Beispiel #1
 def forward_algo(self, scores, mask):
     # Forward Algorithm
     seq_len = scores.size(0)
     bat_size = scores.size(1)
     seq_iter = enumerate(scores)
     # the first score should start with <start>
     _, inivalues = seq_iter.__next__()  # bat_size * from_target_size * to_target_size
     # only need start from start_tag
     cur_partition = inivalues[:, self.start_tag, :]  # bat_size * to_target_size
     partition = cur_partition
     # iter over last scores
     for idx, cur_values in seq_iter:
         # previous to_target is current from_target
         # cur_partition: previous->current results log(exp(from_target)), #(batch_size * from_target)
         # cur_values: bat_size * from_target * to_target            
         cur_values = cur_values + cur_partition.contiguous().view(bat_size, self.tagset_size, 1).expand(bat_size, self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size)
         cur_partition = utils.log_sum_exp(cur_values, self.tagset_size)
               # (bat_size * from_target * to_target) -> (bat_size * to_target)
         partition = utils.switch(partition.contiguous(), cur_partition.contiguous(),
                                  mask[idx].contiguous().view(bat_size, 1).expand(bat_size, self.tagset_size)).contiguous().view(bat_size, -1)
     #only need end at end_tag
     # partition = partition[:, self.end_tag].sum()
     partition = partition[:, self.end_tag]
     return partition
Beispiel #2
    def predict_batch(self, ner_model, crf_no, f_f, f_p, b_f, b_p, w_f, tg, mask_v, len_v, corpus_mask_v, pred_method):
        calculate score for pre-selected metrics

            ner_model: LM-LSTM-CRF model
            dataset_loader: loader class for test set
        scores = ner_model(f_f, f_p, b_f, b_p, w_f, crf_no, corpus_mask_v)
        assert pred_method in ["M", "U"]
        if pred_method == "M":
            # no matter take sigmoid or not, setting undesired scores to -inf
            neg_inf_scores = autograd.Variable(torch.FloatTensor(np.full(scores.shape, -1e9))).cuda()
            selected_scores = utils.switch(neg_inf_scores.contiguous(), scores.contiguous(), corpus_mask_v).view(scores.shape)
            decoded = self.decoder.decode(,
            return decoded, scores
        if pred_method == "U":
            decoded = self.decoder.decode(,
            for i in range(decoded.shape[0]):
                for j in range(decoded.shape[1]):
                    idx_annotated = np.where(corpus_mask_v[i,j,0].cpu().data)[0]
                    if not decoded[i,j] in idx_annotated:
                        decoded[i,j] = self.l_map['O']
            return decoded, scores
    def forward(self, scores, target, mask):
            scores (seq_len, bat_size, target_size_from, target_size_to) : crf scores
            target (seq_len, bat_size, 1) : golden state
            mask (size seq_len, bat_size) : mask for padding

        # calculate batch size and seq len
        seq_len = scores.size(0)
        bat_size = scores.size(1)

        # calculate sentence score
        tg_energy = torch.gather(scores.view(seq_len, bat_size, -1), 2,
                                              bat_size)  # seq_len * bat_size
        tg_energy = tg_energy.masked_select(mask).sum()

        # calculate forward partition score

        # build iter
        seq_iter = enumerate(scores)
        # the first score should start with <start>
        _, inivalues = seq_iter.__next__(
        )  # bat_size * from_target_size * to_target_size
        # only need start from start_tag
        partition = inivalues[:, self.start_tag, :].clone(
        )  # bat_size * to_target_size
        # iter over last scores
        for idx, cur_values in seq_iter:
            # previous to_target is current from_target
            # partition: previous results log(exp(from_target)), #(batch_size * from_target)
            # cur_values: bat_size * from_target * to_target
            cur_values = cur_values + partition.contiguous().view(
                bat_size, self.tagset_size, 1).expand(
                    bat_size, self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size)
            cur_partition = utils.log_sum_exp(cur_values, self.tagset_size)
            # (bat_size * from_target * to_target) -> (bat_size * to_target)
            partition = utils.switch(
                partition, cur_partition,
                                         self.tagset_size)).view(bat_size, -1)
            #mask_idx = mask[idx, :].view(bat_size, 1).expand(bat_size, self.tagset_size)
            #partition.masked_scatter_(mask_idx, cur_partition.masked_select(mask_idx))  #0 for partition, 1 for cur_partition

        #only need end at end_tag
        partition = partition[:, self.end_tag].sum()
        # average = mask.sum()

        # average_batch
        if self.average_batch:
            loss = (partition - tg_energy) / bat_size
            loss = (partition - tg_energy)

        return loss