def forward(self, rois, feature_maps): """ rois: (batch, n_rois, [y1, x1, y2, x2]). Proposal boxes in normalized coordinates. feature_maps: [p2, p3, p4, p5], Each is (batch, channels, h, w). Note h and w is different among feature maps. return: logits: (batch, n_rois, n_classes) classifier logits (before softmax) probs: (batch, n_rois, n_classes) classifier probabilities bbox_deltas: (batch, n_rois, n_classes, [dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw)]) Deltas to apply to proposal boxes. """ # ROI Polling. (batch, num_rois, channels, pool_size, pool_size) x = self.pyramid_roi_align.process(rois, feature_maps) # self.vfm['fpn_classifier_roi_align'] = x # TODO: Make sure that batch_slice is equal to TimeDistributed # Share weights among dim "num_rois". x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.conv1) x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.conv2) # (batch, num_rois, fc_layers_size, 1, 1) to (batch, num_rois, fc_layers_size) shared = torch.squeeze(torch.squeeze(x, dim=4), dim=3) # Classifier head mrcnn_class_logits = Utils.time_distributed(shared, self.dense_logits) mrcnn_probs = Utils.time_distributed(mrcnn_class_logits, nn.Softmax(dim=-1)) # BBox head mrcnn_bbox = Utils.time_distributed(shared, self.dense_bbox) # [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES * (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))] to # [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))] shape = mrcnn_bbox.shape[:2] + (self.num_classes, 4) mrcnn_bbox = torch.reshape(mrcnn_bbox, shape) return mrcnn_class_logits, mrcnn_probs, mrcnn_bbox
def get_max_jaccard_per_target_fragment(graph, predicted_fragments): max_jaccard_per_target = dict() nodes_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'label') data_nodes, head_nodes = set(), set() for node, label in nodes_labels.items(): if label == 'Header': head_nodes.add(node) else: data_nodes.add(node) # if it contains a header and a data, than it is a candidate table candidate_tables, other_fragments = list(), list() for frag in predicted_fragments: if (frag & head_nodes) and (frag & data_nodes): candidate_tables.append(frag) else: other_fragments.append(frag) tables_node_areas = Utils.group_node_area_tuples_by_tableId(graph) table_ids = set(tables_node_areas.keys()) if len(candidate_tables) > 0: for frag in candidate_tables: jaccard_per_fragment = Utils.evaluate_identified_table( graph, graph.subgraph(frag)) for tbl_id in jaccard_per_fragment.keys(): if tbl_id != -1: # -1 is a special id reserved for regions outside the annotated tables if tbl_id in max_jaccard_per_target.keys(): if max_jaccard_per_target[ tbl_id] < jaccard_per_fragment[tbl_id]: max_jaccard_per_target[ tbl_id] = jaccard_per_fragment[tbl_id] else: max_jaccard_per_target[tbl_id] = jaccard_per_fragment[ tbl_id] else: for tbl_id in table_ids: max_jaccard_per_target[tbl_id] = 0.0 if (-1 in table_ids) and other_fragments: for frag in other_fragments: jaccard_per_fragment = Utils.evaluate_identified_table( graph, graph.subgraph(frag)) if -1 in jaccard_per_fragment.keys(): if -1 in max_jaccard_per_target.keys(): if max_jaccard_per_target[-1] < jaccard_per_fragment[-1]: max_jaccard_per_target[-1] = jaccard_per_fragment[-1] else: max_jaccard_per_target[-1] = jaccard_per_fragment[-1] # when there are tables that do not overlap with any of the predicted candidate_tables remaining = table_ids - set(max_jaccard_per_target.keys()) for tbl_id in remaining: max_jaccard_per_target[tbl_id] = 0.0 return max_jaccard_per_target
def check_param(threadCount, requestUrl, methods, params): if threadCount <= 0: log.logger.error("请求数量不能小于 0 ") exit(0) if str(methods).lower() != 'get' and str(methods).lower() != 'post': log.logger.error("请求方法错误") exit(0) if util.check_url(requestUrl) is False: log.logger.error("请求地址格式错误") exit(0) if util.check_json(params) is False: log.logger.error("JSON格式错误") exit(0)
def process(self, anchors, scores, deltas): """ anchors: (batch, num_anchors, [y1, x1, y2, x2]) anchors in normalized coordinates scores: (batch, num_anchors, [bg prob, fg prob]) deltas: (batch, num_anchors, [dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw)]) """ # (batch, num_anchors, [fg_prob]) scores = scores[:, :, 1] # TODO: Bounding box refinement standard deviation on deltas? # Filter out top N(pre_nms_limit) rois according to the scores and get their indices. scores, ix = torch.topk(scores, k=self.pre_nms_limit, dim=-1, sorted=True) deltas = Utils.batch_slice( [deltas, ix], lambda x, y: torch.index_select(x, dim=0, index=y)) anchors = Utils.batch_slice( [anchors, ix], lambda x, y: torch.index_select(x, dim=0, index=y)) self.vfm['rpn_scores'] = scores self.vfm['rpn_anchors'] = anchors # Apply deltas to anchors to get refined boxes. [batch, N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] boxes = Utils.batch_slice([anchors, deltas], lambda x, y: Utils.refine_boxes(x, y)) # Clip boxes window = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=boxes.dtype).to(device=boxes.device) boxes = Utils.batch_slice(boxes, lambda x: Utils.clip_boxes(x, window)) # nms proposals = Utils.batch_slice([boxes, scores], self.nms) return proposals
