class Project:
    This class represents a project in Knora.


    con : Connection
        A Connection instance to a Knora server

    id : str
        IRI of the project [readonly, cannot be modified after creation of instance]

    shortcode : str
        Knora project shortcode [readonly, cannot be modified after creation of instance]

    shortname : str
        Knora project shortname [read/write]

    longname : str
        Knora project longname [read/write]

    description : LangString
        Knora project description in a given language (Languages.EN, Languages.DE, Languages.FR, Languages.IT).
        A desciption can be add/replaced or removed with the methods ``addDescription``and ``rmDescription``.

    keywords : Set[str]
        Set of keywords describing the project. Keywords can be added/removed by the methods ``addKeyword``
        and ``rmKeyword``

    ontologies : Set[str]
        Set if IRI's of te ontologies attached to the project [readonly]

    selfjoin : bool
        Boolean if the project allows selfjoin


    create : Knora project information object
        Creates a new project and returns the information from the project as it is in Knora

    read : Knora project information object
        Read project data from an existing project

    update : Knora project information object
        Updates the changed attributes and returns the updated information from the project as it is in Knora

    delete : Knora result code
        Deletes a project and returns the result code

    getAllprojects [static]: List of all projects
        Returns a list of all projects available

    print : None
        Prints the project information to stdout

    _id: str
    _shortcode: str
    _shortname: str
    _longname: str
    _description: LangString
    _keywords: Set[str]
    _ontologies: Set[str]
    _selfjoin: bool
    _status: bool
    _logo: Optional[str]
    changed: Set[str]

    SYSTEM_PROJECT: str = ""

    def __init__(self,
                 con: Connection,
                 id: Optional[str] = None,
                 shortcode: Optional[str] = None,
                 shortname: Optional[str] = None,
                 longname: Optional[str] = None,
                 description: LangStringParam = None,
                 keywords: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
                 ontologies: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
                 selfjoin: Optional[bool] = None,
                 status: Optional[bool] = None,
                 logo: Optional[str] = None):
        Constructor for Project

        :param con: Connection instance
        :param id: IRI of the project [required for CREATE, READ]
        :param shortcode: Shortcode of the project. String inf the form 'XXXX' where each X is a hexadezimal sign 0-1,A,B,C,D,E,F. [required for CREATE]
        :param shortname: Shortname of the project [required for CREATE]
        :param longname: Longname of the project [required for CREATE]
        :param description: LangString instance containing the description [required for CREATE]
        :param keywords: Set of keywords [required for CREATE]
        :param ontologies: Set of ontologies that belong to this project [optional]
        :param selfjoin: Allow selfjoin [required for CREATE]
        :param status: Status of project (active if True) [required for CREATE]
        :param logo: Path to logo image file [optional] NOT YET USED

        if not isinstance(con, Connection):
            raise BaseError(
                '"con"-parameter must be an instance of Connection')
        self.con = con
        self._id = id
        self._shortcode = shortcode
        self._shortname = shortname
        self._longname = longname
        self._description = LangString(description)
        self._keywords = keywords
        if not isinstance(ontologies, set) and ontologies is not None:
            raise BaseError('Ontologies must be a set of strings or None!')
        self._ontologies = ontologies
        self._selfjoin = selfjoin
        self._status = status
        self._logo = logo
        self.changed = set()

    def __str__(self):
        tmpstr = self._id + "\n  " + self._shortcode + "\n  " + self._shortname
        return tmpstr

    # Here follows a list of getters/setters
    def id(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._id

    def id(self, value: str) -> None:
        raise BaseError('Project id cannot be modified!')

    def shortcode(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._shortcode

    def shortcode(self, value: str) -> None:
        raise BaseError('Shortcode id cannot be modified!')

    def shortname(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._shortname

    def shortname(self, value: str) -> None:
        self._shortname = str(value)

    def longname(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._longname

    def longname(self, value: str) -> None:
        self._longname = str(value)

    def description(self) -> Optional[LangString]:
        return self._description

    def description(self, value: Optional[LangString]) -> None:
        self._description = LangString(value)

    def addDescription(self, lang: Union[Languages, str], value: str) -> None:
        Add/replace a project description with the given language (executed at next update)

