Beispiel #1
class Game(object):
            The human player.
            The AI player.
            The game events listeners.

    log = Logger()

    def __init__(self, playerOne=None, playerTwo=None):
        """Inits an instance of the Game class.

        PlayerOne is always the human side of the game.

            playerOne (Optional[model.player.Player]):
                The human player (default is None).
            playerTwo (Optional[model.player.Player]):
                The AI player (default is None).


        self.playerOne = playerOne
        self.playerTwo = playerTwo
        self.listeners = list()

        self.aiPlayer = self.playerOne if self.playerOne.isAi \
            else self.playerTwo

        self._board = Board()
        self._uuid = None
        self._moves = list()
        self.status = Status.InProgress
        self.nextPlayer = self.playerOne

        dispatcher.connect(self._onAiMoveResponse, signal=Events.aiResponse)

    def create(playerOne, playerTwo):
        """Creates an instance of the Game class.

        Sets the UUID of the new game.

            playerOne (model.player.Player)
            playerTwo (model.player.Player)

            An instance of the Game class where the attribute _uuid
            was assigned a value to.

        if playerOne is None:
            raise ValueError('playerOne')

        if playerTwo is None:
            raise ValueError('playerTwo')

        p = Game(playerOne, playerTwo)
        p.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
        return p

    def start(self):'Starting the game {0}'.format(self.uuid))

        # prepares to launch the AI script
        aiScriptPath = os.getcwd() + "/../ai/"
        self.log.debug('AI script path is {0!s}'.format(aiScriptPath))

        kwargs = dict()
                            sys.executable, aiScriptPath,

    def stop(self):

    def close(self):

    def boardData(self):

    def uuid(self):
        """Gets the UUID of the game."""
        return self._uuid

    def uuid(self, uuid):
        """Sets the UUID for this game."""
        if uuid is None:
            raise ValueError("The game's uuid cannot be None or empty.")

        self._uuid = uuid

    def makeMove(self, row, col, symbol):
        """Handles the player's turn.

        Places a piece/symbol on the board at a given position.

            row (int):
                The row.
            col (int):
                The column.
            symbol (int):
                The symbol.

            The updated status of the game (common.ipc.GameStatus).


        self.log.debug('Invoke makeMove with %d, %d, %d' % (row, col, symbol))

        if (row < 0) or (row >= Board.SIZE):
            raise IndexError('Wrong value for the row index: %d' % (row))

        if (col < 0) or (col >= Board.SIZE):
            raise IndexError('Wrong value for the column index: %d' % (col))

        gameStatus = GameStatus(data=self.boardData,

        if self.isGameOver():
  'The game was over !')
            return gameStatus

        if symbol != self.nextPlayer.symbol:
            self.log.warn("It is not the {0:d} turn's".format(symbol))
            gameStatus.error = Errors.WrongTurn
            return gameStatus

        if self.isLegalMove(row, col):
            self.log.debug('Place the symbol {0:d} at ({1:d}, {2:d})'.
                           format(symbol, row, col))

            self._board.set(row, col, symbol)
            self._moves.append((row, col, symbol))

            self.status = self._computeGameStatus(row, col)
            if self.isGameOver():
      'The game is over : {0:d}'.format(self.status))
                dispatcher.send(signal=Events.quit, uuid=self.uuid)
                self.log.debug('Game.makeMove - next symbol is {0:d}'.

                gameStatus.turn = self.nextPlayer.symbol

                if self.nextPlayer.symbol == self.aiPlayer.symbol:
                    self._aiMove(row, col)
            self.log.error('Illegal move')
            gameStatus.error = Errors.IlegalMove = self.boardData
        gameStatus.status = self.status

        return gameStatus

    def isLegalMove(self, row, col):
        """Checks if a piece can be placed on the board at a given position.

            row (int): The row.
            col (int): The column.

            bool: True if the piece can be placed on the board,
                    False otherwise.

