def _get_voc_results_file_template(self):
   # VOCdevkit/results/VOC2007/Main/<comp_id>_det_test_aeroplane.txt
   filename = self._get_comp_id() + '_det_' + self._image_set + '_{:s}.txt'
   path = os.path.join(
     get_output_dir(self, None),
   return path
Beispiel #2
def test_net(sess,
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in xrange(num_images)]
                 for _ in xrange(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    for i in xrange(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)


        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
              .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

        # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
        if max_per_image > 0:
            image_scores = np.hstack(
                [all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes)])
            if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
                    keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        print ('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s') \
            .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        cPickle.dump(all_boxes, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
 def _find_draw_folder(self, mode, draw_folder):
     if (draw_folder is None):
         draw_folder = mode
     out_dir = os.path.join(get_output_dir(self, mode=mode),
     if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
     return out_dir
 def delete_eval_draw_folder(self, im_folder, mode):
     datapath = os.path.join(get_output_dir(self, mode),
     #datapath = os.path.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, self._name ,im_folder,'{}_drawn'.format(mode))
     if (os.path.isdir(datapath)):
         print('deleting files in dir {}'.format(datapath))
Beispiel #5
def test_net(net, imdb, weights_filename, max_per_image=100, thresh=0.):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes = im_detect(net, im)


        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
              .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            keep = nms(
                torch.from_numpy(cls_boxes), torch.from_numpy(cls_scores),
                cfg.TEST.NMS).numpy() if cls_dets.size > 0 else []
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

        # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
        if max_per_image > 0:
            image_scores = np.hstack(
                [all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
            if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                    keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
            .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time(),

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
def extract_net(sess,
    #change from test_net, and this function is used to extract features from conv5 of vgg16
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    print("output_dir is:", output_dir)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    data_input = []
    #N_save is the number of processed images which will be saved into one file
    N_save = 100
    for i in range(1000):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        feature_maps = im_extract(sess, net, im)

        fea = np.squeeze(feature_maps)
        data_temp = {}
        data_temp['img_path'] = imdb.image_path_at(i)
        data_temp['box'] = roidb[i]['boxes']
        data_temp['img_shape'] = np.shape(im)
        data_temp['fea'] = fea
        if (i + 1) % N_save == 0:
            file_name_of_input = '/home/yangxu/project/rd/input/input' + format(
                int((i + 1) / N_save), '03') + '.npz'
            np.savez(file_name_of_input, data_input=data_input)
            data_input = []



        print('im_extract: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
            .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,
            "i is: {0}, the path of image is {1}, shape of the image is {2}, the shape of the feature map is{3}\n"
            .format(i, imdb.image_path_at(i), np.shape(im), np.shape(fea)))
Beispiel #7
def prepare_params():
    # output directory where the models are saved
    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, args.tag, args.package_name)'Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))

    # tensorboard directory where the summaries are saved during training
    tb_dir = get_output_tb_dir(imdb, args.tag)'TensorFlow summaries will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(tb_dir))

    return output_dir, tb_dir
Beispiel #8
def test_eval(sess,
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)


        imc = im.copy()

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

            high_score_index = np.argmax(cls_scores)

            cls_box = cls_boxes[high_score_index]

            cv2.rectangle(imc, (cls_box[0], cls_box[1]),
                          (cls_box[2], cls_box[3]),
                          color=(0, 255, 0))
            cv2.putText(imc, imdb._classes[j],
                        (int(cls_box[0]), int((cls_box[1] + cls_box[3]) / 2)),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (0, 255, 0), 1,

        cv2.imshow('boxs', cv2.resize(imc, (0, 0), fx=2, fy=2))
Beispiel #9
def test_net_base(sess, net, imdb, roidb, weights_filename, visualize=False, mode='all'):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(roidb)
    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    output_dir_image = os.path.join(output_dir, 'images')
    if visualize and not os.path.exists(output_dir_image):
    all_scores = [[] for _ in range(num_images)]

    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'evaluate': Timer()}

    if mode == 'all':
        eval_modes = ['pred_cls', 'sg_cls', 'sg_det']
        eval_modes = [mode]
    print('EVAL MODES = ')

    evaluators = {}
    for m in eval_modes:
        evaluators[m] = SceneGraphEvaluator(imdb, mode=m)

    for i in range(num_images):
        all_scores[i], blobs = im_detect(sess, imdb, net, [roidb[i]])

        print('score: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s' \
              .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['score'].average_time))

        if visualize and i % 10 == 0:
            basename = os.path.basename(imdb.image_path_at(i)).split('.')[0]
            im_vis, wrong = draw_predicted_boxes_test(blobs['data'], all_scores[i], blobs['gt_boxes'])
            if wrong:
                out_image = os.path.join(output_dir_image, basename + '.jpg')
                cv2.imwrite(out_image, im_vis)

    res_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'results.pkl')
    with open(res_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_scores, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    mcls_sc, mcls_ac, mcls_ap, mins_sc, mins_ac, mins_ap = imdb.evaluate(all_scores, output_dir)
    eval_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'results.txt')
    with open(eval_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write('{:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f}'.format(mins_ap, mins_ac, mcls_ap, mcls_ac))
def test_net_vertical(sess, net, imdb, weights_filename, max_per_image=100, thresh=0.05):
  count = 0
  """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
  num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
  # all detections are collected into:
  #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
  #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
  all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
         for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

  output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
  # timers
  _t = {'im_detect' : Timer(), 'misc' : Timer()}
  im = None
  for i in range(num_images):
    im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))
    print (imdb.image_path_at(i))
    scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)

    # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
    for j, cls in enumerate(CLASSES[1:]):
      j += 1
      inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
      cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
      cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j*4:(j+1)*4]
      cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
        .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
      keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
      cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
      all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets
      vertical_points = vis_detections(im, cls, cls_dets, thresh=0.9)
  #res_image, flag = vc.spine_contour(im, vertical_points, imdb.image_path_at(i))
  #res_image = Draw_bone(res_image,vertical_points)
   #cv2.imwrite("test-" + str(count) + ".jpg", im)
    cv2.imshow('result', im)
    count = count + 1
Beispiel #11
def test_net(sess, net, imdb, weights_filename, thresh=0.05):
    """Test a SSH network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[] for _ in range(num_images)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)


        inds = np.where(scores[:, 0] > thresh)[0]
        scores = scores[inds, 0]
        boxes = boxes[inds, :]
        dets = np.hstack((boxes, scores[:, np.newaxis])).astype(np.float32,
        keep = nms(dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
        dets = dets[keep, :]
        all_boxes[i] = det

