def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 2: map_name = sys.argv[1] else: exit(1) map_file = open(map_name, 'r') # ввод данных map_data = links = re.findall('\w+-\w+', map_data) rooms = re.findall('\w+ \d+ \d+', map_data) paths = re.findall('(L.*?)\n', map_data) print(paths) # парсинг данных на узлы, ребра и перемещения за каждый шаг rooms_dict = {} links_list = [] for room in rooms: buf = room.split(' ') rooms_dict[buf[0]] = (Room(buf[0], int(buf[1]) * ZOOM, int(buf[2]) * ZOOM, NODE_SIZE)) print(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]) for link in links: buf = link.split('-') if not buf[0].startswith('L'): line = Link(None, None) for room in rooms_dict: room = rooms_dict[room] if == buf[0]: line.start = room elif == buf[1]: line.end = room links_list.append(line) start_room = re.findall('##start\n(\w+)', map_data)[0].split('\n')[0] moves_list = [] moved_ants = set() for path in paths: move_per_ant = ' ' + path move_per_ant = move_per_ant.split(' L') moves = {} for ant_move in move_per_ant: if ant_move != '': ant_move = ant_move.split('-') if not ant_move[0] in moved_ants: moved_ants.add(ant_move[0]) moves[ant_move[0]] = Move(rooms_dict[start_room], rooms_dict[ant_move[1]], ant_move[0]) else: previous_ant_move = moves_list[-1][ant_move[0]] moves[ant_move[0]] = Move(previous_ant_move.end, rooms_dict[ant_move[1]], ant_move[0]) moves_list.append(moves) game = Game(links_list, moves_list)
def post(self): t_values = {} current_link_id = self.request.POST['current_link_id'] link_title = self.request.POST['link_title'] link_target = self.request.POST['link_target'] link_sequence = self.request.POST['link_sequence']"LinkManager post: current_link_id = %s, link_title = %s, link_target = %s, link_sequence = %s" % (current_link_id, link_title, 'link_target', 'link_sequence')) if current_link_id: # edit existed link link = Link.get_by_id(long(current_link_id)) link.title = link_title = link_target link.sequence = long(link_sequence) link.put() t_values['alert_message'] = "link %s has been updated" % (link.title) else: # create new link link = Link(title=link_title, target=link_target, sequence=long(link_sequence)) link.put() t_values['alert_message'] = "link %s has been added" % (link.title) # find all links links = Link.all().order("-date") t_values["links"] = links return self.response.out.write(render_template("links.html", t_values, "", True))
def post(self, secret=""): data = (self.get_argument("data", ""),) if id and data and secret: if secret == getAttr("MOVE_SECRET"): Link.set_link(encode_special_txt(data[0])) return self.write("1") return self.write("Fail")
def addNewLink(originalLink): session = scoped_session(SessionFactory) link = Link(originalLink) session.add(link) session.flush() link.shortLink = makeMiniature(int( session.commit() session.remove() result = { 'request_id':, 'short_url': request.url_root.encode() + link.shortLink } return 201, result
def post(self): action = self.param('action') name,url = (self.request.get(item) for item in ('linkName', 'linkURL')) if(action == 'edit'): key = self.param('id') link = Link.get_by_id(int(key)) link.linkName = name link.linkURL = url else: link = Link(linkName=name,linkURL=url) link.put() self.redirect('/admin/links') return
def get(self): link = Link(title="linkx1", target="", sequence=9) link.put() link = Link(title="linkx2", target="", sequence=9) link.put() link = Link(title="linkx3", target="", sequence=9) link.put() return self.response.out.write(render_template("index.html", {}, "basic", False))
def post(self): action = self.param('action') name, url = (self.request.get(item) for item in ('linkName', 'linkURL')) if (action == 'edit'): key = self.param('id') link = Link.get_by_id(int(key)) link.linkName = name link.linkURL = url else: link = Link(linkName=name, linkURL=url) link.put() self.redirect('/admin/links') return
def selection_sort_swap_value(link: Link) -> Link: """ 选择排序 不交换节点,只交换值的方式 """ head_node = Node(0, link.head_node) start_node = head_node.next_node while start_node: swap_node = None current_node = start_node.next_node while current_node: if current_node < start_node: if not swap_node or swap_node > current_node: swap_node = current_node current_node = current_node.next_node if swap_node: swap_node.element, start_node.element = start_node.element, swap_node.element start_node = start_node.next_node link.head_node = head_node.next_node return link