def lambda_handler(event, context): add_device_readings() """ This function inserts content into mysql RDS instance """ # class MySQLModel(pw.Model): # ''' # base model that will use our MySQL database # ''' # class Meta: # database = myDB # class User(MySQLModel): # username = pw.CharField() # # etc, etc # # when you're ready to start querying, remember to connect # try: # myDB.connect() #"Connected to db") # except Exception as e: # logger.error("Unable to connect to the DB") # data_source = [ # {'field1': 'val1-1', 'field2': 'val1-2'}, # {'field1': 'val2-1', 'field2': 'val2-2'}, # # ... # ] # SensorName LastCommunicationDate X_mms Y_mms Z_mms X_hz Y_hz Z_hz # Sensor-300578 08-08-2017 08:14 20 20.4 16.7 14 12 17 # Sensor-300578 08-08-2017 08:14 20 20.4 16.7 14 12 17 # Sensor-300578 08-08-2017 08:14 20 20.4 16.7 14 12 17 # Sensor-300577 08-08-2017 08:17 25 24.3 10.8 15 11 19 # Sensor-300578 08-08-2017 08:14 20 20.4 16.7 14 12 17 dt = '08-08-2017 08:14' import datetime datetime_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M') data_source = [ {'device': Device.get_or_create(name='Sensor-300578')[0], 'device_display_time' : datetime_object}, {'device': Device.get_or_create(name='Sensor-300577')[0], 'device_display_time' : datetime_object} ] # data_source = [ # {'device': Device.get_or_create(name='Sensor-300578') }, # {'device': Device.get_or_create(name='Sensor-300577')} # ] Utils().bulk_insert_device_readings(data_source) # person, created = Device.get_or_create(name='Sensor-300578') # print(person, created) # print(Device.get_or_create(name='Sensor-300578')[0]) # foo = DeviceReadings.create(device = Device.get(name='Sensor-300578')) # print("device created") # print(foo) # user = User.create(username='******', password='******') return "Added %d items to RDS MySQL table"
def get_box_ap_dict_graph(n_class_ids, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, detection_boxes, detection_classes, detection_scores): """ Get ap tp/fp list of the detection boxes in an image. n_class_ids: int. The number of classes. gt_class_ids: (max_instance_per_img) gt_boxes: (max_instance_per_img, [y1, x1, y2, x2]) detection_boxes: (detection_max_instance, [y1, x1, y2, x2]) detection_classes: (detection_max_instance, [class_id]) detection_scores: (detection_max_instance, [score]) return: class_ap_dict: {class_id: [confidence, judge]} """ # Create ap dict. {class_id: [confidence, judge]} class_ap_dict = {} for i in range(n_class_ids): class_ap_dict[i + 1] = [] for class_id_from_zero in range(n_class_ids): class_id = class_id_from_zero + 1 gt_index = gt_class_ids.eq(class_id) gt_box = gt_boxes[gt_index] # (n_gt_box) detection_index = detection_classes.eq(class_id) confidence = detection_scores[detection_index] # (n_detection_box) detection_box = detection_boxes[ detection_index] # (n_detection_box, 4) if gt_box.shape[0] == 0: tp_index = set() else: overlaps = Utils.compute_overlaps( detection_box, gt_box) # (n_detection_box, n_gt_box) # 1. For every gt box, get the max IoU as tp. if overlaps.shape[0] > 1: tp_index1 = overlaps.argmax(dim=0) # (n_gt_box) else: tp_index1 = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.int32) # 2. Get the index of the box which has IoU>0.5. tp_index2 =[:, 0] # 3. Take intersection set. tp_index1 = tp_index1.cpu().numpy().tolist() tp_index2 = tp_index2.cpu().numpy().tolist() tp_index = set(tp_index1).intersection(set(tp_index2)) # Append [confidence, judge] for specific class_id. for n in range(confidence.shape[0]): if n in tp_index: judge = 'tp' else: judge = 'fp' class_ap_dict[class_id].append([confidence[n].cpu().item(), judge]) return class_ap_dict
def process(self, rois, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox): """ rois: (batch, n_rois, 4) mrcnn_class: (batch, n_rois, n_classes) mrcnn_bbox: (batch, n_rois, n_classes, 4) return: (batch, detection_max_instance, [y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id, score]) """ detections_batch = Utils.batch_slice([rois, mrcnn_class, mrcnn_bbox], self.refine_detections_graph) return detections_batch
