def lost_info(): """JSON info about losts""" #messages = Message.query.filter_by(to_id=user_id).options(db.joinedload('from_user')).order_by(Message.send_time).all() losts = Lost.query.options(db.joinedload('location'), db.joinedload('user')).order_by( Lost.time).limit(50) for lost in losts: if not or not lost.location.lng: update_location(lost.location) #list comprehension losts_json = [{ "id": lost.lost_id, "title": lost.title, "description": lost.description, "user_fname": lost.user.fname, "user_lname": lost.user.lname, "reward": lost.reward, "time": lost.time, "lat":, "lng": lost.location.lng } for lost in losts] return jsonify(losts_json)
def found_info(): """JSON info about founds""" founds = Found.query.options(db.joinedload('location'), db.joinedload('user')).order_by( Found.time).limit(50) for found in founds: if not or not found.location.lng: update_location(found.location) #list comprehension founds_json = [{ "id": found.found_id, "title": found.title, "description": found.description, "user_fname": found.user.fname, "user_lname": found.user.lname, 'user_id': found.user.user_id, "time": found.time, "lat":, "lng": found.location.lng, } for found in founds] return jsonify(founds_json)
def return_search_result(): """Return user's search results.""" # Search string user enters gathered from the form on the homepage. search_str = request.args.get("search_str") # Return the producer(s), performer(s), song(s), and album(s) # that match the search string (not case-sensitive), alphabetized. if len(search_str) > 0: sql_search_str = f"%{search_str}%" producers = Producer.query.order_by("producer_name").filter( Producer.producer_name.ilike(sql_search_str)).all() performers = Performer.query.order_by("performer_name").filter( Performer.performer_name.ilike(sql_search_str)).all() songs = Song.query.order_by("song_title").filter( Song.song_title.ilike(sql_search_str)).options( db.joinedload("performers")).all() albums = Album.query.order_by("album_title").filter( Album.album_title.ilike(sql_search_str)).options( db.joinedload("performers")).all() else: producers = None performers = None songs = None albums = None return render_template("search_result.html", producers=producers, performers=performers, songs=songs, albums=albums)
def message_info(msg_id): """returns a json object of information in message for client side""" msg = Message.query.filter_by(msg_id=msg_id).options( db.joinedload('from_user'), db.joinedload('to_user')).one() msg_info_dict = { 'msg': msg.to_dict(), 'to_user': msg.to_user.to_dict(), 'from_user': msg.from_user.to_dict() } return jsonify(msg_info_dict)
def get_responses_by_assignment_id(assignment_id): pras = PromptAssignment.query.get(assignment_id) prompt_content = pras.prompt.content prompt_id = pras.prompt_id due_date = pras.due_date if pras.revisit_pras_id is not None: revisit = True orig_date = get_pras_date(pras.revisit_pras_id) else: revisit = False orig_date = None # get existing responses responses = (Response.query.options( db.joinedload('prompt_assignment'), db.joinedload('user')).filter(Response.pras_id == assignment_id).all()) # if no responses yet, return if responses == []: return [prompt_content, prompt_id, due_date, revisit, orig_date, []] # get students condition1 = (SectionAssignment.section_id == pras.section_id) condition2 = (SectionAssignment.role == 'student') seaction_assignments = (SectionAssignment.query.options( db.joinedload('user')).filter(condition1, condition2).all()) students = [] for seas in seaction_assignments: students.append(seas.user) # re-format responses res_info = [] for res in responses: name = f'{res.user.first_name} {res.user.last_name}' res_info.append({ 'student': name, 'last_name': res.user.last_name, 'content': res.content, 'sentiment': res.sentiment, 'confidence': res.confidence, 'date': res.submission_date }) if res.user in students: students.remove(res.user) # add in students who have not responded yet for student in students: name = f'{student.first_name} {student.last_name}' res_info.append({ 'student': name, 'last_name': student.last_name, 'content': 'No response yet.' }) return [prompt_content, prompt_id, due_date, revisit, orig_date, res_info]
def get_project_json(project_id=None): """Return JSON project.""" if not project_id: project_id = request.args.get('projectId') project = Project.query.options( db.joinedload('categories'), db.joinedload('media'), db.joinedload('tags') ).get(project_id) return jsonify_list(project.get_attributes())