def delete_link(cls, id): link = LinkModel.get_by_id(id) if link: link.key.delete() linkDoc = cls.getDoc(id) if linkDoc: cls.removeDocById(id)
def get(self, name = ''): objs = Category.get_cat_page_posts(name, 1) catobj = Category.get_cat_by_name(name) if catobj: pass else: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return allpost = catobj.id_num allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s"%(, getAttr('SITE_TITLE')), 'keywords', 'description':getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'archives': Archive.get_all_archive_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'cat', 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), 'isauthor':self.isAuthor(), 'Totalblog':get_count('Totalblog',NUM_SHARDS,0), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def optimize_insertion_sort(link: Link) -> Link: """ 优化插入排序 测试: 链表的长度为 1000 --- Total execution time: 235 ms 链表的长度为 10000 --- Total execution time: 23785 ms leetcode: link: 执行用时: 220 ms, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 74.71% 的用户 内存消耗: 15.3 MB, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 12.50% 的用户 """ head_node = Node(0, link.head_node) current_node = link.head_node while current_node and current_node.next_node: if current_node <= current_node.next_node: current_node = current_node.next_node continue start_node = head_node while start_node.next_node < current_node.next_node: start_node = start_node.next_node temp_node = current_node.next_node current_node.next_node = temp_node.next_node temp_node.next_node = start_node.next_node start_node.next_node = temp_node link.head_node = head_node.next_node return link
def get(self, page_slug=""): if page_slug: t_values = {} posts = Entry.all().filter("is_external_page =", True).filter("entrytype =", 'page').filter("slug =", page_slug) if posts.count() == 1: logging.warning("find one page with slug=%s" % (page_slug)) posts = posts.fetch(limit=1) post = posts[0] t_values['post'] = post # dump(post) # find all comments comments = Comment.all().filter("entry =", post).order("date") t_values['comments'] = comments else: logging.warning("%d entries share the same slug %s" % (posts.count(), page_slug)) links = Link.all().order("date") t_values['links'] = links categories = Category.all() t_values['categories'] = categories pages = Entry.all().filter("is_external_page =", True).filter("entrytype =", 'page').order("date") t_values['pages'] = pages return self.response.out.write(render_template("page.html", t_values, "basic", False)) else: self.redirect(uri_for("weblog.index"))
def get(self, direction = 'next', page = '2', base_id = '1'): if page == '1': self.redirect(BASE_URL) return objs = Article.get_page_posts(direction, page, base_id) if objs: if direction == 'prev': objs.reverse() fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id else: fromid = endid = '' allpost = Article.count_all_post() allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s | Part %s"%(SITE_TITLE,SITE_SUB_TITLE, page), 'keywords':KEYWORDS, 'description':SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': int(page), 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self): try: objs = Article.get_post_for_homepage() except: self.redirect('/install') return if objs: fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id else: fromid = endid = '' allpost = Article.count_all_post() allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s"%(SITE_TITLE,SITE_SUB_TITLE), 'keywords':KEYWORDS, 'description':SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def main(): Q = QiniuProvider() countries = parseTable( Link(f'{domain}/wiki/List_of_IOC_country_codes').getText()) beginTime = with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as pool: allTasks = [] sqlFile = open('countryList.sql', 'w', encoding="utf-8") sqlWriter = SQLExporter(sqlFile, 'nationality', ['name', 'code', 'flag']) for country in countries: print(f'graping {}...') allTasks.append( pool.submit( executor, ExecutorParams(q=Q, country=country, writer=sqlWriter))) for task in as_completed(allTasks): print(f'{task.result()} downloaded.') sqlFile.close() endTime = print(f'run time: {endTime - beginTime}')