def show_detections(self): for batch in range(self.batchsize): batch_denorm_boxes = Utils.denorm_boxes(self.detection_boxes[batch], self.image_shape) # gather masks batch_masks_raw = self.detection_masks[batch] # (max_instances, n_classes, h_mask, w_mask) batch_class_ids = self.detection_class_ids[batch] # (max_instances) # (max_instances, h_mask, w_mask) detection_masks = batch_masks_raw[np.arange(0, batch_masks_raw.shape[0]), batch_class_ids.astype(np.int64)] self.draw_boxes(batch, batch_denorm_boxes, batch_class_ids, self.detection_scores[batch], detection_masks, self.detection_savepath)
def show_boxes(self, boxes, save_dir, scores=None): """ channel: int. boxes: (batch, n_boxes, 4) scores: (batch, n_boxes) """ boxes = self.get_numpy_if_tensor(boxes) scores = self.get_numpy_if_tensor(scores) for batch in range(self.batchsize): denorm_boxes = Utils.denorm_boxes(boxes[batch], self.image_shape) score = self.get_slice_data(scores, batch) self.draw_boxes(batch, denorm_boxes, scores=score, save_dir=save_dir)
def show_boxes_match(self, boxes, match, match_score, save_dir): """ channel: int. boxes: (batch, n_boxes, 4) match: (batch, n_boxes) save_dir: str """ boxes = self.get_numpy_if_tensor(boxes) match = self.get_numpy_if_tensor(match) for batch in range(self.batchsize): ix = np.equal(match[batch], match_score).nonzero() boxes_match = boxes[batch][ix] denorm_boxes = Utils.denorm_boxes(boxes_match, self.image_shape) self.draw_boxes(batch, self.show_channel, denorm_boxes, save_dir=save_dir)
def show_boxes_filt(self, boxes, score, threshold, save_dir): """ channel: int. boxes: (batch, n_boxes, 4) match: (batch, n_boxes) save_dir: str """ boxes = self.get_numpy_if_tensor(boxes) score = self.get_numpy_if_tensor(score) for batch in range(self.batchsize): ix = np.where(score[batch]>threshold, True, False) boxes_match = boxes[batch][ix] denorm_boxes = Utils.denorm_boxes(boxes_match, self.image_shape) self.draw_boxes(batch, denorm_boxes, save_dir=save_dir)
def visualize(self, save_dir): boxes = Utils.denorm_boxes(self.boxes, self.canvas.shape[-2:]) for batch in range(boxes.shape[0]): image = self.canvas[batch, 0] for i in range(boxes.shape[1]): box = boxes[batch, i] class_id = int(round(self.class_ids[batch, i])) mask = self.mask[batch, i] save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, '{}_{}'.format(batch, i)) Visualization.visualize_1_box(image, box, name=str(class_id), mask=mask, save_path=save_path)
def lambda_handler(event, context): """ This function reads csv file from S3 bucket and inserts content into mysql RDS instance. ** This lambda is not suitable to files with many records. """ # Sample CSV format # SensorName LastCommunicationDate X_mms Y_mms Z_mms X_hz Y_hz Z_hz # Sensor-300578 08-08-2017 08:14 20 20.4 16.7 14 12 17 # Sensor-300578 08-08-2017 08:14 20 20.4 16.7 14 12 17 # Sensor-300578 08-08-2017 08:14 20 20.4 16.7 14 12 17 # Sensor-300577 08-08-2017 08:17 25 24.3 10.8 15 11 19 ''' Execute the below lines to set up the tables and load mock data"start setup tables") Utils().setup_tables() Utils().load_mock_data()"setup table and mock data completed") ''' try: lines = read_csv_s3(event) data_source = []"start forming device reading object") idx = 0 for line in lines: if idx > 0: d_reading_obj = construct_device_reading_data(line) if d_reading_obj: data_source.append(d_reading_obj) check_notify_alert(d_reading_obj) idx += 1 #"IDX NO %s", idx)"Adding data to the db. IDX : %s", idx) Utils().bulk_insert_device_readings(data_source)"bulk insert successful") except Exception as exp: logger.exception("Exception occured %s", exp) return "Added %d items to RDS MySQL table" % (idx)
def forward(self, rois, feature_maps): """ rois: (batch, n_rois, [y1, x1, y2, x2]). Proposal boxes in normalized coordinates. feature_maps: [p2, p3, p4, p5], Each is (batch, channels, h, w). Note h and w is different among feature maps. return:(batch, num_rois, n_classes, mask_pool_size*2, mask_pool_size*2) """ # ROI Polling. (batch, num_rois, channels, mask_pool_size, mask_pool_size) x = self.pyramid_roi_align.process(rois, feature_maps) # self.vfm['fpn_mask_roi_align'] = x # x = Utils.batch_slice(x, self.conv1) x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.conv1) # self.vfm['fpn_mask_conv1'] = x # x = Utils.batch_slice(x, self.conv2) x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.conv2) # x.register_hook(save_grad('x')) # try: # print(grads['x'].max()) # except: # pass # self.vfm['fpn_mask_conv2'] = x # x = Utils.batch_slice(x, self.conv3) x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.conv3) # self.vfm['fpn_mask_conv3'] = x # x = Utils.batch_slice(x, self.conv4) x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.conv4) # self.vfm['fpn_mask_conv4'] = x # x = Utils.batch_slice(x, self.deconv) x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.deconv) # self.vfm['fpn_mask_deconv'] = x # x = Utils.batch_slice(x, self.conv1x1) x = Utils.time_distributed(x, self.conv1x1) # self.vfm['fpn_mask_conv1x1'] = x return x