def user_profile(user_id): """ Show users home page """ print '\n\nuser_id: {}, session_id: {}, types: {}, {}\n\n'.format( user_id, session.get("current_user"), type(user_id), type(session.get("current_user"))) if int(user_id) != session.get("current_user"): abort(404) # get user with joined loads rides_taking and rides_offered user = User.query.options(db.joinedload('rides_taking'), db.joinedload('rides_offered')).get(user_id) rides_offered = user.rides_offered for ride in rides_offered: ride.start_timestamp = to_local(ride.start_state, ride.start_timestamp) ride.start_timestamp = to_time_string(ride.start_state, ride.start_timestamp) rides_offered_requests = [] # If there are requests for rides you are offering, append for ride in rides_offered: if ride.requests: rides_offered_requests.append(ride) rides_taking = user.rides_taking for ride in rides_taking: ride.start_timestamp = to_local(ride.start_state, ride.start_timestamp) ride.start_timestamp = to_time_string(ride.start_state, ride.start_timestamp) rides_taking_requests = Request.query.filter( Request.requester == user_id).all() for request in rides_taking_requests: request.ride.start_timestamp = to_local(request.ride.start_state, request.ride.start_timestamp) request.ride.start_timestamp = to_time_string( request.ride.start_state, request.ride.start_timestamp) return render_template('profile.html', user=user, rides_offered=rides_offered, rides_offered_requests=rides_offered_requests, rides_taking=rides_taking, rides_taking_requests=rides_taking_requests)
def get_book_by_isbn(isbn): """Returns a book with given ISBN if it exists in the database, otherwise, returns None""" book = Book.query.filter(Book.isbn == isbn).options(db.joinedload("categories")).first() return book
def _save_interest_growth_ranking_to_db(industry_id): """Get the interest movement ranking in the same industry and store it to db.""" growth_list = [] company_list = [] industry = Industry.query.options( db.joinedload("companies")).filter_by(industry_id=industry_id).first() for company in industry.companies: if company.interest: company_interest_growth = get_interest_growth(company) growth_list.append(company_interest_growth) company_list.append(company) else: print(f"{company.company_id} has no interest.") sorted_growth_list = sorted(growth_list, reverse=True) print(sorted_growth_list) for company in company_list: ranking = sorted_growth_list.index(get_interest_growth(company)) print((ranking + 1),, company.company_id, get_interest_growth(company)) company.ranking = ranking + 1 #print(company.ranking) db.session.commit()
def producer_detail(producer_id): """Show producer's details.""" # URL from which to make API calls. URL = f"{producer_id}" # Method "joinedload" employed to reduce # of queries run for output. producer = Producer.query.options( db.joinedload("albums").joinedload("songs").joinedload( "producers")).get(producer_id) all_producers = Producer.query.all() albums = producer.albums # list # Return the album release years in descending chronological order. album_years = sorted(set( [album.album_release_date.strftime("%Y") for album in albums]), reverse=True) j = requests.get(URL).json() # If call is successful, access JSON object. if j["meta"]["status"] == 200: bio = j["response"]["artist"].get("description_preview", "") # Store producer_id in session. session["producer_id"] = producer_id if producer_id == 2139214: related_producers = [] return render_template("producer.html", producer=producer, all_producers=all_producers, album_years=album_years, bio=bio, related_producers=related_producers) # Return related performers with knn ML algorithm. data = pd.read_csv('seed_data/scores.csv') d = data.pivot(index='producer_id', columns='performer_id', values='score') # knn model = joblib.load('static/model/trained-model_producers.pkl') # Shape model to the dimensions of the dataset. dist, ind = model.kneighbors(d.loc[producer_id, :].values.reshape(1, -1)) related_producers = [list(d.index)[i] for i in ind[0]] # The producer being searched is included in the neighbors list. Remove it # before passing list to Jinja with pop left equivalent method. related_producers.pop(0) # Calculate page_runtime. # print(f"total_time = {end_time - start_time}") return render_template("producer.html", producer=producer, all_producers=all_producers, album_years=album_years, bio=bio, related_producers=related_producers)