def get(self, name = ''): objs = Tag.get_tag_page_posts(name, 1) catobj = Tag.get_tag_by_name(name) if catobj: pass else: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return allpost = catobj.id_num allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s"%(, SITE_TITLE), 'keywords', 'description':SITE_DECR, 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'tag', 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def update_basic_info( update_categories=False, update_tags=False, update_links=False, update_comments=False, update_archives=False, update_pages=False): from model import Entry,Archive,Comment,Category,Tag,Link basic_info = ObjCache.get(is_basicinfo=True) if basic_info is not None: info = ObjCache.get_cache_value(basic_info.cache_key) if update_pages: info['menu_pages'] = Entry.all().filter('entrytype =','page')\ .filter('published =',True)\ .filter('entry_parent =',0)\ .order('menu_order').fetch(limit=1000) if update_archives: info['archives'] = Archive.all().order('-year').order('-month').fetch(12) if update_comments: info['recent_comments'] = Comment.all().order('-date').fetch(5) if update_links: info['blogroll'] = Link.all().filter('linktype =','blogroll').fetch(limit=1000) if update_tags: info['alltags'] = Tag.all().order('-tagcount').fetch(limit=100) if update_categories: info['categories'] = Category.all().fetch(limit=1000) logging.debug('basic_info updated') basic_info.update(info)
def get(self, direction='next', page='2', base_id='1'): if page == '1': self.redirect(BASE_URL) return objs = Article.get_page_posts(direction, page, base_id) if objs: if direction == 'prev': objs.reverse() if MYSQL_TO_KVDB_SUPPORT: fromid = objs[0]['id'] endid = objs[-1]['id'] else: fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id else: fromid = endid = '' allpost = Article.count_all_post() allpage = allpost / EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost % EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s | Part %s" % (getAttr('SITE_TITLE'), getAttr('SITE_SUB_TITLE'), page), 'keywords': getAttr('KEYWORDS'), 'description': getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'archives': Archive.get_all_archive_name(), 'page': int(page), 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links': Link.get_all_links(), 'isauthor': self.isAuthor(), 'Totalblog': get_count('Totalblog', NUM_SHARDS, 0), }, layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def create_link(teacher_id, student_id): """Create a teacher/student link.""" link = Link(teacher_id=teacher_id, student_id=student_id) db.session.add(link) db.session.commit() return link
def get(self): action = self.param('action') values = {'action': action} if (action == 'edit'): key = self.param('id') link = Link.get_by_id(int(key)) values.update({'link': link}) self.generateBasePage('manage/link.html', values) return
def get(self): action = self.param('action') values = {'action':action} if(action == 'edit'): key = self.param('id') link = Link.get_by_id(int(key)) values.update({'link':link}) self.generateBasePage('manage/link.html', values) return
def get(self, id = '', title = ''): tmpl = '' obj = Article.get_article_by_id_detail(id) if not obj: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return #redirect to right title try: title = unquote(title).decode('utf-8') except: pass if title != obj.slug: self.redirect(obj.absolute_url, 301) return # if obj.password and THEME == 'default': rp = self.get_cookie("rp%s" % id, '') if rp != obj.password: tmpl = '_pw' elif obj.password and BLOG_PSW_SUPPORT: rp = self.get_cookie("rp%s" % id, '') print 'rp===%s' % (str(rp)) if rp != obj.password: tmpl = '_pw' keyname = 'pv_%s' % (str(id)) increment(keyname)#yobin 20120701 self.set_cookie(keyname, '1', path = "/", expires_days =1) self.set_header("Last-Modified", obj.last_modified) output = self.render('page%s.html'%tmpl, { 'title': "%s - %s"%(obj.title, getAttr('SITE_TITLE')), 'keywords':obj.keywords, 'description':obj.description, 'obj': obj, 'cobjs': obj.coms, 'postdetail': 'postdetail', 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'archives': Archive.get_all_archive_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': 10, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), 'isauthor':self.isAuthor(), 'hits':get_count(keyname), 'Totalblog':get_count('Totalblog',NUM_SHARDS,0), 'listtype': '', },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) if obj.password and BLOG_PSW_SUPPORT: return output elif obj.password and THEME == 'default': return else: return output
