Beispiel #1
def sync_photo(id, flickr, check_dirty=False):    
    print id
    db_photo = session.query(Photo).filter(Photo.flickr_id == id).first()
    if db_photo and not check_dirty:
        print 'Photo is already local.'
        return db_photo
    photo = simplejson.loads(flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id=id, nojsoncallback=1))
    p = photo['photo'] 
    (id, title) = (int(p['id']), p['title']['_content'])
    url = url_for_photo(p)
    page_url = p['urls']['url'][0]['_content']
    description = """%s\n
Taken: %s in %s
Flickr: %s""" % (p['title']['_content'], p['description']['_content'], p['dates']['taken'], loc_to_string(p), page_url)

    if db_photo:
        print "Photo %s already exists" % id
        if db_photo.title == title and db_photo.description == description:
           return db_photo 
        db_photo.dirty = True   
        db_photo.title = title
        db_photo.description = description
        url = url_for_photo(p)
        db_photo = Photo(title= title, description=description, flickr_id=id, dirty=False, url=url) 
        if not p['visibility']['ispublic']:
            db_photo.private = True
    sync_tags(db_photo, p)

    return db_photo