def calendar_get_data(): """Render data stored by user for each meal""" # get user_id from session user_id = session.get('user_id') # get meals for user_id meals_for_user = Meal.query.filter(Meal.user_id==user_id).order_by( Meal.meal_time).options(db.joinedload("meal_foodgroups")).all() events = [] #loop through the meals to obtain each meal for meal in meals_for_user: #initialize an empty event object to store each meal data event = {} event['title']=meal.meal_name event['meal_id']=meal.meal_id event['start_utc']=meal.meal_time #initialize an empty meal foodgroup list for each meal food info event['meal_foodgroups']=[] #loop through each of the mral_foodgroups in each meal for m in meal.meal_foodgroups: #add to the empty meal_foodgroups list each component in a particular format as defined in event['meal_foodgroups'].append(m.serialize()) event['allDay']=False #add to the events list each event events.append(event) return jsonify(events)
def submit_new_attraction(user_id): """Show main user landing page with submission form and map.""" user = User.query.options( db.joinedload('attractions').joinedload('location')).get(user_id) return render_template('map.html', user=user, GOOGLE_KEY=GOOGLE_KEY)
def get_sections_by_user_id(user_id): assignments = (SectionAssignment.query.options( db.joinedload('section')).filter( SectionAssignment.user_id == user_id).all()) sections = [(assignment.section, assignment.role) for assignment in assignments] return sections
def show_user_details(user_id): """Shows details for individual user""" # Creates user object joined to both ratings and movies user = User.query.options(db.joinedload('ratings', 'movies')).get(user_id) return render_template('user_details.html', user=user)
def index(): """Homepage.""" term = request.args.get('term') if not term: return render_template('homepage.html', poems=[], headlines=[], subjects=[], term='') isalpha = term.isalpha() if isalpha == False: flash('Word must be all alpha characters.') return redirect('/') poems = Poem.query.options(db.joinedload('subjects')).filter( Poem.tsv.match(term)).all() if not poems: flash('Word not found. Try another!') return redirect('/') headlines = queries.get_headlines(term) subjects = queries.get_subject_counts(poems) return render_template("homepage.html", headlines=headlines, poems=poems, subjects=subjects, term=term)
def return_saved_jobs(): """Returns all the jobs that a user saved.""" user_id = session.get('user_id') if not user_id: flash("Please sign in first to save this job") return redirect("/login") else: user = User.query.options(db.joinedload('saved_jobs')).get(user_id) job_id = request.args.get('job_id') job = Job.query.get(job_id) if job in user.saved_jobs: flash("You've already saved this job") return redirect(f"/job_profile?job_id={job.job_id}") else: save_job = Savings(user_id=user_id, job_id=job_id) db.session.add(save_job) db.session.commit() flash("This job has been saved to your profile!") return redirect(f"/job_profile?job_id={job.job_id}")
def album_list(): """Show list of albums.""" # Return album objects using performers' and albums' relationship, ordering # results by album title. albums = Album.query.options( db.joinedload("performers").joinedload("albums")).order_by( 'album_title').all() page, per_page, offset = get_page_args(page_parameter="page", per_page_parameter="per_page") per_page = 100 offset = (page - 1) * per_page total = len(albums) pagination_albums = albums[offset:offset + per_page] pagination = Pagination(page=page, per_page=per_page, total=total, css_framework="bootstrap4") return render_template("album_list.html", albums=pagination_albums, page=page, per_page=per_page, pagination=pagination)
def user_following(user_id): """Users followed by user specified. Return json of all the users followed by the user specified in the URI. Note that route is `...following` but model has the attribute `followed`. This is to maintain an English-like relationship in the URI and model respectively. """ mode = request.args.get('mode', 'full') user = User.query.filter( == user_id).options( db.joinedload('followed')).one() if mode == 'full': dict_of_users = { followed.to_dictionary() for followed in user.followed } elif mode == 'short': dict_of_users = { followed.uname for followed in user.followed } else: abort(400) # Bad request return jsonify(dict_of_users)