def post(self): act = self.get_argument("act", "") id = self.get_argument("id", "") name = self.get_argument("name", "") sort = self.get_argument("sort", "0") url = self.get_argument("url", "") if name and url: params = {"id": id, "name": name, "url": url, "displayorder": sort} if act == "add": Link.add_new_link(params) if act == "edit": Link.update_link_edit(params) clear_cache_by_pathlist(["/"]) self.redirect("%s/admin/links" % (BASE_URL)) return
def post(self): try: checkList = self.request.get_all('checks') for key in checkList: keyID = int(key) link=Link.get_by_id(keyID) link.delete() finally: self.redirect('/admin/links') return
def post(self): act = self.get_argument("act",'') id = self.get_argument("id",'') name = self.get_argument("name",'') sort = self.get_argument("sort",'0') url = self.get_argument("url",'') if name and url: params = {'id': id, 'name': name, 'url': url, 'displayorder': sort} if act == 'add': Link.add_new_link(params) if act == 'edit': Link.update_link_edit(params) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['/']) self.redirect('%s/admin/links'% (BASE_URL)) return
def post(self): try: checkList = self.request.get_all('checks') for key in checkList: keyID = int(key) link = Link.get_by_id(keyID) link.delete() finally: self.redirect('/admin/links') return
def get_all_links(): next_page_cur = request.args.get('next') links, cursor, more = L.get_all_links(next_page_cur) if len(links): links = [l.to_dict() for l in links] return jsonify(size=len(links), \ data=links, \ next=cursor.urlsafe() if more else None, \ more=more) else: return jsonify(size=0, data=[], next=None, more=False)
def insertion_sort(link: Link) -> Link: """ 插入排序 测试: 链表的长度为 1000 --- Total execution time: 286 ms 链表的长度为 10000 --- Total execution time: 30442 ms leetcode: link: 执行用时: 2564 ms, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 9.48% 的用户 内存消耗: 15.3 MB, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 12.50% 的用户 问题: 1.使用了新的空间 2.进行了多次的比较 优化: 1.在不断链的情况下进行排序 2.减少比较次数 """ new_head_node = None current_node = link.head_node while current_node: next_node = current_node.next_node current_node.next_node = None if not new_head_node: new_head_node = current_node else: node = new_head_node last_node = None while node: if node > current_node: current_node.next_node = node if not last_node: new_head_node = current_node else: last_node.next_node = current_node break elif not node.next_node: node.next_node = current_node break last_node = node node = node.next_node current_node = next_node link.head_node = new_head_node return link
def save_link(cls, title, url, body="", tags=[], clicks=0, unread=True): url = norm(url) id = mmh3.hash(url) key = ndb.Key(LinkModel, id) domain = urlparse(url).netloc if len(domain) > 4 and domain.startswith('www.'): domain = domain[4:] link = LinkModel(key=key, title=title, url=url, domain=domain, body=body, tags=tags, clicks=clicks, unread=unread) link.put() id = str( doc = cls._buildDoc(id, title, body, domain, tags) cls.add(doc) return cls(doc, link)
def save_link(cls, title, url, body="", tags=[], clicks=0, unread=True): url = norm(url) id = mmh3.hash(url) key = ndb.Key(LinkModel, id) domain = urlparse(url).netloc if len(domain)>4 and domain.startswith('www.'): domain = domain[4:] link = LinkModel( key = key, title = title, url = url, domain = domain, body = body, tags = tags, clicks = clicks, unread = unread ) link.put() id = str( doc = cls._buildDoc(id, title, body, domain, tags) cls.add(doc) return cls(doc, link)
def get(self): act = self.get_argument("act",'') id = self.get_argument("id",'') obj = None if act == 'del': if id: Link.del_link_by_id(id) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['/']) self.redirect('%s/admin/links'% (BASE_URL)) return elif act == 'edit': if id: obj = Link.get_link_by_id(id) clear_cache_by_pathlist(['/']) self.echo('admin_link.html', { 'title': "管理友情链接", 'objs': Link.get_all_links(), 'obj': obj, },layout='_layout_admin.html')
