def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
            tok = request.headers.get('Authorization')[7:]
            return INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN()

        uid, expires = Token.load_access_token(g.rds, tok)
        uid = int(uid) if uid else 0
        expires = int(expires) if expires else 0
        if not uid:
            return INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN()
        if time.time() > expires:
            logging.debug("access token expire")
            return EXPIRE_ACCESS_TOKEN()
        request.uid = uid
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    def decorated(*args, **kwargs):        
        auth = web.ctx.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in  web.ctx.env else None
        unauth = True
        uid = 0
        if len(auth) > 7 and auth[:7] == "Bearer ":
            tok = auth[7:]
            uid, expires = Token.load_access_token(rds, tok)
            uid = int(uid) if uid else 0
            expires = int(expires) if expires else 0
            if uid and time.time() < expires:
                unauth = False

        if unauth :
            web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
            return Unauthorized()

        web.ctx.uid = uid
        return f(*args, **kwargs)