        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
              .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
Beispiel #12
def test_net_rpn_eval(sess,
                      ovthresh=[0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(2)]  # only bg/fg in rpn

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    det_file = os.path.join(
    print('det result save to file: {}'.format(det_file))

    if not os.path.exists(det_file):
        for i in range(num_images):
            im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

            scores, boxes = im_detect_rpn(sess, net, im)


            # bboxes are all class-agnostic
            inds = np.where(scores > nms_thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds]
            cls_boxes = boxes
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores)) \
              .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            keep = nms(cls_dets, rpn_eval_nms)
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]

            if 0 < max_per_image < cls_dets.shape[0]:
                image_thresh = np.sort(cls_dets[:, -1])[-max_per_image]
                keep = np.where(cls_dets[:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]

            all_boxes[1][i] = cls_dets

            if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
                      .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,
            # vis_detections_one_img(im, 'temp.jpg', cls_dets[:15])

        with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        with open(det_file, 'rb') as f:
            all_boxes = pickle.load(f)

    for t in ovthresh:
        print('Evaluating detections with ovthersh: {:.2f}'.format(t))
        imdb.evaluate_detections_rpn_recall(all_boxes, output_dir, t)
Beispiel #13
    print('Set proposal method: {:s}'.format(cfg.TRAIN.PROPOSAL_METHOD))
    roidb = get_training_roidb(imdb)
    return roidb

  roidbs = [get_roidb(s) for s in imdb_names.split('+')]
  roidb = roidbs[0]
  if len(roidbs) > 1:
    for r in roidbs[1:]:
    tmp = get_imdb(imdb_names.split('+')[1])
    imdb =, tmp.classes)
    imdb = get_imdb(imdb_names)
  return imdb, roidb

save_path = '/home/vador/Documents/project/AI/drl-rpn-tf-video/output-weights/voc_2007_train/'
# Cannot use weights_path because it leads to dimensions mismatch
weigths_path = '/home/vador/Documents/project/AI/drl-rpn-tf-video/pretrained-data/data3D/vgg16_drl_rpn_iter_1.ckpt'
imdb_name = 'voc_2007_train'
imdbval_name = 'voc_2007_trainval'

imdb, roidb = combined_roidb(imdb_name)
print('{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb)))

output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, None, save_path)

_, valroidb = combined_roidb(imdbval_name)

train_net(net, imdb, roidb, valroidb, output_dir, pretrained_model=weigths_path, max_iters=1)
Beispiel #14
def test_net(sess, net, imdb, weights_filename, max_per_image=100, thresh=0.65):
  """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
  num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
  # all detections are collected into:
  #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
  #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
  all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
         for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

  output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
  # timers
  _t = {'im_detect' : Timer(), 'misc' : Timer()}

  for i in range(num_images):
    im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

    scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)


    # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
    for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
      inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
      cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
      cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j*4:(j+1)*4]
      cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
        .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
      keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
      cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
      all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

    # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
    if max_per_image > 0:
      image_scores = np.hstack([all_boxes[j][i][:, -1]
                    for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
      if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
        image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
        for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
          keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
          all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

    #fow img show
    #for k in range(len(all_boxes[1][i])):
    #  cv2.rectangle(im,(all_boxes[1][i][k,0],all_boxes[1][i][k,1]),(all_boxes[1][i][k,2],all_boxes[1][i][k,3]),(0,0,255),2)

    #for output txt
    if i % 100 == 0:
        print('{}/10000 done'.format(i))
    result_file = os.path.join(output_dir,imdb._image_index[i]+'.txt')
    fout = open(result_file,'w')
    for k in range(len(all_boxes[1][i])):
        x1 = all_boxes[1][i][k,0]
        y1 = all_boxes[1][i][k,1]
        x2 = all_boxes[1][i][k,0]
        y2 = all_boxes[1][i][k,3]
        x3 = all_boxes[1][i][k,2]
        y3 = all_boxes[1][i][k,3]
        x4 = all_boxes[1][i][k,2]
        y4 = all_boxes[1][i][k,1]

  det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
  with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Beispiel #15
def test_net(sess,
    """Test a drl-RPN network on an image database."""

    # Set numpy's random seed

    nbr_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(nbr_images)]
                 for _ in range(cfg.NBR_CLASSES)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}
    _t_drl_rpn = {
        'init': Timer(),
        'fulltraj': Timer(),
        'upd-obs-vol': Timer(),
        'upd-seq': Timer(),
        'upd-rl': Timer(),
        'action-rl': Timer(),
        'coll-traj': Timer()
    avg_traj = 0.0
    avg_frac = 0.0

    # Create StatCollector (tracks various drl-RPN test statistics)
    stat_strings = ['#fix/img', 'exploration']
    #sc = StatCollector(nbr_images, stat_strings, False)

    # Try getting gt-info if available
        gt_roidb = imdb.gt_roidb()
        gt_roidb = None

    # Visualize search trajectories?
    do_visualize = cfg.DRL_RPN_TEST.DO_VISUALIZE

    # Can be convenient to run from some other image, especially if visualizing,
    # but having nbr_ims_eval = nbr_images and start_idx = 0 --> regular testing!
    nbr_ims_eval = nbr_images
    start_idx = 0
    end_idx = 4  #start_idx + nbr_ims_eval

    # Test drl-RPN on the test images
    for i in range(start_idx, end_idx):

        # Need to know image index if performing visualizations
        if do_visualize: im_idx = i
        else: im_idx = None

        # Try extracting gt-info for diagnostics (possible for voc 2007)
        if gt_roidb is None:
            nbr_gts = None
            nbr_gts = gt_roidb[i]['boxes'].shape[0]

        # Detect!
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))
        scores, boxes, _t_drl_rpn, stats = im_detect(sess, net, im, _t_drl_rpn,
                                                     im_idx, nbr_gts)

        # Update and print some stats
        # sc.update(0, stats)
        # sc.print_stats(False)

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(1, cfg.NBR_CLASSES):
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis]))
            keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

        # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
        if max_per_image > 0:
            image_scores = np.hstack(
                [all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, cfg.NBR_CLASSES)])
            if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                for j in range(1, cfg.NBR_CLASSES):
                    keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        print('\nim_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
            .format(i + 1, nbr_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,
        #print_timings(_t_drl_rpn) # uncomment for some timing details!