def migrate(): LinkDoc.deleteAllInIndex() q = Link.query() links = q.fetch(65535) for link in links: title = link.title url = link.url tags = link.tags body = link.body link.key.delete() LinkDoc.save_link(title, url, body, tags)
def get(self): act = self.get_argument("act", "") id = self.get_argument("id", "") obj = None if act == "del": if id: Link.del_link_by_id(id) clear_cache_by_pathlist(["/"]) self.redirect("%s/admin/links" % (BASE_URL)) return elif act == "edit": if id: obj = Link.get_link_by_id(id) clear_cache_by_pathlist(["/"]) self.echo( "admin_link.html", {"title": "管理友情链接", "objs": Link.get_all_links(), "obj": obj}, layout="_layout_admin.html", )
def reverse_link(link: Link) -> Link: " 反转链表 " new_head_node = None current_node = link.head_node while current_node: next_node = current_node.next_node current_node.next_node = new_head_node new_head_node = current_node current_node = next_node link.head_node = new_head_node return link
def get(self): # find stats for this blog stats = {} stats['posts'] = Entry.all().filter("entrytype =", "post").filter("is_external_page =", True).count() stats['pages'] = Entry.all().filter("entrytype =", "page").filter("is_external_page =", True).count() stats['comments'] = Comment.all().count() stats['categories'] = Category.all().count() stats['links'] = Link.all().count() t_values = {} t_values['stats'] = stats return self.response.out.write(render_template("index.html", t_values, "", True))
def quicksort_main_swap_node(link: Link) -> Link: """ 快速排序(递归,交换节点) 测试: 链表的长度为 1000 --- Total execution time: 19 ms 链表的长度为 10000 --- Total execution time: 239 ms """ head_pre_node = Node(0, link.head_node) quicksort_swap_node(head_pre_node, link.head_node, None) link.head_node = head_pre_node.next_node return link
def get(self, link_id="", operation=""): t_values = {}"LinkManager: link_id = %s, operation = %s" % (link_id, operation)) # find current_link from link_id if link_id: current_link = Link.get_by_id(long(link_id)) if current_link:"found link %s from link_id: %s" % (current_link.title, link_id)) if operation == "delete": current_link.delete() t_values['alert_message'] = "Link %s has been deleted." % (current_link.title) # t_values['redirect_location'] = uri_for("admin.links") # return self.response.out.write(render_template("alert.html", t_values, "", True)) elif operation == "edit": # pass current_link to template t_values['current_link'] = current_link # find all links links = Link.all().order("-date") t_values["links"] = links return self.response.out.write(render_template("links.html", t_values, "", True))
def merge_sort_main(link: Link) -> Link: """ 归并排序(递归) 测试: 链表的长度为 1000 --- Total execution time: 14 ms 链表的长度为 10000 --- Total execution time: 175 ms leetcode: link: 执行用时: 224 ms, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 67.87% 的用户 内存消耗: 20.7 MB, 在所有 Python3 提交中击败了 28.57% 的用户 """ link.head_node = merge_sort(link.head_node) return link
def search_link(): query = request.args.get('query') if not query: return jsonify(size=0, data=[]) query_string = to_query_string(query) if query_string == '': return jsonify(size=0, data=[]) ids = if len(ids): links = map(lambda x:L.get_by_id(int(x)), ids) links = [l.to_dict() for l in links] return jsonify(size = len(links), data=links) else: return jsonify(size=0, data=[])
def update_link(id): link = L.get_by_id(id) if link == None: return jsonify(success=False, message="No link exisit by id: "+str(id)) title = request.form.get('title') body = request.form.get('body') unread = request.form.get('unread', type=bool) tags = request.form.getlist('tags') clicks = int(request.form.get('clicks')) if title != link.title or body != link.body or tags != link.tags: Link.save_link(title, link.url, body, tags, clicks, unread) elif unread != link.unread or clicks != link.clicks: link.unread = unread link.clicks = clicks link.put() return jsonify(success=True, size=1, data=link)
