def test_fill_slot_parking_lot_full(self):
        lot = ParkingLot(0)
        vehicle = Vehicle('mock_reg_num', 22)

        result = lot.fill_slot(vehicle)
class ParkingService:
    """Service class offering parking services like create lot, park car, leave and other information about parking lot

        parking_lot (ParkingLot): Instance of the parking lot, instantiated when create_parking_lot() is called

    def __init__(self):
        self.parking_lot = None

    def create_parking_lot(self, capacity: int):
        """Creates a parking lot instance with the given capacity

            capacity (int): Maximum number of slots in the parking lot

            int: Returns the capacity of the parking lot created
        self.parking_lot = ParkingLot(capacity)
        return self.parking_lot.get_capacity()

    def park(self, vehicle: Vehicle):
        """Parks a vehicle at an available slot in the parking lot

            vehicle (Vehicle): vehicle to be parked

            [int, None]: If succeeds, returns the slot number where the vehicle was parked, else returns None
        return self.parking_lot.fill_slot(vehicle)

    def leave(self, slot_id: int):
        """Vacates a slot (given slot_id) from the parking lot if any vehicle is parked

            slot_id (int): Slot number to vacate

            [Vehicle, None]: If succeeds, returns the vehicle vacated, else returns None
        return self.parking_lot.empty_slot(slot_id)

    def get_reg_number_for_age(self, age: int):
        """Method to get registration number of all vehicles parked by driver of given age

            age (int): Age of the driver

            List[str]: Returns a list of registration numbers
        result = []
        for vehicle in self.parking_lot.get_slots():
            if vehicle and vehicle.get_age() == age:

        return result

    def get_slot_number_for_age(self, age: int):
        """Method to get slot numbers of all parked vehicles driven by drivers of the given age

            age (int): Age of the driver to query on

            List[int]: Returns a list of slot numbers
        result = []
        for slot_id, vehicle in enumerate(self.parking_lot.get_slots(), start=1):
            if vehicle and vehicle.get_age() == age:

        return result

    def get_slot_number_for_reg_number(self, reg_num: str):
        """Method to get the slot number for the vehicle with the given registration number

            reg_num (str): Registration number of the vehicle

            [int, None]: If succeeds, returns the slot number of the vehicle, else returns None
        slots = self.parking_lot.get_slots()
        for slot_id, vehicle in enumerate(slots, start=1):
            if vehicle is not None and vehicle.get_reg_num() == reg_num:
                return slot_id

        return None

    def print_parking_lot(self):
        """Debug method to print the current state of the parking lot
        for slot_id, vehicle in enumerate(self.parking_lot.get_slots(), start=1):
            if vehicle:
                print(f'{slot_id} : {vehicle.get_reg_num()}, {vehicle.get_age()}')