        :param lang: The language the description is in, either a string "EN", "DE", "FR", "IT" or a Language instance
        :param value: The text of the description
        :return: None

        self._description[lang] = value

    def rmDescription(self, lang: Union[Languages, str]) -> None:
        Remove a description from a project (executed at next update)

        :param lang: The language the description to be removed is in, either a string "EN", "DE", "FR", "IT" or a Language instance
        :return: None

        del self._description[lang]

    def keywords(self) -> Set[str]:
        return self._keywords

    def keywords(self, value: Union[List[str], Set[str]]):
        if isinstance(value, set):
            self._keywords = value
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            self._keywords = set(value)
            raise BaseError('Must be a set of strings!')

    def addKeyword(self, value: str):
        Add a new keyword to the set of keywords. (executed at next update)
        May raise a BaseError

        :param value: keyword
        :return: None


    def rmKeyword(self, value: str):
        Remove a keyword from the list of keywords (executed at next update)
        May raise a BaseError

        :param value: keyword
        :return: None
        except KeyError as ke:
            raise BaseError('Keyword "' + value + '" is not in keyword set')

    def ontologies(self) -> Set[str]:
        return self._ontologies

    def ontologies(self, value: Set[str]) -> None:
        raise BaseError('Cannot add a ontology!')

    def selfjoin(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        return self._selfjoin

    def selfjoin(self, value: bool) -> None:
        if self._selfjoin != value:
        self._selfjoin = value

    def status(self) -> bool:
        return self._status

    def status(self, value: bool) -> None:
        self._status = value

    def logo(self) -> str:
        return self._logo

    def logo(self, value: str) -> None:
        self._logo = value

    def fromJsonObj(cls, con: Connection, json_obj: Any) -> Any:
        Internal method! Should not be used directly!

        This method is used to create a Project instance from the JSON data returned by Knora

        :param con: Connection instance
        :param json_obj: JSON data returned by Knora as python3 object
        :return: Project instance

        id = json_obj.get('id')
        if id is None:
            raise BaseError('Project id is missing')
        shortcode = json_obj.get('shortcode')
        if shortcode is None:
            raise BaseError("Shortcode is missing")
        shortname = json_obj.get('shortname')
        if shortname is None:
            raise BaseError("Shortname is missing")
        longname = json_obj.get('longname')
        if longname is None:
            raise BaseError("Longname is missing")
        description = LangString.fromJsonObj(json_obj.get('description'))
        keywords = set(json_obj.get('keywords'))
        if keywords is None:
            raise BaseError("Keywords are missing")
        ontologies = set(json_obj.get('ontologies'))
        if ontologies is None:
            raise BaseError("Keywords are missing")
        selfjoin = json_obj.get('selfjoin')
        if selfjoin is None:
            raise BaseError("Selfjoin is missing")
        status = json_obj.get('status')
        if status is None:
            raise BaseError("Status is missing")
        logo = json_obj.get('logo')
        return cls(con=con,

    def toJsonObj(self, action: Actions) -> Any:
        Internal method! Should not be used directly!

        Creates a JSON-object from the Project instance that can be used to call Knora

        :param action: Action the object is used for (Action.CREATE or Action.UPDATE)
        :return: JSON-object

        tmp = {}
        if action == Actions.Create:
            if self._shortcode is None:
                raise BaseError("There must be a valid project shortcode!")
            tmp['shortcode'] = self._shortcode
            if self._shortname is None:
                raise BaseError("There must be a valid project shortname!")
            tmp['shortname'] = self._shortname
            if self._longname is None:
                raise BaseError("There must be a valid project longname!")
            tmp['longname'] = self._longname
            if self._description.isEmpty():
                raise BaseError("There must be a valid project description!")
            tmp['description'] = self._description.toJsonObj()
            if len(self._keywords) > 0:
                tmp['keywords'] = self._keywords
            if self._selfjoin is None:
                raise BaseError("selfjoin must be defined (True or False!")
            tmp['selfjoin'] = self._selfjoin
            if self._status is None:
                raise BaseError("status must be defined (True or False!")
            tmp['status'] = self._status
        elif action == Actions.Update:
            if self._shortcode is not None and 'shortcode' in self.changed:
                tmp['shortcode'] = self._shortcode
            if self._shortname is not None and 'shortname' in self.changed:
                tmp['shortname'] = self._shortname
            if self._longname is not None and 'longname' in self.changed:
                tmp['longname'] = self._longname
            if not self._description.isEmpty(
            ) and 'description' in self.changed:
                tmp['description'] = self._description.toJsonObj()
            if len(self._keywords) > 0 and 'keywords' in self.changed:
                tmp['keywords'] = self._keywords
            if self._selfjoin is not None and 'selfjoin' in self.changed:
                tmp['selfjoin'] = self._selfjoin
            if self._status is not None and 'status' in self.changed:
                tmp['status'] = self._status
        return tmp