# # rua = ops.roi_align(images, box, output_size=[60,40]) # rua = rua.squeeze(dim=1).cpu() # plt.imshow(rua[0, 0]) # # 2. # numpy_data = np.zeros([40000, 1], dtype=float) # cpu_data = torch.tensor(numpy_data) # gpu_data = cpu_data.cuda() # # print('gpu: ', torch.argmax(gpu_data, dim=1)) # print('cpu: ', torch.argmax(cpu_data, dim=1)) # 3. grad_saver = Utils.GradSaver() size = 10 x = 0.1 * torch.ones([size, size], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True).cuda() y = torch.ones([size, size], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False).cuda() z = torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy(x, y) # In here, save_grad('y') returns a hook (a function) that keeps 'y' as name x.register_hook(grad_saver.save_grad('x_grad')) z.register_hook(grad_saver.save_grad('z_grad')) z.backward() grad_saver.print_grad('x_grad') grad_saver.print_grad('z_grad')
import torch import torch.nn as nn from model.FunctionLayers import PyramidROIAlign from model import Utils from torchvision.models.resnet import ResNet, Bottleneck grads = Utils.GradSaver() # ResNet class ResBlock(nn.Module): """ Construct Residual block used in the ResNet. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, filters, stride=1, res_conv=False, train_bn=True): """ in_channels: the channel number of input tensor filters: [n_filter1, n_filter2, n_filter3], the filter number of the three conv blocks stride: the stride of the first conv1x1 (including shortcut) res_conv: bool, whether conv1x1 is used in the shortcut """ super().__init__() self.res_conv = res_conv self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, filters[0], kernel_size=1, stride=stride), nn.BatchNorm2d(filters[0], track_running_stats=train_bn), nn.ReLU()) self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(filters[0], filters[1], kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.BatchNorm2d(filters[1], track_running_stats=train_bn), nn.ReLU())
def main(test_dataset_path, train_dataset_path, metrics_calc_fun, weight_bounds, n_buckets=10, seed=1, n_opt_runs=10, n_searches=10, max_n_frgm=200, n_frgm_per_table=10, tf=None): # read json datasets print("\nUsing training dataset = %s" % train_dataset_path) print("Using test dataset = %s" % test_dataset_path) test_sheets = Reader.read_json_dataset(test_dataset_path) error_sheets = Reader.read_json_dataset(train_dataset_path) test_graphs = list() error_graphs = list() for i in range(len(error_sheets)): # create graphs er_multi_digraph = Builder.create_graph_for_sheet(error_sheets[i]) ts_multi_digraph = Builder.create_graph_for_sheet(test_sheets[i]) # remove in-view edges er_multi_digraph = Utils.remove_inview_edges(er_multi_digraph, is_strict=False) ts_multi_digraph = Utils.remove_inview_edges(ts_multi_digraph, is_strict=False) # store graph for later use error_graphs.append(er_multi_digraph) test_graphs.append(ts_multi_digraph) # distribute the graphs into buckets for the cross validation print("Distribute into %d buckets using seed=%d" % (n_buckets, seed)) error_buckets = distribute_graphs_to_buckets_by_file(error_graphs, n_buckets, balance_multis=True, seed=seed) test_buckets = distribute_graphs_to_buckets_by_file(test_graphs, n_buckets, balance_multis=True, seed=seed) print("Execute %d times the genetic search" % n_searches) print("Perform %d weight optimization rounds" % n_opt_runs) # fit the transformer for scaling the metrics' values print("Using max_n_frag=%d, n_frag_per_table=%d" % (max_n_frgm, n_frgm_per_table)) if not tf: tf_fit = None print("Working with unscaled data") else: tf_fit = fit_transformer(tf, error_graphs, metrics_calc_fun, max_n_frgm * n_opt_runs, (n_frgm_per_table * n_opt_runs) if n_frgm_per_table > 0 else -1) print("Scale the data using '%s'" % tf.__class__.__name__) # collect results print("Using the function '%s' to calculate fragmentation metrics" % str(metrics_calc_fun.__name__)) scores_per_graph = list() target_scores, predicted_scores = list(), list() # for each fold train and test for j in range(len(error_buckets)): print("\n\nFold Nr.