Beispiel #1
def log_likelihood (data, model, query):
    Return the log-likelihood of the given data W according to the model
    and the parameters inferred for the entries in W stored in the
    queryState object.

    This deliberately excludes links
    return lda.log_likelihood(data, model.ldaModel, query.ldaQuery)
Beispiel #2
    def testCrossValPerplexityOnRealDataWithLdaInc(self):
        ActiveFolds = 3
        dtype = np.float64 # DTYPE

        data = DataSet.from_files(words_file=AclWordPath, links_file=AclCitePath)

        data.prune_and_shuffle(min_doc_len=MinDocLen, min_link_count=MinLinkCount)

        # Initialise the model
        trainPlan = lda.newTrainPlan(iterations=800, logFrequency=10, fastButInaccurate=False, debug=False)
        queryPlan = lda.newTrainPlan(iterations=50, logFrequency=5, fastButInaccurate=False, debug=False)

        topicCounts = [30, 35, 40, 45, 50] # [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
        for K in topicCounts:
            trainPerps = []
            queryPerps = []
            for fold in range(ActiveFolds): # range(NumFolds):
                trainData, queryData = data.cross_valid_split(fold, NumFolds)

                model = lda.newModelAtRandom(trainData, K, dtype=dtype)
                query = lda.newQueryState(trainData, model)

                # Train the model, and the immediately save the result to a file for subsequent inspection
                model, trainResult, (_, _, _) = lda.train (trainData, model, query, trainPlan)

                like = lda.log_likelihood(trainData, model, trainResult)
                perp = perplexity_from_like(like, trainData.word_count)

                estData, evalData = queryData.doc_completion_split()
                query = lda.newQueryState(estData, model)
                model, queryResult = lda.query(estData, model, query, queryPlan)

                like = lda.log_likelihood(evalData, model, queryResult)
                perp = perplexity_from_like(like, evalData.word_count)

            trainPerps.append(sum(trainPerps) / ActiveFolds)
            queryPerps.append(sum(queryPerps) / ActiveFolds)
            print("K=%d,Segment=Train,%s" % (K, ",".join([str(p) for p in trainPerps])))
            print("K=%d,Segment=Query,%s" % (K, ",".join([str(p) for p in queryPerps])))
Beispiel #3
    def testPerplexityOnRealDataWithLdaInc(self):
        dtype = np.float64 # DTYPE

        data = DataSet.from_files(words_file=AclWordPath, links_file=AclCitePath)
        with open(AclDictPath, "rb") as f:
            d = pkl.load(f)

        data.prune_and_shuffle(min_doc_len=MinDocLen, min_link_count=MinLinkCount)

        # IDF frequency for when we print out the vocab later
        freq = np.squeeze(np.asarray(data.words.sum(axis=0)))
        scale = np.reciprocal(1 + freq)

        # Initialise the model
        topicCounts = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
        perps = []
        for K in topicCounts:
            model      = lda.newModelAtRandom(data, K, dtype=dtype)
            queryState = lda.newQueryState(data, model)
            trainPlan  = lda.newTrainPlan(iterations=800, logFrequency=10, fastButInaccurate=False, debug=False)

            # Train the model, and the immediately save the result to a file for subsequent inspection
            model, query, (bndItrs, bndVals, bndLikes) = lda.train (data, model, queryState, trainPlan)
    #        with open(newModelFileFromModel(model), "wb") as f:
    #            pkl.dump ((model, query, (bndItrs, bndVals, bndLikes)), f)

            # Print out the most likely topic words
            # scale = np.reciprocal(1 + np.squeeze(np.array(data.words.sum(axis=0))))
            # vocab = lda.wordDists(model)
            # topWordCount = 10
            # kTopWordInds = [self.topWordInds(vocab[k,:], topWordCount) for k in range(K)]

            like = lda.log_likelihood(data, model, query)
            perp = perplexity_from_like(like, data.word_count)


            print ("K = %2d : Perplexity = %f\n\n" % (K, perp))
            # for k in range(model.K):
            #     print("\nTopic %d\n=============================" % k)
            #     print("\n".join("%-20s\t%0.4f" % (d[kTopWordInds[k][c]], vocab[k][kTopWordInds[k][c]]) for c in range(topWordCount)))

        # Plot the evolution of the bound during training.
        fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.plot(topicCounts, perps, 'b-')
        ax1.set_xlabel('Topic Count')
        ax1.set_ylabel('Perplexity', color='b')
def log_likelihood (data, model, query):
    Return the log-likelihood of the given data W according to the model
    and the parameters inferred for the entries in W stored in the
    queryState object.

    This deliberately excludes links
    if model.method == TF_IDF:
        return 0
    elif model.method == LDA:
        return lda.log_likelihood(data, model.ldaModel, query=None, topicDistOverride=query.reps ** 2)
        raise ValueError ("Unknown method %s " %  model.method)