def show_active_jobs(): """Shows list jobs the user is interested in, applied to, or interviewing for.""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: # get user_id from session and pass in companies user_id = session['user_id'] user = User.query.filter(User.user_id == user_id).one() companies = user.companies # query for user job events, return list user_job_events = JobEvent.query.options(db.joinedload('jobs')).filter(JobEvent.user_id == user_id).order_by(desc('date_created')).all() job_event_ids = [event.job_event_id for event in user_job_events] # make a set of all job_ids and remove any that are inactive user_job_ids = set(job.job_id for job in user_job_events if == True) # grab only the most recent events and todos for each job_id all_active_status = [] all_todos = [] for user_job_id in user_job_ids: # get all events for one job id events = [event for event in user_job_events if event.job_id == user_job_id] # find that latest event and add to list status = events[0] all_active_status.append(status) user_todo = ToDo.query.filter(ToDo.job_event_id == status.job_event_id, ToDo.active_status == True).first() if user_todo: all_todos.append(user_todo) return render_template('jobs-active.html', all_active_status=all_active_status, all_todos=all_todos, companies=companies)
def delete_user(user_id): """Remove user.""" session_id = session_check(session['id'], request.remote_addr, request.user_agent, int(user_id)) if session_id == '': session['id'] = '' abort(401) # Unauthorized user = User.query.filter( == user_id).options( db.joinedload('posts')).one() if user.deleted: abort(403, 'Cannot delete a deleted user.') else: # Append the user's id to the end of their (deleted) username. user.uname = f'{user.uname} (deleted) {}' user.deleted = True for post in user.posts: post.title, post.content = '', '' post.erased = True Follower.query.filter(Follower.follower_id == Bookmark.query.filter(Bookmark.user_id == user_id).delete() Session.query.filter(Session.session_id == session_id).delete() db.session.commit() session['id'] = '' return ('', 204) # status 204: success, no content
def get_company_application(search_company_name): """Return the application id for the company which is input as a parameter. working code Example (from 'solar_viz_test' database): >>> print(get_company_application('Pacific Gas and Electric')) [<Program application_id=SD-CSI-00001 utility=1 city=San Diego county=San Diego zipcode=92121 contractor=4 pv_manuf=11 invert_manuf=18 status=Installed>, <Program application_id=SCE-CSI-06676 utility=2 city=Manhattan Beach county=Los Angeles zipcode=90266 contractor=5 pv_manuf=12 invert_manuf=19 status=Installed>, ... AND MORE RETURNED BUT TRUNCATED """ applications = Program.query.filter( == search_company_name)\ .options(db.joinedload('utility_company'))\ .all() return applications
def show_all_contacts(): """Show all contacts a user is connected to.""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: # get user user_id = session['user_id'] user = User.query.filter(User.user_id == user_id).one() companies = user.companies # get all user events with all contacts contact_events = ContactEvent.query.filter(ContactEvent.user_id == user_id).order_by(desc('date_created')).all() # make a set of all contact_ids contact_ids = set(contact_event.contact_id for contact_event in contact_events) # grab all contact objects by contact_id contacts = [] all_todos = [] for contact_id in contact_ids: contact = Contact.query.filter(Contact.contact_id == contact_id).options(db.joinedload('companies')).first() contacts.append(contact) # get all contact events for the contact events = [event for event in contact_events if event.contact_id == contact.contact_id] latest_event = events[0] user_todo = ToDo.query.filter(ToDo.contact_event_id == latest_event.contact_event_id, ToDo.active_status ==True).first() if user_todo: all_todos.append(user_todo) return render_template('contacts.html', contacts=contacts, all_todos=all_todos, companies=companies)