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    print('Disabled for now')
    # imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir, start_idx, end_idx)
    return roidb

  roidbs = [get_roidb(s) for s in imdb_names.split('+')]
  roidb = roidbs[0]
  if len(roidbs) > 1:
    for r in roidbs[1:]:
    tmp = get_imdb(imdb_names.split('+')[1])
    imdb =, tmp.classes)
    imdb = get_imdb(imdb_names)
  return imdb, roidb

if __name__ == "__main__":

  print "it's here"
  imdb = get_imdb('voc_2007_trainval')
  print('Loaded dataset `{:s}` for training'.format(

  # imdb = get_imdb('mio_tcd_loc_train')
  # print('Loaded dataset `{:s}` for training'.format(


  # TODO: may need to look more closely at roi_data_layer.roidb
  imdb, roidb = combined_roidb('deep_fashion_general_train')
  print('{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb)))

  # output directory where the models are saved
  output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, None)
  print('Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))
Beispiel #17
def dpp_test_net(sess,
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    thresh = cfg.TEST.SCORE_THRESH
    print("===> SCORE_THRESHOLD is: ", thresh)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #    all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #    (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in xrange(num_images)]
                 for _ in xrange(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)

    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    if not cfg.TEST.HAS_RPN:
        roidb = imdb.roidb
    im_dets_pair = {}
    sim_classes = pickle.load(open(cfg.TRAIN.similarity_path, "r"))

    ff = {}
    for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
        cls_file = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.txt' % imdb.classes[j])
        ff[j] = open(cls_file, 'a')

    for i in xrange(num_images):
        # filter out any ground truth boxes
        if cfg.TEST.HAS_RPN:
            box_proposals = None
            # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb
            # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate
            # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select those the rois
            # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no
            # ground truth.
            box_proposals = roidb[i]['boxes'][roidb[i]['gt_classes'] == 0]
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))
        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        im_dets_pair[i] = {}
        im_dets_pair[i]['im'] = im
        im_dets_pair[i]['lbl'] = imdb.classes
        score_thresh = thresh
        epsilon = 0.01
        DPP_ = DPP(epsilon=0.02)
        keep = DPP_.dpp_MAP(im_dets_pair[i],
        if len(keep['box_id']) > 0:
            for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
                inds = np.where(keep['box_cls'] == j)[0]
                box_ids = keep['box_id'][inds]
                for per_cls in box_ids:
                        "%s %g %d %d %d %d\n" %
                        (imdb.image_path_at(i), scores[per_cls, j],
                         boxes[per_cls, 4 * j], boxes[per_cls, 4 * j + 1],
                         boxes[per_cls, 4 * j + 2], boxes[per_cls, 4 * j + 3]))
                cls_dets = np.hstack((boxes[box_ids, 4 * j:(j + 1) * 4], scores[box_ids, j][:, np.newaxis])) \
                  .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets
                im_dets_pair[i][j] = {}
                im_dets_pair[i][j]['dets'] = cls_dets
                # if vis:
                #   vis_detections(im, imdb.classes[j], cls_dets, score_thresh)
            for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
                all_boxes[j][i] = np.array([])

        'im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
          .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

    for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections_dpp.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        cPickle.dump(all_boxes, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
Beispiel #18
    # train set
    imdb, roidb = combined_roidb(args.imdb_name)

    # Set class names in config file based on IMDB
    class_names = imdb.classes
    cfg_from_list(['CLASS_NAMES', [class_names]])

    if args.alpha:
        cfg_from_list(['LRP_HAI.ALPHA', True])

    # Update config to match start of training detector
    cfg_from_list(['LRP_HAI_TRAIN.DET_START', args.det_start])

    # output directory where the models are saved
    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, args.tag, args.save_path)

    logger = setup_logger("LRP-HAI",
                          filename="log_train.txt")'Called with args:')'Using attention alpha:')'Using config:\n{}'.format(pprint.pformat(cfg)))'{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb)))'Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))

    # also add the validation set, but with no flipping images
    orgflip = cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED
    cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = False
Beispiel #19
def test_net_train(sess,
    """Test an FROG network on an image database,
        and generate pseudo ground truths for training faster rcnn."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    images_real = np.zeros((num_images, ), dtype=object)
    gt = np.zeros((num_images, ), dtype=object)
    roidb = imdb.roidb

    scores_all = []
    boxes_all = []

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)


        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

        # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
        if max_per_image > 0:
            image_scores = np.hstack(
                [all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
            if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                    keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        gt_tmp = {
            'aeroplane': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'bicycle': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'bird': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'boat': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'bottle': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'bus': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'car': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'cat': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'chair': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'cow': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'diningtable': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'dog': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'horse': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'motorbike': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'person': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'pottedplant': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'sheep': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'sofa': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'train': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32),
            'tvmonitor': np.empty((0, 4), dtype=np.float32)
        # print(222, roidb[i].keys())
        tmp_idx = np.where(roidb[i]['label'][0][:imdb.num_classes])[0]

        for j in xrange(len(tmp_idx)):
            idx_real = np.argmax(scores[:, tmp_idx[j]])
            gt_tmp[imdb.classes[tmp_idx[j]]] = np.array([
                boxes[idx_real, tmp_idx[j] * 4 + 1], boxes[idx_real,
                                                           tmp_idx[j] * 4],
                boxes[idx_real, tmp_idx[j] * 4 + 3], boxes[idx_real,
                                                           tmp_idx[j] * 4 + 2]
            gt_tmp[imdb.classes[tmp_idx[j]]] += 1

        gt[i] = {'gt': gt_tmp}

        images_real[i] = imdb.image_index[i]


        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
              .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

    # save gt
    model_save_gt = {'images': images_real, 'gt': gt}
    sio.savemat('{}_pseudo_gt.mat'.format(, model_save_gt)

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
def cadc_eval(detpath,
    #Min overlap is 0.7 for cars, 0.5 for ped/bike
    """rec, prec, ap = cadc_eval(detpath,