        self.log.debug('Invoke isLegalMove with (%d, %d)' % (row, col))

        symbol = self._board.get(row, col)
        self.log.debug('symbol = {0!s}'.format(symbol))

        return (not self.isGameOver()) and (symbol == Symbol.Empty)

    def isGameOver(self):
        """Checks whether the game is over.

            bool: True if the game is over, False otherwise.

        self.log.debug('invoking isGameOver: status is {status:d}',
        return (self.status != Status.InProgress)

    def _aiMove(self, row, col):
        """Signals that AI player is to make the next move.

            row (int):
                The last row coordinate of the human move.
            col (int):
                The last column coordinate of the human move.

        dispatcher.send(signal=Events.aiMove, uuid=self.uuid,
                        row=row, col=col)

    def _onAiMoveResponse(self, uuid, row, col):
        """Handles the Events.AiResponse signal."""

        self.log.debug('_onAiMoveResponse: {uuid}, {row}, {col}',
                       uuid=uuid, row=row, col=col)

        self.log.debug('_onAiMoveResponse: self.uuid = {uuid}',

        if str(uuid) != str(self.uuid):
            # it's not for this game: ignore the signal

        self.log.debug('AI process responded with: row {row} and col {col}',
                       row=row, col=col)

        gameStatus = None
        if (row == -1) or (col == -1):
            self.log.debug('_onAiMoveResponse: no moves available')
            gameStatus = CopyGameStatus(GameStatus(status=Status.Tie))
            gameStatus = CopyGameStatus(self.makeMove(row,

        # try to notify the client that the AI's turn has completed
        if self.listeners:
            for cbk in self.listeners:
                self.log.debug('calling onAiMoved on the remote object')

                d = cbk.callRemote('onAiMoved',
                                   row=row, col=col,

                d.addCallback(lambda _:
                              self.log.debug('remote_onAiMoved succeeded'))

                d.addErrback(lambda reason:
                             self.log.error('remote_onAiMoved failed: {reason}',

    def _count(self, symbol, row, col, dirI, dirJ):
        """Counts the occurrences of a symbol along a given direction.

        While inside the bounds of the board go in forward and backward
        directions of the direction vector and increment the counter
        while still on the 'side' symbol.

            symbol (int): The symbol.
            row (int): The row where the piece/symbol was placed on.
            col (int): The column where the piece/symbol was placed on.
            dirI (int): The row component of the direction vector.
            dirJ (int): The column component of the direction vector.

            int: The number of occurrences of the given symbol.

        count = 0
        i = row
        j = col

        # forward direction
        while (i > -1) and (i < Board.SIZE) and \
                (j > -1) and (j < Board.SIZE) and \
                (self._board.get(i, j) == symbol):
            count += 1
            i += dirI
            j += dirJ

        # backward direction
        i = row - dirI
        j = col - dirJ

        while (i > -1) and (i < Board.SIZE) and \
                (j > -1) and (j < Board.SIZE) and \
                (self._board.get(i, j) == symbol):
            count += 1
            i -= dirI
            j -= dirJ

        self.log.debug('_count: count = {0:d}'.format(count))

        return count

    def _computeGameStatus(self, row, col):
        """Checks if we have a winner or it's a tie.

            row (int): The row.
            col (int): The column.

            The status of the game: Status.Tie, Status.X_Won or Status.O_Won.

        self.log.debug('_computeGameStatus: (%d, %d)' % (row, col))

        if self._moves.count == (Board.SIZE ** 2):
            return Status.Tie

        symbol = self._board.get(row, col)

        self.log.debug('_computeGameStatus: symbol is %d' % (symbol))

        if (self._count(symbol, row, col, 1, 0) == Board.SIZE):
            return self._winner(symbol)

        if (self._count(symbol, row, col, 0, 1) == Board.SIZE):
            return self._winner(symbol)

        if (self._count(symbol, row, col, 1, -1) == Board.SIZE):
            return self._winner(symbol)

        if (self._count(symbol, row, col, 1, 1) == Board.SIZE):
            return self._winner(symbol)

        return Status.InProgress

    def _winner(self, symbol):
        return Status.X_Won if symbol == Symbol.X else Status.O_Won

    def _updateNextSymbol(self):
        """Gets the player which can place a piece on the board.


