def lookup_price(ticker): # curl http://localhost:5000/api/price/nvda """ return the price of a given stock. no api authentication """ price = get_price(ticker) if price is None: abort(404) return jsonify({ "ticker": ticker, "price": price })
def main_loop(user): while True: view.main_menu(user) choice = view.get_choice() if choice.strip() == "10": return login_loop() if choice.strip()== "9": print(user.api_key) main_loop(user) if choice.strip() == "8": company_name = input("Enter company name: ") print(get_ticker(company_name)) main_loop(user) if choice.strip() == "7": new_deposit = int(input("Enter deposit amount: $")) user.balance +=new_deposit main_loop(user) if choice.strip()== "6": ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol: ") print(user.trades_for(ticker)) main_loop(user) if choice.strip()== "5": print(user.all_trades()) main_loop(user) if choice.strip()== "4": ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol: ") amount = int(input("Enter amount of shares you want to sell: ")) user.sell(ticker,amount) main_loop(user) if choice.strip() =='3': ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol: ") amount = int(input("Enter amount of shares you want to buy: ")),amount) main_loop(user) if choice.strip()=="2": ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol: ") print(get_price(ticker)) main_loop(user) if choice.strip()=="1": print(user.all_positions()) main_loop(user) else: view.error_bad_input() continue
def account_loop(user): selection = views.user_account_view(user.real_name, user.balance) while True: if selection.strip() == "1": pos = user.all_positions() print("{:<10}{:>10}".format("Ticker", "Amount")) for p in pos: print("{:<10}{:>10}".format(p.ticker, p.amount)) input("Enter to continue...") account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() == "2": ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol ") print(get_price(ticker)) input("Enter to continue...") account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() =="3": ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol: ").lower() buy_amt = int(input("Enter amount of shares you want to buy: ")) try:,buy_amt) except ValueError: print("") ColorText("red", "\nInvalid Amount") time.sleep(1) account_loop(user) except InsufficientFundsError: print("") ColorText("red", "\nInsufficient Funds") time.sleep(1) account_loop(user) except Exception: print("") ColorText("red", "\nConnection Error") time.sleep(2) account_loop(user) account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() == "4": ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol: ").lower() sell_amt = int(input("Enter amount of shares you want to sell: ")) try: user.sell(ticker,sell_amt) except ValueError: print("") ColorText("red", "\nInvalid Amount") time.sleep(1) account_loop(user) except InsufficientSharesError: print("") ColorText("red", "\nInsufficent Shares") time.sleep(1) except Exception: print("") ColorText("red", "\nConnection Error") time.sleep(2) account_loop(user) account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() == "5": trades = user.all_trades() print("{:<30}{:<10}{:>10}{:>10}".format("Date", "Ticker", "Price", "Shares")) for p in trades: print("{:<30}{:<10}{:>10}{:>10}".format(time.ctime(p.time), p.ticker, p.price, p.volume)) input("Enter to continue...") account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() == "6": ticker = input("Enter ticker symbol: ").lower() trades = user.trades_for(ticker) print("{:<10}{:>10}{:>10}".format("Ticker", "Price", "Shares")) for p in trades: print("{:<10}{:>10}{:>10}".format(p.ticker, p.price, p.volume)) input("Enter to continue...") account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() == "7": deposit = int(input("Enter the deposit amount: $")) user.balance += deposit ColorText("green", "Success!") time.sleep(1) account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() == "8": views.api_view(user.api_key) input("\nEnter to continue...") account_loop(user) elif selection.strip() == "9": run()
def lookup_price(ticker): """ return the price of a given stock. no api authentication """ price = get_price(ticker) return jsonify({"ticker": ticker, "price": price})