%d" % j) train_buckets = list(error_buckets[:j]) train_buckets.extend(error_buckets[j + 1:]) # the sheet graphs from the other buckets train_graphs = list() for bk in train_buckets: train_graphs.extend(bk.sheet_graphs) # identify the optimal weights based on examples from the training set. # for better accuracy, we perform the optimization several times # and take the weighted average of the results error_rates = list() weights = list() for _ in range(n_opt_runs): # create an optimization sample tables_metrics, part_metrics, tables_counts, graph_indices = \ get_sample_for_optimization(train_graphs, metrics_calc_fun, max_n_frgm=max_n_frgm, n_frgm_per_table=n_frgm_per_table) tables_values, part_values = list(), list() for index in range(len(tables_metrics)): tables_values.append(list(tables_metrics[index].values())) part_values.append(list(part_metrics[index].values())) if tf_fit: t_values_scaled = tf_fit.transform(np.array(tables_values)) p_values_scaled = tf_fit.transform(np.array(part_values)) else: t_values_scaled = tables_values p_values_scaled = part_values optw = get_optimal_weights(t_values_scaled, p_values_scaled, weight_bounds, tbl_counts=None, method='slsqp_jac') weights.append(optw) error = calculate_error_rate(t_values_scaled, p_values_scaled, optw) error_rates.append(error) # calculate the weighted average of all optimization iterations # we use the error rate to weight the instances (i.e., the optimal weights) inverse_error_rates = [1 - er for er in error_rates] # the smaller the error the better weights_t = np.transpose(weights) # transpose to bring to the right shape for multiplication multi_ew = np.multiply(inverse_error_rates, weights_t) sum_ew = np.sum(multi_ew, axis=1) inverse_error_sum = sum(inverse_error_rates) avg_opt_weights = list(np.divide(sum_ew, inverse_error_sum)) print("Optimal Weights: %s" % str(avg_opt_weights)) print("Inverse Errors: %s" % str(inverse_error_rates)) # the averaged weights for each metric metrics_weights = dict() # metrics_weights["count_empty_cols"] = avg_opt_weights[0] # metrics_weights["count_empty_rows"] = avg_opt_weights[1] metrics_weights["avg_adj_emt_width"] = avg_opt_weights[0] metrics_weights["avg_adj_emt_height"] = avg_opt_weights[1] metrics_weights["data_above_ratio"] = avg_opt_weights[2] metrics_weights["neg_head_align_ratio"] = avg_opt_weights[3] metrics_weights["neg_data_align_ratio"] = avg_opt_weights[4] metrics_weights["count_other_hvalid"] = avg_opt_weights[5] metrics_weights["all_in_one_column"] = avg_opt_weights[6] # metrics_weights["count_only_data"] = avg_opt_weights[7] # metrics_weights["count_only_head"] = avg_opt_weights[8] metrics_weights["overlap_ratio"] = avg_opt_weights[7] # identify the tables for each sheet graph in the test bucket for bk_gix in range(len(test_buckets[j].sheet_graphs)): bk_graph = test_buckets[j].sheet_graphs[bk_gix] # print("\nGraph={file='%s', sheet='%s'}" % (bk_graph.graph['file'], bk_graph.graph['sheet'])) jaccards_per_table = dict() for _ in range(n_searches): # search for best fragmentation. search can be either exhaustive or genetic, depending on the graph size predicted, p_score, true_tables, t_score = \ reduced_search.identify_tables(bk_graph, metrics_weights, metrics_calc_fun, genetic_algorithm='varOr', scaler=tf_fit, use_seed=True, multi_process=False, verbose=False, show_stats=False) predicted_scores.append(p_score) target_scores.append(t_score) # evaluate the predictions, by finding per true table the best match from the predicted fragments max_jaccards = eval.get_max_jaccard_per_target_fragment(bk_graph, predicted) for tid in max_jaccards.keys(): if tid not in jaccards_per_table: jaccards_per_table[tid] = list() jaccards_per_table[tid].append(max_jaccards[tid]) # calculate the average jaccard per table. avg_jaccard_per_table = dict() for tid in jaccards_per_table.keys(): avg_jaccard_per_table[tid] = sum(jaccards_per_table[tid]) / n_searches scores_per_graph.append(avg_jaccard_per_table) # print("Avg Jaccard per Table = %s" % str(avg_jaccard_per_table)) # display the evaluation results ordered_sheet_graphs = list() for bk in test_buckets: ordered_sheet_graphs.extend(bk.sheet_graphs) dict_scores_per_graph = dict() for ix in range(len(ordered_sheet_graphs)): dict_scores_per_graph[ix] = scores_per_graph[ix] print("\n\n\nOverall Results") eval.display_evaluation_results(dict_scores_per_graph, ordered_sheet_graphs, print_threshold=0.9)
def process(self, proposals): outputs = Utils.batch_slice( [proposals, self.gt_class_ids, self.gt_boxes, self.gt_masks], self.detection_targets_graph) return outputs