    def create(self) -> 'Project':
        Create a new project in Knora

        :return: JSON-object from Knora

        jsonobj = self.toJsonObj(Actions.Create)
        jsondata = json.dumps(jsonobj, cls=SetEncoder)
        result ='/admin/projects', jsondata)
        return Project.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['project'])

    def read(self) -> 'Project':
        Read a project from Knora

        :return: JSON-object from Knora
        if self._id is not None:
            result = self.con.get('/admin/projects/iri/' +
        elif self._shortcode is not None:
            result = self.con.get('/admin/projects/shortcode/' +
        return Project.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['project'])

    def update(self) -> Union['Project', None]:
        Udate the project info in Knora with the modified data in this project instance

        :return: JSON-object from Knora refecting the update

        jsonobj = self.toJsonObj(Actions.Update)
        if jsonobj:
            jsondata = json.dumps(jsonobj, cls=SetEncoder)
            result = self.con.put('/admin/projects/iri/' + quote_plus(,
            return Project.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['project'])
            return None

    def delete(self) -> 'Project':
        Delete the given Knora project

        :return: Knora response

        result = self.con.delete('/admin/projects/iri/' + quote_plus(self._id))
        return Project.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['project'])

    def getAllProjects(con: Connection) -> List['Project']:
        Get all existing projects in Knora

        :param con: Connection instance
        result = con.get('/admin/projects')
        if 'projects' not in result:
            raise BaseError("Request got no projects!")
        return list(
            map(lambda a: Project.fromJsonObj(con, a), result['projects']))

    def print(self):
        print info to stdout

        :return: None

        print('Project Info:')
        print('  Id:         {}'.format(self._id))
        print('  Shortcode:  {}'.format(self._shortcode))
        print('  Shortname:  {}'.format(self._shortname))
        print('  Longname:   {}'.format(self._longname))
        if self._description is not None:
            print('  Description:')
            for descr in self._description.items():
                print('    {}: {}'.format(descr[0], descr[1]))
            print('  Description: None')
        if self._keywords is not None:
            print('  Keywords:   {}'.format(' '.join(self._keywords)))
            print('  Keywords:   None')
        if self._ontologies is not None:
            print('  Ontologies: {}'.format(' '.join(self._ontologies)))
            print('  Ontologies: None')
        print('  Selfjoin:   {}'.format(self._selfjoin))
        print('  Status:     {}'.format(self._status))
Beispiel #2
class ListNode:
    This class represents a list node or a while list from Knora


    con : Connection
        A Connection instance to a Knora server (for some operation a login has to be performedwith valid credentials)

    id : str
        IRI of the project [readonly, cannot be modified after creation of instance]

    project : str
        IRI of project. Only used for the creation of a new list (root node) [write].

    label : LangString
        A LangString instance with language depenedent labels. Setting this attributes overwites all entries
        with the new ones. In order to add/remove a specific entry, use "addLabel" or "rmLabel".
        At least one label is required [read/write].

    comment : LangString
        A LangString instance with language depenedent comments. Setting this attributes overwites all entries
        with the new ones.In order to add/remove a specific entry, use "addComment" or "rmComment".

    name : str
        A unique name for the ListNode (unique regarding the whole list) [read/write].

    parent : IRI | ListNode
        Is required and allowed only for the CREATE operation. Otherwise use the
        "children" attribute [write].