            Symbol: the player which makes the next move.

        self.nextPlayer = self.playerOne if self.nextPlayer == self.playerTwo \
            else self.playerTwo
class Controller:
    Class controller. Plays a battleship game with official battleship rules
    between 2 human players. Used by GUI.

    === Private Attributes === # Variables to keep track of the game.

    _P1_Battle_Plan_Board: P1's ship locations
    _P1_Battle_Field_Board: P1's hits and misses

    _P2_Battle_Plan_Board: P2's ship locations
    _P2_Battle_Field_Board P2's hits and misses

    _whos_turn: who plays next

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the controller with the appropriate boards for each player.


        self._P1_Battle_Plan_Board = Board(Board.P1)
        self._P1_Battle_Field_Board = Board(Board.P1)

        self._P2_Battle_Plan_Board = Board(Board.P2)
        self._P2_Battle_Field_Board = Board(Board.P2)

        self._whos_turn = Board.P1  # Player One starts

    def get_whos_turn(self):
        Return whose turn it is

        :return: P1 or P2
        return self._whos_turn

    def place_ship(self, start: tuple[int, int], end: tuple[int, int],
                   ship: str) -> bool:
        Place a ship on P1's or P2's Board.
        Return true if ship was placed.

        :param start: coordinate of the first piece of the ship
        :param end: coordinate of the last piece of the ship
        :param ship: the ship that's going to be placed.

        :return: True if ship was successfully placed False otherwise
        dx = 0
        dy = 0
        diff = 0

        if start[0] == end[0]:
            diff = abs(end[1] - start[1])
            if end[1] > start[1]:
                dy = 1

                dy = -1

        if start[1] == end[1]:
            diff = abs(end[0] - start[0])
            dy = 0
            if end[0] > start[0]:
                dx = 1
                dx = -1

        if (dx == 0 and dy == 0) or (diff != BattlePlan.get_ship_size(ship)):
            return False

        if self._whos_turn == Board.P1:
            return self._P1_Battle_Plan_Board.place_ship(start, ship, dx, dy)
            return self._P2_Battle_Plan_Board.place_ship(start, ship, dx, dy)

    def valid_move(self, player: str, coord: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        Check if coord is a valid move for player: inside the board and player
        has not hit there before (so that player does not hit twice the same
        :param player:
        :param coord: move location
        :return: True if valid, false otherwise

        if not self._P1_Battle_Field_Board.valid_coordinate(coord):
            return False  # coord not inside board

        if player == Board.P1:
            if self._P1_Battle_Field_Board.get() != Board.EMPTY:
                return False
            return True

            if self._P2_Battle_Field_Board.get() != Board.EMPTY:
                return False
            return True

    def move_hit(self, player: str, coord: tuple[int, int]) -> bool:
        Coord is a VALID move

        Make a move for player
        Update number of hits
        Update Battle_Field_Board

        Return whether a ship was hit.

        :param coord: Where to hit on opponents Board
        :param player: Player that is hitting: either P1 or P2
        :return: True if a ship was hit, False otherwise
        is_hit = False

        if player == Board.P1:
            if self._P2_Battle_Plan_Board.get(coord) != Board.EMPTY:
                is_hit = True

        if player == Board.P2:
            if self._P1_Battle_Plan_Board.get(coord) != Board.EMPTY:
                is_hit = True

        return is_hit

    def is_game_over(self) -> bool:
        Return whether the game is over or not
        Game is over if all the ships of the opponent were sunk ie, number
        of hits equals 17

        :return: True or False
        return (self._P1_Battle_Field_Board.get_nb_of_hits() == 17) or\
               (self._P2_Battle_Field_Board.get_nb_of_hits() == 17)

    def get_winner(self):
        Return the winner of the game

        :return: P1 or P2
        if self._P1_Battle_Field_Board.get_nb_of_hits() == 17:
            return Board.P1

        if self._P2_Battle_Field_Board.get_nb_of_hits() == 17:
            return Board.P2