def show_a_contact(contact_id): """Show one contact and all interactions.""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: # get user_id from session user_id = session['user_id'] user = User.query.filter(User.user_id == user_id).one() companies = user.companies # get edit status edit = request.args.get('edit') # get contact (join companies) and all events contact = Contact.query.filter(Contact.contact_id == contact_id).options(db.joinedload('companies')).first() contact_events = ContactEvent.query.filter(ContactEvent.contact_id == contact_id).order_by(desc('date_created')).all() # query for associated tasks, return list all_todos = [] for event in contact_events: todo = ToDo.query.filter(ToDo.contact_event_id == event.contact_event_id).options(db.joinedload('todo_codes')).first() all_todos.append(todo) return render_template('contact-info.html', edit=edit, contact=contact, contact_events=contact_events, all_todos=all_todos, companies=companies)
def return_average_rating(): """Returns the average rating for a specific job posting""" job_id = request.args.get('job_id') rating = Job.query.options(db.joinedload('ratings')).get(job_id) job = Job.query.get(job_id) #get the job_id of the specific job posting #returns list of rating objects of the job (all ratings of the job) ratings_list = [] if job.ratings: for each_rating in job.ratings: ratings_list.append(each_rating.rating) average = round(mean(ratings_list), 1) if 0 <= average < 1: response = "On average, applicants who applied to this job didn't hear back" elif 1 <= average < 2: response = "On average, applicants who applied to this job heard back from a recruiter" elif 2 <= average < 3: response = "On average, applicants who applied to this job received a phone screen interview" elif 3 <= average < 4: response = "On average, applicants who applied to this job got through to the onsite interview" else: response = "On average, applicants who applied to this job received a job offer!" return response else: return "No ratings on this job posting yet!"
def show_user_profile(): """Show user's profile and allow update to information.""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: # find user in db user_id = session['user_id'] user = User.query.filter(User.user_id == user_id).one() companies = user.companies # get user data to pass into charts user_job_events = JobEvent.query.options(db.joinedload('jobs')).filter(JobEvent.user_id == user_id).all() total_interested = len([event for event in user_job_events if event.job_code == 1]) total_applied = len([event for event in user_job_events if event.job_code == 2]) total_phone = len([event for event in user_job_events if event.job_code == 3]) total_in_person = len([event for event in user_job_events if event.job_code == 4]) total_job_offer = len([event for event in user_job_events if event.job_code == 5]) user_analytics = { 'interested': total_interested, 'applied': total_applied, 'phone': total_phone, 'onsite': total_in_person, 'offers': total_job_offer } return render_template('profile-tasks.html', companies=companies, user=user, user_analytics=user_analytics)
def get_crop_favorites(gardener_id): """Get favorite crops for a gardener user.""" favorite_crop_list = [] favorite_crops = FavoriteCrop.query.filter( FavoriteCrop.gardener_id == gardener_id).options( db.joinedload('crop')).all() for favorite_crop in favorite_crops: favorite_crop_dictionary = {} favorite_crop_dictionary['name'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_name favorite_crop_dictionary[ 'planting_consideration'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_planting_considerations favorite_crop_dictionary[ 'growing_from_seed'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_growing_from_seed favorite_crop_dictionary[ 'transplanting'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_transplanting favorite_crop_dictionary['spacing'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_spacing favorite_crop_dictionary['watering'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_watering favorite_crop_dictionary['feeding'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_feeding favorite_crop_dictionary['crop_id'] = favorite_crop.crop_id favorite_crop_dictionary[ 'image_url'] = favorite_crop.crop.crop_image_url favorite_crop_list.append(favorite_crop_dictionary) return favorite_crop_list
