def sample_resolution_levels(level, z_fixed, N=8, temp=1.):
    '''Generate images with latent code `z_fixed`, but replace the latent dimensions
    at resolution level `level` with random ones.
    N:      number of random samples
    temp:   sampling temperature
    naming of output files: <sample index>_<level>_<val. index>.png'''

    assert len(test_loader) == 1, "please use only one batch worth of images"

    for n in range(N):
        counter = 0
        for x in tqdm(test_loader):
            with torch.no_grad():

                z = sample_z(x.shape[0], temp)
                z_fixed[3-level] = z[3-level]

                x_l, x_ab, cond, ab_pred = model.prepare_batch(x)

                ab_gen = model.combined_model.module.reverse_sample(z_fixed, cond)
                rgb_gen = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l.cpu(), ab_gen.cpu(), filt=True)

            for im in rgb_gen:
                im = np.transpose(im, (1,2,0))
                plt.imsave(join(c.img_folder, '%.6i_%i_%.3i.png' % (counter, level, n)), im)
                counter += 1
def color_transfer():
  '''Transfers latent code from images to some new conditioning image (see paper Fig. 13)
  Uses images from the directory ./transfer. See code for changing which images are used.'''

  with torch.no_grad():
    cond_images = []
    ref_images = []
    images = ['00', '01', '02']
    for im in images:
        cond_images += [F'./transfer/{im}_c.jpg']*3
        ref_images += [F'./transfer/{im}_{j}.jpg' for j in range(3)]

    def load_image(fname):
        im =
        im = data.transf_test(im)
        im = data.test_data.to_tensor(im).numpy()
        im = np.transpose(im, (1,2,0))
        im = color.rgb2lab(im).transpose((2, 0, 1))

        for i in range(3):
            im[i] = (im[i] - data.offsets[i]) / data.scales[i]
        return torch.Tensor(im)

    cond_inputs = torch.stack([load_image(f) for f in cond_images], dim=0)
    ref_inputs = torch.stack([load_image(f) for f in ref_images], dim=0)

    L, x, cond, _ = model.prepare_batch(ref_inputs)
    L_new, _, cond_new, _ = model.prepare_batch(cond_inputs)

    z = model.combined_model.module.inn(x, cond)
    z_rand = sample_z(len(ref_images))

    for zi in z:

    for i, (s,t) in enumerate([(1.0,1), (0.7,1), (0.0,1.0), (0,1.0)]):
        z_rand[i] = np.sqrt(s) * z_rand[i] + np.sqrt(1.-s) * z[i]

    x_new = model.combined_model.module.reverse_sample(z_rand, cond_new)

    im_ref = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(L.cpu(), x.cpu(), filt=True)
    im_cond = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(L_new.cpu(), 0*x_new.cpu(), bw=True)
    im_new = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(L_new.cpu(), x_new.cpu(), filt=True)

    for i, im in enumerate(ref_images):
        show_imgs([im_ref[i], im_cond[i], im_new[i]], im.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0])
def colorize_test_set():
  '''This function is deprecated, for the sake of `colorize_batches`.
  It loops over the image index at the outer level and diverse samples at inner level,
  so it may be useful if you want to adapt it.'''
  test_set = []
  for i,x in enumerate(test_loader):

  test_set =, dim=0)
  test_set = torch.stack([test_set[i] for i in VAL_SELECTION], dim=0)

  with torch.no_grad():
    temperatures = []

    rgb_bw = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l.cpu(), 0.*x_ab.cpu(), filt=False)
    rgb_gt = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l.cpu(), x_ab.cpu(), filt=JBF_FILTER)

    for i, o in enumerate(outputs):
        std = torch.std(o).item()

    zz = sum(torch.sum(o**2, dim=1) for o in outputs)
    log_likeli = 0.5 * zz - jac
    log_likeli /= tot_output_size

    def sample_z(N, temps=temperatures):
        sampled_z = []
        for o, t in zip(outputs, temps):
            shape = list(o.shape)
            shape[0] = N
            sampled_z.append(t * torch.randn(shape).cuda())

        return sampled_z

    N = 9
    sample_new = True

    for i,n in enumerate(VAL_SELECTION):
        x_i =[test_set[i:i+1]]*N, dim=0)
        x_l_i, x_ab_i, cond_i, ab_pred_i = model.prepare_batch(x_i)
        if sample_new:
            z = sample_z(N)

