def test__find_value_in_question_tokens__fuzzy_match(self):
        # GIVEN
        question_tokens = [['find'], ['column', 'name'], ['of'], ['user'],
                           ['whose'], ['column', 'email'], ['contain'],
                           ['‘superstar’'], ['or'], ['‘edu’'], ['.']]
        value = '%superstar%'

        # WHEN
        result = _find_value_in_question_tokens(question_tokens, value)

        # THEN
        self.assertEqual(result, range(7, 8))
    def test__find_value_in_question_tokens__case_insensitive(self):
        # GIVEN
        question_tokens = [['How'], ['many'], ['lessons'], ['did'], ['the'],
                           ['customer'], ['Rylan'], ['Goodwin'], ['complete'],
        value = 'rylan'

        # WHEN
        result = _find_value_in_question_tokens(question_tokens, value)

        # THEN
        # we don't expect to find the value - as it's not available in the question. But we don't want it to throw an exception.
        self.assertEqual(result, range(6, 7))
    def test__find_value_in_question_tokens__int(self):
        # GIVEN
        question_tokens = [['find'], ['name'], ['and'], ['column', 'gender'],
                           ['type'], ['of'], ['table', 'dorm'], ['whose'],
                           ['capacity'], ['is'], ['greater'], ['than'],
                           ['value', '300'], ['or'], ['le'], ['than'],
                           ['value', '100'], ['.']]
        value = 300

        # WHEN
        result = _find_value_in_question_tokens(question_tokens, value)

        # THEN
        self.assertEqual(result, range(12, 13))
    def test__find_value_in_question_tokens__quotes_type2(self):
        # GIVEN
        question_tokens = [['what'], ['is'], ['id'], ['of'],
                            'reviewer'], ['whose'], ['column', 'name'], ['ha'],
                           ['substring'], ['“mike”'], ['?']]
        value = '%Mike%'

        # WHEN
        result = _find_value_in_question_tokens(question_tokens, value)

        # THEN
        # we don't expect to find the value - as it's not available in the question. But we don't want it to throw an exception.
        self.assertEqual(result, range(9, 10))
    def test__find_value_in_question_tokens__word_to_number(self):
        # GIVEN
        question_tokens = [['show'], ['column', 'carrier'], ['of'],
                           ['table', 'device'], ['in'], ['table', 'stock'],
                           ['at'], ['more'], ['than'], ['one'],
                           ['table', 'shop'], ['.']]
        value = 1

        # WHEN
        result = _find_value_in_question_tokens(question_tokens, value)

        # THEN
        # we don't expect to find the value - as it's not available in the question. But we don't want it to throw an exception.
        self.assertEqual(result, range(9, 10))
    def test__find_value_in_question_tokens__multi_word_value_at_the_end(self):
        # GIVEN
        question_tokens = [['what'], ['are'], ['column', 'name'], ['of'],
                           ['all'], ['table', 'track'], ['that'], ['belong'],
                           ['to'], ['rock'], ['table', 'genre'], ['and'],
                           ['whose'], ['table', 'medium', 'type'], ['is'],
                           ['mpeg'], ['?']]
        value = 'MPEG audio file'

        # WHEN
        result = _find_value_in_question_tokens(question_tokens, value)

        # THEN
        # we don't expect to find the value - as it's not available in the question. But we don't want it to throw an exception.
    def test__find_value_in_question_tokens__float(self):
        # GIVEN
        question_tokens = [['what'], ['are'], ['distinct'],
                           ['column', 'hometown'], ['of'],
                           ['table', 'gymnast'], ['with'],
                           ['column', 'total', 'point'], ['more'], ['than'],
                           ['value', '57.5'], ['?']]
        value = 57.5

        # WHEN
        result = _find_value_in_question_tokens(question_tokens, value)

        # THEN
        # we don't expect to find the value - as it's not available in the question. But we don't want it to throw an exception.
        self.assertEqual(result, range(10, 11))