def get(self, list_type='', direction='next', page='1', name=''): catobj = None if list_type == 'cat': #objs = Category.get_posts_by_name(name, page) catobj = Categories.get_by_category_name(name) show_type = catobj.showtype elif list_type == 'tag': objs = Tags.get_page_posts_by_tag_name(name, page) catobj = Tags.get_tag_by_name(name) show_type = "list" elif list_type == 'archive': objs = Archives.get_page_posts_by_archive_name(name, page) catobj = Archives.get_by_name(name) show_type = "list" if catobj: pass else: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return each_page_post_num = int(getAttr('EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM')) all_post = catobj.id_num all_page = all_post / each_page_post_num if all_post % each_page_post_num: all_page += 1 output = self.render(show_type + '.html', { 'title': "%s - %s | Part %s" % (, getAttr('SITE_TITLE'), page), 'keywords':, 'description': getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Categories.get_all_category_name(), 'tags': Tags.get_hot_tag(), 'archives': Archives.get_by_name(), 'page': int(page), 'allpage': all_page, 'listtype': list_type, 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'comments': Comments.get_recent_comments(), 'links': Links.get_all(), }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def tags_skip_list(self): key = 'tags_skip_list' if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key): return DataCacher().get_cached(key) tags_list = Tags().skip_tags() if Options().caching: DataCacher().cache(key, tags_list) return tags_list
def get(self, direction='next', page='2', base_id='1'): if page == '1': self.redirect(BASE_URL) return objs = Posts.get_paged(direction, page, base_id) if objs: if direction == 'prev': objs.reverse() fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id else: fromid = endid = '' each_page_post_num = int(getAttr('EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM')) all_post = Posts.count_all() all_page = all_post / each_page_post_num if all_post % each_page_post_num: all_page += 1 output = self.render('default.html', { 'title': "%s - %s | Part %s" % (getAttr('SITE_TITLE'), getAttr('SITE_SUB_TITLE'), page), 'keywords': getAttr('KEYWORDS'), 'description': getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Categories.get_all_category_name(), 'tags': Tags.get_hot_tag(), 'archives': Archives.get_by_name(), 'page': int(page), 'allpage': all_page, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comments.get_recent_comments(), 'links': Links.get_all(), }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self, name=''): objs = Tags.get_page_posts_by_tag_name(name, 1) catobj = Tags.get_tag_by_name(name) if catobj: pass else: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return each_page_post_num = int(getAttr('EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM')) all_post = catobj.id_num all_page = all_post / each_page_post_num if all_post % each_page_post_num: all_page += 1 output = self.render( 'list.html', { 'title': "%s - %s" % (, getAttr('SITE_TITLE')), 'keywords':, 'description': getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Categories.get_all_category_name(), 'tags': Tags.get_hot_tag(), 'archives': Archives.get_by_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': all_page, 'listtype': 'tag', 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'recent_article': Posts.get_last_post(8), 'comments': Comments.get_recent_comments(), 'links': Links.get_all(), }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def tags_list(self): key = 'tags_list' if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key): return DataCacher().get_cached(key) if Options().include_drafts: posts = self.posts_files else: posts = self.posts_published tags_list = Tags().list(posts) if Options().caching: DataCacher().cache(key, tags_list) return tags_list
def tags_posts_count(self, tag): key = 'tags_posts_count/{0}'.format(tag) if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key): return DataCacher().get_cached(key) if Options().include_drafts: posts = self.posts_files else: posts = self.posts_published data = Tags().count_posts(posts, tag) if Options().caching: DataCacher().cache(key, data) return data
def tags_data(self, tag, page_index): key = 'tags_data/{0}/{1}'.format(tag, page_index) if Options().caching and DataCacher().cached_already(key): return DataCacher().get_cached(key) if Options().include_drafts: posts = self.posts_files else: posts = self.posts_published common = self.common_data data = Tags().data(posts, tag, page_index, self.index_max_posts, self.tags_posts_count(tag)) combined = self.__combine(common, data) if Options().caching: DataCacher().cache(key, combined) return combined