  Top level function that does the PASCAL VOC evaluation.

  detpath: Path to detections
      detpath.format(classname) should produce the detection results file.
  annopath: Path to annotations
      annopath.format(framename) should be the xml annotations file.
  framesetfile: Text file containing the list of frames, one frame per line.
  classname: Category name (duh)
  cachedir: Directory for caching the annotations
  [ovthresh]: Overlap threshold (default = 0.5)
  [use_07_metric]: Whether to use VOC07's 11 point AP computation
      (default False)

    #Misc hardcoded variables
    idx = 0
    ovthresh_dc = 0.5
    # assumes detections are in detpath.format(classname)
    # assumes annotations are in annopath.format(framename)
    # assumes framesetfile is a text file with each line an frame name
    # cachedir caches the annotations in a pickle file

    frame_path = get_frame_path(db, mode, eval_type)
    class_recs = load_recs(frameset, frame_path, db, mode, classname)
    # read dets
    detfile = detpath.format(classname)
    print('Opening det file: ' + detfile)
    with open(detfile, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    #Extract detection file into array
    splitlines = [x.strip().split(' ') for x in lines]
    #Many entries have the same idx & token
    frame_idx = [x[0] for x in splitlines
                 ]  #TODO: I dont like how this is along many frames
    frame_tokens = [x[1] for x in splitlines]
    confidence = np.array([float(x[2]) for x in splitlines])
    #All detections for specific class
    bbox_elem = cfg[cfg.NET_TYPE.upper()].NUM_BBOX_ELEM
    BB = np.array([[float(z) for z in x[3:3 + bbox_elem]] for x in splitlines])
    #det_cnt    = np.zeros((cfg.CADC.MAX_FRAME))
    _, uncertainties = eval_utils.extract_uncertainties(bbox_elem, splitlines)
    #Repeated for X detections along every frame presented
    idx = len(frame_idx)
    #DEPRECATED ---- 3 types, easy medium hard
    tp = np.zeros((BB.shape[0], d_levels))
    fp = np.zeros((BB.shape[0], d_levels))
    fn = np.zeros((BB.shape[0]))
    #tp_frame   = np.zeros(cfg.CADC.MAX_FRAME)
    #fp_frame   = np.zeros(cfg.CADC.MAX_FRAME)
    #npos_frame = np.zeros(cfg.CADC.MAX_FRAME)
    npos = np.zeros((len(class_recs), d_levels))
    #Count number of total labels in all frames
    count_npos(class_recs, npos)
    det_results = []
    frame_uncertainties = []
    #Check if there are any dets at all
    if BB.shape[0] > 0:
        # sort by confidence (highest first)
        sorted_ind = np.argsort(-confidence)
        sorted_scores = np.sort(-confidence)
        idx_sorted = [int(frame_idx[x]) for x in sorted_ind]
        frame_tokens_sorted = [frame_tokens[x] for x in sorted_ind]

        # go down dets and mark true positives and false positives
        #Zip together sorted_ind with frame tokens sorted.
        #sorted_ind -> Needed to know which detection we are selecting next
        #frame_tokens_sorted -> Needed to know which set of GT's are for the same frame as the det
        idx = 0
        print('num dets {}'.format(len(sorted_ind)))
        for det_idx, token in zip(sorted_ind, frame_tokens_sorted):
            det_confidence = confidence[det_idx]
            #R is a subset of detections for a specific class
            #print('doing det for frame {}'.format(frame_idx[d]))
            #Need to find associated GT frame ID alongside its detection id 'd'
            #Only one such frame, why appending?
            R = None
            skip_iter = True
            R = eval_utils.find_rec(class_recs, token)
            if (R is None):
            #R = class_recs[frame_ids[d]]
            bb = BB[det_idx, :].astype(float)
            var = {}
            #Variance extraction, collect on a per scene basis
            for key, val in uncertainties.items():
                #uc_avg[key][int(R['idx'])] += val[det_idx, :]
                var[key] = val[det_idx, :]
            #det_cnt[int(R['idx'])] += 1
            #Variance extraction, collect on a per scene basis
            ovmax = -np.inf
            #Multiple possible bounding boxes, perhaps for multi car detection
            BBGT = R['boxes'].astype(float)
            BBGT_dc = R['boxes_dc'].astype(float)
            #Preload all GT boxes and count number of true positive GT's
            #Not sure why we're setting ignore to false here if it were true
            #for i, BBGT_elem in enumerate(BBGT):
            #    BBGT_height = BBGT_elem[3] - BBGT_elem[1]
            ovmax_dc = 0
            if BBGT_dc.size > 0 and cfg.TEST.IGNORE_DC:
                overlaps_dc = eval_utils.iou(BBGT_dc, bb, eval_type)
                ovmax_dc = np.max(overlaps_dc)
            #Compute IoU
            if BBGT.size > 0:
                overlaps = eval_utils.iou(BBGT, bb, eval_type)
                ovmax = np.max(overlaps)
                #Index of max overlap between a BBGT and BB
                jmax = np.argmax(overlaps)
                jmax = 0
            # Minimum IoU Threshold for a true positive
            if ovmax > ovthresh and ovmax_dc < ovthresh_dc:
                #if ovmax > ovthresh:
                #ignore if not contained within easy, medium, hard
                if not R['ignore'][jmax]:
                    if not R['hit'][jmax]:
                        if (R['difficulty'][jmax] <= 2 and tp.shape[1] >= 3):
                            tp[idx, 2] += 1
                        if (R['difficulty'][jmax] <= 1 and tp.shape[1] >= 2):
                            tp[idx, 1] += 1
                        if (R['difficulty'][jmax] <= 0):
                            tp[idx, 0] += 1
                        #tp_frame[int(R['idx'])] += 1
                        R['hit'][jmax] = True
                        #If it already exists, cant double classify on same spot.
                        if (R['difficulty'][jmax] <= 2 and fp.shape[1] >= 3):
                            fp[idx, 2] += 1
                        if (R['difficulty'][jmax] <= 1 and fp.shape[1] >= 2):
                            fp[idx, 1] += 1
                        if (R['difficulty'][jmax] <= 0):
                            fp[idx, 0] += 1
                        #fp_frame[int(R['idx'])] += 1
            #If your IoU is less than required, its simply a false positive.
            elif (BBGT.size > 0 and ovmax_dc < ovthresh_dc):
                #elif(BBGT.size > 0)
                fp[idx, 0] += 1
                if (fp.shape[1] >= 2):
                    fp[idx, 1] += 1
                if (fp.shape[1] >= 3):
                    fp[idx, 2] += 1
                #fp_frame[int(R['idx'])] += 1
                    write_det(R, det_confidence, ovmax, bb, var, det_fp=True))
            idx = idx + 1
        print('cadc eval, no GT boxes detected')
    #for i in np.arange(cfg.cadc.MAX_FRAME):
    #    frame_dets = np.sum(det_cnt[i])
    #    frame_uc = eval_utils.write_frame_uncertainty(uc_avg,frame_dets,i)
    #    if(frame_uc != '' and cfg.DEBUG.PRINT_SCENE_RESULT):
    #        print(frame_uc)
    #    frame_uncertainties.append(frame_uc)