        ab_gen = model.combined_model.module.reverse_sample(z, cond_i)
        rgb_gen = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l_i.cpu(), ab_gen.cpu(), filt=JBF_FILTER)

        i_save = n
        if c.val_start:
            i_save += c.val_start
        show_imgs([rgb_gt[i], rgb_bw[i]] + list(rgb_gen), '%.6i_%.3i' % (i_save, i))
def interpolation_grid(val_ind=0, grid_size=5, max_temp=0.9, interp_power=2):
    Make a grid of a 2D latent space interpolation.
    val_ind:        Which image to use (index in current val. set)
    grid_size:      Grid size in each direction
    max_temp:       Maximum temperature to scale to in each direction (note that the corners
                    will have temperature sqrt(2)*max_temp
    interp_power:   Interpolate with (linspace(-lim**p, +lim**p))**(1/p) instead of linear.
                    Because little happens between t = 0.0...0.7, we don't want this to take up the
                    whole grid. p>1 gives more space to the temperatures closer to 1.
    steps = np.linspace(-(max_temp**interp_power), max_temp**interp_power, grid_size, endpoint=True)
    steps = np.sign(steps) * np.abs(steps)**(1./interp_power)

    test_im = []
    for i,x in enumerate(test_loader):

    test_im =, dim=0)
    test_im = torch.stack([test_im[i] for i in VAL_SELECTION], dim=0)
    test_im =[test_im[val_ind:val_ind+1]]*grid_size**2, dim=0).cuda()

    def interp_z(z0, z1, a0, a1):
        z_out = []
        for z0_i, z1_i in zip(z0, z1):
            z_out.append(a0 * z0_i + a1 * z1_i)
        return z_out

    z0 = sample_z(1, 1.)
    z1 = sample_z(1, 1.)

    z_grid = []
    for dk in steps:
        for dl in steps:
            z_grid.append(interp_z(z0, z1, dk, dl))

    z_grid = [, dim=0) for z_i in list(map(list, zip(*z_grid)))]

    with torch.no_grad():
        x_l, x_ab, cond, ab_pred = model.prepare_batch(test_im)
        ab_gen = model.combined_model.module.reverse_sample(z_grid, cond)

    rgb_gen = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l.cpu(), ab_gen.cpu(), filt=True)

    for i,im in enumerate(rgb_gen):
        im = np.transpose(im, (1,2,0))
        plt.imsave(join(c.img_folder, '%.6i_%.3i.png' % (val_ind, i)), im)
def colorize_batches(temp=1., postfix=0, filt=True):
    '''Colorize the whole validation set once.
    temp:       Sampling temperature
    postfix:    Has to be int. Append to file name (e.g. make 10 diverse colorizations of val. set)
    filt:       Whether to use JBF
    counter = 0
    for x in tqdm(test_loader):
        with torch.no_grad():
            z = sample_z(x.shape[0], temp)
            x_l, x_ab, cond, ab_pred = model.prepare_batch(x)

            ab_gen = model.combined_model.module.reverse_sample(z, cond)
            rgb_gen = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l.cpu(), ab_gen.cpu(), filt=filt)

        for im in rgb_gen:
            im = np.transpose(im, (1,2,0))
            plt.imsave(join(c.img_folder, '%.6i_%.3i.png' % (counter, postfix)), im)
            counter += 1
Beispiel #6


        epoch_losses = np.mean(np.array(loss_history), axis=0)
        epoch_losses[1] = np.log10(model.optim.param_groups[0]['lr'])
        for i in range(len(epoch_losses)):
            epoch_losses[i] = min(epoch_losses[i], c.loss_display_cutoff)

        with torch.no_grad():
            ims = []
            for x in data.test_loader:
                x_l, x_ab, cond, ab_pred = model.prepare_batch(x[:4])

                for i in range(3):
                    z = sample_outputs(c.sampling_temperature,
                    x_ab_sampled = model.combined_model.module.reverse_sample(
                        z, cond)
                    ims.extend(list(data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l, x_ab_sampled)))


        if i_epoch >= c.pretrain_epochs * 2:

def latent_space_pca(img_names = ['zebra']):
    '''This wasn't used in the paper or worked on in a while.
    Perform PCA on latent space to see where images lie in relation to each other.
    See code for details.'''

    image_characteristics = []

    for img_name in img_names:
        img_base = './demo_images/' + img_name
        high_sat = sorted(glob.glob(img_base + '_???.png'))
        #low_sat = sorted(glob.glob(img_base + '_b_???.png'))
        low_sat = []

        to_tensor = T.ToTensor()

        demo_imgs = []
        repr_colors = []

        for fname in high_sat + low_sat:

            im = plt.imread(fname)
            if img_name == 'zebra':
                repr_colors.append(np.mean(im[0:50, -50:, :], axis=(0,1)))
            elif img_name == 'zebra_blurred':
                repr_colors.append(np.mean(im[0:50, -50:, :], axis=(0,1)))
            elif img_name == 'snowboards':
                repr_colors.append(np.mean(im[50:60, 130:140, :], axis=(0,1)))
                raise ValueError

            im = color.rgb2lab(im).transpose((2, 0, 1))
            for i in range(3):
                im[i] = (im[i] - data.offsets[i]) / data.scales[i]

            demo_imgs.append(torch.Tensor(im).expand(1, -1, -1, -1))

        demo_imgs =, dim=0)
        x_l, x_ab, cond, ab_pred = model.prepare_batch(demo_imgs)

        outputs = model.cinn(x_ab, cond)
        jac = model.cinn.jacobian(run_forward=False)

        if c.n_downsampling < 2:
            outputs = [outputs]

        outputs_cat =, dim=1)
        outputs_cat = outputs_cat.cpu().numpy()
        jac = jac.cpu().numpy()

        zz = np.sum(outputs_cat**2, axis=1)
        log_likeli = - zz / 2. + np.abs(jac)
        log_likeli /= outputs_cat.shape[1]
        repr_colors = np.array(repr_colors)

        image_characteristics.append([log_likeli, outputs_cat, repr_colors])

    log_likeli_combined = np.concatenate([C[0] for C in image_characteristics], axis=0)
    outputs_combined = np.concatenate([C[1] for C in image_characteristics], axis=0)

    pca = PCA(n_components=2)

    for i, img_name in enumerate(img_names):
        log_likeli, outputs_cat, repr_colors = image_characteristics[i]

        size = 10 + (40 * (log_likeli - np.min(log_likeli_combined)) / (np.max(log_likeli_combined) - np.min(log_likeli_combined)))**2
        outputs_pca = pca.transform(outputs_cat)
        center = pca.transform(np.zeros((2, outputs_cat.shape[1])))

        plt.scatter(outputs_pca[:len(high_sat), 0], outputs_pca[:len(high_sat), 1], s=size[:len(high_sat)], c=repr_colors[:len(high_sat)])
        #plt.scatter(outputs_pca[len(high_sat):, 0], outputs_pca[len(high_sat):, 1], s=size[len(high_sat):], c=repr_colors[len(high_sat):])
        #plt.scatter(center[:, 0], center[:, 1], c='black', marker='+', s=150)
        plt.xlim(-100, 100)
        plt.ylim(-100, 100)
        plt.savefig(F'colorspace_{img_name}.png', dpi=200)
def flow_visualization(val_ind=0, n_samples=2):

    test_im = []
    for i,x in enumerate(test_loader):

    test_im =, dim=0)
    test_im = torch.stack([test_im[i] for i in VAL_SELECTION], dim=0)
    test_im =[test_im[val_ind:val_ind+1]]*n_samples, dim=0).cuda()

    z = sample_z(n_samples, 1.)

    block_idxs = [(1,7), (11,13), (14,18), (19,24), (28,32),
                  (34,44), (48,52), (54,64), (68,90)]
    block_steps = [12, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 10, 16, 12]

    #scales = [0.9, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2]
    z_levels = [3,5,7]
    min_max_final = None

    def rescale_min_max(ab, new_min, new_max, soft_factor=0.):
        min_ab = torch.min(torch.min(ab, 3, keepdim=True)[0], 2, keepdim=True)[0]
        max_ab = torch.max(torch.max(ab, 3, keepdim=True)[0], 2, keepdim=True)[0]

        new_min = (1. - soft_factor) * new_min - soft_factor * 6
        new_max = (1. - soft_factor) * new_max + soft_factor * 6

        ab = (ab - min_ab) / (max_ab - min_ab)
        return ab * (new_max - new_min) + new_min

    with torch.no_grad():
        x_l, x_ab, cond, ab_pred = model.prepare_batch(test_im)
        x_l_flat = torch.zeros(x_l.shape)
        #x_l_flat *= x_l.mean().item()

        frame_counter = 0

        for level, (k_start, k_stop) in enumerate(block_idxs):
            print('level', level)
            interp_steps = block_steps[level]
            scales = np.linspace(1., 1e-3, interp_steps + 1)
            scales = scales[1:] / scales[:-1]

            for i_interp in tqdm(range(interp_steps)):

                ab_gen = model.combined_model.module.reverse_sample(z, cond).cpu()
                ab_gen = torch.Tensor([[gaussian_filter(x, sigma=2. * (frame_counter / sum(block_steps))) for x in ab] for ab in ab_gen])

                if min_max_final is None:
                    min_max_final = (torch.min(torch.min(ab_gen, 3, keepdim=True)[0], 2, keepdim=True)[0],
                                     torch.max(torch.max(ab_gen, 3, keepdim=True)[0], 2, keepdim=True)[0])
                    ab_gen = rescale_min_max(ab_gen, *min_max_final,

                if frame_counter == 0:
                    rgb_gen = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l.cpu(), ab_gen, filt=True)
                    for j in range(rgb_gen.shape[0]):
                        im = rgb_gen[j]
                        im = np.transpose(im, (1,2,0))
                        plt.imsave(join(c.img_folder, 'flow/%.6i_%.3i_final_merged.png' % (val_ind, j+12)), im)

                colors_gen = data.norm_lab_to_rgb(x_l_flat, (1. + 0.2 * (frame_counter / sum(block_steps))) * ab_gen, filt=False)

                for j,im in enumerate(colors_gen):
                    im = np.transpose(im, (1,2,0))
                    im_color =  np.transpose(colors_gen[j], (1,2,0))
                    #plt.imsave(join(c.img_folder, 'flow/%.6i_%.3i_%.3i.png' % (val_ind, j, frame_counter)), im)
                    plt.imsave(join(c.img_folder, 'flow/%.6i_%.3i_%.3i_c.png' % (val_ind, j+12, frame_counter)), im_color)
                frame_counter += 1

                #if level in z_levels:
                    #z[z_levels.index(level)] *= scales[i_interp]
                    #z[-1] *= 1.1

                for k_block in range(k_start,k_stop+1):
                    for key,p in model.combined_model.module.inn.named_parameters():
                        split = key.split('.')
                        if f'module_list.{k_block}.' in key and p.requires_grad:
                            split = key.split('.')
                            if len(split) > 3 and split[3][-1] == '3' and split[2] != 'subnet':
                       *= scales[i_interp]

            for k in range(k_start,k_stop+1):
                for k,p in model.combined_model.module.inn.named_parameters():
                    if f'module_list.{i}.' in k and p.requires_grad:
               *= 0.0

            #if level in z_levels:
                #z[z_levels.index(level)] *= 0

    state_dict = torch.load(model_name)['net']
    orig_state = model.combined_model.state_dict()
    for name, param in state_dict.items():
        if 'tmp_var' in name:
        if isinstance(param, nn.Parameter):
            param =
        except RuntimeError:
    for i, im in enumerate(imgs_np):
        im = np.transpose(im, (1,2,0))

        if im.shape[2] == 1:
            im = np.concatenate([im]*3, axis=2)

        plt.imsave(join(c.img_folder, save_as, '%.2i' % (i)), im)

# Run a single batch to infer the shapes etc.:

for x in test_loader:
    test_set = x

with torch.no_grad():
    x_l, x_ab, cond, ab_pred = model.prepare_batch(test_set)

    outputs = model.cinn(x_ab, cond)
    jac = model.cinn.jacobian(run_forward=False)
    tot_output_size = 2 * c.img_dims[0] * c.img_dims[1]

def sample_z(N, T=1.0):
    ''' Sample N latent vectors, with a sampling temperature T'''
    sampled_z = []
    for o in outputs:
        shape = list(o.shape)
        shape[0] = N

    return sampled_z