def show_a_company(company_id): """Show a company a user has interest in.""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: edit = request.args.get('edit') # get user_id from session user_id = session['user_id'] user = User.query.filter(User.user_id == user_id).one() companies = user.companies #get company info and pre-load jobs company = Company.query.filter(Company.company_id == company_id).options(db.joinedload('jobs')).options(db.joinedload('contacts')).first() # get list of active jobs and of arcived jobs active_jobs = [job for job in if job.active_status] archived_jobs = [job for job in if not job.active_status] states = ["", "AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY"] return render_template('company-info.html', company=company, edit=edit, states=states, companies=companies, active_jobs=active_jobs, archived_jobs=archived_jobs)
def update_recipes_folder(recipe_id, folder_id): """Update folder for given recipe""" recipe = Recipe.query.options(db.joinedload( Recipe.folder)).filter(Recipe.recipe_id == recipe_id).first() recipe.folder_id = folder_id db.session.commit()
def get_teacher_assignments(): teacherAssignments = (SectionAssignment.query.options( db.joinedload('user')).filter( SectionAssignment.role == 'teacher').all()) teachers = [] for teas in teacherAssignments: teachers.append(teas.user) return teachers
def get_all_media_json(): """Return JSON of all media, ordered by date updated.""" all_media = Media.query.options( db.joinedload('projects') ).order_by(Media.date_updated.desc()).limit(6).all() return jsonify_list(Media.get_json_from_list(all_media, True, False))
def get_all_events_books(event_id): """Returns a list of event_book objects for a given event""" # event = Event.query.options(db.joinedload("events_books")).get(event_id) events_books = EventBook.query.filter(EventBook.event_id == event_id).options(db.joinedload("book")).all() # return event.events_books return events_books
def get_category_by_label(user_id, label): """Returns a category with a given label""" category = Category.query.filter(Category.label == label, Category.\ user_id == user_id).\ options(db.joinedload("books")).first() return category
def song_detail(song_id): """Show song detail.""" # Return song objects using producers' and songs' relationship. song = Song.query.options( db.joinedload("producers").joinedload("songs")).get(song_id) return render_template("song.html", song=song)
def user_details(userid): """show the details for a given user id.""" user = User.query.options(db.joinedload('ratings', 'venue')).get(int(userid)) print user return render_template("user_details.html", user=user)
def performer_detail(performer_id): """Show performer's detail.""" URL = "" + str(performer_id) performer = Performer.query.options( db.joinedload("albums").joinedload("songs").joinedload( "producers")).get(performer_id) all_performers = Performer.query.all() albums = performer.albums # Return a set of performer's album release years in descending order. album_years = sorted(set( [album.album_release_date.strftime("%Y") for album in albums]), reverse=True) # Store performer_id in session. session["performer_id"] = performer_id # API call for producer bio. r = requests.get(URL) j = r.json() # If url request is successful and the bio JSON key exists, return that key # value (description_preview); otherwise, return an empty string. if j["meta"]["status"] == 200: bio = j["response"]["artist"].get("description_preview", "") if performer_id == 2119381: related_performers = [1456758] return render_template("performer.html", performer=performer, all_performers=all_performers, album_years=album_years, bio=bio, related_performers=related_performers) # Return related performers with knn ML algorithm. data = pd.read_csv('seed_data/scores.csv') d = data.pivot(index='performer_id', columns='producer_id', values='score') # knn model = joblib.load('static/model/trained-model.pkl') # The performer being searched is included in the neighbors list. Remove it # before passing list to Jinja with pop left equivalent method. # For future development: cache values to prevent doing operations in server. dist, ind = model.kneighbors(d.loc[performer_id, :].values.reshape(1, -1)) related_performers = [list(d.index)[i] for i in ind[0]] related_performers.pop(0) return render_template("performer.html", performer=performer, all_performers=all_performers, album_years=album_years, bio=bio, related_performers=related_performers)