    #    eval_utils.display_frame_counts(tp_frame,fp_frame,npos_frame)
    out_dir = get_output_dir(db, mode='test')
    out_file = '{}_detection_results.txt'.format(classname)
    eval_utils.save_detection_results(det_results, out_dir, out_file)
    #if(len(frame_uncertainties) != 0):
    #    uc_out_file = '{}_frame_uncertainty_results.txt'.format(classname)
    #    eval_utils.save_detection_results(frame_uncertainties, out_dir, uc_out_file)

    map = mrec = mprec = np.zeros((d_levels, ))
    prec = 0
    rec = 0
    fp_sum = np.cumsum(fp, axis=0)
    tp_sum = np.cumsum(tp, axis=0)
    #fn     = 1-fp
    #fn_sum = np.cumsum(fn, axis=0)
    npos_sum = np.sum(npos, axis=0)
    #print('Difficulty Level: {:d}, fp sum: {:f}, tp sum: {:f} npos: {:d}'.format(i, fp_sum[i], tp_sum[i], npos[i]))
    #Per frame per class AP
    for i in range(0, d_levels):
        npos_sum_d = npos_sum[i]
        #Override to avoid NaN
        if (npos_sum_d == 0):
            npos_sum_d = np.sum([1])
        rec = tp_sum[:, i] / npos_sum_d.astype(float)
        prec = tp_sum[:, i] / np.maximum(tp_sum[:, i] + fp_sum[:, i],
        # avoid divide by zero in case the first detection matches a difficult
        # ground truth precision
        rec, prec = zip(*sorted(zip(rec, prec)))
        mprec[i] = np.average(prec)
        mrec[i] = np.average(rec)
        map[i] = eval_utils.ap(rec, prec)
    return mrec, mprec, map
    if args.cfg_file is not None:
    if args.set_cfgs is not None:

    print('Using config:')


    # train set
    imdb, roidb = combined_roidb(args.imdb_name)
    print('{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb)))

    # output directory where the models are saved
    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, store_name)
    print('Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))

    # tensorboard directory where the summaries are saved during training
    tb_dir = get_output_tb_dir(imdb, args.tag)
    print('TensorFlow summaries will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(tb_dir))

    # also add the validation set, but with no flipping images
    orgflip = cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED
    cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = False
    _, valroidb = combined_roidb(args.imdbval_name)
    print('{:d} validation roidb entries'.format(len(valroidb)))
    cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = orgflip

    # load network
    if == 'vgg16':
Beispiel #22
def test_net_with_sample(sess,
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(sample_images)
    #   num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    if use_saved_detections:
        with open(det_file, 'rb') as f:
            all_boxes = pickle.load(f)
        for i in range(num_images):

            im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_from_index(sample_images[i]))

            scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)


            # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
            for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
                cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
                cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
                cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                  .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
                cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
                all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

            # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
            if max_per_image > 0:
                image_scores = np.hstack([
                    all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)
                if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                    image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                    for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                        keep = np.where(
                            all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                        all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

            if i % 100 == 0:
                print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
                  .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].diff,

        with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    ret_dict = {}
    if sample_names_dict:
        for num_imgs, sample_images in sample_names_dict.items():
            boxes_subset = [l[:num_imgs] for l in all_boxes]
            ret_dict[num_imgs] = imdb.evaluate_detections(
                boxes_subset, output_dir, sample_images)
        ret_dict[num_imgs] = imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir,

    return ret_dict
Beispiel #23
def test_net(net, imdb, roidb, weights_filename, max_per_image=100, thresh=0.):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)

    # -------------------------------------------------------
    ap_meter = AveragePrecisionMeter(difficult_examples=True)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes, det_cls_prob, target = im_detect(net, im, roidb[i])


        output = np.reshape(det_cls_prob[:], (1, -1))
        target = np.reshape(target[:], (1, -1))
        ap_meter.add(output, target)

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(0, imdb.num_classes):
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            # keep = nms(torch.from_numpy(cls_dets), cfg.TEST.NMS).numpy() if cls_dets.size > 0 else []
            # cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
            # all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets
            keep = nms(torch.from_numpy(cls_dets), cfg.TEST.NMS) if cls_dets.size > 0 else []
            all_boxes[j][i] = keep[0].numpy()

        # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
        if max_per_image > 0:
            image_scores = np.hstack([all_boxes[j][i][:, -1]
                                      for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
            if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                    keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        if i % 100 == 0:
            print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s'.format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time(),

    ap = ap_meter.value().numpy()
    print('the classification AP is ')
    for index, cls in enumerate(imdb._classes):
        if cls == '__background__':
        print(('AP for {} = {:.4f}'.format(cls, ap[index])))
    map = 100 * ap.mean()
    print('the mAP is {:.4f}'.format(map))

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
Beispiel #24
def test_net(sess, net, imdb, weights_filename, max_per_image=100, thresh=0.05):
  """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
  num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
  # all detections are collected into:
  #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
  #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
  all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
         for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

  output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
  # timers
  _t = {'im_detect' : Timer(), 'misc' : Timer()}

  for i in range(num_images):
    im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

    scores, polys = im_detect(sess, net, im)

    boxes = np.zeros((polys.shape[0], 8), dtype=polys.dtype)
    boxes[:, 0] = np.min(polys[:, 0:8:2], axis=1)
    boxes[:, 1] = np.min(polys[:, 1:8:2], axis=1)
    boxes[:, 2] = np.max(polys[:, 0:8:2], axis=1)
    boxes[:, 3] = np.max(polys[:, 1:8:2], axis=1)
    boxes[:, 4] = np.min(polys[:, 8::2], axis=1)
    boxes[:, 5] = np.min(polys[:, 9::2], axis=1)
    boxes[:, 6] = np.max(polys[:, 8::2], axis=1)
    boxes[:, 7] = np.max(polys[:, 9::2], axis=1)

    # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
    # print(boxes.shape)
    # print(polys.shape)
    for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
      inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
      cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
      cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j*4:(j+1)*4]
      cls_polys = polys[inds, j*8:(j+1)*8]
      cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
        .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
      cls_dets_poly = cls_polys.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
      keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
      # cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
      cls_dets = cls_boxes[keep, :]
      cls_dets_poly = cls_dets_poly[keep, :]
      cls_scores = cls_scores[:, np.newaxis]
      cls_scores = cls_scores[keep, :]
      cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_dets, cls_dets_poly, cls_scores))
      # print(cls_dets)
      all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

    # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
    if max_per_image > 0:
      image_scores = np.hstack([all_boxes[j][i][:, -1]
                    for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
      if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
        image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
        for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
          keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
          all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

    print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
        .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

  det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
  with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

  print('Evaluating detections')
  imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir, det_file)
Beispiel #25
def test_net_MC(sess,
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""

    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    thresh = cfg.TEST.SCORE_THRESH
    # all detections are collected into:
    #    all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #    (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    print("score threshold:", thresh)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in xrange(num_images)]
                 for _ in xrange(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)

    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    if not cfg.TEST.HAS_RPN:
        roidb = imdb.roidb

    for i in xrange(num_images):

        # filter out any ground truth boxes
        if cfg.TEST.HAS_RPN:
            box_proposals = None
            # The roidb may contain ground-truth rois (for example, if the roidb
            # comes from the training or val split). We only want to evaluate
            # detection on the *non*-ground-truth rois. We select those the rois
            # that have the gt_classes field set to 0, which means there's no
            # ground truth.
            box_proposals = roidb[i]['boxes'][roidb[i]['gt_classes'] == 0]

        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))
        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)



        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        cls_dets_all = np.array(())
        box_inds = []
        for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
              .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]

            cls_lbl = j * np.ones((cls_dets.shape[0], 1))
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_dets, cls_lbl))
            if j == 1:
                cls_dets_all = cls_dets
                cls_dets_all = np.vstack((cls_dets_all, cls_dets)) \
                  .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
        box_inds = np.array(box_inds)
        keep_MC = nms(cls_dets_all[:, :-1], cfg.TEST.MC_NMS)
        cls_dets_all = cls_dets_all[keep_MC, :]

        for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
            keeps_j = np.where(cls_dets_all[:, -1] == j)[0]
            cls_dets_class_j = cls_dets_all[keeps_j, :-1]
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets_class_j

            # if vis:
            #   vis_detections(im, imdb.classes[j], cls_dets_class_j, cfg.TEST.SCORE_THRESH)

        # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
        if max_per_image > 0:
            image_scores = np.hstack(
                [all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes)])
            if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
                    keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        'im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
          .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        cPickle.dump(all_boxes, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
Beispiel #26
    if args.set_cfgs is not None:

    print('Using config:')


    # train set
    imdb, roidb = combined_roidb(args.imdb_name)
    print('{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb)))

    # output directory where the models are saved
    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, args.tag)
    print('Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))

    # tensorboard directory where the summaries are saved during training
    tb_dir = get_output_tb_dir(imdb, args.tag)
    print('TensorFlow summaries will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(tb_dir))

    # also add the validation set, but with no flipping images
    orgflip = cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED
    cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = False
    _, valroidb = combined_roidb(args.imdbval_name)
    print('{:d} validation roidb entries'.format(len(valroidb)))
    cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = orgflip

    # load network
    if == 'vgg16':
def test_net(sess, net, imdb, weights_filename, max_per_image=100, thresh=0):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)

    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]
    all_f1 = np.zeros((imdb.num_images, imdb.num_classes), np.float)
    all_auc = np.zeros((imdb.num_images, imdb.num_classes), np.float)
    all_auc_new = np.zeros((imdb.num_images, imdb.num_classes), np.float)
    counters = []
    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')):
        all_boxes = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl'), 'r'))

        # timers
        if cfg.USE_MASK is True:
            _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'mask': Timer()}

            for i in range(num_images):
                im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

                mask_gt = cv2.imread(imdb.mask_path_at(i))
                mask_gt = cv2.cvtColor(mask_gt, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                ret, mask_gt = cv2.threshold(mask_gt, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
                mask_gt = (mask_gt / 255.0).astype(np.float32)


                scores, boxes, feat, s, maskcls_inds, mask_boxes, mask_scores, mask_pred, _ ,_= im_detect(sess, net, im)



                # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
                # for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                #     inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
                #     cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
                #     cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
                #     cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                #         .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                #     keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
                #     cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
                #     all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

                batch_ind = np.where(mask_scores > 0.)[0]
                if batch_ind.shape[0] == 0:
                    f1 = 1e-10
                    auc_score = 1e-10
                    mask_out = np.zeros(im.shape[:2],dtype=np.float)
                    for ind in batch_ind:
                        height = mask_boxes[ind, 3] - mask_boxes[ind, 1]
                        width = mask_boxes[ind, 2] - mask_boxes[ind, 0]
                        if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
                            mask_box_pre = cv2.resize(mask_pred[ind, :, :, :], (width, height))
                            mask_pre = np.zeros(im.shape[:2],dtype=np.float)
                            bbox1 = mask_boxes[ind, :]
                            mask_pre[bbox1[1]:bbox1[3], bbox1[0]:bbox1[2]] = mask_box_pre
                            mask_out = np.where(mask_out >= mask_pre, mask_out, mask_pre)
                    precision, recall,auc_score = cal_precision_recall_mae(mask_out, mask_gt)
                    f1 = cal_fmeasure(precision, recall)
                print('F1 score per image:',f1)
                print('AUV score per image:', auc_score)
                all_f1[i, cls] = f1
                all_auc[i, cls] = auc_score
                print('Im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
                      .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,
            class_f1 = np.zeros(imdb.num_classes)
            class_auc = np.zeros(imdb.num_classes)
            for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                cls_f1 = all_f1[:, j]
                f1_ind = np.where(cls_f1 > 0.)[0]
                cls_f1 = cls_f1[f1_ind]
                class_f1[j] = np.average(cls_f1)

                cls_auc = all_auc[:, j]
                auc_ind = np.where(cls_auc > 0)[0]
                cls_auc = cls_auc[auc_ind]
                class_auc[j] = np.average(cls_auc)
            # det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections_{:f}.pkl'.format(10))
            # with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
            #     pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
            _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'compute': Timer()}
            for i in range(num_images):
                im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

                scores, boxes, _, _ = im_detect(sess, net, im)


                # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
                for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                    inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
                    cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
                    cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
                    cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                        .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                    keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
                    cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

                # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
                if max_per_image > 0:
                    image_scores = np.hstack([all_boxes[j][i][:, -1]
                                              for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
                    if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                        image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                        for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                            keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                            all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

                print('Im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
                      .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

            det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections_{:f}.pkl'.format(10))
            with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
            imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)

    if cfg.USE_MASK is True:

        print('Test Results:')
        print('Average F1  Score: %.3f' %np.average(class_f1[1:]))
        print('Average AUC Score: %.3f' %np.average(class_auc[1:]))
        print('Constrained R-CNN')
        print('A general image manipulation detection model.')
        print('Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]')
        print('Written by Huizhou Li')
  if args.cfg_file is not None:
  if args.set_cfgs is not None:

  print('Using config:')


  # train set
  imdb, roidb = combined_roidb(args.imdb_name)
  print('{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb)))

  # output directory where the models are saved
  output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, args.tag)
  print('Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))

  # tensorboard directory where the summaries are saved during training
  tb_dir = get_output_tb_dir(imdb, args.tag)
  print('TensorFlow summaries will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(tb_dir))

  # also add the validation set, but with no flipping images
  orgflip = cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED
  _, valroidb = combined_roidb(args.imdbval_name)
  print('{:d} validation roidb entries'.format(len(valroidb)))
  cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = orgflip

  # load network
  if == 'vgg16':
Beispiel #29
    print('Called with args:')

    if args.cfg_file is not None:
    if args.set_cfgs is not None:

    print('Using config:')


    # Choose net
    if == 'adgm':
        net = Adgm
    if == 'vae':
        net = Vae

    # output directory where the models are saved
    output_dir = get_output_dir(args.dataset, args.tag)
    print('Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))

    # tensorboard directory where the summaries are saved during training
    tb_dir = get_output_tb_dir(args.dataset, args.tag)
    print('TensorFlow summaries will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(tb_dir))

    train_net(net, Mnist, output_dir, tb_dir, max_iters=args.max_iters)

Beispiel #30
def test_idn(sess,
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        blobs_out = im_detect_idn(sess, net, im)
        if blobs_out['num_patch'][0] > 0:
            im_info = blobs_out['im_info']
            pred_boxes = blobs_out['input_boxes'][:, 1:] / im_info[2]
            pred_clss = blobs_out['input_clss'].astype(np.int32)
            pred_scores = blobs_out['dpp_quality']

            input_index = range(len(pred_boxes))
            ara = (pred_boxes[:, 3] - pred_boxes[:, 1]) * (pred_boxes[:, 2] -
                                                           pred_boxes[:, 0])

            # Remove too small patches
            if len(np.where(ara <= 100)[0]) > 0:
                [input_index.remove(jj) for jj in np.where(ara <= 100)[0]]
                pred_boxes = pred_boxes[input_index]
                pred_scores = pred_scores[input_index]
                pred_clss = pred_clss[input_index]

            pIOU = blobs_out['pIOU']
            pIOU[np.where(pIOU < 0.4)] = 0
            idn_sim_feat = blobs_out['idn_sim_feat']

            idn_sim_feat = preprocessing.normalize(idn_sim_feat, norm='l2')


            # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
            for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                inds = np.where(np.squeeze(pred_clss) == j)[0]
                cls_scores = pred_scores[inds]
                cls_boxes = pred_boxes[inds]
                cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                  .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                S_sim = np.matmul(idn_sim_feat[inds], idn_sim_feat[inds].T)
                keep = []
                if len(S_sim) > 0:
                    keep = dpp_infer(S_sim, pred_scores[inds],
                                     pIOU[inds, :][:,
                                                   inds], sim_thresh, thresh)
                cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
                all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

            # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
            if max_per_image > 0:
                image_scores = np.hstack([
                    all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)
                if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                    image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                    for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                        keep = np.where(
                            all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                        all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
            .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
    elif (cfg.NET_TYPE == 'lidar'):
        db, roidb = combined_lidb_roidb('train',
        _, val_roidb = combined_lidb_roidb('val',
    print('{:d} roidb entries'.format(len(roidb)))
    print('{:d} val roidb entries'.format(len(val_roidb)))
    # output directory where the models are saved
    output_dir = get_output_dir(db, weights_filename=args.tag)
    print('Output will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(output_dir))

    # tensorboard directory where the summaries are saved during training
    tb_dir = get_output_tb_dir(db, weights_filename=args.tag)
    print('TensorFlow summaries will be saved to `{:s}`'.format(tb_dir))

    # also add the validation set, but with no flipping images
    #orgflip = cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED
    #cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = False
    print('db: {}'.format(args.db_name))
    #cfg.TRAIN.USE_FLIPPED = orgflipqua

    # load network
    if (cfg.NET_TYPE == 'image'):
        if == 'vgg16':
Beispiel #32
def test_net1(sess, net, imdb, weights_filename):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    # 加载GT
    annopath = os.path.join(imdb._devkit_path, 'VOC' + imdb._year,
                            "Annotations", '{:s}.xml')
    cachedir = os.path.join(imdb._devkit_path, 'annotations_cache')
    if not os.path.isdir(cachedir):
    imagesetfile = os.path.join(imdb._devkit_path, 'VOC' + imdb._year,
                                'ImageSets', 'Main', imdb._image_set + '.txt')
    cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, 'test_annots.pkl')
    # read list of images
    with open(imagesetfile, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    imagenames = [x.strip() for x in lines]

    if not os.path.isfile(cachefile):
        # load annotations
        recs = {}
        for i, imagename in enumerate(imagenames):
            print('image——name', imagename)
            recs[imagename] = parse_rec(annopath.format(imagename))
            # if i % 100 == 0:
            print('Reading annotation for {:d}/{:d}'.format(
                i + 1, len(imagenames)))
        # save
        print('Saving cached annotations to {:s}'.format(cachefile))
        with open(cachefile, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(recs, f)
        # load
        with open(cachefile, 'rb') as f:
                recs = pickle.load(f)
                recs = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')

