def _test_updatePath(self): path = Path( '5e64cfce8aeb3647322e0880', { 'id': '5e64de9265bf8bca60db5865', "planCoordinate": { "x": -50, "y": 0 }, "actualCoordinate": { "x": -50, "y": -70 }, }, { 'id': '5e64deb3bd4b95cd35f1430f', "planCoordinate": { "x": 70, "y": 70 }, "actualCoordinate": { "x": 70, "y": 70 } }) path = self.EdgeDao.savePath(path) path.pointA['planCoordinate'] = {"x": -50, "y": 0} self.assertEqual(len(, 24)
def test_savePath(self): points = pointDao.findAll('5e64cfce8aeb3647322e0880') path = Path('5e64cfce8aeb3647322e0880', points[0].toJsonMap(), points[1].toJsonMap()) self.EdgeDao.savePath(path) path = Path('5e64cfce8aeb3647322e0880', points[1].toJsonMap(), points[2].toJsonMap()) self.EdgeDao.savePath(path) path = Path('5e64cfce8aeb3647322e0880', points[0].toJsonMap(), points[2].toJsonMap()) self.EdgeDao.savePath(path)
def create_test_world(): world = add(World(name='Test World')) portal = add(Location(name='Portal', world=world)) plaza = add(Location(name='Plaza', world=world)) hotel = add(Location(name='Old Grand Hotel', world=world)) basement = add(Location(name='Hotel Basement', world=world)) add( Path( start=portal, destination=hotel, description= "YOU ARE IN THE HOTEL. THERE'S A DOOR TO THE BASEMENT IN FRONT OF YOU." )) add( Path( start=plaza, destination=hotel, description= "YOU ARE IN THE HOTEL. THERE'S A DOOR TO THE BASEMENT IN FRONT OF YOU." )) add( Path(start=hotel, destination=plaza, description="YOU ARE IN THE PLAZA, FACING THE HOTEL.")) add( Path( start=hotel, destination=basement, description= "YOU ARE IN THE BASEMENT. THERE ARE STAIRS UP TO THE HOTEL LOBBY BEHIND YOU." )) add( Path( start=basement, destination=hotel, description= "YOU ARE IN THE HOTEL LOBBY. THERE'S AN EXIT TO THE PLAZA IN FRONT OF YOU." )) add( Session(code='TestSession1', active=True, current_location=hotel, previous_location=portal)) db.session.commit()
def _get_paths_starting_with(self, first, paths): ret = [] for path in paths: c_path = Path(path=path) if c_path.cells[-1] == first: c_path.cells.reverse() if c_path.cells[0] == first: ret.append(c_path) return ret
def _find_path_starting_and_ending_with(self, first, last, paths): for path in paths: c_path = Path(path=path) if c_path.cells[0] == first and c_path.cells[-1] == last: return c_path c_path.cells.reverse() if c_path.cells[0] == first and c_path.cells[-1] == last: return c_path return None
def get_index_object(self, start, end): """ A method to generate query, that gets bunch of object to show in the list """ query = Path.all() query.filter('parent_c_key =', self.content.get_namekey()) query.order(self.LIST_ORDER) return list(query.fetch(self.PAGE_SIZE, offset = start))
def upload_and_db(title, imgs): """ 把得到的img的url和title上传到七牛,返回的url存入到数据库 """ q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) new_pic = Picture(title=title) db_session.add(new_pic) db_session.flush() picture_id = for img in imgs: print img data = requests.get(img).content new_path = Path(picture=new_pic) db_session.add(new_path) db_session.flush() key_path = key_upload + str( mime_type = "image/jpeg" token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key_path) ret, info = put_data(token, key_path, data, mime_type=mime_type, check_crc=True) new_path.path_ = qiniu_url + ret['key'] db_session.commit() return picture_id
def parse_data(self, data): paths = [] for item in data: parts = item.split() ftype = parts[0] size = parts[4] if len(parts) > 9: filename = ' '.join(parts[8:]) else: filename = parts[8] date = '{month} {day} {t}'.format(month=parts[5], day=parts[6], t=parts[7]) if filename == '.': # Skip this one continue paths.append(Path(ftype, size, filename, date)) wx.CallAfter(pub.sendMessage, 'update', paths=paths)