def get(self): try: news1 = Categories.get_posts_by_category_id(category_id=7, limit=8) news2 = Categories.get_posts_by_category_id(category_id=9, limit=8) prods = Categories.get_posts_by_category_id(category_id=3, limit=8) except: self.redirect('/install') return each_page_post_num = int(getAttr('EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM')) all_post = Posts.count_all() all_page = all_post / each_page_post_num if all_post % each_page_post_num: all_page += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s" % (getAttr('SITE_TITLE'), getAttr('SITE_SUB_TITLE')), 'keywords': getAttr('KEYWORDS'), 'description': getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'news1': news1, 'news2': news2, 'prods': prods, 'cats': Categories.get_all_category_name(), 'tags': Tags.get_hot_tag(), 'archives': Archives.get_top_n(), }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def from_json(cls, json): if json is None: return Poi() if type(json) is list: return [Poi.from_json(poi) for poi in json] try: eventsHistory = [ EventsHistory.from_json(_eventsHistory) for _eventsHistory in json.get('eventsHistory') ] except TypeError: eventsHistory = [] try: images = [ Images.from_json(_images) for _images in json.get('images') ] except TypeError: images = [] return Poi(json.get('id'), LocationPoint.from_json(json.get('locationPoint')), json.get('type'), json.get('firstTimeSeen'), AddressDetails.from_json(json.get('addressDetails')), json.get('dealType'), json.get('address'), json.get('matchScore'), json.get('beds'), json.get('baths'), json.get('buildingYear'), json.get('area'), json.get('price'), json.get('virtualTours'), json.get('rentalBrokerFee'), eventsHistory, Status.from_json(json.get('status')), Poc.from_json(json.get('poc')), Tags.from_json(json.get('tags')), json.get('openHouses'), json.get('commuteTime'), json.get('dogsParkWalkTime'), json.get('parkWalkTime'), json.get('buildingClass'), images, json.get('__typename'), Insights.from_json(json.get('insights')))
def post_detail_formate(obj): if obj: slug = slugfy(obj.title) obj.slug = slug obj.absolute_url = '%s/topic/%d/%s' % (BASE_URL,, slug) obj.shorten_url = '%s/t/%s' % (BASE_URL, if '[/code]' in obj.content: obj.highlight = True else: obj.highlight = False obj.content = tran_content(obj.content, obj.highlight) obj.taglist = ', '.join( ["""<a href="%s/tag/%s/" rel="tag">%s</a>""" % (BASE_URL, tag, tag) for tag in obj.tags.split(',')]) obj.add_time_fn = time_from_now(int(obj.add_time)) obj.last_modified = timestamp_to_datetime(obj.edit_time) obj.keywords = obj.tags obj.description = HTML_REG.sub('', obj.content[:DESCRIPTION_CUT_WORDS]) #get prev and next obj obj.prev_obj = sdb.get('SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `cms_posts` WHERE `id` > %s LIMIT 1' % str( if obj.prev_obj: obj.prev_obj.slug = slugfy(obj.prev_obj.title) obj.next_obj = sdb.get( 'SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `cms_posts` WHERE `id` < %s ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1' % str( if obj.next_obj: obj.next_obj.slug = slugfy(obj.next_obj.title) #get relative obj base tags obj.relative = [] if obj.tags: idlist = [] getit = False for tag in obj.tags.split(','): from model.tags import Tags tagobj = Tags.get_tag_by_name(tag) if tagobj and tagobj.content: pids = tagobj.content.split(',') for pid in pids: if pid != str( and pid not in idlist: idlist.append(pid) if len(idlist) >= RELATIVE_POST_NUM: getit = True break if getit: break # if idlist: obj.relative = sdb.query('SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `cms_posts` WHERE `id` in(%s) LIMIT %s' % ( ','.join(idlist), str(len(idlist)))) if obj.relative: for robj in obj.relative: robj.slug = slugfy(robj.title) #get comment obj.coms = [] if obj.comment_num > 0: if obj.comment_num >= EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM: first_limit = EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM else: first_limit = obj.comment_num from model.comments import Comments obj.coms = Comments.get_post_page_comments_by_id(, 0, first_limit) return obj