    isRootNode : bool
        Is True if the ListNode is a root node of a list Cannot be set [read].

    children : List[ListNode]
        Contains a list of children nodes. This attribute is only avaliable for nodes that have been read by the
        method "getAllNodes()"! [read]

    rootNodeIri : str
        IRI of the root node. This attribute is only avaliable for nodes that have been read by the
        method "getAllNodes()"! [read]


    create : Knora ListNode information object
        Creates a new project and returns the information from the project as it is in Knora. Used to create new lists
        or append new ListNodes to an existing list. If appending, the attribute "parent" must not be None!

    read : Knora ListNode information object
        Read single list node

    update : Knora ListNode information object
        Updates the changed attributes and returns the updated information from the ListNode as it is in Knora

    delete : Knora result code
        Deletes a ListNode and returns the result code [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!]

    getAllNodes : ListNode
        Get all nodes of a list. The IRI of the root node must be supplied.

    getAllLists [static]:
        returns all lists of a given project.

    print : None
        Prints the ListNode information to stdout (no recursion for children!)


    _id: str
    _project: str
    _label: LangString
    _comment: LangString
    _name: str
    _parent: str
    _isRootNode: bool
    _children: List['ListNode']
    _rootNodeIri: str
    changed: Set[str]

    def __init__(self,
                 con: Connection,
                 id: Optional[str] = None,
                 project: Optional[Union[Project, str]] = None,
                 label: LangStringParam = None,
                 comment: LangStringParam = None,
                 name: Optional[str] = None,
                 parent: Optional[Union['ListNode', str]] = None,
                 isRootNode: Optional[bool] = None,
                 children: Optional[List['ListNode']] = None,
                 rootNodeIri: Optional[str] = None):
        This is the constructor for the ListNode object. For

            * The "con" and at least one "label" are required
            * The "con" and "id" attributes are required
            * Only "label", "comment" and "name" may be changed
            * Not yet implemented in the Knora-backend

        :param con: A valid Connection instance with a user logged in that has the appropriate permissions
        :param id: IRI of the project [readonly, cannot be modified after creation of instance]
        :param project: IRI of project. Only used for the creation of a new list (root node) [write].
        :param label: A LangString instance with language depenedent labels. Setting this attributes overwites all entries with the new ones. In order to add/remove a specific entry, use "addLabel" or "rmLabel". At least one label is required [read/write].
        :param comment: A LangString instance with language depenedent comments. Setting this attributes overwites all entries with the new ones.In order to add/remove a specific entry, use "addComment" or "rmComment".
        :param name: A unique name for the ListNode (unique regarding the whole list) [read/write].
        :param parent: Is required and allowed only for the CREATE operation. Otherwise use the "children" attribute [write].
        :param isRootNode: Is True if the ListNode is a root node of a list Cannot be set [read].
        :param children: Contains a list of children nodes. This attribute is only avaliable for nodes that have been read by the method "getAllNodes()"! [read]
        :param rootNodeIri: IRI of the root node. This attribute is only avaliable for nodes that have been read by the method "getAllNodes()"! [read]

        if not isinstance(con, Connection):
            raise BaseError ('"con"-parameter must be an instance of Connection')
        self.con = con

        self._project = if isinstance(project, Project) else str(project) if project is not None else None
        self._id = str(id) if id is not None else None
        self._label = LangString(label)
        self._comment = LangString(comment)
        self._name = str(name) if name is not None else None
        if not isinstance(parent, ListNode) and parent is not None:
            raise BaseError('Parent must be ListNode instance or None!')
        if isinstance(parent, ListNode):
            self._parent =
            self._parent = parent
        self._isRootNode = isRootNode
        if children is not None:
            if isinstance(children, List) and len(children) > 0 and isinstance(children[0], ListNode):
                self._children = children
                raise BaseError('Children must be list of ListNodes!')
            self._children = None
        if not isinstance(rootNodeIri, str) and rootNodeIri is not None:
            raise BaseError('rootNodeIri must be a str!')
        self._rootNodeIri = rootNodeIri
        self.changed = set()