def _map_init(self, map_msg): row_num = map_msg["rows"] col_num = map_msg["cols"] input_cells = [[Cell(row=row, col=col) for col in range(col_num)] for row in range(row_num)] paths = [Path(id=path["id"], cells=[input_cells[cell["row"]][cell["col"]] for cell in path["cells"]] ) for path in map_msg["paths"]] kings = [King(player_id=king["playerId"], center=input_cells[king["center"]["row"]][king["center"]["col"]], hp=king["hp"], attack=king["attack"], range=king["range"], target=None, target_cell=None, is_alive=True) for king in map_msg["kings"]] self.players = [Player(player_id=map_msg["kings"][i]["playerId"], king=kings[i], deck=[], hand=[], ap=self.game_constants.max_ap, paths_from_player=self._get_paths_starting_with(kings[i].center, paths), path_to_friend=self._find_path_starting_and_ending_with(kings[i].center, kings[i ^ 1].center, paths), units=[], cast_area_spell=None, cast_unit_spell=None, duplicate_units=[], hasted_units=[], played_units=[], died_units=[], range_upgraded_unit=None, damage_upgraded_unit=None, spells=[]) for i in range(4)] for player in self.players: player.paths_from_player.remove(player.path_to_friend) self.player = self.players[0] self.player_friend = self.players[1] self.player_first_enemy = self.players[2] self.player_second_enemy = self.players[3] = Map(row_num=row_num, col_num=col_num, paths=paths, kings=kings, cells=input_cells, units=[])
def _handle_turn_units(self, msg, is_dead_unit=False): if not is_dead_unit: self._map._clear_units() for player in self._players: player.units.clear() player.played_units.clear() player.hasted_units.clear() player.duplicate_units.clear() player.range_upgraded_unit = None player.damage_upgraded_unit = None else: for player in self._players: player.died_units.clear() unit_input_list = [] for unit_msg in msg: unit_id = unit_msg["unitId"] player = self.get_player_by_id(player_id=unit_msg["playerId"]) base_unit = self._base_units[unit_msg["typeId"]] if not unit_msg['target'] == -1: target_cell = Cell(row=unit_msg["targetCell"]["row"], col=unit_msg["targetCell"]["col"]) else: target_cell = None unit = Unit( unit_id=unit_id, base_unit=base_unit, cell=self._map.get_cell(unit_msg["cell"]["row"], unit_msg["cell"]["col"]), path=self._map.get_path_by_id(unit_msg["pathId"]), hp=unit_msg["hp"], damage_level=unit_msg["damageLevel"], range_level=unit_msg["rangeLevel"], is_duplicate=unit_msg["isDuplicate"], is_hasted=unit_msg["isHasted"], range=unit_msg["range"], attack=unit_msg["attack"], target=None, # will be set later when all units are in set target_cell=target_cell, affected_spells=[ self.get_cast_spell_by_id(cast_spell_id) for cast_spell_id in unit_msg["affectedSpells"] ], target_if_king=None if self.get_player_by_id(unit_msg["target"]) is None else self.get_player_by_id(unit_msg["target"]).king, player_id=unit_msg["playerId"]) unit_input_list.append(unit) if unit.path is not None: if self.get_player_by_id( unit.player_id ) in unit.path.cells and unit.path.cells[ 0] != self.get_player_by_id( unit.player_id) unit.path = Path(path=unit.path) unit.path.cells.reverse() if self._get_friend_by_id( unit.player_id ) in unit.path.cells and unit.path.cells[ 0] != self._get_friend_by_id( unit.player_id) unit.path = Path(path=unit.path) unit.path.cells.reverse() if not is_dead_unit: self._map._add_unit_in_cell(unit.cell.row, unit.cell.col, unit) player.units.append(unit) if unit_msg["wasDamageUpgraded"]: player.damage_upgraded_unit = unit if unit_msg["wasRangeUpgraded"]: player.range_upgraded_unit = unit if unit_msg["wasPlayedThisTurn"]: player.played_units.append(unit) if unit.is_hasted: player.hasted_units.append(unit) if unit.is_duplicate: player.duplicate_units.append(unit) else: player.died_units.append(unit) for i in range(len(unit_input_list)): unit = unit_input_list[i] if unit.target_if_king is not None: = None else: = self.get_unit_by_id(msg[i]["target"])
def _testDropPath(self): path = Path(mapId='5e64cfce8aeb3647322e0880', id='5e64e06d5f5e97bf5ead919b') print(, path.mapId) result = self.EdgeDao.dropPath(path) self.assertEqual(result, 1)