def detection_targets_graph(self, proposals, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks): """ Subsample proposals for one image (i.e. one batch) by splitting positive and negative proposals. proposals: (N, [y1, x1, y2, x2]). Proposals in normalized coordinates after ProposalLayer. Might be zero padded if there are not enough proposals. gt_class_ids: (all_GT_instances). Class IDs. gt_boxes: (all_GT_instances, [y1, x1, y2, x2]). Ground truth boxes in normalized coordinates. gt_masks: (all_GT_instances, height, width). Ground truth masks of boolen type. return: rois: (n, 4). With zero paddings. roi_gt_class_ids: (n). With zero paddings. deltas: (n, 4). With zero paddings. roi_gt_masks_minibox: (n, mask_h, mask_w) """ # Remove zero padding proposals, _ = Utils.trim_zero_graph(proposals) gt_boxes, non_zeros_ix = Utils.trim_zero_graph(gt_boxes) gt_class_ids = torch.index_select(gt_class_ids, dim=0, index=non_zeros_ix) gt_masks = torch.index_select(gt_masks, dim=0, index=non_zeros_ix) # Compute overlaps. overlaps = Utils.compute_overlaps( proposals, gt_boxes) # (n_proposals, n_gt_boxes) # Determine positive and negative ROIs. # To every proposal, get the max IoU with all the gt boxes. proposal_iou_max, _ = torch.max(overlaps, dim=1) # Positive rois are those with >= 0.5 IoU with a GT box. # Negative rois are those with < 0.5 IoU with every GT box. positive_roi_bool = proposal_iou_max, torch.tensor([self.positive_iou_threshold], dtype=proposal_iou_max.dtype, device=proposal_iou_max.device)) positive_ix = torch.nonzero(positive_roi_bool) negative_ix = torch.nonzero(~positive_roi_bool) # print(positive_ix.shape, negative_ix.shape) # Subsample rois to make positive/all = proposal_positive_ratio # 1. Positive rois (proposal_positive_ratio * train_proposals_per_image, 4) positive_count = int(self.roi_positive_ratio * self.train_rois_per_image) # TODO: Need shuffle on positive_ix and negative_ix before index selecting. positive_ix = positive_ix[0:positive_count].squeeze(1) # 2. Negative rois ((1-1/proposal_positive_ratio)*positive_count, 4) # Should calculated by this formula because positive rois may be not enough. negative_count = int( (1 / self.roi_positive_ratio - 1) * positive_count) negative_ix = negative_ix[0:negative_count].squeeze(1) # 3. Gather selected rois positive_rois = torch.index_select(proposals, dim=0, index=positive_ix) negative_rois = torch.index_select(proposals, dim=0, index=negative_ix) # Assign positive rois to corresponding GT boxes # positive overlaps: (n_positive, n_gt_boxes) positive_overlaps = torch.index_select(overlaps, dim=0, index=positive_ix) # roi_gt_box_assignment: (n_positive), best corresponding GT box ids of every ROI if positive_overlaps.shape[0] > 0: roi_gt_box_assignment = torch.argmax(positive_overlaps, dim=1).to( positive_overlaps.device) else: roi_gt_box_assignment = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.int64).to( positive_overlaps.device) # roi_gt_boxes: (n_positive, 4). roi_gt_class_ids: (n_positive) roi_gt_boxes = torch.index_select(gt_boxes, dim=0, index=roi_gt_box_assignment) roi_gt_class_ids = torch.index_select(gt_class_ids, dim=0, index=roi_gt_box_assignment) # Compute deltas from positive_rois to roi_gt_boxes. (n_positive, 4) # TODO: BBOX_STD_DEV? deltas = Utils.compute_deltas(positive_rois, roi_gt_boxes) # Assign positive ROIs to corresponding GT masks. And permute to (n_positive, 1, height, weight) permuted_gt_masks = torch.unsqueeze(gt_masks, dim=1) roi_gt_masks = torch.index_select(permuted_gt_masks, dim=0, index=roi_gt_box_assignment) # Get masks in roi boxes. (n_positive, mask_h, mask_w) # TODO: normalize_to_mini_mask? positive_rois_transformed = transform_coordianates( positive_rois, gt_masks.shape[1:]) box_ids = torch.unsqueeze(torch.arange(0, roi_gt_masks.shape[0]), dim=1).to(roi_gt_masks.dtype).to( roi_gt_masks.device) positive_rois_transformed = [box_ids, positive_rois_transformed], dim=1) roi_gt_masks_minibox = ops.roi_align(roi_gt_masks, positive_rois_transformed, self.mask_shape) # Remove the extra dimension from masks. roi_gt_masks_minibox = torch.squeeze(roi_gt_masks_minibox, dim=1) # Threshold mask pixels at 0.5(have decimal cecause of RoiAlign) to have GT masks be 0 or 1 # to use with binary cross entropy loss. roi_gt_masks_minibox = torch.round(roi_gt_masks_minibox) # Append negative ROIs and pad zeros for negative ROIs' bbox deltas and masks. rois =[positive_rois, negative_rois], dim=0) n_nagetvie = negative_rois.shape[0] n_padding = torch.tensor( max(self.train_rois_per_image - rois.shape[0], 0)) # Padding rois = torch.nn.functional.pad(rois, pad=[0, 0, 0, n_padding]) roi_gt_boxes = torch.nn.functional.pad( roi_gt_boxes, pad=[0, 0, 0, n_padding + n_nagetvie]) roi_gt_class_ids = torch.nn.functional.pad( roi_gt_class_ids, pad=[0, n_padding + n_nagetvie]) deltas = torch.nn.functional.pad(deltas, pad=[0, 0, 0, n_padding + n_nagetvie]) roi_gt_masks_minibox = torch.nn.functional.pad( roi_gt_masks_minibox, pad=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n_padding + n_nagetvie]) # TODO: require grad? deltas = deltas.detach() roi_gt_masks_minibox = roi_gt_masks_minibox.detach() return rois, roi_gt_class_ids, deltas, roi_gt_masks_minibox