    # Here follows a list of getters/setters
    def id(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._id

    def id(self, value: str) -> None:
        raise BaseError('ListNode id cannot be modified!')

    def project(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._project

    def project(self, value: str) -> None:
        raise BaseError('Project id cannot be modified!')

    def label(self) -> Optional[LangString]:
        return self._label

    def label(self, value: Optional[Union[LangString, str]]) -> None:
        self._label = LangString(value)

    def addLabel(self, lang: Union[Languages, str], value: str) -> None:
        Add/replace a node label with the given language (executed at next update)

        :param lang: The language the label, either a string "EN", "DE", "FR", "IT" or a Language instance
        :param value: The text of the label
        :return: None

        self._label[lang] = value

    def rmLabel(self, lang: Union[Languages, str]) -> None:
        Remove a label from a list node (executed at next update)

        :param lang: The language the label to be removed is in, either a string "EN", "DE", "FR", "IT" or a Language instance
        :return: None
        del self._label[lang]

    def comment(self) -> Optional[LangString]:
        return self._comment

    def comment(self,  value: Optional[Union[LangString, str]]) -> None:
        self._comment = LangString(value)

    def addComment(self, lang: Union[Languages, str], value: str) -> None:
        Add/replace a node comment with the given language (executed at next update)

        :param lang: The language the comment, either a string "EN", "DE", "FR", "IT" or a Language instance
        :param value: The text of the comment
        :return: None

        self._comment[lang] = value

    def rmComment(self, lang: Union[Languages, str]) -> None:
        Remove a comment from a list node (executed at next update)

        :param lang: The language the comment to be removed is in, either a string "EN", "DE", "FR", "IT" or a Language instance
        :return: None
        del self._comment[lang]

    def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._name

    def name(self, value: str) -> None:
        self._name = str(value)

    def parent(self) -> Optional[str]:
        raise BaseError('Property parent cannot be read!')

    def parent(self, value: any):
        raise BaseError('Property parent cannot be set!')

    def isRootNode(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        return self._isRootNode

    def isRootNode(self, value: bool) -> None:
        raise BaseError('Property isRootNode cannot be set!')

    def children(self) -> Optional[List['ListNode']]:
        return self._children

    def _getChildren(con: Connection, children: List[Any]) -> Optional[List['ListNode']]:
        Internal method! Should not be used directly!

        Static method gets a recursive List of children nodes

        :param con: Valid Connection instance
        :param children: json object of children
        :return: List of ListNode instances

        if len(children) == 0:
            return None
        child_nodes = []
        for child in children:
            child_nodes.append(ListNode.fromJsonObj(con, child))
        return child_nodes

    def rootNodeIri(self) -> Optional[str]:
        return self._rootNodeIri

    def rootNodeIri(self, value: str):
        raise BaseError('rootNodeIri cannot be set!')

    def fromJsonObj(cls, con: Connection, json_obj: Any) -> Any:
        Internal method! Should not be used directly!

        This method is used to create a ListNode instance from the JSON data returned by Knora

        :param con: Connection instance
        :param json_obj: JSON data returned by Knora as python3 object
        :return: ListNode instance

        id = json_obj.get('id')
        project = json_obj.get('projectIri')
        if id is None:
            raise BaseError('ListNode id is missing')

        label = LangString.fromJsonObj(json_obj.get('labels'))
        comment = LangString.fromJsonObj(json_obj.get('comments'))
        name = json_obj.get('name')
        parent = json_obj.get('parentNodeIri')
        isRootNode = json_obj.get('isRootNode')

        child_info = json_obj.get('children')
        children = None
        if child_info is not None:
            children = ListNode._getChildren(con, child_info)

        rootNodeIri = json_obj.get('hasRootNode')

        return cls(con=con,

    def toJsonObj(self, action: Actions, listIri: str = None) -> Any:
        Internal method! Should not be used directly!