def get(self, post_id='', title=''): tmpl = '' obj = Posts.get_post_detail(post_id) if not obj: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return #redirect to right title try: title = unquote(title).decode('utf-8') except: pass if title != obj.slug: self.redirect(obj.absolute_url, 301) return # if obj.password and THEME == 'default': rp = self.get_secure_cookie("rp%s" % post_id, '') if rp != obj.password: tmpl = '_pw' elif obj.password and getAttr('BLOG_PSW_SUPPORT'): rp = self.get_secure_cookie("rp%s" % post_id, '') print 'rp===%s' % (str(rp)) if rp != obj.password: tmpl = '_pw' keyname = 'pv_%s' % (str(post_id)) increment(keyname) self.set_secure_cookie(keyname, '1', expires_days=1) self.set_header("Last-Modified", obj.last_modified) template_prefix = 'post' if obj.category == '-': template_prefix = 'page' output = self.render( template_prefix + '%s.html' % tmpl, { 'title': "%s - %s" % (obj.title, getAttr('SITE_TITLE')), 'keywords': obj.keywords, 'description': obj.description, 'obj': obj, 'cobjs': obj.coms, 'postdetail': 'postdetail', 'cats': Categories.get_all_category_name(), 'tags': Tags.get_hot_tag(), 'archives': Archives.get_by_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': 10, 'comments': Comments.get_recent_comments(), 'links': Links.get_all(), 'hits': get_count(keyname), 'recent_article': Posts.get_last_post(8), 'listtype': '', }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) if obj.password and getAttr('BLOG_PSW_SUPPORT'): return output elif obj.password and THEME == 'default': return else: return output
def get(self): act = self.get_argument("act", '') post_id = self.get_argument("post_id", '') obj = None if act == 'add': obj = Posts obj.post_id = '' obj.category_id = '' obj.category_name = '' obj.title = '' obj.content = '' obj.tags = '' obj.allow_comment = 1 = 0 obj.password = '' self.echo('admin_post_edit.html', { 'title': "添加文章", 'method': "/admin/posts?act=add", 'categories': Categories.get_all_kv(), 'tags': Tags.get_all_tag_name(), 'obj': obj, }, layout='_layout_admin.html') return elif act == 'edit': if post_id: obj = Posts.get(post_id) self.echo('admin_post_edit.html', { 'title': "编辑文章", 'method': "/admin/posts?act=edit", 'categories': Categories.get_all_kv(), 'tags': Tags.get_all_tag_name(), 'obj': obj, }, layout='_layout_admin.html') return elif act == 'del': if post_id: oldobj = Posts.get(post_id) Archives.remove_post_from_archive(post_id=post_id) Posts.delete(post_id) cache_key_list = [ '/', 'post:%s' % post_id, 'cat:%s' % quoted_string(oldobj.category) ] clear_cache_by_pathlist(cache_key_list) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['post:%s' % post_id]) Posts.delete(post_id) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['/']) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(json.dumps("OK")) return # 文章列表 page = self.get_argument("page", 1) posts = Posts.get_paged(page, getAttr('ADMIN_POST_NUM')) categories = Categories.get_all_kv() total = math.ceil(Posts.count_all() / int(getAttr('ADMIN_POST_NUM'))) if page == 1: self.echo('admin_post_list.html', { 'title': "文章链接", 'objs': posts, 'categories': categories, 'total': total, }, layout='_layout_admin.html') else: result = { 'list': posts, 'total': total, } self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(json.dumps(result)) return
def get_article_tags(article_id) : tag_list = [] v_list = db_session.query(TagedArticle.tag_id, TagedArticle.tag_name).filter(TagedArticle.article_id == article_id).all() for v in v_list : tag_list.append(Tags(v[0], v[1])) return tag_list
def get(self): act = self.get_argument("act", '') post_id = self.get_argument("post_id", '') obj = None if act == 'add': obj = Posts obj.post_id = '' obj.category_id = '' obj.category_name = '' obj.title = '' obj.content = '' obj.tags = '' obj.allow_comment = 1 = 0 obj.password = '' self.echo('admin_post_edit.html', { 'title': "添加文章", 'method': "/admin/posts?act=add", 'categories': Categories.get_all_kv(), 'tags': Tags.get_all_tag_name(), 'obj': obj, }, layout='_layout_admin.html') return elif act == 'edit': if post_id: obj = Posts.get(post_id) self.echo('admin_post_edit.html', { 'title': "编辑文章", 'method': "/admin/posts?act=edit", 'categories': Categories.get_all_kv(), 'tags': Tags.get_all_tag_name(), 'obj': obj, }, layout='_layout_admin.html') return elif act == 'del': if post_id: oldobj = Posts.get(post_id) Archives.remove_post_from_archive(post_id=post_id) Posts.delete(post_id) cache_key_list = ['/', 'post:%s' % post_id, 'cat:%s' % quoted_string(oldobj.category)] clear_cache_by_pathlist(cache_key_list) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['post:%s' % post_id]) Posts.delete(post_id) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['/']) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(json.dumps("OK")) return # 文章列表 page = self.get_argument("page", 1) posts = Posts.get_paged(page, getAttr('ADMIN_POST_NUM')) categories = Categories.get_all_kv() total = math.ceil(Posts.count_all() / int(getAttr('ADMIN_POST_NUM'))) if page == 1: self.echo('admin_post_list.html', { 'title': "文章链接", 'objs': posts, 'categories': categories, 'total': total, }, layout='_layout_admin.html') else: result = { 'list': posts, 'total': total, } self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.write(json.dumps(result)) return