    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)
        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s' \
              .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time))

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
            cls_scores = scores[:, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[:, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

    # validate over thresholds
    print('Evaluating detections')
    inter_thrs = np.arange(0.7, 0, -0.1)
    prob_thrs = np.arange(0, 0.7, 0.1)
    best_f_score = 0
    best_tdr = None
    best_fdr = None
    best_inter_thr = None
    best_prob_thr = None

    # put inference in nms proper format
    for prob_thr in prob_thrs:
        probs = []
        for i in range(num_images):
            prob_tmp = [[]]
            for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                img_preds = all_boxes[j][i]
                pick = (img_preds[:, -1] > prob_thr)
        for inter_thr in inter_thrs:
            total_pores = 0
            total_dets = 0
            true_dets = 0
            dets = []
            for i, imagename in enumerate(imagenames):
                det_tmp = [[]]
                for j, cls in enumerate(imdb.classes):
                    if cls == '__background__':
                    img_preds = probs[i][j]
                    keep = nms(img_preds, cfg.TEST.NMS)
                    img_dets = img_preds[keep]
                    img_det_ctr = trans_ctr(img_dets[:, :-1])
                    total_dets += len(img_det_ctr)

                    R = [obj for obj in recs[imagename] if obj['name'] == cls]
                    bbox = np.array([x['bbox'] for x in R])
                    bbox_ctr = trans_ctr(bbox)
                    total_pores += len(bbox_ctr)
                    print('AAAAA', len(img_det_ctr), prob_thr)
                    print('BBBBB', len(bbox_ctr), inter_thr)

                    true_dets += len(
                        find_correspondences(img_det_ctr, bbox_ctr))

            # compute tdr, fdr and f score
            eps = 1e-5
            tdr = true_dets / (total_pores + eps)
            fdr = (total_dets - true_dets) / (total_dets + eps)
            f_score = 2 * (tdr * (1 - fdr)) / (tdr + (1 - fdr))

            # update best parameters
            if f_score > best_f_score:
                best_f_score = f_score
                best_tdr = tdr
                best_fdr = fdr
                best_inter_thr = inter_thr
                best_prob_thr = prob_thr

    print(('best F_SCORE = {:.4f}\n best TDR ={:.4f} \n best FDR = {:.4f}\n '
           'best NMS thr = {:2f}\n best CONF thr = {:2f}'.format(
               best_f_score, best_tdr, best_fdr, best_inter_thr,
def _test_net(net, imdb, weights_filename, max_per_image=100, thresh=0.):
    vis = False
    print("Numeber of classes=:", imdb.num_classes)
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]
    original_all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                          for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)

    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}

    # extract gt objects for this class
    class_recs = {}
    npos = 0

    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))
        print("img path=:", imdb.image_path_at(i))
        img_name = imdb.image_path_at(i).split('/')[-1]
        folder_name = imdb.image_path_at(i).split('/')[-2]
        scores, boxes = im_detect(net, im)

        #print("score shape, box shape",scores.shape, boxes.shape)
        result = get_bbox_for_max_score(im, scores, boxes, img_name)
        basepath = "data/temp/foggytrain2"
        filepath = os.path.join(basepath, folder_name)
        if (not os.path.exists(filepath)):
        json_name = img_name.split(".png")[0] + ".json"
        json_file = os.path.join(filepath, json_name)
        #print("object type",type(result))
        with open(json_file, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(str(result), fp)
        print("file written at path:", json_file)

    #   break

    #   # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
    #   for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
    #     inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
    #     cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
    #     cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j*4:(j+1)*4]
    #     cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
    #       .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
    #     keep = nms(torch.from_numpy(cls_dets), cfg.TEST.NMS).cpu().numpy() if cls_dets.size > 0 else []
    #     # ##
    #     # original_all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets
    #     # ##
    #     cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
    #     all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets
    #   ##
    #   obj_scores = net.roi_scores.cpu().data.numpy()
    #   inds = np.where(obj_scores[:] > thresh)[0]
    #   cls_scores = obj_scores[inds]
    #   cls_boxes = boxes[inds, 4:8]
    #   cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, obj_scores[:])) \
    #     .astype(np.float32, copy=False)

    #   original_all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

    #   # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
    #   if max_per_image > 0:
    #     image_scores = np.hstack([all_boxes[j][i][:, -1]
    #                   for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
    #     if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
    #       image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
    #       for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
    #         keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
    #         all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

    #   _t['misc'].toc()

    #   print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
    #       .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time(),
    #           _t['misc'].average_time()))

    # det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    # with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
    #   pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    # print('Evaluating detections')
    # imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)
Beispiel #34
def test_net_damage(sess,
    count = 0
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #  all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #  (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, weights_filename)
    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}
    im = None
    for i in range(num_images):
        im = cv2.imread(imdb.image_path_at(i))

        scores, boxes = im_detect(sess, net, im)

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j, cls in enumerate(CLASSES[1:]):
            j += 1
            inds = np.where(scores[:, j] > thresh)[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j * 4:(j + 1) * 4]
            cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
              .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            keep = nms(cls_dets, cfg.TEST.NMS)
            cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :]
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets
            vis_detections(im, cls, cls_dets, thresh=0.9)

        im_name = imdb.image_path_at(i).split('/')[-1]
            "/Users/anekisei/Documents/tf-faster-rcnn/tools/save_damage/" +
            im_name, im)
        cv2.imshow('result', im)
        count = count + 1
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff == 27:
        # Limit to max_per_image detections *over all classes*
        if max_per_image > 0:
            image_scores = np.hstack(
                [all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)])
            if len(image_scores) > max_per_image:
                image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image]
                for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes):
                    keep = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0]
                    all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][keep, :]

        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
            .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,
        #for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(CLASSES[1:]):

#vis_detections(im, class_name, dets, thresh=0.5)

    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')
    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir)