def modelprint(ind, title=' A model', udfil='', short=0):
    ''' prettyprinter for a a model. 
    :udfil: if present is output file
    :short: if present condences the model
    Can handle both model templates and models '''
    import sys
    f = sys.stdout
    if udfil:
        f = open(udfil, 'w+')
    maxlenfnavn, maxlenlhs, maxlenrhs = 0, 0, 0
    for comment, command, value in find_statements(ind):
        if command.upper() == 'FRML':
            a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml(command.upper() + ' ' + value)
            lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
            maxlenfnavn = max(maxlenfnavn,
                              len(n))  # Finds the max length of frml name
            maxlenlhs = max(
                len(lhs))  # finds the max length of left hand variable
    print('! ' + title, file=f)
    dolevel = 0
    for comment, command, value in find_statements(ind):
        print('    ' * dolevel, end='', file=f)
        if comment:
            print(comment, file=f)
            if command.upper() == 'FRML':
                a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml(command.upper() + ' ' + value)
                lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
                if short:
                    rhs = re.sub(' +', ' ', rhs)
                              '\n', '\n' + ('    ' * dolevel) +
                              (' ' * (10 + maxlenfnavn + maxlenlhs))),
            elif command.upper() == 'DO':
                print(command, ' ', value, file=f)
                dolevel = dolevel + 1
            elif command.upper() == 'ENDDO':
                print(command, ' ', value, file=f)
                dolevel = dolevel - 1
                print(command, ' ', value, file=f)
 def normalizesym(in_equations):
     ''' Normalizes equations by using sympy '''
     nymodel = []
     equations = in_equations[:]  # we want do change the e
     # modelprint(equations)
     for comment, command, value in find_statements(equations.upper()):
         #        print('>>',comment,'<',command,'>',value)
         if comment:
         elif command == 'FRML':
             a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml((command + ' ' + value).upper())
             while 'DLOG(' in udtryk.upper():
                 fordlog, dlogudtryk, efterdlog = find_arg('dlog', udtryk)
                 udtryk = fordlog + 'diff(log(' + dlogudtryk + '))' + efterdlog
             while 'LOGIT(' in udtryk.upper():
                 forlogit, logitudtryk, efterlogit = find_arg(
                     'LOGIT', udtryk)
                 udtryk = forlogit + '(log(' + logitudtryk + '/(1.0 -' + logitudtryk + ')))' + efterlogit
             while 'DIFF(' in udtryk.upper():
                 fordif, difudtryk, efterdif = find_arg('diff', udtryk)
                 udtryk = fordif + '((' + difudtryk + ')-(' + lagone(
                     difudtryk + '', funks=funks) + '))' + efterdif
             nymodel.append(command + ' ' + n + ' ' + findendo(udtryk))
             nymodel.append(command + ' ' + value)
     equations = '\n'.join(nymodel)
     #        modelprint(equations)
     return equations
def kaedeunroll(in_equations, funks=[]):
    ''' unrolls a chain (kaede) expression - used in the SMEC moedel '''
    nymodel = []
    equations = in_equations[:]  # we want do change the e
    # modelprint(equations)
    for comment, command, value in find_statements(equations.upper()):
        #        print('>>',comment,'<',command,'>',value)
        if comment:
        elif command == 'FRML':
            a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml((command + ' ' + value).upper())
            while 'KAEDE(' in udtryk.upper():
                forkaede, kaedeudtryk, efterkaede = find_arg('KAEDE', udtryk)
                arg = kaedeudtryk.split(',')
                taller, navner = '(', '('
                for i in range(len(arg) / 2):
                    j = i * 2
                    taller = taller + arg[j] + '*(' + lagone(
                        arg[j + 1] + '/' + arg[j], funks=funks) + ')+'
                    navner = navner + lagone(arg[j + 1], funks=funks) + '+'
                navner = navner[:-1] + ')'
                taller = taller[:-1] + ')'
                udtryk = forkaede + '(' + taller + '/' + navner + ')' + efterkaede
            while 'KAEDEP(' in udtryk.upper():
                forkaede, kaedeudtryk, efterkaede = find_arg('KAEDEP', udtryk)
                arg = kaedeudtryk.split(',')
                taller, navner = '(', '('
                for i in range(len(arg) / 2):
                    j = i * 2
                    taller = taller + arg[j] + '*' + lagone(arg[j + 1],
                                                            funks=funks) + '+'
                    navner = navner + lagone(
                        arg[j], funks=funks) + '+' + lagone(arg[j + 1],
                                                            funks=funks) + '+'
                navner = navner[:-1] + ')'
                taller = taller[:-1] + ')'
                udtryk = forkaede + '(' + taller + '/' + navner + ')' + efterkaede
            while 'MOVAVG(' in udtryk.upper():
                forkaede, kaedeudtryk, efterkaede = find_arg('MOVAVG', udtryk)
                arg = kaedeudtryk.split(',', 1)
                avg = '(('
                term = arg[1]
                antal = int(arg[0])
                for i in range(antal):
                    avg = avg[:] + term[:] + '+'
                    term = lagone(term, funks=funks)
                avg = avg[:-1] + ')/' + str(antal) + '.0)'
                udtryk = forkaede + avg + efterkaede
            nymodel.append(command + ' ' + n + ' ' + udtryk)

            nymodel.append(command + ' ' + value)
    equations = '\n'.join(nymodel)
    return equations
def check_syntax_frml(frml):
    ''' check syntax of frml '''
        a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml(frml)
        ast.parse(re.sub(r'\n', '', re.sub(' ', '', udtryk[:-1])))
        return True
        return False
def find_hist_model(equations):
    ''' takes a unrolled model and create a model which can be run for historic periode \n
        The model calculates residuals for equations with a <res= > clause and \n
        and the identities are also calculeted'''
    hist = []
    for f in find_frml(equations):
        a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml(f.upper())
        if kw_frml_name(n, 'IDENT') or kw_frml_name(n, 'I'):
            # identites are just replicated in order to calculate backdata
    return (' '.join(hist))
Beispiel #6
    def normalizehift(in_equations):
        ''' Normalizes equations by shuffeling terms around \n
        can handel LOG, DLOG and DIF in the left hans side of = '''
        equations=in_equations[:]  # we want do change the e
       # modelprint(equations)
        for comment,command,value in find_statements(equations.upper()):
    #        print('>>',comment,'<',command,'>',value)
            if comment:
            elif command=='FRML':
                a,fr,n,udtryk=split_frml((command+' '+value).upper())
                if len(lhsterms) == 1:  # only one term on the left hand side, no need to shuffel around
                elif len(lhsterms) == 4: # We need to normalixe expect funk(x) on the levt hand side funk=LOG,DLOG or DIFF
                    rhs=rhs[:-1].strip()  # discharge the $ strip blanks for nice look 
                    lhs=lhsterms[2].var # name of the dependent variablem, no syntax check here 
                    if lhsterms[0].op == 'LOG': 
                        udtryk=lhs+'='+rhs+'$' # now the equation is normalized 
                    elif lhsterms[0].op == 'DIFF':
                        udtryk=lhs+'='+rhs+'$' # now the equation is normalized 
                    elif lhsterms[0].op == 'DLOG':
                        udtryk=lhs+'='+rhs+'$' # now the equation is normalized 
                    elif lhsterms[0].op == 'LOGIT':
                        udtryk=lhs+'='+rhs+'$' # now the equation is normalized 
#                    else:
#                        print('*** ERROR operand not allowed left of =',lhs)
#                        print(lhsterms)
#                    print('*** Try to normalize relation for:',lhs)
                # now the right hand side is expanded for DLOG and DIFF
                while  'DLOG(' in udtryk.upper():
                while  'DIFF(' in udtryk.upper():
                nymodel.append(command+' '+n+' '+udtryk)
                nymodel.append(command+' '+value)
#        modelprint(in_equations,'Before normalization and expansion')
#        modelprint(equations,   'After  normalization and expansion')
        return equations 
Beispiel #7
def adam_exounroll(in_equations):
    ''' takes a model and makes a new model by enhancing frml's with <exo=,j=,jr=> 
    in their frml name. 
    :exo: the value can be fixed in to a value valuename_x by setting valuename_d=1

    :jled: a additiv adjustment element is added to the frml

    :jrled: a multiplicativ adjustment element is added to the frml 

    nymodel = []
    equations = in_equations[:]  # we want do change the e
    for comment, command, value in find_statements(equations.upper()):
        # print('>>',comment,'<',command,'>',value)
        if comment:
        elif command == 'FRML':
            a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml((command + ' ' + value).upper())
            #print(fr,n, kw_frml_name(n.upper(),'EXO'))
            # we want a relatov adjustment
            if kw_frml_name(n, 'JRLED') or kw_frml_name(n, 'JR'):
                lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
                udtryk = lhs + \
                    '= (' + rhs[:-1] + ')*(1+JR' + lhs.strip() + ' )' + '$'
            if kw_frml_name(n, 'JD'):
                lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
                udtryk = lhs + \
                    '= (' + rhs[:-1] + ')+(JD' + lhs.strip() + ' )' + '$'
            if kw_frml_name(n, 'JLED') or kw_frml_name(n, 'J'):
                lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
                # we want a absolute adjustment
                udtryk = lhs + '=' + rhs[:-1] + '+ J' + lhs.strip() + '$'
            if kw_frml_name(n, 'EXO'):
                lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
                endogen = lhs.strip()
                dummy = 'D' + endogen
                exogen = 'Z' + endogen
                udtryk = lhs + \
                    '=(' + rhs[:-1] + ')*(1-' + dummy + ')+' + exogen + '*' + dummy + '$'

            nymodel.append(command + ' ' + n + ' ' + udtryk)
            nymodel.append(command + ' ' + value)

    equations = '\n'.join(nymodel)
    return equations
def find_res_dynare_new(equations):
    ''' equations to calculat _res formulas
    FRML <> x=a*b+c +x_RES  $ -> FRML <> x_res =x-a*b+c  $
    not finished to speed time up '''
    out = []
    for f in find_frml(equations):
        a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml(f.upper())
        lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
        lhs = lhs.strip()
        rhs = rhs.strip()[:-1]
        res = lhs + '_RES'
        if res in rhs:
            rep = rhs.replace(res, '').strip()[:-1]
            new = f'frml <> {res} =  {lhs} - ({rep}) $'

    return '\n'.join(out)
def find_res(f):
    ''' Finds the expression which calculates the residual in a formel. FRML <res=a,endo=b> x=a*b+c $ '''
    from sympy import solve, sympify
    a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml(f.upper())
    udres = ''
    tres = kw_frml_name(n, 'RES')
    if tres:
        lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
        res = lhs.strip() + '_J' if tres == 'J' else lhs.strip() + \
            '_JR' if tres == 'JR' else tres
        # we take the the $ out
        kat = sympify('Eq(' + lhs + ',' + rhs[0:-1] + ')')
        res_frml = sympify('res_frml')
        res_frml = solve(kat, res)
        udres = 'FRML ' + 'RES' + ' ' + \
            res.ljust(25) + ' = ' + str(res_frml)[1:-1] + ' $'
    return udres
Beispiel #10
def find_res_dynare(equations):
    ''' equations to calculat _res formulas
    FRML <> x=a*b+c +x_RES  $ -> FRML <> x_res =x-a*b+c  $'''
    from sympy import solve, sympify
    for f in find_frml(equations):
        a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml(f.upper())
        lhs, rhs = udtryk.split('=', 1)
        res= lhs.strip()+'_RES'
        if res in rhs:
            # we take the the $ out
            kat = sympify('Eq(' + lhs + ',' + rhs[0:-1] + ')')
            res_frml = sympify('res_frml')
            res_frml = solve(kat, res)
            udres = 'FRML ' + 'RES' + ' ' + res + ' = ' + str(res_frml)[1:-1] + ' $'
    return   '\n'.join(out) 
Beispiel #11
def frml_code_translate(in_equations):
    ''' takes a model and makes a new model by translating PCIM frml_codes to 
   ModelFlow frml_names 
    :exo: the value can be fixed in to a value valuename_x by setting valuename_d=1

    :jled: a additiv adjustment element is added to the frml

    :jrled: a multiplicativ adjustment element is added to the frml 

    nymodel = []
    equations = in_equations[:]  # we want do change the e
    for comment, command, value in find_statements(equations.upper()):
        # print('>>',comment,'<',command,'>',value)
        if comment:
        elif command == 'FRML':
            a, fr, n, udtryk = split_frml((command + ' ' + value).upper())
            #print(fr,n, kw_frml_name(n.upper(),'EXO'))
            # we want a relatov adjustment
            newn = [n.strip()]
            nt = n + '             '  # an quick way to ensure length
            if n.startswith('_'):
                if 'J_' == nt[2:4]:
                elif 'JR' == nt[2:4]:
                elif 'JD' == nt[2:4]:
                if 'D' == nt[4:5]:
                if 'Z' == nt[5:6] or 'S' == nt[1]:
                outn = '<' + ','.join(newn) + '>'
                outn = n.strip()
            nymodel.append(command + ' ' + outn + ' ' + udtryk)
            nymodel.append(command + ' ' + value)

    equations = '\n'.join(nymodel)
    return equations
Beispiel #12
def frml_as_latex(frml_in,funks=[],allign= True, name=True,disp=True):
    ''' Display formula
    :funks: local functions 
    :allign: allign =
    :name: also display the frml name
    frmls =    frml_in if type(frml_in) == list else [frml_in ]
    out = []
    for frml in frmls:
        a,fr,n,udtryk= pt.split_frml(frml)
        out_udtryk = an_expression_to_latex(udtryk,funks = funks)
        out_frmlname = vtol(n) if name and n != '<>' else ''
        if allign:
            out_udtryk = out_udtryk.replace('=',' & = & ',1)
        out.append(f'{out_frmlname} {out_udtryk}')
    latex_out = r'\\'.join(out)
    if allign:
        latex_out = r'\begin{eqnarray*}'+latex_out+r'\end{eqnarray*}'
    if disp:
        return latex_out
    list countrydanske = country : uk , DK, IR $
    list countrynordea = country: SE , DK, AT $
    do bankdic $ 
        frml x {bank}_income = {bank}_a +{bank}_b $
        do country{bank} $
            frml x {bank}_{country} = 4242 $
        enddo $ 
        do countrydic  $
            frml x {bank}_{country}_all = 42 $
        enddo $ 
    enddo $ '''

    print(stripstring(pastestring('a+b+log(x)', '_xx'), '_xx'))
    split_frml('FRML x ib     =1+gris $')
    split_frml('FRML <res> ib =1+gris $')
    find_statements('   FRML x ib    =1+gris $    frml <exo> hane= 27*ged$')
    find_statements('! FRML x ib =1+gris $ \n frml <exo> hane=27*ged $')
        'FRML x ib =1+gris*(ko+1) $ ! Comment \n frml <exo> hane= ged $')
    sub('O {who} of {from}', {'who': 'Knights', 'from': 'Ni'})
    sub('O {who} of {from}, , we have brought you your {weed}', {
        'who': 'Knights',
        'from': 'Ni'
    sub_frml({'weed': ['scrubbery', 'herring']},
             'we have brought you your {weed}')
        'weed': ['scrubbery', 'herring'],
        'where': ['land', 'sea']