def show_dataset(self): for batch in range(self.batchsize): denorm_boxes = Utils.denorm_boxes(self.boxes[batch], self.image_shape) self.draw_boxes(batch, denorm_boxes, self.class_ids[batch], masks=self.masks[batch], save_dir=self.dataest_savepath)
def refine_detections_graph(self, rois, probs, deltas): """ rois: (N, [y1, x1, y2, x2]) in normalized coordinates. probs: (N, num_classes). All class probabilities of each roi. Note: num_classes includes background. deltas: (N, num_classes, [dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw)]). Deltas to all class of each roi. return: (detection_max_instance, [y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id, score]) """ # Best corresponding class to each roi.(from 0 to n_classes) class_ids = torch.argmax(probs, dim=1) # (N) # Best corresponding class scores and deltas. class_scores = probs[torch.arange(class_ids.shape[0]), class_ids] # (N) deltas_specific = deltas[torch.arange(class_ids.shape[0]), class_ids, :] # (N,4) # Apply bounding box deltas TODO: deltas_specific * config.BBOX_STD_DEV? refined_rois = Utils.refine_boxes(rois, deltas_specific) refined_rois = Utils.clip_boxes( refined_rois, if 'refined_rois' not in self.vfm.keys(): self.vfm['refined_rois'] = refined_rois.unsqueeze(dim=0) else: self.vfm['refined_rois'] = [self.vfm['refined_rois'], refined_rois.unsqueeze(dim=0)], dim=0) # Filter out background. # keep = torch.nonzero(, 0))[:, 0] # (n) # Filter out background. keep = # (n) # Omit filter out low confidence boxes. TODO: Confirm if it's appropriate. conf_keep = # (n) keep = (keep * conf_keep).nonzero()[:, 0] # (n) # Apply per-class NMS # 1. Prepare pre_nms_class_ids = class_ids[keep] # (n) pre_nms_scores = class_scores[keep] # (n) pre_nms_rois = refined_rois[keep] # (n,4) unique_pre_nms_class_ids = torch.unique( pre_nms_class_ids) # (n_unique). set of the class ids. def nms(class_id): """ Apply Non-Maximum Suppression on ROIs of the given class. class_id: int. return: (detection_max_instance) """ # Indices of ROIS of the given class ixs = pre_nms_class_ids.eq(class_id).nonzero()[:, 0] # Apply NMS. class_keep is the indice of the roi(after ixs index) after nms. class_keep = ops.nms(pre_nms_rois[ixs], pre_nms_scores[ixs], iou_threshold=self.detection_nms_threshold) # Because torch can't limit the proposal_count, it should be realized by myself. if class_keep.shape[0] > self.detection_max_instance: class_keep = class_keep[ 0:self. detection_max_instance] # because ops.nms has sorted it. class_keep = keep[ixs[class_keep]] # Pad with -1 so it can stack over ids. padding_count = self.detection_max_instance - class_keep.shape[0] class_keep = nn.functional.pad(class_keep, [0, padding_count], value=-1) return class_keep # 2. Loop over class IDs. (n_unique, detection_max_instance) nms_keep = Utils.batch_slice( torch.unsqueeze(unique_pre_nms_class_ids, dim=1), nms) # 3. Merge results into one dim, and remove -1 padding. nms_keep = torch.reshape(nms_keep, [-1]) # (n_unique * detection_max_instance) nms_keep = nms_keep[, -1)] # (n_nms) # 4. Compute intersection between keep and nms_keep. TODO: why not just use nms_keep. keep = set(keep.cpu().numpy().tolist()).intersection( set(nms_keep.cpu().numpy().tolist())) keep = torch.tensor(list(keep)).to(nms_keep.device) # Keep top detections. TODO: redundant? class_scores_keep = class_scores[keep] num_keep = min(class_scores_keep.shape[0], self.detection_max_instance) top_ids = torch.topk(class_scores_keep, k=num_keep, sorted=True)[1] # Arrange output as (n_detections, [y1, x1, y2, x2, class_id, score]) detections =[ refined_rois[keep], class_ids[keep].to( refined_rois.dtype).unsqueeze(dim=1), torch.unsqueeze(class_scores[keep], dim=1) ], dim=1) # Pad with zeros. Negative padding_count will reduce detections number to detection_max_instance. padding_count = self.detection_max_instance - detections.shape[0] detections = nn.functional.pad(detections, [0, 0, 0, padding_count]) return detections
import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore') from model import Utils from model import Pix2Pix as p2pModel if __name__ == '__main__': row, cdt = Utils().load_data(dirs="Dataset", dataset_name="nobg_mask") p2p = p2pModel(dataA=cdt, dataB=row) generator = p2p.build_generator() discriminator = p2p.build_discriminator() p2pgan = p2p.build_gan(generator, discriminator) from keras.utils import plot_model plot_model(generator, to_file="gen.png", show_shapes="True") plot_model(discriminator, to_file="dis.png", show_shapes="True") plot_model(p2pgan, to_file="gan.png", show_shapes="True") p2p.train(name="NBGM", models=[generator, discriminator, p2pgan], epochs=250, batch_size=16, sample_interval=5)
def get_sample_for_optimization(graphs, metrics_function, max_n_frgm=10, n_frgm_per_table=-1, verbose=False): annotated_tables, other_fragmentations = list(), list() table_counts, count_single, count_multi = list(), list(), list() graph_indices = list() for gix in range(len(graphs)): sheet_graph = graphs[gix] # collect and prepare the attributes for each node in this graph nodes_attributes = dict() for node, data in sheet_graph.nodes_iter(data=True): selected_data = dict() coordinates = Utils.get_node_region_coordinates(data) selected_data['area'] = data['area'] selected_data['coordinates'] = coordinates selected_data['columns'] = list( range(coordinates['xmin'], coordinates['xmax'])) selected_data['rows'] = list( range(coordinates['ymin'], coordinates['ymax'])) selected_data['label'] = data['label'] nodes_attributes[node] = selected_data # identify the tables in this graph tables_node_areas = Utils.group_node_area_tuples_by_tableId( sheet_graph, one_tbl_rule=True) # the ids of the tables in the graph table_ids = list(tables_node_areas.keys()) n_tables = len( table_ids) if -1 not in table_ids else len(table_ids) - 1 # the fragments that represent true tables (a.k.a, the target solution) tbl_fragments = list() for tbl_id in table_ids: table_nodes = set(tables_node_areas[tbl_id].keys()) if tbl_id == -1: # a reserved value for independent regions (i.e., located outside the annotated tables) # treat this independent regions individually (separately) for node_region in table_nodes: tbl_fragments.append({node_region}) else: tbl_fragments.append(table_nodes) tmx = metrics_function(nodes_attributes, tbl_fragments, sheet_graph.graph['column widths'], sheet_graph.graph['row heights']) # determine the number of random subgraphs to generate if n_frgm_per_table > 0: n_frgm = len(table_ids) * n_frgm_per_table if n_frgm > max_n_frgm: n_frgm = max_n_frgm else: n_frgm = max_n_frgm # generate random subgraphs. fragmentations = Generator.get_random_fragmentations( sheet_graph, n_frgm, as_subgraphs=False) for frag in fragmentations: fmx = metrics_function(nodes_attributes, frag, sheet_graph.graph['column widths'], sheet_graph.graph['row heights']) annotated_tables.append(tmx) other_fragmentations.append(fmx) table_counts.append(n_tables) graph_indices.append(gix) if n_tables > 1: count_multi.append(len(fragmentations)) else: count_single.append(len(fragmentations)) if verbose: print("\nSingle contributed %d" % sum(count_single)) print("Count single %d" % len(count_single)) print("Multi contributed %d" % sum(count_multi)) print("Count multi %d" % len(count_multi)) return annotated_tables, other_fragmentations, table_counts, graph_indices
def __init__(self, image_shape, n_classes, scales=(32, 64, 128, 256, 512), ratios=(0.5, 1, 2), p4_box_size=224.0, mode='train', pretrain=True): # TODO: in_channels super().__init__() self.mode = mode self.image_shape = image_shape self.n_classes = n_classes # to 256*256 img, box is mostly from 20 to 80. # If stride is [4, 8, 16, 32, 64], then hope box 24 apply to P4(stride 16) with feature map size about 3. self.anchor_per_location = len(ratios) # default for resnet50 feature_strides = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64] # if image size is 256, pyramid shapes is [[64,64], [32,32], [16,16], [8,8], [4,4]] pyramid_shapes = [np.array(image_shape) / x for x in feature_strides] # anchors = self.anchor_genertor.get_anchors(pyramid_shapes, feature_strides) anchors = Utils.generate_pyramid_anchors(scales, ratios, pyramid_shapes, feature_strides, 1) self.anchors = Utils.norm_boxes( anchors, image_shape=image_shape) # (n_anchors, 4) self.gt_class_ids = None self.gt_boxes = None self.gt_masks = None self.active_class_ids = None # visualization feature map self.vfm = {} # self.resnet = ResNet50(in_channels, 2048) # TODO: channel self.resnet = ResNetPyTorch(pretrained=pretrain) self.fpn = FPN(2048, 256) self.rpn = RPN(256, anchors_per_location=self.anchor_per_location) self.proposal_layer = ProposalLayer(post_nms_rois=50, nms_threshold=0.7, pre_nms_limit=100) self.detection_target_layer = DetectionTargetLayer( proposal_positive_ratio=0.33, train_proposals_per_image=30, mask_shape=[28, 28], positive_iou_threshold=0.5) self.detection_layer = DetectionLayer(detection_max_instances=3, detection_nms_threshold=0.3) # in channel = fpn out channel, out channel = num_classes self.fpn_classifier = FPNClassifier(256, n_classes, fc_layers_size=1024, pool_size=7, image_shape=image_shape, p4_box_size=p4_box_size) self.fpn_mask = FPNMask(256, n_classes, mask_pool_size=14, image_shape=image_shape, p4_box_size=p4_box_size)