        Creates a JSON-object from the ListNode instance that can be used to call Knora

        :param action: Action the object is used for (Action.CREATE or Action.UPDATE)
        :return: JSON-object

        tmp = {}
        if action == Actions.Create:
            if self._project is None:
                raise BaseError("There must be a project id given!")
            tmp['projectIri'] = self._project
            if self._label.isEmpty():
                raise BaseError("There must be a valid ListNode label!")
            tmp['labels'] = self._label.toJsonObj()
            if not self._comment.isEmpty():
                tmp['comments'] = self._comment.toJsonObj()
                tmp['comments'] = []
            if self._name is not None:
                tmp['name'] = self._name
            if self._parent is not None:
                tmp['parentNodeIri'] = self._parent
        elif action == Actions.Update:
            if is None:
                raise BaseError("There must be a node id given!")
            tmp['listIri'] = listIri
            if self._project is None:
                raise BaseError("There must be a project id given!")
            tmp['projectIri'] = self._project
            if not self._label.isEmpty() and 'label' in self.changed:
                tmp['labels'] = self._label.toJsonObj()
            if not self._comment.isEmpty() and 'comment' in self.changed:
                tmp['comments'] = self._comment.toJsonObj()
            if self._name is not None and 'name' in self.changed:
                tmp['name'] = self._name
        return tmp

    def create(self) -> 'ListNode':
        Create a new List in Knora

        :return: JSON-object from Knora

        jsonobj = self.toJsonObj(Actions.Create)
        jsondata = json.dumps(jsonobj, cls=SetEncoder)
        if self._parent is not None:
            result ='/admin/lists/'+ quote_plus(self._parent), jsondata)
            return ListNode.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['nodeinfo'])
            result ='/admin/lists', jsondata)
            return ListNode.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['list']['listinfo'])

    def read(self) -> Any:
        Read a project from Knora

        :return: JSON-object from Knora

        result = self.con.get('/admin/lists/nodes/' + quote_plus(self._id))
        return self.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['nodeinfo'])

    def update(self) -> Union[Any, None]:
        Udate the ListNode info in Knora with the modified data in this ListNode instance

        :return: JSON-object from Knora refecting the update

        jsonobj = self.toJsonObj(Actions.Update,
        if jsonobj:
            jsondata = json.dumps(jsonobj, cls=SetEncoder)
            result = self.con.put('/admin/lists/infos/' + quote_plus(, jsondata)
            return ListNode.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['listinfo'])
            return None

    def delete(self) -> None:
        Delete the given ListNode

        :return: Knora response
        result = self.con.delete('/admin/lists/' + quote_plus(self._id))
        return result
        #return Project.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['project'])

    def getAllNodes(self):
        Get all nodes of the list. Mus be called from a ListNode instance that has at least set the
        list iri!

        :return: Root node of list with recursive ListNodes ("children"-attributes)

        result = self.con.get('/admin/lists/' + quote_plus(self._id))
        if 'list' not in result:
            raise BaseError("Request got no list!")
        if 'listinfo' not in result['list']:
            raise BaseError("Request got no proper list information!")
        root = ListNode.fromJsonObj(self.con, result['list']['listinfo'])
        if 'children' in result['list']:
            root._children = ListNode._getChildren(self.con, result['list']['children'])
        return root

    def getAllLists(con: Connection, project_iri: str) -> List['ListNode']:
        Get all lists of the specified project

        :param con: Connection instance
        :param project_iri: Iri/id of project
        :return: list of ListNodes
        result = con.get('/admin/lists?projectIri=' + quote_plus(project_iri))
        if 'lists' not in result:
            raise BaseError("Request got no lists!")
        return list(map(lambda a: ListNode.fromJsonObj(con, a), result['lists']))

    def print(self):
        print info to stdout

        :return: None

        print('Node Info:')
        print('  Id:        {}'.format(self._id))
        print('  Project:   {}'.format(self._project))
        print('  Name:      {}'.format(self._name))
        print('  Label:     ')
        if self._label is not None:
            for lbl in self._label.items():
                print('             {}: {}'.format(lbl[0], lbl[1]))
            print('             None')
        print('  Comment:   ')
        if self._comment is not None:
            for lbl in self._comment.items():
                print('             {}: {}'.format(lbl[0], lbl[1]))
            print('             None')
        print('  Parent', self._parent)
        print('  IsRootNode: {}'.format(self._isRootNode))