m','Analysis Thickness, m','Analysis Thickness Error, m'] vlist = ['background_thickness' ,'cs2_thickness' ,'smos_thickness' ,'analysis_thickness' ,'analysis_thickness_err'] ts_data = {'RMSE_both_ice':[],'Bias_both_ice':[],\ 'RMSE_either_ice':[],'Bias_either_ice':[]} for i,ofil in enumerate(olist): # ======================================================================= # get arrays for later print(mdir+'/'+Mdir[i]) flist = mr.file_list(mdir+'/'+Mdir[i],'DAILY','.a',gridpath=gridpath) nci = mr.nc_getinfo(odir+'/'+ofil,lonlat_file=odir+'/'+lonlat_file) # nci.plot_var('analysis_thickness',clim=[0,hmax]) DOCB = False if i==0: olon,olat = nci.get_lonlat() oX,oY = ODLmap(olon,olat) mlon,mlat = flist.get_lonlat() mX,mY = ODLmap(mlon,mlat) DOCB = True hobs = nci.get_var('analysis_thickness') # ======================================================================= # ======================================================================= if PLOT_EG: