def cifar_test(): train_data, test_data = cifar10.load_data() for m in models: model0, model_name = mt.train2(m, train_data, test_data, 50, True, 'cifar10', h5_path) # model0, model_name = mt.train(m, 'cifar10', 50, data_augmentation=True) # y_predicted = predict(model0, test_data) acc, _, y_predicted = dt.predict_and_acc(model0, test_data) t_log.log_predictions(y_predicted, model_name, file_path=csv_path)
def epochs_accuracy_test(): tr_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (0, 40000)) val_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (40000, 50000)) test_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (50000, 60000)) m = models[0] epochs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 20, 40, 200] # 8, 9, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 140, 200] correctness = [[] for _ in xrange(len(test_data[0]))] for k in xrange(len(epochs)): print('###->', epochs[k], 'epochs') model0, model_name0 = mt.train2(m, tr_data, val_data, epochs[k], False, 'cifar10_0445_epochsacc-5_', path=h5_path) acc, predicted_classes, _ = dt.predict_and_acc(model0, test_data) for c in xrange(len(correctness)): if predicted_classes[c] == test_data[1][c]: correctness[c].append(1) else: correctness[c].append(0) print('Test accuracy = ', acc) easy_imgs = [] hard_imgs = [] correctness_tot = [np.sum(img_preds) for img_preds in correctness] for c, n in enumerate(correctness_tot): if n == len(epochs): easy_imgs.append(c) if n == 0: hard_imgs.append(c) unique, counts = np.unique(correctness_tot, return_counts=True) n_correct = dict(zip(unique, counts)) correctness_shapes = [str(img_preds) for img_preds in correctness] unique, counts = np.unique(correctness_shapes, return_counts=True) correct_shapes = dict(zip(unique, counts)) sorted_cs = sorted(correct_shapes.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) print(n_correct) print(sorted_cs[-20:]) print('Easy images ids: ', easy_imgs[max(-len(easy_imgs), -10):]) print('Hard images ids: ', hard_imgs[max(-len(hard_imgs), -10):])
def cifar_color_domains_test(): for m in models: tr_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (0, 20000)) val_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (20000, 30000)) test_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (30000, 60000)) f_test_data = dt.format_data(test_data, 10) # f for formatted model0, model_name0 = mt.train2(m, tr_data, val_data, 50, False, 'cifar10-2-5', path=h5_path) # # for m in models: # model0, model_name = mt.train(m, 'cifar10', 50, data_augmentation=True) cube = metrics_color.color_domains_accuracy(model0) print('cube', cube) sizes_cube = dt.cube_cardinals(cube) print('Sizes', sizes_cube)
def bug_feature_detection(): for m in models: tr_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (0, 20000)) val_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (20000, 30000)) test_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (30000, 60000)) model0, model_name0 = mt.train2(m, tr_data, val_data, 50, False, tag='cifar10-2-5', path=h5_path) acc, predicted_classes, y_predicted = dt.predict_and_acc(model0, test_data) # log_predictions(y_predicted, model_name0, path=csv_path) print('acc', acc) # print(sk_metrics.confusion_matrix(test_data[1], predicted_classes)) # true_classes = np.argmax(test_data[1], axis=1) wrong true_classes = [int(k) for k in test_data[1]] pr = metrics.prediction_ratings(y_predicted, true_classes) model2, model_name2 = mt.train2(m, tr_data, val_data, 1, False, tag='cifar10-0223', path=h5_path) model1 = mt.reg_from_(model2, m) print('Reg model created') X_test, y_test = test_data tr_data = X_test[0:20000], pr[0:20000] val_data = X_test[20000:30000], pr[20000:30000] model1, model_name1 = mt.train_reg(model1, m, tr_data, val_data, '', 50, False, path=h5_path) # score = model1.evaluate(val_data[0], val_data[1], verbose=0) # print('Test loss:', score[0]) # print('Val accuracy:', score[1]) formatted_test_data = dt.format_data(val_data, 10) y_true = pr[20000:30000] print('Ground truth values:') print('Mean', np.mean(y_true)) print('Std', np.std(y_true)) print('Max', np.max(y_true)) print('Min', np.min(y_true)) y_predicted1 = model1.predict(formatted_test_data[0]) # print(np.array(y_predicted).shape) n_guesses = len(y_predicted1) y_predicted2 = [y_predicted1[k][0] for k in xrange(n_guesses)] print('Prediction values:') print('Mean', np.mean(y_predicted2)) print('Std', np.std(y_predicted2)) print('Max', np.max(y_predicted2)) print('Min', np.min(y_predicted2)) y_predicted3 = y_predicted2 / np.linalg.norm(y_predicted2) print('Norm Prediction values:') print('Mean', np.mean(y_predicted3)) print('Std', np.std(y_predicted3)) print('Max', np.max(y_predicted3)) print('Min', np.min(y_predicted3)) # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1) # axs.hist(y_true, bins=30) # axs.set_title('y_true for ' + m) # # # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1) # axs.hist(y_predicted2, bins=30, range=(0, 2)) # axs.set_title(m) # diff2 = [] diff3 = [] for k in xrange(min(10000, len(y_predicted))): diff2.append(abs(y_predicted2[k] - y_true[k])) diff3.append(abs(y_predicted3[k] - y_true[k])) print('Difference:') print('Mean ', np.mean(diff2)) print('Max ', max(diff2)) print('Difference Norm:') print('Mean ', np.mean(diff3)) print('Max ', max(diff3)) # R/W guess prediction opti_thr = float(np.sort(y_predicted2)[int(acc*10000)]) print('opti_thr', opti_thr) thresholds = (float(0.6), float(0.7), float(0.777), float(0.8), float(0.9), opti_thr) # thresholds = (float(0.9), float(1), float(1.1), float(1.2), opti_thr) for thr in thresholds: n_right_guesses = 0 for k in xrange(n_guesses): q = (test_data[1][20000+k] == predicted_classes[20000+k]) p = y_predicted1[k][0] > thr if p == q: n_right_guesses = n_right_guesses + 1 print('acc for reg for true/false with thr of ' + str(thr) + ': ' + str(float(n_right_guesses)/n_guesses)) # n_images = 10 # n_rows = 10 # for th in xrange(n_rows): # fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, n_images, figsize=(n_images, 4), # subplot_kw={'xticks': (), 'yticks': ()}) # for dec in xrange(n_images): # ax = axes[dec] # pr_rank = 7000 + th * 100 + dec # img_id = sorted_pr_args[pr_rank] # # print(str(pr_rank) + ': ' + str(y_test[img_id])) # + ' conf. guessed = ' + str(guessed[img_id])) # ax.imshow(X_test[img_id], vmin=0, vmax=1) # ax.set_title('pr#' + str(pr_rank) + "\nid#" + str(img_id) # + '\nr=' + str("{0:.2f}".format(pr[img_id])) # + '\np_cl=' + str(predicted_classes[img_id]) # + '\nr_cl=' + str(true_classes[img_id])) # print(' ~ ')
def color_region_finetuning(): g = 4 images_cube = dt.cifar10_maxcolor_domains(granularity=g, data_range=(50000, 60000)) region_sizes = dt.cube_cardinals(images_cube) tr_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (0, 20000)) val_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (40000, 50000)) ft_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (20000, 40000)) train_data_ref = dt.get_data('cifar10', (20000, 30000)) train_data_ref2 = dt.get_data('cifar10', (30000, 40000)) # train_data_ref2 = ds.get_data('cifar10', (25000, 35000)) test_data = dt.get_data('cifar10', (50000, 60000)) f_test_data = dt.format_data(test_data, 10) ft_data_augmentation = True ft_epochs = 30 for m in models: # cr = color region, 0-2 for tr data / 4-5 for val data model_base, model_name0 = mt.train2(m, tr_data, val_data, 50, False, 'cr_0245', path=h5_path) scores_cubes = [] for x in xrange(g): nametag_prefix = 'ft_2345_ref' + str(x + 4) ft_model_name = mt.ft_weight_file_name(model_name0, ft_data_augmentation, ft_epochs, nametag_prefix) weights_file = h5_path + ft_model_name + '.h5' print('*-> ' + weights_file) if mt.model_state_exists(weights_file): model2 = mt.load_by_name(model_name0, ft_data[0].shape[1:], weights_file) score = dt.predict_and_acc(model2, val_data) print('Val accuracy:', score[0]) else: ft_data_selected_ref = [np.concatenate((tr_data[0], train_data_ref2[0])), np.concatenate((tr_data[1], train_data_ref2[1]))] assert len(ft_data_selected_ref[0]) == 30000 model2, model_name2 = mt.train2(m, ft_data_selected_ref, val_data, ft_epochs, ft_data_augmentation, nametag_prefix, h5_path, weights_file=model_name0 + '.h5') scores_cube2 = metrics_color.color_domains_accuracy(model2, g) # print('Scores cube ref:', scores_cube2) weighted_cube = scores_cube2 * np.array(region_sizes) / float(10000) print('(Approx) Test accuracy', np.nansum(weighted_cube)) # Weighted average score_cube scores_cubes.append(scores_cube2) avg_ref_score_cube = np.nanmean(scores_cubes, axis=0) max_ref_score_cube = np.max(scores_cubes, axis=0) for x in xrange(g): for y in xrange(g): for z in xrange(g): if region_sizes[x][y][z] > 100: print('#--> Region ' + str(x) + str(y) + str(z) + ' (' + str( region_sizes[x][y][z]) + ' images)') nametag_prefix = 'ft_2445_r' + str(x) + str(y) + str(z) + '_cr_1' ft_model_name = mt.ft_weight_file_name(model_name0, ft_data_augmentation, ft_epochs, nametag=nametag_prefix + 'exp') weights_file = h5_path + ft_model_name + '.h5' if mt.model_state_exists(weights_file): model1 = mt.load_by_name(model_name0, ft_data[0].shape[1:], weights_file) score = dt.predict_and_acc(model1, val_data) print('Val accuracy:', score[0]) else: ft_data_args = metrics_color.finetune_by_region((x, y, z), ft_data, 10000, g) ft_data_selected = dt.get_finetune_data(tr_data, ft_data, ft_data_args) assert len(ft_data_selected[0]) == 30000 model1, model_name1 = mt.train2(m, ft_data_selected, val_data, ft_epochs, ft_data_augmentation, nametag_prefix + 'exp', h5_path, weights_file=model_name0 + '.h5') scores_cube1 = metrics_color.color_domains_accuracy(model1, g) # print('Scores cube exp:', scores_cube1) print(' - Region accuracy = ' + str(scores_cube1[x][y][z])) weighted_cube = scores_cube1 * np.array(region_sizes) / float(10000) print(' - (Approx) Test accuracy = ', np.nansum(weighted_cube)) # Weighted average score_cube # cc = np.subtract(scores_cube1, scores_cube2) cc_avg = np.subtract(scores_cube1, avg_ref_score_cube) print(' - Region score (avg ref) = ' + str(float(cc_avg[x][y][z]))) cc_max = np.subtract(scores_cube1, max_ref_score_cube) print(' - Region score (max ref) = ' + str(float(cc_max[x][y][z]))) # print(cc) print(' ~ ')