def get(self, page="1", cate_slug=""): t_values = {} page = int(page)"IndexHandler - get: page = %d, cate_slug = %s" % (page, cate_slug)) # find all entries by order query = Entry.all().filter("is_external_page =", True).filter("entrytype =", 'post').order("-date") # add category filter? if cate_slug: cates = Category.all().filter("slug =", cate_slug) if cates: query = query.filter("category =", cates[0]) # pagination total_posts = query.count() q_limit = Configuration["posts_per_page"] q_offset = (page - 1) * Configuration["posts_per_page"]"limit = %d, offset = %d" % (q_limit, q_offset)) # get entries entries = query.fetch(limit=q_limit, offset=q_offset) t_values['entries'] = entries # show entries for debug purpose # for entry in entries: #"entry title: %s, public = %s, cate = %s" % (entry.title, entry.is_external_page,"total posts = %d, current_page = %d, posts_per_page = %d" % (total_posts, page, Configuration['posts_per_page'])) t_values['navlist'] = generateNavList(total_posts, page, Configuration["posts_per_page"]) #['navlist']) # find all links links = Link.all().order("date") t_values['links'] = links # find all categories categories = Category.all() t_values['categories'] = categories # find all pages pages = Entry.all().filter("is_external_page =", True).filter("entrytype =", 'page').order("date") t_values['pages'] = pages # show index page return self.response.out.write(render_template("index.html", t_values, "basic", False))
def get(self, listtype = '', direction = 'next', page = '1', name = ''): if listtype == 'cat': objs = Category.get_cat_page_posts(name, page) catobj = Category.get_cat_by_name(name) elif listtype == 'tag': objs = Tag.get_tag_page_posts(name, page) catobj = Tag.get_tag_by_name(name) elif listtype == 'archive': objs = Archive.get_archive_page_posts(name, page) catobj = Archive.get_archive_by_name(name) # if not catobj: return self.redirect(BASE_URL) if not objs: return self.redirect(BASE_URL) if MYSQL_TO_KVDB_SUPPORT: allpost = len(catobj.split(',')) else: allpost = catobj.id_num allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s | Part %s"%( name, getAttr('SITE_TITLE'), page), 'keywords':name, 'description':getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'archives': Archive.get_all_archive_name(), 'page': int(page), 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': listtype, 'name': name, 'namemd5': md5(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), 'isauthor':self.isAuthor(), 'Totalblog':get_count('Totalblog',NUM_SHARDS,0), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self): try: objs = Article.get_post_for_homepage() except: self.redirect('/install') return if objs: if MYSQL_TO_KVDB_SUPPORT: fromid = objs[0]['id'] endid = objs[-1]['id'] #totalblog = Article.get_totalnum_arti() totalblog = get_count('Totalblog',NUM_SHARDS,0) else: fromid = objs[0].id endid = objs[-1].id totalblog = get_count('Totalblog',NUM_SHARDS,0) else: fromid = endid = '' allpost = Article.count_all_post() allpage = allpost/EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM if allpost%EACH_PAGE_POST_NUM: allpage += 1 output = self.render('index.html', { 'title': "%s - %s"%(getAttr('SITE_TITLE'),getAttr('SITE_SUB_TITLE')), 'keywords':getAttr('KEYWORDS'), 'description':getAttr('SITE_DECR'), 'objs': objs, 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'archives': Archive.get_all_archive_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': allpage, 'listtype': 'index', 'fromid': fromid, 'endid': endid, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), 'isauthor':self.isAuthor(), 'Totalblog':totalblog, },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) return output
def get(self, id = '', title = ''): tmpl = '' obj = Article.get_article_by_id_detail(id) if not obj: self.redirect(BASE_URL) return #redirect to right title try: title = unquote(title).decode('utf-8') except: pass if title != obj.slug: self.redirect(obj.absolute_url, 301) return # if obj.password and THEME == 'default': rp = self.get_cookie("rp%s" % id, '') if rp != obj.password: tmpl = '_pw' self.set_header("Last-Modified", obj.last_modified) output = self.render('page%s.html'%tmpl, { 'title': "%s - %s"%(obj.title, SITE_TITLE), 'keywords':obj.keywords, 'description':obj.description, 'obj': obj, 'cobjs': obj.coms, 'postdetail': 'postdetail', 'cats': Category.get_all_cat_name(), 'tags': Tag.get_hot_tag_name(), 'page': 1, 'allpage': 10, 'comments': Comment.get_recent_comments(), 'links':Link.get_all_links(), },layout='_layout.html') self.write(output) if obj.password and THEME == 'default': return else: return output