def show_a_job(job_id): """Shows detailed info about a job""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: user_id = session['user_id'] user = User.query.filter(User.user_id == user_id).one() companies = user.companies # get job from database and pre-load company data job = Job.query.filter(Job.job_id == job_id).options(db.joinedload('companies')).first() # query for user job events, return list # Look at created a db.relationship from users to jobs job_status = JobEvent.query.options(db.joinedload('todos')).filter(JobEvent.user_id == user_id, JobEvent.job_id == job_id).order_by(desc('date_created')).order_by(desc('job_code')).all() # query for associated tasks, return list all_todos = [] for status in job_status: todo = ToDo.query.filter(ToDo.job_event_id == status.job_event_id).options(db.joinedload('todo_codes')).first() all_todos.append(todo) if not job.avg_salary: metros = db.session.query(Salary.metro).group_by(Salary.metro).order_by(Salary.metro).all() job_titles = db.session.query(Salary.job_title).group_by(Salary.job_title).order_by(Salary.job_title).all() else: metros = "" job_titles = "" return render_template('job-info.html', job=job, metros=metros, job_titles=job_titles, job_status=job_status, all_todos=all_todos, companies=companies)
def flickr_search(): """Makes request to FLICKR API, given bldg tags. Saves file for each bldg, each page 500 results max.""" bldgs = db.session.query(Building).options(db.joinedload('city')).all() flickr_per_page_limit = 500 for bldg in bldgs: bldg_name = bldg.building_name city_name = # Assumes all buildings are in the same city, if joined for API call. page = 1 page_count = 80 # Arbitrary limit. extras = 'url_s, url_m, geo, tags, owner_name, date_taken, description' # extras: description, license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, # original_format, last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags, o_dims, views, media, path_alias, # url_sq, url_t, url_s, url_q, url_m, url_n, url_z, url_c, url_l, url_o while (page < page_count): payload = {'tags': bldg_name+', '+city_name, 'tag_mode': 'all', 'extras': extras, 'ispublic': 1, 'format': 'json', 'nojsoncallback': 1, 'api_key': FLICKR_KEY, 'page': page, 'per_page': flickr_per_page_limit} # Response object. r = requests.get('', params=payload) # Content of Response object as string. content = r.content # JSON dictionary. data = json.loads(content) insert_photos(data) page_count = int(data['photos']['pages']) print '''Getting page {} in {} total pages. Queried for {} building at rank {}'''.format(page, page_count, bldg_name, bldg.rank) page += 1
def edit_a_contact(): """Allows user to edit info about a contact""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: # get contact object to update contact_id = request.form['contact_id'] contact = Contact.query.filter(Contact.contact_id == contact_id).options(db.joinedload('companies')).first() contact.notes = request.form['notes'] = request.form['email'] phone = "".join((request.form['phone']).split('-')) = phone # look for company_id and find existing company OR # get new company_name and create company object, add, commit if request.form['company_id']: company_id = int(request.form['company_id']) company = Company.query.filter(Company.company_id == company_id).first() elif request.form['company_name']: company_name = request.form['company_name'] company = Company(name=company_name) db.session.add(company) db.session.commit() contact.company_id = company.company_id db.session.commit() # send results back to webpage results = { 'email':, 'phone':, 'company':, 'notes': contact.notes, } return jsonify(results)
def show_archived_jobs(): """ Shows a list of archived jobs the user is no longer tracking.""" # redirect if user is not logged in if not session: return redirect('/') else: # get user_id from session user_id = session['user_id'] user = User.query.filter(User.user_id == user_id).one() companies = user.companies # query for user job events, return list user_job_events = JobEvent.query.options(db.joinedload('jobs')).filter(JobEvent.user_id == user_id).order_by(desc('date_created')).all() # make a set of all job_ids and remove any that are inactive user_job_ids = set(job.job_id for job in user_job_events if == False) # grab only the most recent events for each job_id all_archived = {} for user_job_id in user_job_ids: # get all events for one job id events = [event for event in user_job_events if event.job_id == user_job_id] # find that latest event and add to list status = events[0] company = Company.query.filter( Company.company_id == all_archived[status] = company return render_template('jobs-archive.html', all_archived=all_archived, companies=companies)